Home > Other > THE PLAYBOY'S VIRGIN (Complete Set) > Page 16
THE PLAYBOY'S VIRGIN (Complete Set) Page 16

by Mia Carson

  “And now?” Greyson asked, smoothing down his button up.

  “Jealous as hell. How did you manage to land a girl like that?”

  He slapped Tim on the back. “No idea. I take it, if you’re meeting me at the doors, something’s wrong, again?”

  “Potentially, but we’re not exactly sure yet. The game development is still on schedule,” Tim assured him as they walked slowly across the floor.

  “Then what?”

  “Our new partners have arrived,” Tim grumbled, and when Greyson opened his mouth to ask whom, Tim nudged him in the right direction. At the other end of the floor, near the developers’ desks, stood a group of men in stiff suits with looks of discontent on their faces. “I’d say they’re not impressed with our facility, boss man.”

  Greyson stood to his full height and told Tim he’d take care of it. “Why are they here?”

  “Apparently, part of the deal was they get to stop by whenever they want to check in on their partner and assure the project is running according to plan.”

  “We put that in the contract?”

  Tim shrugged. “They must have.”

  “Right, I need coffee. Tell them I’ll be there in a minute and will show them around the offices myself. Make sure they understand our new timeline for release,” he said. “How is our timeline for release?”

  “So far, beta tests are running smoothly. A few glitches, but we’re making note of them.”

  “Still on time, then?”

  Tim gave him thumbs up. “Like I said, we’re good. Go get your fuel. I’ll deal with the suits.” After muttering curses, he strode across the floor as Greyson made a beeline for his office.

  “What’s with the suits?” Belle asked when he reached her desk.

  “Our partners checking up on us like we’re a bunch of children,” he growled.

  “You sure you’re the best person to chat with them right now?” She glanced down, and he followed her eyes to his clenched fists. “They’re looking after their investment. It’s business. Don’t take it personally, or you’ll get angry and screw it up.”

  He forced his hands to relax. “Are you lecturing me on my temper?”

  She nodded and pushed back from her desk. “Go cool off. I’ll deal with the suits. Besides, I probably know more about the deal and your business than you do.”

  “You think you can make them happy?” he asked in disbelief and glanced over his shoulder at the men from whom Tim failed to elicit even a single smile.

  “Yeah, I do,” she assured him. “On one condition.”

  “You can’t just do it out of the goodness of your heart?”

  She laughed sharply. “Why would I do that when I can get something in return?” She trailed her finger down his chest until he reached up and snatched her hand, heat flooding his body. “Do we have a deal?”

  “You haven’t named your price,” he reminded her.

  “I’m driving the Mustang the rest of the week,” she said as her grin widened when his fell.

  “You sure that’s what you want?”

  “Yeah, it is,” she said as she tossed her hair. “Take it or leave it. Oh, that one is scowling at Tim. I think he just pissed them off more.”

  Greyson let go of her hand and moved out of the way. “Fine, you can drive, but only if they leave here happy,” he amended.

  She took his hand and shook it. “Deal. By the end of the day, you’ll be handing over those keys to me,” she said sweetly, fluffed out her hair, stood so her chest was displayed in its fully glory, and sashayed away from him.

  Greyson was helpless not to watch, but when she reached the group of men, their faces instantly softened. In a few short minutes, she had them laughing as she led them away from Tim. He scratched his beard, wondering when the miracles would stop with that woman, and walked into his office.

  He’d barely sat down when his cell went off, and he recognized Aiden’s number. “Aiden,” he answered.

  “Morning to you too, hot stuff,” she purred.

  “Do you have any new information?” he snapped.

  “Touchy this morning, are we?”

  “Aiden, I’m busy, so you better have something or I’m hanging up.”

  “Fine. Fine, right to business. I have a potential lead I’m following up on. I should have some more information by the end of the week,” she told him, all playfulness gone from her voice.

  “The end of the week?”

  “Hey, these things take time,” she argued. “Expect a call by Friday.”

  He circled Friday with a pen but didn’t put anything else on it. Belle was in his office as much as he was, and he didn’t want to tell her he’d hired one of his ex-lovers to track down her real family so she could get some closure. In this situation, he’d rather ask for forgiveness than permission. She would’ve shut him down the second he mentioned looking for her birth parents. He wanted it to be good news, but he wasn’t even sure what would count as good news in this instance.

  “Friday, then,” he said and disconnected before she could speak.

  He watched from his office as Belle led the suited men around the floor, and all of them had smiles on their faces. She talked animatedly, her hands moving with her words as they headed to the elevators. He assumed she would take them to the basement where the real work was being completed at the moment. He stood, ready to follow, but she saw him and waved him away. Frowning, he sat back down and let her go.

  “I think I’m going to lose this bet,” he mumbled to himself and got down to work, unable to hide the smile on his face.

  Chapter 2

  Another week flew by, and March eighteenth barreled down on Belle. Spring break was next week, but for someone who took online classes and worked mostly on large-scale projects, that didn’t mean much. She wanted to take time away from the office but hated to ask Greyson. He needed her, even if he wouldn’t admit it, and she knew the second she stepped away, he’d fall apart.

  By Friday evening, she could barely see straight. Greyson was a sound sleeper and never heard her get up in the middle of the night to get some much-needed work done.

  Saturday morning, she rolled over in bed, but it was empty. Her brow furrowed, she propped up on her elbows and glanced around until her eyes landed on the clock. Her eyes narrowed, trying to read the time and knowing it had to be wrong, but when she rubbed her eyes and looked again, she cursed and leapt out of bed. She grabbed her robe to cover her naked body before she went to the bathroom, threw her hair in a ponytail, and darted out to the kitchen.

  “Why didn’t you wake me up?” she stormed at Greyson sitting at the kitchen table and holding a newspaper in one hand and a coffee mug in the other.

  His warm laughter flowed over her as she made a cup of coffee and turned her annoyed glare on him. “You clearly needed the sleep.”

  “It’s two in the afternoon! I have work to get done,” she stammered as the list of everything she planned to get done this weekend rushed through her mind. Not only did she have four mid-terms to miraculously finish, but there was a stack of paperwork she’d brought home from the office to finish before Monday for Greyson. Sleeping with the boss might have its perks, but slacking on the job was not one of them.

  Greyson sighed as he stood and gripped her shoulders when he reached her. “You need to slow down before you hurt something,” he said in the commanding tone that she loved and hated.

  “I have a lot to do,” she reminded him, but he didn’t let go.

  “You really think I don’t notice you getting up at all hours?”

  Her face flushed with guilt, and she shrugged. “I’m staying on top of everything.”

  “Yeah, and now you’re going to take a break,” he ordered. “You’re not going into the office next week. Take the time to finish your mid-terms so I can have the stress-free Belle back.”

  “I can’t,” she argued, but he placed his large hand over her mouth.

  “As your boss, I’m telling you to not co
me in, and as your boyfriend, I’m saying you better listen or you won’t like the stubbornness I throw at you,” he warned.

  Her tongue darted out and licked his palm, but he didn’t back down. The worry in his eyes touched her, and she sagged, nodding once, and he removed his hand. “You sure you can handle everything for a week?”

  “I managed before I had an assistant,” he reminded her.

  “You went through three before me,” she argued. “And before that, your office looked like a war-zone most days. Those suits will be back on Wednesday to ensure the timeline is still good since they agreed to take over the marketing.”

  He bent down and held her gaze. “Belle, seriously, I’ll be fine. I’m a grown man, so from today until next Saturday, you are not to do any work, got it?”

  The grown man comment made her laugh quietly, but she nodded. “If that’s what you want, then fine, but don’t you dare pay me for next week,” she warned. “I’m just like any other employee taking a week off.”

  His hands crept up to the fold of her robe, and he tugged it apart, slipping a warm hand inside to cup her breast. She let out a sigh as he held the heavy mound of flesh, licking her lips as his other hand pulled the belt free and the robe parted, revealing her naked body. His jaw clenched when he gripped her bare hip and drew her closer so his lips could cover hers.

  “I thought I was going to get some work done today?” she mumbled against his lips.

  “Did I say Saturday? Sunday. You can do your work starting tomorrow,” he whispered roughly before his mouth devoured hers.

  Belle’s back arched, and her breast pressed harder into his palm, the hunger for him insatiable as she let him conquer her body. He lifted her easily onto the counter, and her robe fell away as she wrapped her arms around his neck. His hand slithered down to her thighs, and they parted in anticipation of his touch when his cell rang shrilly.

  “Damn,” he cursed and reached for it.

  “Ignore it,” she whispered and drew his lips back, but his cell didn’t stop ringing. Puffing out her cheeks, she let him go so he could look at it.

  “It’s Tim,” he announced. “I have to take it.”

  “But it’s the weekend,” she argued. “He can wait.”

  Greyson’s face darkened, and he slipped gently from her arms. “I don’t think it can, sorry, pet,” he said reluctantly, kissed her lips again, and walked quickly to his office. She didn’t hear him answer until the door was closed.

  Belle pulled her robe back on and watched the door curiously as she hopped off the counter. Who would he not want her overhearing a conversation with? If it was Tim, it shouldn’t have been a big deal. His mom, maybe, about the dinner? Her cell rang from the bedroom, and she padded through the house to retrieve it. When she spotted Sally’s number, her stomach fluttered.

  “Hey, Sally,” she said, fidgeting with the tie of her robe as she sat on the edge of the bed.

  “Belle, you alright? You sound worried,” Sally said, and Belle took a few deep breaths to calm her nerves and stop her mind from thinking up crazy scenarios about whomever Greyson talked to.

  “No, I’m fine, just a lot of schoolwork to get caught up on. Mid-terms are soon,” she lied.

  “Ah, I see. As long as it’s not my son,” she teased, and Belle laughed with her.

  “What can I do for you?” she asked as she paced around the bedroom, unable to sit still.

  “Greyson called the other day, sounded concerned about the family dinner I’m planning,” she said. “I wanted to call and ensure you were going to be alright. The thought never even crossed my mind that it’d be too much for you, but we’re all so excited he’s found someone at last.”

  Belle’s steps fumbled, and she cursed when she stubbed her toe, though she did stop herself from falling.

  “Belle? Are you alright?”

  “Yeah, just kicked the bed post. No… no, I’ll be fine. I might’ve freaked out a little, but I’m happy to meet the rest of the family,” she said brightly, even though her heart pounded. Is he going to propose or something? Oh God, I’m not ready for this!

  “Wonderful! I’ll let you both know when I set the official date. It won’t be for a while yet since I have to wait for the twins to be available,” Sally said and rambled on about who was going to be there.

  Belle tried to listen but barely heard the woman. After another ten minutes, she finally hung up with Sally but didn’t leave the bedroom. Her stomach in knots and hands shaky, Belle couldn’t get the idea out of her head that Greyson was plotting more than just a family dinner with his mom. Was Belle ready for that commitment? Was he? They’d come so far since they first met, but a proposal was a big step—huge. Her thoughts jumbled, she walked back to the kitchen to fetch her coffee and laptop. Once she was working, she let her worries go and focused on the task at hand.

  Greyson’s office door opened, and he walked out with a grin on his face that didn’t reach his eyes. “Sorry,” he said. “It was not Tim.”

  “Oh no? Well, that’s good, I guess,” she said, looking back to her screen. “Who was it?”

  “Mom. Wanted to double-check we were a go for the dinner.”

  Belle’s hand slipped on her mouse, and she cursed when her coffee spilled over the table. Greyson snatched a towel off the counter, and she sopped up the mess. “Sorry,” she muttered, but didn’t look at him.

  “Everything okay? You look pissed,” he observed, and when his hand brushed hers, she yanked it back quickly. “Is this about the dinner? Should I tell her to cancel it?”

  “No,” she said quickly and waved him away. “It’s fine, really. I was just thinking about this project.” She wiped up the rest of the coffee and tossed the towel in the sink, sensing Greyson watching her.

  “If you’re sure.”

  She nodded. “It’ll be good for me. Now go on. I have to get this finished if I have a hope of making mid-terms.”

  He kissed the top of her head before walking away. The shower turned on a few minutes later, and Belle sank back in her seat. He had lied to her—flat-out lied. Why? Who was he talking to that he didn’t want her to know about? She knew he was a playboy before he met her, had heard the stories around the office of the different women he hooked up with, but she thought everything between them was going well. So why the lie?

  Maybe he was talking to his sisters, planning something else for the party, she thought, trying to convince herself, but even that idea was far-fetched.

  “It’s fine, just let it go. You have no proof he’s doing anything,” she mumbled to herself, glancing down the hall. “Probably just another surprise he doesn’t want you to know about, so stop worrying about it. You’re fine, the both of us are absolutely perfect.”

  But as she told herself that, the idea that Greyson hid something terrible from her stuck, and no matter what she did, she couldn’t shake the gnawing in her stomach that something was wrong.


  “Son of a bitch,” Greyson cursed when his office phone rang and he knocked a stack of files onto the floor in his rush to grab it. Belle had been home for three days, and in that short time, his office looked like a tornado had whipped through it with a vengeance.

  “Greyson,” he answered when he finally grabbed the receiver. “What? They’re three hours early!”

  “I know,” Kelly muttered on the other end. “They’re ready for their update.”

  “Well, I’m not,” he snapped, and tucking the phone between his ear and shoulder, crouched on the floor to scoop up the fallen papers. “Stall them.”

  “And how the hell am I going to do that?”

  “I don’t know, think of something,” he growled and tossed the receiver onto his desk. The papers managed to fall everywhere and slid out of their folders. He glared at them, trying to shove them back into the right ones when Bob knocked on his doorframe. “What?”

  Bob’s hand paused and his smile fell. “Sorry, boss, but we need those contracts.”

n slammed the mess of papers on his desk as he stood. “Contracts?”

  “The updated employee contracts. Belle said she labeled them and set them out for you to sign on Friday,” Bob said slowly. “We need them if we’re to get everyone renewed for the coming year.” He looked around Greyson’s office and chuckled. “Man, how did you manage to mess it up this badly in three days?”

  “I have no idea,” he muttered bitterly and wanted to kick himself for thinking he could handle this without Belle. This is what she did to him—made him useless in his own office. “I’ll find them, just give me a minute.”

  “The sooner the better,” he said and shook his head. “Damn, Greyson, you really let her do too much for you.”

  “Tell me about it,” he said and scratched viciously at his beard. “I can’t believe I let her take control like that. Was my office always this bad?”

  Bob held up his hands and backed away. “I’ll be at my desk whenever you find them,” he said and walked away quickly, leaving Greyson to attempt to sort out his mess of an office.

  “Belle’s going to kill me when she gets back,” he muttered, and with his hands on his hips, glowered at the mess he made.

  His inbox was full, with nothing going out, his e-mails were at their max even though he swore he'd answered at least fifty since last night, and there were still ten calls he needed to return. He searched through stack after stack of papers but couldn’t find the contracts. As if things couldn’t get any worse, when he straightened again, Kelly headed his way with the suits right behind her.

  And right behind them, looking ready to murder him, was Belle, dressed in a black, tight-fitting blouse, dark jeans, and knee-high leather boots. Her hair was half up, half down and bounced with her furious steps. She cut Kelly off quickly and said she’d take over for Mr. Taylor. She shot him a look and guilt stabbed through his chest before she turned away with the suits and led them back to the elevators.

  “Kelly,” Greyson called out once they were gone.

  “Yeah, boss?” she asked when she reached his office.

  “What is she doing here? I said she had this week off for mid-terms,” he demanded.


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