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THE PLAYBOY'S VIRGIN (Complete Set) Page 20

by Mia Carson

  He pushed his way to the bar, his eyes roving around the club, hoping to catch a glimpse of her somewhere. He sipped a whiskey and moved through the club again when he thought he heard a familiar voice above the crowd. His head whipped in that direction, and he spotted Belle being led to the dance floor by some guy who was clearly not him. His hand gripped the glass hard, but she wasn’t upset. She smiled as they started to dance, and Greyson walked along the edge of the dance floor, watching closely. Belle kept her distance from the guy as they danced, and from the look on her face, she’d already had a bit to drink since arriving. He’d have to stop her from driving off when she finally left.

  Greyson turned down another girl asking him to dance, and she frowned when she followed his gaze to Belle. “You could go home with me you know,” she said brazenly.

  Greyson shot her a fierce look. “I’m not interested.”

  The woman flipped her hair angrily over her shoulder, and he watched her storm back over to a group by the bar. They stared from Greyson back to their friend and frowned, shooting him dirty looks. He ignored them and turned back to find Belle and the man she danced with as he took her hand and dragged her from the dance floor. She tried to pull her hand free and shook her head, though she kept smiling, but the guy leaned in. The second he kissed her, Greyson saw red. Enraged, he charged across the bar and slammed into the man, sending him staggering into the crowd nearby.

  “Get the hell away from her,” he growled and planted himself in front of Belle.

  “What are you doing here?” she snapped from behind him.

  He didn’t turn around. The guy got to his feet and held up his fists. “What’s your problem, man? Go find your own date!”

  “She is my date, you jackass, so stagger off,” Greyson warned, but the man was drunk, and with a curse, he swung his fist towards Greyson as he rushed forward.

  He managed to get one solid punch in as Belle yelled at them both to stop, but he shoved her back as the man came after him again. Greyson ducked under the first hit and nailed two of his own. The music stopped abruptly, and a crowd gathered around them as a bartender threatened to call the cops, but Greyson didn’t stop. He hit the guy again, but the idiot grabbed a bar stool and wielded it over his head. Belle yelled and jumped in between them, and the guy stopped his downward swing right before he nailed her with it.

  “Move!” Greyson yelled, and the second she was out of the way, lunged forward and tackled the guy to the floor, stool and all.

  Belle grabbed his arm and dragged him away. “The cops are on their way, you idiot!”

  “He was trying to kiss you!”

  “I can handle myself,” she snapped, but she didn’t drag him towards the door.

  “Where are we going?”

  “There’s a cop car outside. We’re hiding,” she muttered and shoved him inside the single restroom, locking the door behind them. “You know, usually, when a woman storms out of the house, she wants a few hours alone.” She turned around, and Greyson leaned against the far wall, watching her.

  “Usually, when you’re trying to do something nice for someone, they don’t run out of the house,” he replied stiffly.

  She opened her mouth then closed it, shrugging. “I think I’m allowed to be mad.”

  “And why is that?”

  “You lied to me,” she said quietly, and his anger slipped slowly away. “You lied straight to my face. If you’d just told me the truth, told me what you wanted to do—”

  “You wouldn’t have stormed off? Yeah, right,” he muttered.

  She shoved her hands in her jeans’ pockets and hung her head. “I looked for them for years. You have to understand that. I looked, and I failed. The pain of realizing they just dumped me like I was worthless… I never wanted to feel that again. Ever.”

  He hunched his shoulders guiltily and didn’t meet her gaze.

  “Did you find anything about them?” she asked.

  Greyson wished he could say he did, but shook his head. “Four leads and nothing to show for it.”

  “Typical,” she said with a bitter laugh. “I’m not worth all this trouble.”

  “The hell you aren’t,” he growled and stood before her, tilting her face up so he could meet her eyes. “I’m sorry I lied to you, but I care about you so much it scares the shit out of me most days. And I’m sorry you flunked a mid-term because of me. I’m sorry you found those old pictures, and I’m damn sorry those women listened to a bitter ex who’s trying to ruin my life. I’m so goddamn sorry, Belle.”

  He lowered his forehead, holding it against hers. “I scare you?” she asked with a smile.

  He nodded. “You have no idea how much. You did something to me the second I saw you, and your anger, your fire, drives me more insane than you could possibly know. You’re hardheaded, and a pain in my ass.”

  When she smiled this time, her eyes lit up and he wanted to kick himself for letting her find those pictures, for letting Aiden get to her through him. It wasn’t fair to her, and the last thing he wanted to do was hurt Belle. She reached up a hand and prodded his cheekbone gently until he winced.

  “Nice bruise you got there,” she said and ran her fingers over it.

  “I’d get a hundred more if it meant keeping you with me,” he growled, and before she had a chance to pull away and run, he captured her mouth with his.

  Chapter 7

  Belle kissed him back fiercely, all her anger disappearing with his body covering hers as they hid from the rest of the world. She'd missed him while he was gone, and after imagining him with so many other women, to know he only wanted her made her hunger grow tenfold until her hands tugged at his beard. She wanted to dominate him just as he wanted to do the same to her. He’d tried to find her family, and though it pissed her off, she loved him more for how much he cared.

  Greyson leaned back enough to stare into her eyes, and his hands moved up to cup her face. His thumb brushed over her lips already swollen from their kiss. “Belle,” he whispered, his voice hoarse with desire.

  She considered trying to leave, but her body had other ideas. She wanted him, hot and hard, buried within her depths. She wanted to hold him close until they both screamed in pleasure. Her chest heaved with each sharp intake of breath, and when he ground his hips against hers, his bulging erection evident beneath his jeans, she moaned and leaned up to kiss him. Their tongues warred for control as his hands roamed under her shirt, gripping her breasts as she fumbled for his jeans. She didn’t want to waste time—couldn’t, not with this storm building between them.

  The second she felt his throbbing erection, she moaned. He found the button of her jeans quickly, shoving them down her hips as his hand cupped her warmth. His fingers delved inside her, spreading her legs, and she groaned against his mouth. She kicked out of her jeans, and he lifted her up, wrapping her legs around his waist. Her lips never left his as he shifted his hips and with her back against the locked door, he thrust up into her. Belle cried out, but he swallowed it as she gripped his shoulders, needing him closer. He rubbed against her clit with each thrust, and every limb in her body grew taut in anticipation. He was merciless, but she wanted more of him, needed him. He was hers, and she was his. Those other women didn’t matter, not anymore.

  “God, I missed you,” he whispered against her lips before he lowered his mouth to her breast, sucking hard on her nipple.

  “Then don’t leave me again,” she replied on a breath, shivering when his tongue laved the sensitive flesh. “Greyson, don’t… don’t stop!”

  “Didn’t plan on it,” he grunted and thrust harder, each powerful move of his hips bringing her closer to losing all control. She wanted him for more than five minutes in the bathroom, but this would get them back to his place. She hated him, loved him, wanted to rip him a new one and never let go.

  He cursed and swelled within her, growing more than she thought possible. Her inner muscles clenched tightly, and when warmth spilled into her and his groan echoed around the
tiled bathroom, her back arched and she cried out his name before he slanted his lips over hers again to muffle the sound. Her body fell limp in his arms, quivering with each pulse of his hot flesh burning in her sheath. Gently, he set her down on unsteady legs before kissing her again.

  “Ready to go home?” he asked.

  Belle tugged on his beard, bringing him back for another kiss. “With you, always.”

  They cleaned up quickly, giggling at their dirty audacity, and slowly, she opened the bathroom door. The music had been turned back on, and there were no cops in sight.

  “Think they forgot about us,” she said and handed him the keys. “Ready?”

  “Whatever gets us home so I can tear the rest of your clothes off,” he growled in her ear. A wave of intense heat covered her body. Her thighs clenched together, begging for more as the remnants of the last orgasm still reverberated through her body.

  They exited the bathroom, and she smirked at the looks people shot them, but they didn’t stop. Greyson grabbed her hand, and they left the club behind quickly, dashing down the sidewalk to his Mustang. The second he revved the engine, she urged him to drive, imagining all the delicious things she could do to his body… And with the way his eyes kept grazing over her body, how his hand squeezed her thigh, he was doing the exact same thing. All the other times with Greyson had been intense, hot, filled with passion, but this was different. Her emotions were raw from the fight, from having her hopes dashed again, from realizing she failed a class, and knowing she’d found the man she wanted to be with for as long as she could. A man who actually gave a damn about her.

  “You know,” he said as they pulled in the driveway and parked. “If you were poking around my dresser, I’m surprised you didn’t find the other box.”

  She frowned. “What other box?” she asked, jumping out of the car.

  He chuckled wickedly and unlocked the front door. “You’ll see.”

  She wanted to tackle him, tear his clothes off, and ride him hard until morning, but she’d had a bit to drink at the bar and a bathroom break was a desperate need before they started anything else. When they reached his bedroom, she held up a hand. “Hold whatever you’re thinking. I’ll be right back,” she said, and as he laughed, she darted into the bathroom and closed the door.

  Once she relieved herself, she studied her reflection in the mirror and her messed-up hair from their quick romp in the bathroom—and that was just the beginning of her night. Greyson drove her insane on too many levels to count, and just thinking about him brought a smile to her face. Maybe she wanted him to work on finding her family. What if he did? She could finally get some answers and figure out who she was. She’d stay mad at him for a little longer, and then she’d let it go.

  “Greyson?” she called when she opened the bathroom door. Her heart fluttered to see the light off and the room filled with burning candles covering the dresser and nightstand, setting a romantic glow.

  “In here,” he replied from the closet where the only light was still on.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, and her mouth immediately began to water when he stepped out naked, the light playing off his muscles as he walked towards her.

  “Hiding something else for a little while longer,” he said, but his hands were behind his back. “And to my surprise, I found something.”

  “What?” she asked, having no idea what would be in there that would have him watching her mischievously until her body cried out to be closer to him, needing his caress on her skin. He brought his hand out from behind his back, holding a black silk bag. “Oh, God.”

  “You never told me you had one,” he said, amused. “Why not?”

  “It was a gag gift from Carrie. I’ve never touched the thing. I guess she threw it in with my stuff yesterday,” Belle said, her words fumbling when he opened the drawstrings. “What are you doing?”

  “You never used it? Why the hell not?”

  “I don’t need to,” she said, swallowing hard when he pulled out the glass toy from its bag. He held it up to the light, turning it this way and that, and the look he gave her melted her from the inside out.

  “Oh yes, we do,” he insisted and tossed the silk bag aside. “You have no idea how much fun this can be.”

  Belle shook her head, unable to move, his gaze holding her steady as he stalked towards her, the predator she couldn’t get enough of. He set the dildo on the dresser when he neared it. His hands landed on her shoulders, gliding down her arms to the hem of her sweater. Without a word, he lifted it over her head and tossed it aside. She leaned into his touch, her chest heaving with each breath as he undressed her meticulously. He slid one bra strap down her shoulder, kissing the bared skin before mirroring the action on the other side. When the clasp came free, she sighed as her breasts, heavy with want, fell free and his rough hands kneaded them.

  His beard tickled her neck as his lips moved downward, nipping and soothing as his fingers slipped to her nipples. He tugged them hard until she moaned, her back arching into his bare chest.

  “Did you really think I’d ever desire another woman?” he whispered hotly before shoving her hair aside and sucking at her earlobe. “I can never be rid of you, and you’ll never know another man except me.”

  She nodded, unable to form words when he rolled the dusky flesh between his fingers, sending a jolt of pure electricity down her body to pool between her lips which were crying for Greyson’s touch. She felt his erection pressed against her back and wanted to hold him, but the second she made a move to, he shifted out of her reach and his deep, baritone laugh filled her. Slowly, his fingers traced patterns around the mounds of flesh, then lower to each rib, touching them reverently before he reached her jeans. When the button came free, she sucked in a breath, fidgeting as the zipper followed, and for the second time in less than an hour, he held her in his palm.

  His other arm wrapped around her body, holding her breast tightly as his fingers spread her swollen lips, wetting her before seeking out her clit and tugging on the nerves. Her hips moved, wanting him, but again, Greyson refused.

  “You’ll only ever be this wet for me,” he growled as his hand pulled free.

  She whimpered at the loss, his mouth leaving lingering kisses down her spine as he slid down, taking her jeans and panties with him. Once she was naked—her boots giving them both a bit of work until she laughed and he cursed—he took her shoulders gently and steered her towards the wall. She opened her mouth to ask what he was doing, but he kissed her hotly, his tongue claiming her mouth until she gasped for air and his body shifted, covering her from behind.

  His shadow reached for something, and she heard the clink of glass against the dresser before he was back and his hand cupped her ass, gripping the flesh before maneuvering her hands, palms against the wall.

  “Spread your legs, pet,” he whispered.

  Unable to resist his command, her feet moved apart, spreading her dripping lips. But it wasn’t him she felt next. The glass dildo grazed the top of her cheeks before he dragged it slowly over the mound and down the back of her thigh. All curiosity as to what he meant about the dildo being fun disappeared in a shot as her whole body quivered in anticipation. Greyson moved it down her leg, his lips following as he crouched behind her, then trailed it back up the other leg, his free hand sliding up smoothly between her thighs.

  “Wider,” he grunted, and she did so until the warmth of his hand reached the place she craved him the most.

  Greyson’s mouth kissed her neck, licking the flesh with his tongue as he slid the dildo between her legs. It glided easily from the wetness, rubbing against her skin, spreading her lips even wider and pressing against her clit. His other hand cupped her breast, and the triple sensation overwhelmed Belle. The textured glass rubbed hard between her legs, and with Greyson’s erection pressed against her lower back, all sense of control fell away. A storm brewed fiercely within her, and her hips moved in time with his hand, rocking back, wanting the dildo deep inside, b
ut he teased her instead, never letting it penetrate. The pressure built until her nails dug into the wall and she gasped for air.

  “Come for me, Belle,” he whispered harshly in her ear, his voice strained from his want.

  His hand moved faster and harder, and Belle couldn’t hold back. Her head fell back as her limbs went limp from the pleasure rocketing through her body. She cried out his name, and he pressed the dildo against her throbbing flesh until she collapsed against him. She wanted him more than before, though she wasn’t sure how it was possible. Greyson turned her around, and before she had too much time to recover, he slipped it within her folds. Belle gripped his shoulders and cried out again. His thumb rubbed vigorously against her clit as he thrust with the dildo, and her body exploded a second time, squirming to be closer and farther away at the same time until she was finally spent.

  Greyson didn’t smile as he pulled the dildo free and set it aside. He scooped her weakened body into his arms and carried her not towards the bed but to the over-sized chair in the corner. Belle kissed him when he lowered his mouth to hers, but the hunger for her was evident in the way his hands gripped her body and the swollen member bobbing between his legs. He set her on her feet, but before he could do anything else, she shoved him back into the chair.

  Belle’s hands gripped him tightly, and when he cursed, his head falling back, she licked her lips before lowering her mouth to suck hard on his crown. His hands buried in her hair as she licked his length, taking him in her mouth in long, slow pulses until his hips bucked.

  “Belle,” he grunted and she smirked.

  As she straightened, she turned and moved herself over his steely rod. His hands on her hips, she lowered herself, and the second she felt him against her lips, begging quietly for entrance, she obliged and slid wetly down his shaft, taking him in to the hilt. Greyson shuddered beneath her, and she gasped, her body still reeling from his touch. Her hands on his knees, she pushed up then lowered again as his hand snaked around her body. When his fingers teased her clit, she sucked in a breath with a curse, but her hips didn’t slow. Instead, they moved faster, more urgently. The heat from his chest pressed against her back, and his free hand cupped her breast, helping to steady her as she quickly reached the apex of the raging storm again.


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