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THE PLAYBOY'S VIRGIN (Complete Set) Page 26

by Mia Carson

He stalked towards her, his hands clenched at his sides. “That is not the same. I want you to find your damn family.”

  “And what happens when you track them down and they say they don’t want me?” she cried, her eyes stinging with tears as the hormones and her rage reached their peak. “What happens when you find they’re dead?”

  Her words echoed around the house, lingering between them, and Greyson’s face softened briefly. “I know where I come from,” he said gently and reached for her, but she stepped away, not ready to simply forgive him for lying so much. “I know I can be an arrogant ass, I push too hard, and I worry every day I’ll wind up like my dad.”

  She nodded for him to go on, wiping the tears from her eyes.

  “You’ve helped me probably more than you realize,” he told her and swallowed hard, pain and his love for her filling his eyes. “I’m terrified I’ll lose you, do something stupid, so yeah, I lied, and yeah, I went behind your back. I don’t know how to navigate these feelings. I don’t know how to explain to someone how much they mean to me or to tell you that this is for your own good.”

  Belle pushed her tongue behind her lips, her heart melting, but she didn’t give in, not yet.

  He blew out a breath and ran his hands over his head. “And now, on top of everything else, you might be pregnant. I didn’t want to freak you out when I was too busy freaking out for you.”

  “I’ve never seen you freak out,” she said quietly.

  “I don’t like to show it, especially around you,” he admitted. “I’m here for you, Belle, and I know you don’t want to hear this, but I’m not backing down because it worries you or makes you face your fears. You need to face them, head on, and deal with whatever consequences come your way. I learned that the hard way and I was alone. You won’t be, not ever, not with me.”

  Belle sighed, holding her arms over her chest. Telling him he was right was too easy for what he’d done to her, but deep down, she knew he was. No matter where the path led them, she should know where she came from. If she were pregnant, didn’t she want to be able to tell their baby who its grandparents were? What they did in the world, even if it wasn’t a pretty story? She took a step towards Greyson when the doorbell rang and she paused.

  “Maybe it’s Mel checking on us,” he said and walked over to answer it.

  Belle stayed where she was, reeling from the tornado of emotions from the last few hours alone, when she heard a woman’s voice she knew was not Mel’s at the front door.

  “What are you doing here?” Greyson snapped.

  “You didn’t answer your cell, and I wanted to make sure you had the latest update,” the woman said.

  Belle’s blood ran cold as she straightened, listening to Greyson speak to the woman. “Aiden, get off my property. We’re finished, you hear me? Finished.”

  “So you don’t want to hear what I found?”

  “Leave me a message,” he growled and moved to close the door when a high-heeled foot appeared in the doorway, blocking him. “Move, or I’ll remove it for you.”

  “Oh, come on, at least let me in for old time’s sake. Can’t you offer me a drink?”

  “Not tonight, and not ever again,” Greyson growled.

  “Then I won’t tell you what I found out,” she threatened.

  Belle caught Greyson’s hesitation, his hand tightening on the door, but when Aiden laughed that high-pitched, cheery sound—a sound saying she’d won and Greyson was going to let her in—any thought of holding onto her anger went out the window. She stormed over to the door and yanked it open further, shocking Greyson into taking a step back.

  “You must be Aiden,” she said brightly.

  Aiden’s eyes widened, and her smile fell before she quickly recovered. “Yes, I am, and you must be Belle.”

  “Yes. Yes, I am,” Belle confirmed. She drew back her fist and punched Aiden squarely in the face. She fell backwards, landing hard on her butt with a squeal, clutching her nose. “And my fiancé said to leave, so leave, bitch, and remember who lives here now.”

  “You horrible woman! I’ll get you back for this. You won’t hear the end of—”

  Belle slammed the door and locked it, leaning her back against it. Greyson eyed her warily, his lips twitching. When they stretched into an impressed grin, her anger disappeared and all she wanted was to be alone with a man who loved her enough to risk her wrath.

  “If you want to look for my family,” she said, poking him hard in the chest, “we do it on my terms—and no Aiden. Got it?”

  He reached up and held her hand tightly, bending down to kiss her. “You’re the boss,” he whispered against her lips.

  “Damn right I am,” she answered and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  Chapter 6

  Five Years Ago- Richard Taylor’s Funeral

  Greyson sipped from his silver flask, watching from across the cemetery as the procession of people moved beneath the canopy set up for the family and friends of the great and late Richard Taylor. He’d died from a massive heart attack only days ago. The amount of people who’d turned out to say their farewells made Greyson sick. Only a few of them knew the real man. Only a few were truly his friends.

  Sally, flanked by Mel and Molly, glanced up with tear-stained eyes, searching for her son, but the priest opened his mouth, the words flowing out, and she bowed her head reverently. Greyson couldn’t hear and didn’t want to. He continued to drink from his flask, watching the mourners as the wind blew through the treetops, scattering dead leaves across the grounds. He wanted to be like that—to let the wind carry him off, disappear into the sky, vanish from the sight of those of who cared. His dad was dead, and a hole appeared in his chest the second his mom had called with the news. His dad was dead, and the last words they’d spoken to each other were of hate.

  All his fault was what Richard had told his son. It was all Greyson’s fault. But he wasn’t going to cause pain, not to anyone else he cared about.

  Tucking his flask away in his suit jacket pocket, he waited for the priest to finish saying the prayers before he bowed his head and turned towards his car. Sally looked for him again, and when their eyes met, she moved to go to him, but Greyson walked faster, leaving her behind with his sisters. They wouldn’t understand that all he caused was pain to those he loved. If anything happened to any of them, he’d never forgive himself. The time had come for him to disappear, to blow out of their lives like those leaves, and never look back.

  Greyson reached his car, climbed inside, and tore off through the cemetery, leaving the ghost of his dad far, far behind him.


  Greyson shot awake, sitting straight up in bed, the last images of the cemetery fading from his mind. Belle yawned beside him but stayed asleep, rolling over and taking half the covers with her as she always did. He smiled and tucked them closer around her. He leaned down and kissed her head gently, musing over his dreams. He remembered that day so vividly—turning away from his mom and sisters, walking out of their lives. He’d pushed them away when they needed him the most—when he'd needed them the most—and dug himself into a hole in the process.

  Watching Belle sleep, knowing he wanted to wake up to her beautiful smile every morning and fall asleep to the sound of her quiet snoring every night, he couldn’t push her away anymore. Nor could he push away anyone else he cared about. Life was messy and love was complicated. It was time he dealt with the consequences of whatever came next, no holding back.

  Picking up his cell from his nightstand, he slipped quietly out of bed and crept into the bathroom. He knew it was early but hoped Kelly would forgive him after he’d told her why he was calling so early.

  “Yeah?” she muttered and sounded half asleep.

  “Kelly, sorry to wake you up.”

  “Greyson? What’s wrong? You aren’t at the office yet, are you?” Something dropped on a hard surface, and she mumbled curses. “It’s barely five in the morning.”

  “I know, but I need your help. Belle tol
d me you already know about our engagement.”

  “Sorry about that—I kind of blurted it out,” she mumbled guiltily.

  Greyson paused when he thought Belle got up, but when he didn’t hear footsteps, he relaxed. “It’s fine, really, but I want to let everyone else know. Sort of a surprise for them and Belle.”

  “I do enjoy a good surprise. What do you want to do?” she asked, more alert now.

  “Have a pen and paper? We have to move fast. I want everyone to know by the end of today, and I want Belle to be able to wear her ring out of that office for the first time,” he said, grinning as his heart pounded with excitement. Announcing their engagement was a small thing, but it was a step in the right direction. No more hiding or lying, and no more keeping his emotions and his dreams to himself. Today was going to be the first day for real change and proving to Belle that he did want everyone to know how much he loved her.


  Belle eyed Kelly suspiciously as she carried a vase of red and white roses across the office floor, headed straight for her. When she set them on the corner of Belle’s desk, grinning wildly, Belle knew something was up and Greyson had to be a part of it.

  “What’s going on?” she asked.

  “What? Can’t your fiancé have flowers delivered to you?” Kelly asked, attempting to look innocent and failing.

  Belle’s lips screwed up to the side as she leaned back in her chair, her arms crossed. “Really? That’s the best you can do?”

  Kelly shrugged. “I have been sworn to secrecy, but you’ll find out.”

  She walked away, Belle staring after her, debating whether she should track down Greyson and demand he spill, or chase after Kelly and corner her in her office. Her nerves were already on edge. Tonight, she and Greyson were going to sit down and go over everything Aiden and he had found out so far about the leads on her family. She wanted to know what was covered so when she started making her own inquiries on Monday, she knew where to start—or where not to start. He was right about finding her parents, but she couldn’t say she was particularly thrilled about it. It was rare a story like hers had a happy ending of finding parents who had some tragic and completely understandable story of why they couldn’t keep their baby.

  But that didn’t stop her from praying the last few nights she would get that happy ending.

  Then there was the other issue possibly growing inside her belly. The test sat unused on the bathroom counter. She’d promised she would use it soon, but the idea of being pregnant freaked her out too much to know this very second. Greyson didn’t say it outright, but he looked at her with a knowing smile. She was in denial, but he wasn’t pushing and that’s all that mattered to her. When she finally got up the nerve to go to the doctor and pee on a stick, she’d have to let him know he could gloat for at least a few minutes that he was right.

  “Time for the meeting,” Tim announced as he passed her desk, rapping his knuckles on the surface. “Nice roses.”

  “Meeting?” she asked, panicked. “What meeting? I didn’t schedule a meeting.”

  “Huh? Must’ve been last minute on Greyson’s part, then.”

  Belle grumbled again about his lack of communication with her on office matters and followed Tim to find a seat with everyone else near the blank white wall they used for presentations. The lights lowered, and the projector on the ceiling turned on, but no image was displayed. Belle waited as those around her murmured and whispered when Greyson stepped into the light and held up his hands for silence.

  “Now, as you all know, there have been some significant changes to the company over the last few months,” Greyson said loudly, his eyes landing on Belle’s. “Our new intern is now a very talented employee who stole the CEO’s heart.”

  She smiled, her face warming as Tim nudged her and whistled while several others clapped and cheered.

  “Since then, Belle has proven she is not only a great designer, she is probably one of the more mature adults in this room, even though she’s one of the youngest. She’s proven to me and to all of you that she is extremely capable of helping lead us into the future.” He moved through the open space until he stood before her seated in the sea of the rest of his employees.

  “What are you doing?” she hissed in a whisper.

  He smirked but didn’t address only her when he spoke again. “There’s been another change I wanted everyone to hear about, something very dear to my heart, but first, I have to apologize not only to the woman I love, but to the rest of you that I kept this from you.” He lowered his broad frame until he balanced on one knee before her.

  “Oh, God,” she muttered, her hand covering her mouth as she shook her head.

  “Belle, my friends, and coworkers who I’ve always considered family, I’m sorry I kept the news of our engagement a secret. I’m sorry I was too scared of showing my emotions and letting you all in on this special moment. So, Belle Hall, I come before you to ask you a second time in front of our friends and our family—will you marry me?”

  He pulled the ring from his pocket as the lights flipped back on. The stones sparkled beneath the light, and Belle nodded fervently, holding out her hand. “Do you promise I get to wear it always?”

  “Always and in front of everyone,” he promised quietly, slipping it onto her finger.

  He kissed her and picked her up in a hug, spinning her around as the floor erupted in more applause and cheering. Music blared from the overhead speakers, and Kelly announced food and drinks would be served the rest of the day in celebration of their boss finally finding his happy ending.

  Belle laughed as Greyson set her back on her feet, and Kelly rushed over to congratulate her along with all the other women of the office. She showed them the ring and fielded questions about when the wedding would be.

  “I have no idea,” she said through her laughter. “Hopefully, sooner rather than later.”

  She didn’t want the day to end, enjoying seeing Greyson so happy and filled with laughter. There was nothing that could make this day better. Over the music, she heard the elevator doors ding open and saw Sally emerge, clutching her purse worriedly over her shoulder. Belle excused herself from Kelly and the others, hurrying over to greet her.

  “Oh, Belle,” she said and gasped in surprise when Belle enveloped her in a hug. “I thought you’d never speak to me again.”

  Belle shook her head as they parted. “No, I actually think I’m the one who owes you an apology.”

  “What? No, of course not,” Sally shook her head, but Belle took her hands and held them.

  “Yes, I do. I’m not used to having a mother figure around. The foster moms I had barely noticed me, to be honest,” she said, sighing at the familiar pain in her chest until she heard Greyson’s laughter from across the room, chasing the pain away to be replaced by his love. “Then I met Greyson and you, and suddenly, I had people who cared about me—really cared. I was so used to being alone that I never stopped to think it was possible for someone to love me that much to notice when I changed… or that I might be pregnant.” She added the last in a whisper, not wanting anyone in the office to know that yet. Not until she was sure.

  Sally reached up with one hand and cupped her cheek the way Belle always imagined a mom would do to their child. “You will always be cared for, being a part of this family,” she promised. “Greyson isn’t the only one looking out for you.”

  Belle smiled, leaning into her touch. “Thanks.”

  “It’s me who should be thanking you. I haven’t seen him so happy since before his dad died,” she said with a contented smile. “He might not be completely back to himself, but he’s getting there, one day at a time, and it’s all because of you.”

  Together, they turned to find Greyson watching them from across the room. When his dark brown eyes met hers, her heart lifted, and though she couldn’t predict the future, something in those eyes told her they would be alright. In time.


  “Will you stop pacing so loudly?
You’re making me nervous, and I can’t pee,” Belle yelled from the bathroom.

  Greyson’s feet slid to a stop in his bedroom. “Sorry. I can’t help it.”

  “Well, stop, or we won’t know anything tonight.”

  He smiled but didn’t take another step. He tilted his head towards the bathroom door, and when he heard the sound of Belle peeing, his heart pounded even harder in his chest. The toilet flushed, but Belle didn’t come out of the bathroom. He wanted to burst in there and sit with her as they waited but forced his feet to stay far away from the door, giving her a moment of peace. His cell vibrated in his pocket, and he pulled it out, frowning at the unknown number.

  “This is Greyson Taylor,” he answered, glancing at the time again.

  “I hear you’ve been looking for information regarding Belle Hall’s family?” a man on the other end asked.

  Greyson scratched his beard, wondering if this was a prank played by Aiden trying to get back at them for Belle decking her. “I have. Who is this?”

  “I have some information regarding them and would like to know how I can get ahold of her personally,” he said, his words shaky.

  “I’m not sure that’s such a good idea,” he said, suspicious.

  “Please, it’s urgent I speak with her.”

  “May I ask who’s calling?” Greyson said as Belle opened the bathroom door. A smile lit her face as she held up the stick, bouncing on her feet. He squinted at the stick, and his stomach twisted in knots of excitement until the man on the other end answered his question.

  “This is her older brother, Brent,” he said. “And I would very much like to find my baby sister.”

  Greyson couldn’t break his gaze away from Belle’s face as he muttered a very quiet, “Perfect. That’s just perfect.”



  Chapter 1

  “Holy shit,” Greyson whispered.

  Belle reached out and smacked his arm. “Greyson, really?” she scolded, but her laughter gave her away when she saw his crooked grin under his beard.


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