Exiled 01 - Nazaryth

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Exiled 01 - Nazaryth Page 4

by Lynn Hagen

“Not about his coloring.”

  Dog leaned against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest as he studied Theo. “Red means Nazaryth is the commander over all the winged beasts. He’ll tell you that he only commands twelve, but don’t let him fool you. The gods appointed him as our ruler, and that is what got us kicked out. King Zephyr hated that Nazaryth had that power, and there was nothing the king could do about it since the gods gave it to Nazaryth. All winged beasts heed Nazaryth’s call. Not even Zephyr himself could control the beasts.”

  Theo was confused. “But Nazaryth told me that when a king is appointed, that he has untold powers, stronger than anyone else’s.” Dog nodded. “True. But the gods gave Nazaryth alone the ability to rule the beasts. Zephyr has the power to kill us, destroy our race, but he cannot command us. And that, my friend, is where the king’s fear lies. Since he couldn’t rule us, he exiled us.”

  “So why doesn’t Nazaryth just call all the winged beasts and kick the king’s ass?” Sounded logical to him.

  “Have you not been listening?” Dog asked. “Nazaryth commands us, but Zephyr has the power to destroy us. Until another ruler takes the bastard’s place, we’re screwed.”

  Theo was starting to get a clear picture of what had taken place in Zanthar and how truly screwed the beasts were. “So twelve of you live here?”

  “Thirteen,” Dog corrected him. “Don’t forget about the commander.” He chuckled.

  How could Theo forget about the most arrogant man he’d ever met? Theo listened closely to Dog, seeing the man’s fangs peek out from under his lip as he spoke.

  “There’s Silo. You’ve already met him,” Dog said. “And me.

  Then there’s Tyson, Ruthless, Trap, Vydeck, Layne, Nikoli, Trigg, Renato, Damek, and Wolf. Most of the men are out right now, but you’ll meet them all eventually.”

  Theo knew he wasn’t going to remember half their names. He wasn’t even sure he would stick around long enough to meet them all.

  “How do I get a hound to leave me alone?”

  “Die,” Dog answered with a stoic face. “That’s the only way.” Theo cursed as he realized he was stuck here. He didn’t plan on dying anytime soon. Not that he was aware of anyway. “Thanks,” he said blandly as he walked down the hallway.

  “Anytime.” Dog chuckled as he disappeared back into the room he had come out of.

  Theo came to the last door on the left and opened it. He stood on the threshold gaping at the room in front of him. It looked more like a king should be living here. The room was decorated in dark, rich colors of hunter green and cobalt blues, with a bed centered in the middle of it that looked like it could sleep ten men. There were bookshelves lined with leather-bound books and tables with scrolls and opened books lying on them. There were even some things Theo couldn’t put a name to.

  The room was magnificent.

  Instead of lying down, Theo explored. His fingers ran over the spines of the books lining the shelves, and then he walked over to one of the tables that held what looked to be ancient scrolls. He unrolled one of the scrolls, seeing a language he didn’t recognize.

  As he walked around the room, he heard someone enter. They were quiet, making no sound, but Theo had felt the disturbance in the air. It was filled with a powerful presence that could only belong to Nazaryth.

  “What language is this?” he asked without turning around.

  “Zantharian,” Nazaryth answered as he moved closer. “If you’d like, I could teach it to you.”

  Theo could hear the need in Nazaryth’s tone. He could also detect that the beast was straining to keep his distance. There was no other way to think of Nazaryth than a beast. He looked like a man, but Theo could see past his external façade to what the guy truly was.

  “I’d like that,” he replied as his fingers grazed the ancient pages of an open book. “It looks like a beautiful language.”

  “Zymbartudio, zaterio.”

  Theo cocked his head, wondering what Nazaryth just said to him.


  Nazaryth actually blushed as he stood in the doorway. It went a long way in telling Theo that Nazaryth wasn’t just some mighty figure that dominated any room he entered but a creature that was just as nervous as he was about all of this.

  “You are the beat in my lonely heart, mate,” Nazaryth said with uncertainty.

  Theo’s heart stilled. No one had ever said anything remotely close to that to him before. It was beautiful. “You honestly believe I’m your mate, don’t you?”

  Nazaryth nodded. “You are my zaterio. Our language is very simple. With one word we can say many things.” And Nazaryth had spoken volumes with those two simple words.

  He glanced up at the handsome man from under his lashes, wondering in that moment if Nazaryth was truly his mate. He felt no pull, but the attraction was growing stronger the longer he was around the beast.

  Theo was finding it harder to fight the attraction he was feeling toward Nazaryth, and that scared him. He swallowed as he turned toward the man claiming to be what Theo knew Dorian had been. “I think I’ll lie down.”

  Chapter Four

  Dog’s head snapped up when the panel next to the television starting blinking red, indicating they had intruders around the entrance to the hangar. He pushed from the couch, walking over to the panel, hitting a few buttons, and bringing the video feed to life.

  The camera was mounted in a hidden spot on the side of the mountain, aiming directly at the entrance to the hangar, showing Dog who was snooping around. He cursed when he saw Morbius and Rythicam walking around.

  This was just what they didn’t need.

  How in the hell did those two find out where the beasts lived?

  More importantly, how did the two hounds get past Nazaryth’s warding spells?

  This was not good.

  Dog walked briskly down the long hallway, stopping at the last door on the left. He raised his hand, rapping his knuckles on the ornately decorated wooden door, waiting for his commander’s bark of entrance.

  Nazaryth opened the door, his eyes narrowing in irritation as he glared at Dog. “What?” he growled.

  “Bad time?”

  “Very. What do you want?”

  “Oh nothing,” Dog said as he waved toward the living room, “just some pesky hounds snooping around the hangar.”

  “Shit.” Nazaryth pushed past Dog as he stormed down the hallway toward the monitors. Dog peeked into Nazaryth’s room, seeing Theo standing there looking puzzled.

  “You might as well come with me,” Dog said as he walked away.

  “You’re one of us now, so you should know what’s going on.” Theo didn’t look too happy about Dog’s declaration. But he left the room to follow behind him anyway. Dog made his way back to the living room where it seemed every beast was standing, watching the monitor.

  Nazaryth was standing at the panel, tapping the monitor with the tip of his claw, his lip curled up into a snarl. “How the fuck did those two find us?” Nazaryth asked more to himself than to the men standing around him.

  “Beats me,” Dog answered, unconcerned as he shrugged. “But they are here now, so how do you want to deal with this, boss?”

  “I want their heads on a goddamn platter,” Nazaryth snapped as he turned toward the men in the room. “But since that’s impossible, we need to figure out how they found us and I need to go dig up stronger spells.”

  Dog rubbed his hands together as anticipation of a coming fight began to build inside of him. “Goody, we get to go play with the doggies.”

  “That’s on the top of my list,” Theo said as he rolled his eyes at Dog. “But I think I’ll sit back and watch the show instead. Does anybody have any popcorn?”

  Dog laughed as Nazaryth cocked his head. “Seriously? You really want some popcorn?” Nazaryth asked in amazement.

  “What the hell,” Theo answered, “I’ll have something to munch on as Dog gets his ass handed to him.”

  “Hey!” Dog shouted i
n reply. “What did I ever do to you?” Theo snickered as he shook his head. “Nothing, but I’d rather watch you get your ass kicked than go out there myself.”

  “I like him already.” Silo chuckled as he and Dog walked toward the entrance to their home.

  “Wait,” Nazaryth said as he glanced back at the monitor. “They seem to be moving away. There is no need to alert them that we’re here if they’re just sniffing around.”

  Dog plopped back down onto the sofa, tucking his legs under him as he waited.

  “They’re moving away,” Nazaryth said as he clasped his hands behind his back. “I’m not sure how they got this far or how they figured out in what direction to search for us, but I wouldn’t put it past Zephyr to tip them off.”

  “I wouldn’t put it past that bastard.” Dog snorted. “Is it me or is the king becoming crankier in his old age?”

  “He’s getting careless, too,” Ruthless said as he dropped down onto the couch next to Dog. “Has anybody noticed that?” Dog shook his head. “He’s still pulling bullshit out of his ass, but I hadn’t noticed anything different, why?” Ruthless shrugged. “Nothing I can put my finger on, but it seems King Batshit is losing his touch.”

  Nazaryth shook his head in disagreement. “Seems quite the opposite to me. It seems the man’s getting more accurate as he ages.

  And that is not good,” Nazaryth mumbled as his eyes flickered over to the monitor.

  Dog totally agreed with Nazaryth. If Zephyr ever tired of playing games with them, of taunting them, and decided to take it to the next level, they were all screwed.

  The king may not be able to command them, but he sure as shit could kill them. And that thought didn’t set too well with Dog.

  Nazaryth had an uneasy feeling as he studied the monitor. He watched the two hounds closely. He noticed that they were looking in all the right places on how to gain entrance into the hangar.

  There was no way this was a lucky stumble. The two were pointed in the right direction. Nazaryth cursed as his eyes quickly shot over to Theo, seeing the man standing there trying his best to hold it together.

  He hated that his zaterio was involved in this, but there was no way Nazaryth was going to let Theo go.

  After so many years of being alone, Nazaryth had finally found the one person meant only for him, his chosen one, and there was no way in hell he was going to allow Theo to just walk away from him.

  “Keep everything quiet,” Nazaryth warned as he hit a few buttons on the panel, dimming the lights in their home and cutting power to things they didn’t need at the moment. The soft glow of the monitor shone as Nazaryth watched the two hounds run their hands over the entrance to the hangar, as if they were trying to work out how to get in.

  There was no way they could get in without a remote, but Nazaryth wasn’t going to rely on that theory alone.

  Some people possessed dumb luck.

  Besides, these two were resourceful, and he didn’t trust them.

  “Are they moving away?” Theo whispered nervously as he moved closer to Nazaryth.

  Nazaryth took the opportunity of his zaterio’s closeness, reaching his arm out and curling it around Theo’s shoulder, pulling the shorter man closer to his body, inhaling the strong, musky, earthen scent that belonged to Theo alone.

  “Not yet,” he replied, giving Theo’s shoulder a light squeeze.

  “Does this mean we have to move?” Ruthless asked as he crossed his ankle over his knee. “Because I’ve grown quite fond of this place, and I finally got my bedroom just the way I like it.” The side of Nazaryth’s lip pulled back into a smile at the way the winged beasts reacted to this situation. They were used to battle. They were used to fighting. It took a lot to put just one ounce of fear in them.

  They didn’t scare easily.

  As Nazaryth stood there, Theo close at his side, for the first time in his life, fear had truly entered Nazaryth, feeling like a lead weight sitting at the bottom of his stomach. For the first time in Nazaryth’s life, there was somebody he cared about that he had to protect, that he had to take care of. Someone he could lose.

  The beasts could take care of themselves. They were cunning, smart, and agile in battle. But Nazaryth knew Theo had none of those when it came to defending himself against Zephyr or the hounds.

  Theo, whether he knew it or not, was relying on Nazaryth to protect him. “No,” he answered Ruthless, “we don’t have to move. I just need to place stronger spells around us.” His thumb played over Theo’s exposed arm, the flesh soft under the pad of his finger.

  Nazaryth could feel a slight shiver under his hand, which only intensified the mating heat. He wasn’t sure how he was able to stand there so calmly and not take Theo to the floor, rutting out his claim.

  But amazingly enough, he held his composure.

  “They’re moving away,” Nazaryth confirmed as Theo let out a sigh of relief. Nazaryth couldn’t do that. They were still too close.

  Until he could sift through the ancient scrolls, or make contact with Boromyr, Nazaryth would stay coiled with apprehension.

  “Well, hell then,” Dog said as his hand waved toward the television. “Turn my goddamn show back on. They’re gone.” Nazaryth rolled his eyes as he walked away from the monitor, Theo at his side. “They’re not out of the area yet.” Theo pulled away, taking a seat on the lounging chair, his warm body heat instantly leaving Nazaryth. It felt cold and empty without Theo at his side, but Nazaryth wasn’t going to complain, for now. Not until he had claimed Theo and made him his.

  Then Nazaryth wasn’t going to let the man leave his side.

  Walking into the kitchen, Nazaryth took in a deep and calming breath, exhaling slowly. He could do this. He could handle the mating heat without jumping Theo’s bones.

  Piece of cake.

  Nazaryth groaned. Who in the hell was he kidding?

  Having Theo so close, not being able to claim the sexy man was wearing on him, more so than earlier. Not only was his body going through the mating heat, his beast demanding that Nazaryth take Theo, but the need to get to know his zaterio, to just hold him, allowing his fingers to play over Theo’s sensual body, was starting to cause havoc with his patience.

  Nazaryth grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator, twisting the cap off and gulping it down until the bottle concaved, crinkling in as it emptied.

  It didn’t help.

  He tossed the bottle into the trash, thinking that there had to be a way to cool his heated skin. This was insane. It was only the first day, and Nazaryth felt as though he had been suffering a lifetime with the heat.

  Get a grip!

  He rolled his shoulders, cracking his neck as he tried to release some of the tension from his body. Laying his palms flat on the counter, he stared at the appliances, trying to exercise some semblance of control.

  “I hate to ask,” Theo said as he stood in the doorway, “but I kind of haven’t eaten yet today. I know you are a vampire, so I don’t expect any food here, but do you have some crackers or something I can nibble on?”

  He turned his head to the right, a smile lifting his lips. He had something Theo could nibble on, but he wasn’t so sure Theo would consider it food. “I am a vampire,” he agreed, “and I do need blood to survive, but I can also eat food. Check the cupboard and refrigerator.

  There should be plenty of food. Help yourself.” His eyes stayed locked on Theo, following his mate across the room. He let out a low groan when Theo opened the fridge and bent over, gifting Nazaryth with a view of his tight little ass. His fangs pressed into his lower lip, breaking skin as he watched his mate’s ass move around.

  The guy was seriously out to kill him.

  Nazaryth’s fingers curled in as his nails scored his skin. He glanced away. There was no way he could keep watching Theo and keep control over his body at the same time.

  That wasn’t going to happen.

  He could hear the fridge close as Theo brought a few plastic containers over to the count
er, dropping them.

  “I see you have root beer and ice cream,” Theo said with a smile.

  “Yeah, so?” Nazaryth asked as his brows pulled together in confusion.

  “Are you serious?” Theo gaped at him. “Dude, tell me it ain’t so.

  Tell me you’ve never had a root beer float before?”

  “No, never,” he said as he turned, leaning into the counter and tucking his hands over his chest. “I’ve never had a root beer float.” Theo chuckled as he reached up into the cupboard and grabbed a glass mug. “How have you been around for so long and never enjoyed a root beer float before?”

  Nazaryth shrugged. “There’s a lot of things I haven’t experienced.”

  “Like what?” Theo asked as he crossed the room, digging through the freezer and bringing back the vanilla ice cream.

  “I was created a full-grown man,” Nazaryth admitted. “I never had a childhood.” That had always bothered him. He had seen small human children playing and wondered what it would have been like to be born as a babe instead of being created as an adult.

  “Oh, my god,” Theo said as he scooped the ice cream from the container and dropped it into the glass mug. “You have missed out on so much.”

  Nazaryth’s heart skipped a beat as he witnessed for the first time the most gorgeous smile on his mate’s face. He cleared his throat.

  “Like what?”

  “Jump rope and riding bikes, skinning your knee and drinking from the hose in the summertime. Trading cards and high school.” Theo shook his head. “Never mind about high school. You didn’t miss much there.” He snorted. “And oh, we must not forget the young adult years. Beer pong!” he sang as he cracked open a can of root beer and poured the content of the can over the ice cream in the mug.

  Nazaryth watched curiously as the root beer bubbled up, creating a large head of foam. Theo looked through one drawer after another until his hand snagged something and pulled it out.

  “Here we go, a straw.” Theo shoved the straw into the concoction and then lifted the mug to Nazaryth. “Now you’ve got to try this,” Theo said as Nazaryth grabbed the mug.


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