Exiled 01 - Nazaryth

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Exiled 01 - Nazaryth Page 11

by Lynn Hagen

  “Try threatening me with something that isn’t turning me on, buddy.”

  The guy was hopeless. Nazaryth grabbed the bowl and headed for Wolf’s bedroom. “Not all of us are shifters. Some of us need things to help with the healing process.” He let the other subject go for now.

  Nazaryth gave a light knock on the door and then pushed it open.

  He noticed Theo lingering in the hallway. “You can come in with me.”

  Theo shook his head. “That’s private in there,” he said as he waved his hand toward the bedroom door. “There shouldn’t be anyone in there that doesn’t have to be. Wolf doesn’t need spectators.

  I know what it’s like to lose a mate. No one should witness that.” Nazaryth felt the twinge of jealously inside of him, but he pushed it aside. Theo had a right to mourn a man who he had thought was his mate, and Nazaryth would only look like a monster if he argued the point.

  Besides, he wouldn’t demand that Theo let Dorian go. It was a process that Theo had to work out. It was a process that Nazaryth wasn’t going to interfere with.

  Even if he didn’t like it.

  “You should learn how to do this.” Nazaryth held the bowl higher.

  “But—” Theo bit his bottom lip.


  “It’s still something private between Wolf and his mate. He doesn’t need an audience.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong,” Nazaryth corrected him. “Wolf needs the support of his family right now. And you, Theo, are a part of his family.”

  Nazaryth could see a smile wavering on Theo’s face as he led his mate into Wolf’s bedroom. “Here,” he said as he gave the bowl to Theo. “I will guide you through the process.”

  “There’s a process?” Theo asked as he stared down at the wooden bowl and then back at Nazaryth, a tint of fear in his amber eyes.

  “There’s always a process. Now come over here.” Nazaryth walked to the bed where Wolf was washing the wound on his zaterio’s arm. The beast didn’t glance up, and he didn’t say a word.

  Nazaryth gave him his solace.

  “I brought the paste,” he said, not expecting an answer. He waved Theo over as Wolf stepped aside, his eyes never leaving the human.

  He showed Theo how to apply the patch, how to press it into the wound. His mate listened carefully, doing exactly as Nazaryth instructed. Once they were finished, they moved aside, allowing Wolf to wrap the gauze around his zaterio’s arm.

  “Any signs?” Nazaryth asked.

  “None. He holds no fever. Not yet at least,” Wolf responded as he brushed his hand over the human’s hair, worry and love in his eyes.

  Nazaryth knew what Theo was talking about now. The scene was very intimate, private, and Nazaryth was beginning to feel as if he and his mate were intruding. Placing his hand on the small of Theo’s back, Nazaryth ushered his shifter from the room.

  Chapter Twelve

  Theo’s brows pulled together when his phone started to vibrate on the bed. He’d been here two days, and no one had bothered calling him. Zeus had let everyone know that Theo was with his mate and there was nothing to worry about.

  Who could be calling him?

  He grabbed the phone from the bed, smiling when he saw his mother’s number displayed. It had been a while since he spoke with her. She was going to be thrilled when she found out that Theo had mated again.

  And confused as hell.

  Just like Theo was.

  “Hey, Mom,” Theo said cheerfully into the phone. “You’ll never guess what’s happened to me.”

  “Why don’t you come home and tell me?”

  Theo’s blood ran cold as he stilled. “Who is this?” That wasn’t his mother’s sweet voice. The voice was vaguely familiar, Theo hearing it somewhere before. He just couldn’t put his finger on it. But whoever it was shouldn’t be in his parents’ home. Theo could feel his anger, along with worry, building inside of him.

  “Someone who has a job to finish.”

  “If you’ve hurt my parents—”

  “No need for threats. They’re safe, for now. And they’ll remain that way just as long as their pup does what he’s told.” Theo’s first instinct was to run to his mate, but he couldn’t risk his parents’ lives. “How do I know you haven’t already killed them?”

  “You don’t. Now leave your hiding place and come home before I kill your father. Don’t tell any of the beasts where you are going or your parents will be waiting for you in body bags.” The phone disconnected.

  Theo blinked as he looked around his bedroom, feeling as if he weren’t really in his own reality any longer. It was one thing for those hounds to come after him, but now they were threatening his parents.

  He couldn’t risk getting them killed.

  Scribbling a quick note and tossing it on the bed, Theo hurried over to the bookcase. He waved his hand in front of it, chanting the spell Nazaryth had taught him. Theo hated leaving like this after he had made Nazaryth promise not to do the same.

  But his parents’ lives were at stake here.

  He quickly descended the steps, making sure the bookcase slid back into place before he traveled down the dimly lit passageway.

  The tunnel was going to exit him on the other side of the mountain.

  Theo wished he could have taken the main exit, but that exit was off the living room. His risk of getting caught was ten times higher there. But it would have been nice to come out in the hangar and grab a vehicle.

  But even if he stole into the main passageway unseen, the hangar was monitored with cameras and motion sensors. He wouldn’t have gotten far.

  Blinking rapidly, Theo stepped out into the brightness of the sun.

  He yelped when he was immediately grabbed.

  “You follow instructions well.”

  He struggled as he was tossed into a car, his head hitting the doorframe. “Where are my parents?” he demanded as he was wrestled down and then tied up. He cursed his stupidity. How could he have fallen for such an obvious ruse?

  “How the hell should I know?” the guy said flatly. “They weren’t home.”

  Theo panicked until he remembered that his mom and dad always vacationed this time of year. He wanted to bang his head against something when the memory came to him. How could he have forgotten that?

  If he had kept a cool head, he wouldn’t be in this mess. But running off half-cocked was about to get him killed now. His only thought was Nazaryth and how his beast was going to be alone now.

  “Let me go,” he shouted as he struggled against the rope. How could he have been that damn gullible? As hard as Theo struggled, the ropes wouldn’t give.

  “Just sit back and shut up.” The hound knocked Theo in his face and then sat back. “I don’t want to hear any begging or whining from you.”

  Clenching his jaw, Theo sat back. He knew there was nothing he could do right now. He’d have to wait for the moment when he found an opportunity to get away. He glanced up and saw the mark Nazaryth had told him about.

  The one weak spot on a hound.

  If he got loose, he was going to stab the son of a bitch. “Where are you taking me?” Theo asked.

  “Not where Nazaryth is expecting.” The hound laughed manically as the car pulled away. “He’s in for a big surprise.”

  “Nazaryth,” Theo called out, praying his mate could hear him. It felt strange having a conversation this way, and Theo prayed it worked. He had never tried talking to his mate through his mind before. He wasn’t even sure Nazaryth would hear him. The guy was able to read his mind before, and hopefully he still could.


  Theo closed his eyes at the happiness he could hear in Nazaryth.

  He was using their mating bond for the first time, and it was to tell him that he was being kidnapped.

  God, he felt like a shit.

  “The hounds have me. They aren’t taking me to where you would suspect. Does that make sense?”

  Theo slid down the seat when
he heard the loudest roar shatter through his mind. He wouldn’t be surprised if he was deaf after that.

  “Find out where they are taking you.” His mind was quiet after that. Theo knew for a fact that Nazaryth was steaming mad at him right now. He would take responsibility for his mate’s anger and deal with it…if he survived.

  “Where are we going?” Theo asked as he slid back up into his seat.

  “Didn’t I tell you to shut up?” the hound asked irritably.

  “It’s a simple question.”

  “Shut the hell up,” the hound warned.

  Theo knew he was pushing his luck, but if he was going to get out of this, he needed answers.

  “Where’s the harm in telling me?”

  He grunted when he was knocked in the face again. Well, that plan wasn’t going to work. Theo switched tactics, fearing his face was going to be shattered if he pushed the guy.

  “He won’t tell me, so I’m going to tell you what I see.”

  “Are you unharmed?” Nazaryth asked, worry lacing his voice.

  Theo was not about to tell Nazaryth that he’d been knocked around. He needed his mate to focus. “I’m fine. We’ve turned onto Route 14 and are heading west.”

  “I’m on my way.”

  Theo felt relief at his mate’s words. He just prayed the only ones to die were the hounds. He had seen firsthand how the hounds fought, and he knew they were worthy opponents. He just wondered how Nazaryth was going to get him out of this car without the hound tearing him to shreds. With his hands tied, he was screwed.

  “You there?” Theo asked when his mate hadn’t spoken to him in almost a half hour. He was becoming worried.

  “Yes, zaterio , I’m here. I can see you. We’re following the car.”

  Theo stopped himself from turning around and looking for his mate. That would be a dead giveaway. “How are you going to rescue me?”

  “We have to wait for you to be taken from the car. Stay calm. I’m not letting you out of my sight.”

  “Who’s we?” Theo knew the other beasts were with Nazaryth, but he just wanted his mate to keep talking. He had a deep need to hear Nazaryth’s voice. It was comforting to him.

  “Every winged beast is with me except Wolf.” Nazaryth’s words were punctuated with steel. Theo knew he was in big trouble if he got out of this alive. Nazaryth was definitely going to chain him to the bed, and not in a good way.

  “We’re stopping,” Theo said as they pulled onto an access road.

  The trees were thick here, barely enough room for the car to maneuver. Theo feared his mate wouldn’t be able to see him with the way the trees formed a tight canopy, barely letting in light.

  “I have you in sight, zaterio ,” his mate said gently. “We’re landing and coming in. Don’t give us away.” Theo stopped himself at the last second from nodding. He kicked his legs out, pressing them onto the earthen floor as he struggled to stand. The hound moved around to the other side, yanking Theo to his feet.

  He could hear a low growl in his head and knew Nazaryth was watching him. But Theo wasn’t sure if his mate was protesting the way he was being handled or if Nazaryth had seen his face. It had to look a mess from the two hard blows.

  “Get moving.” The hound pushed at Theo’s shoulder, propelling him forward. They entered a small cabin where Theo was thrust into a seat.

  “So this is Nazaryth’s zaterio?” The man sneered and then growled. “Why isn’t he unconscious?”

  Theo glanced up, but didn’t recognize the man. Was this King Zephyr? He didn’t look like a king. The man was short and kind of on the puny side.

  “He kept quiet the whole ride,” the hound said defensively.

  “You fool! I wanted him unconscious because winged beasts can talk to their zaterios through a mind link. You have brought them here!”

  As the hounds hurried to the window to glance out, Theo ran for the door. He cursed when he realized he couldn’t open it with his hands tied behind his back.

  “Get him!”

  Theo kicked at the door, praying for some kind of miracle.

  And it came in the form of an angry bloodred beast. Nazaryth slammed the door open, Theo jumping out of the way just in time before he was knocked down. The room was flooded with beasts as Dog reached for Theo and shoved him to the back of the group.

  He shouted his disapproval, but Dog was in the air within seconds, taking him away from the fight.

  “Boromyr?” Nazaryth asked as he cocked his head to the side.

  “What’s going on here?”

  His longtime friend laughed as he took a step closer to the table that was situated between them. Nazaryth saw that the table was littered with spells and incantations. He needed to get the man away from the table.

  “Yes, it is I, Nazaryth,” Boromyr said almost gleefully. “Did you think the king would waste his time with you? What does he care about you being mated? Zephyr is growing old. His need to fuck with you is dwindling.”

  He couldn’t understand why his friend would do something like this. Nazaryth had never seen Boromyr as anything but kind. The man had helped him out many times over the years, never asking for anything in return. This new side of his friend was confusing. “Why?” Boromyr clucked his tongue as he waved a hand at the beasts surrounding the room. His eyes narrowed. “Why not? You have it all.

  You and your winged beasts have immortality, and I want it. Look at me. I’m an aging old man. With my talent, I should be able to live forever.”

  Okay, the guy was nuttier than hell. Nazaryth could see it in his eyes. Eyes that used to be a gentle blue were now as cold as ice.

  “How could you betray me like this?”

  “Very easily, my friend.”

  “Don’t call me that!” Nazaryth shouted as he lunged, knocking the scrolls to the floor. Boromyr relied on his spells. Without them, he was just a weak old man. Boromyr growled as he dove for the scrolls, but Nazaryth was stopped from taking them away when a hound latched onto his arm.

  He fought the hound as he reached for his dagger, stabbing the dog behind his ear. The hound immediately fell to the ground as Boromyr unrolled the scroll in his hand and began to chant.

  “We’ve got this,” Ruthless shouted as Nazaryth went after the rank bastard who had betrayed him. He ripped the scroll from Boromyr’s hand and then felt a searing pain in his side. Nazaryth looked down to see a small dagger was sticking out of his side.

  Nazaryth roared as he finished the man off. Sadness washed over him as Boromyr lay lifeless on the floor. What used to be a great friend was now lying there with his eyes fixated on nothing.

  Nazaryth pulled the small dagger from his side and threw it at the lifeless body. Turning, he stormed from the room. The winged beasts had things under control with the last hound falling. Nazaryth leapt into the air, heading home.

  He had a mate to teach that keeping secrets was not acceptable.

  Theo paced the bedroom, worry eating away at him. The man in the cabin may have been puny, but he had a dark maliciousness in his eyes that frightened Theo. He swallowed hard when the bedroom door flew open.

  Nazaryth stalked in, slamming the door behind him. “I would really like to know why my zaterio felt the need to run out of here half-cocked without informing me of the situation.” Theo took a step back, the bed stopping his progress. “He said he had my parents and that he would kill them if I didn’t comply.”

  “And you believed this?” Nazaryth asked as he removed his belt.

  Theo’s eyes flickered to the black leather, wondering what in the hell Nazaryth was about to do with that piece of leather.

  “He called from my parents’ home. What was I supposed to believe?” Theo defended weakly as Nazaryth approached him, belt in hand. What did he really know about Nazaryth? They had been together less than a week. That wasn’t enough time for Theo to know what the man was going to do with that belt.

  “Do you honestly think I would hurt you?” Nazaryth growled as he tossed
the belt onto the bed and then ripped Theo’s shirt from his body. “Do you think I would harm my zaterio?” Theo shook his head as Nazaryth went for his pants, ripping them from his legs. He stood there naked, shivering as Nazaryth grabbed the belt once more. He wasn’t sure what to think from the feral look in his mate’s eyes. “You’re reading my mind?” he asked.

  “No, I can see the fear in your eyes,” Nazaryth said as he lifted Theo from the floor and placed him on the mattress. “Did I not tell you that I would chain you to our bed?”

  “That’s not a chain,” Theo pointed out and then curled his lips in when Nazaryth narrowed his eyes.

  “No, it’s much softer for your delicate skin.”

  Theo watched as Nazaryth pulled his arms over his head, securing Theo’s hands to the headboard. “I may let you go when I think you’ve learned your lesson.”

  Theo’s fear left him as Nazaryth undressed. His cock was as hard as steel and weeping pre-cum. Theo had a feeling this was turning his mate on.

  He lay as still as he could, watching Nazaryth reach for the oil.

  “I’m going to have you begging by the time this is over.

  God, he hoped so.

  Nazaryth poured the oill onto his fingers, his eyes boring into Theo’s as he set the jar aside and then lowered his hand.

  Theo bit his lower lip, waiting for Nazaryth’s fingers to enter him, but instead, his mate just rimmed around his entrance. Theo tried to bear down on the digit, but that only made Nazaryth pull his hand away.

  “You will be breached when I decide to do so.” Theo grunted his frustration as his legs fell to the side, opening wider in anticipation. His hole was pulsing to be filled as Nazaryth continued to play at his back entrance but didn’t enter him.

  “Please,” Theo begged as he panted. “Please, mate.” A slight smile lifted Nazaryth’s lip as the tip of his finger pressed inside. “Beg me again. Tell me what you want.” Theo’s heart thudded behind his chest as he licked his dry lips. “I want to feel your fingers inside of me, stretching me.” He wanted so much more, but he knew Nazaryth was going to take his sweet time torturing him.


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