He Wanted Her: The Gangster's Daughter

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He Wanted Her: The Gangster's Daughter Page 38

by Amy Faye

  He could see the looks on their faces. No, none of them liked it. But they would accept it, because he wasn't going to change his mind. Then, silently, one by one, they turned and took off.

  Except Valdemar.

  "We'll stand together," he growled. "Two are more distraction than one, after all. To glory!"


  The first thing she noticed was the smell. Norwich was like very little she'd seen before. Malbeck had seemed like it was perhaps too big for her, when she had lived her entire life in the little isolated cottage. The other little villages and towns she had passed through on the way here seemed positively cosmopolitan. Bright and new and strange.

  In her arrogance she had started to think that she had seen quite a bit. And she had, she had to admit to herself. She had seen quite a bit of the world. But this was something else entirely. She shook her head. What an idiot she'd been. The city must be the same, just a bit bigger, she repeated to herself. The assumptions that she'd made just showed how much of a country bumpkin she was.

  This was something very different from the oh-so-'cosmopolitan' towns she had been through. There was a massive gulf between a town with a hundred families and a city with a thousand or more. The walls pressed in against her, and the smell of human bodies overpowered the smell of nature. Even the animals were more prevalent here.

  And yet, in spite of the smell, it seemed to her to be the most fabulous place she'd ever seen. How was she supposed to compete with this? The place was so nice, after all. She took a deep breath. Nothing to lose her mind over, she chided. No reason to go crazy. And after all, she had work to do.

  As she got closer to the castle, the crowds that had already been oppressive became thicker still, until there was little she could do to avoid the bodies pressed in thick. There were people talking, and she heard snippets of conversation.

  "Right there," someone pointed at nothing in particular. "They killed a hundred people with their bare hands, I saw it meself!"

  Deirdre didn't have to wonder who they must have been talking about. She knew a few people who were very definitely the type to kill a hundred people with their bare hands—but they were in irons, she added to herself. And a hundred people seemed extreme.

  "—a breakout of the prison, but they caught 'em, sure as you can say. We'll still have our beheadin'."

  Deirdre had stopped moving towards where they would no doubt have the entire thing set up, but the movement of the crowd naturally pressed her on, past the man and woman leaning up against the wall and chatting. Deirdre wanted nothing more than to stop and ask someone for the details, but she couldn't seem to find the space to stop and ask.

  So instead she just kept moving, as best she could. She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself. There was nothing to be worried about. She was as anonymous as she could get in this crowd.

  She felt the little bag she carried 'round her shoulder, slipped her hand inside. Her knife, smaller than some she had seen in the past month and a half but big for her hands, was still there. She wrapped her hand around it to calm herself, and pressed on.

  The crowd didn't part for her. But with her shoulder, she managed to split people apart, managed to muscle through the castle gate. To her right there was a large gap in the crowd, and she could see that there were guards every few feet—not quite pressed shoulder-to-shoulder, but close enough that anyone who tried to get through would quickly come to regret it.

  She swallowed hard. Whatever she was going to do, she'd have to deal with those guards, that much was certain. But how was she going to do it? She couldn't fight the way that Gunnar could. Nor the way that Ulf or Leif could, she noted. She had killed the one man, but it had been as much out of surprise as anything.

  If he'd seen her as anything other than a defenseless woman, if she had seen herself as anything other than that, then he might have been able to respond as quickly as he had to the other two in the cart with her who lay there still, no longer drawing breath.

  She turned to take in the rest of the courtyard as best she could. There was a large platform that had been erected near the middle. A big man, the size of Ulf or larger, stood there with a hood over his face and a large ax. He cut the very picture of Ulf, now that she noticed, with his massive ax. It couldn't possibly, though. Could it?

  She dismissed the thought. No reason to assume that there was already something underway when she had no proof of anything. And besides that, she heard the crowd start murmuring, like a soft buzz. It got louder still, and then it was deafening. Deirdre leaned past the line of guards—one of them held out an arm to stop her moving any further—and saw that two guards walked down the line.

  Behind them were two men in chains. Gunnar was one, and the other—

  "Valdemar?" She spoke the name out loud, confused. If anyone had escaped, she had expected him to be one of the first out. He had been shrewd to say the least. Had played her quite well. He was smart enough to get away if he wanted to, which meant that he must have chosen to stay.

  She tried to look behind, to see these men who had killed "a hundred" with their bare hands, but behind them were only two more guards, large poleaxes held straight up. If there was any trouble from either of them, then it would be an easy thing to bring them ready at an instant's notice.

  Deirdre gulped down air. If she was going to do anything it had to be at exactly the right moment. Otherwise, her efforts would be for nothing. But she couldn't let him die. She wouldn't be able to live with herself. Her hand tightened on the knife. She would have an instant of surprise from the guards.

  She had to use it to her advantage, and she had to make sure that it gave Gunnar as much opportunity as she could create. Then, Gods willing, she would be able to get away without any trouble. She had to hope, because otherwise she had to recognize that unless things went perfectly according to plan, then she would be joining those two men on the chopping blocks.

  Was it worth it? The question hadn't entirely occurred to her. It had seemed obvious that it was, but now that she was facing the very real threat of being killed, it seemed to be brought into a new focus.

  The odds of making it out of here were slim at best, the odds of being killed high. She was no fighter, after all. She was a healer. But the fact was that she had been taught over everything to do what had to be done. This had to be done, or she would be left with nothing. And she couldn't bear that.

  Deirdre took a deep breath and steadied herself. Gripped the blade. Gunnar was drawing close, but she knew he hadn't seen her. It was better if he didn't know that she was there until the time was exactly right.

  They couldn't have any warning. He passed by her, his head resolutely forward, and in that instant Deirdre pulled the knife from her pouch and settled her fate by ducking under the arm of the guard holding back the crowd and plunging it hilt-deep into the rear guard's ribs.

  Gunnar wasn't afraid of death. He forced the smile on his face. So long as he greeted death without fear, he was already doing well for himself. He tried to remind himself of it, but the words rang empty. No, he wanted to live. Wanted to see her one more time. But if it wouldn't happen, then it wouldn't happen. He wouldn't waste any time worrying about something that was already decided.

  Something moved behind him, too fast for anyone around him to react. Not too fast for Gunnar to turn and see Deirdre slam, full force, into the man behind and send him, and the man beside him stumbling to the ground. They had been lax, he decided, or too focused on Gunnar and Valdemar to see the threat coming from their side.

  Gunnar could hear the sound of swords being drawn all around him. Damn these chains, he couldn't afford to have his hands bound behind his back at this point. He would need to answer the threat, but with his hands bound behind his back… how would he? Someone stepped forward to claim Deirdre and Gunnar pushed him away with one powerful leg. He would keep her safe as long as he could.

  The other rear guard was starting to rise, and Gunnar kicked him hard in th
e jaw, knocking him senseless. The two in front had turned, their swords already drawn, ready to end Gunnar's defense before it truly began, but a scream from the crowd drew their attention, and at that point everything started happening at once.

  The city folk, packed in so tightly, now fought to surge away, knocking guards back and down, rushing past them like a river. They gave the prisoners a wide berth—smart, after the two of them had managed to fight ten armed soldiers to a standstill the night before, he thought.

  What had caused their panic, though, he couldn't say, until he saw Leif's face in the crowd. Gunnar should have expected this. His own friends would not have abandoned him, and Magnus and Arne would never have left Valdemar's side willingly unless he had ordered it.

  Gunnar had known these things, but at the same time it burned knowing that he hadn't predicted it. Still he kept himself pivoting, kicking out as best he could without losing his balance to keep any who got too close away from the girl. He turned to check that she was alright, but to his great surprise, she was nowhere. The knife she had stolen, the knife he had given back to her before his capture, laid in the guard's chest.

  "Gunnar!" Ulf's familiar voice called. "This way!"

  He was at Gunnar's elbow an instant later, pulling him along. The peasants had already fled, leaving what seemed to be a hundred soldiers, half of them not getting up from the ground after being trampled by the panicked crowd, and the remaining Danes fought them, save Magnus and Ulf who were making quick work of the chains on Valdemar and Gunnar.

  He moved and flexed his arms to get feeling back into them, then pulled the knife free of the man's ribs and wiped it on his tabard. It had saved both of them, now. A good knife indeed. Then he unbuckled the sword-belt hanging at the side of the slain guard and fitted it around his own waist, slipping the knife in, regardless of the fact that he had no sheath for it.

  The blade inside was not quite so nice as the one he had stolen before. It didn't gleam so much, didn't feel so well-made, but it looked as if it had seen considerable use. Until he had been killed by his own inattentiveness, the blade had served its master well, and Gunnar would see that it served its new one as well.

  If they stayed then the fight would become too much for them, he knew. Even with the advantage of the crowd helping to injure so many guards, they couldn't hope to fight the full might of the city's guard force with just the thirty of them. Not in open combat like this.

  But if they fled too quickly, they would leave themselves open to attack. Between himself and the giant, they formed the leading point of a wedge, cutting through the guards and making a space. After their stunt the night before, he had been left without dinner. He frowned. No, he wasn't happy about it. But it was all he could do.

  The guards had decided that the gate seemed to be the right place to defend, and Gunnar had to agree. It was the right place. But they should have closed it.

  Valdemar let out a cry and rammed sword-point-first into the thick mass of men, bowling the first two rows to the ground and then started the mad slashing that made him a force on the battlefield. Gunnar strode by, the whirling mass of gore seeming to miss him as if by chance.

  Yet he knew that if Valdemar wanted to cleave him through, it would have been an easy thing, and there was no chance in his survival. His own blade met the attack of another guard, turned it aside, and plunged into the man's bowels. Ulf cut another wide arc that saw men falling back and away, and then the way was cleared for them.

  The time to go was now. Gunnar called out the retreat, and stood by as the men ran past. He would follow last of all, to ensure that no one was left behind. The men had taken a great risk in saving them, a risk that he would have told them not to take if he had the opportunity.

  But he hadn't been there, nor had Valdemar. So they were left to make the decision themselves, and they had made their decision. That didn't mean he was going to let them take more risk than they had to. And it didn't mean he was going to run like a coward.

  "Go! I'm right behind you!" The last man through went by, and Gunnar slotted in behind, making sure to stay a step or two behind. If someone were going to be caught then it would be him. But he wasn't going to let it happen easily. They ran hard, but they ran.

  His lungs burned with the effort, though he reckoned that he could have run harder if he were ten years younger. A full belly might have done wonders, as well, but he kept up without trouble, until they were free of the city. Then they ran harder. There were few guards that followed, and the ones that did, never made it back to report on their location.

  They were far from clear of any danger, Gunnar thought, but at the very least they were able to take a night's rest. They had earned that much, and when they'd had times to lick their wounds and recover themselves, they would move to the coast.

  Valdemar might not like it. He might see more glory to be had, more raiding to be done. He was a born raider, same as Gunnar. But where Gunnar was tempered by experience, Valdemar was still raw. But he would have to listen to reason, Gunnar thought. He hoped so, anyways.

  If the berserker wanted to fight him on the decision then he would find himself with quite a fight on his hands. They were going home, and the only thing they would wait for was to make sure that nobody was too injured to leave.

  That, he told himself, and until he found the woman he was bringing with him.


  For a moment the world stood still as Deirdre fell to the ground, the weight of her body jabbing the blade into the guard in front of her. To her surprise the pair of them sent the other guard to the ground as well. Then everything started happening again.

  Gunnar turned and kicked a guard away from her, the movement awkward with his hands shackled behind his back. Someone in the crowd screamed, and then people started to run in a mass around her, away. She looked up at Gunnar, who kicked roughly at the guard beside her.

  He looked as controlled as a man could without the use of his hands. As if he had known all along that she would come, and had been preparing to respond. But she hadn't been sure herself if she would. So he obviously couldn't have known, could he?

  She tried to look through the crowd as it streamed past, to see what had scared them so, and saw a tight mass of Northmen. She knew the sort of havoc they could wreak if they set their minds to it, and knew that if there was time to run then it was because they were more interested in the guards than in the peasants.

  It was time to go. She couldn't be here when the city-folk cleared out, or there would be a reckoning. Her face on wanted posters, the whole thing. She needed to be gone now. She gave another glance to Gunnar, but she would have to find him later. Then she jumped up and was in the crowd before she could change her mind.

  She turned back, the press of the crowd moving her whether she wanted to or not, hoping to catch a glance of what was happening. In an instant the giant, Ulf, had come up to Gunnar and dashed off his chains, the messenger-boy striking Valdemar's off as well, and the battle had begun.

  They had been hopelessly outnumbered when she had finally made her escape, but now they seemed prepared for it somehow, as if they were better-equipped somehow. She wanted to stay, wanted to see what would happen. Wanted to make sure that Gunnar would escape alive. But she couldn't afford the time, nor the risk. She had to be gone and she had to go now. The crowd continued to press, though slower now as they pressed through the eastern castle gate.

  The last thing she saw before she turned to follow the crowd was a tight mass of soldiers pulling together to block the gate. They should have closed the portcullis, she thought. But they would learn that before it was too long.

  Then she was being pulled further away as the people tried to press through her, to get as far from the fighting as possible. These people had the right idea, and without her knife she shouldn't have considered staying for even a moment. Her hand automatically shifted to her pouch, felt the sheath there, but no knife. She had left it buried in the man's chest.
br />   Yet still something in her heart pulled her back to the fight, to hoping that she could see for herself that Gunnar made it out alive. Feelings drifted through her, feelings she didn't understand and couldn't explain. She had to accept her feelings about Gunnar.

  They were connected by more than she wanted to admit, and she was never going to be able to ignore that completely, but now too many questions ran through her mind about why Valdemar had stayed. Questions she didn't remotely want to have to answer, but questions that she couldn't ignore, either.

  The fact that the others had come back… she couldn't reconcile the idea of the Vikings as the bloodthirsty killers she had known them to be, and the men who came back into the thick of enemy territory to fight impossible odds to recover only two men.

  She turned and ducked her head, trying not to stand out too much. Her fire-red hair would not make it easy for her to hide, but she had to hope that nobody would care enough to investigate a poor wretch in the middle of a crowd fleeing madly through the streets until she was far enough away to deny any involvement.

  The people around her were dispersing slowly, each intersection taking a few who decided to turn, but she wanted out of the city. Needed to get out, as quickly as she could. She took a jog left along with a dozen others when a building blocked the straight street. The new road curved out and she turned right to re-straighten the path.

  Her breaths were coming sharp and hard, but she couldn't stop. Couldn't slow down, not even for an instant, or she risked being seen by the guards. It was a miracle that no one had pointed her out already, that nobody had accused her of being involved.

  She fancied herself a perfectly good liar, but there was a wide gulf between being able to lie, and being able to deny the obvious. She was the one who had killed that guard, yes. How could they be so sure? Well, she had blood on her hands and the same bright red hair of the woman who everyone had seen try to help that awful Northman, so it stood to reason that maybe they could take a guess this once.


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