Lipstick & Miniskirts

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Lipstick & Miniskirts Page 63

by John Dylena

  “Got it.”

  Daniel leaned the chair back so that Reed was horizontal. He slid a tub underneath the chair and rolled over another cart with several plaster lined tubs. “Arina, care to lend a hand?”

  “Sure,” she said.

  Reed looked up at the ceiling and Daniel and Arina were hovering over him.

  “Let the transformation, begin!” Daniel grabbed the tub and pulled out a giant ladle. “Close your eyes and mouth, and take a deep breath.”

  Reed did what he was told and Daniel poured out the contents onto his face. It was thick, wet plaster, and he continued pouring it until Reed’s head was completely covered.

  “You can breathe through your nose now, but remember: long slow breaths and don’t move your face.”

  Reed slowly exhaled and breathed in through his nose. Being completely encased seemed to make time slow down. He couldn’t tell what was going on around him. He could hear Daniel and Arina talking, but it was all muffled from the stuff covering his ears. After a long time, he could feel the stuff getting pulled off his face. Then minutes later, he was free.

  “Wow, that came out perfect,” Daniel said, examining the inside of the mold. He then pulled off the back end and set both ends on the counter in front of him. “From that, I’ll make a mold of your face, then apply latex and other materials to make it feminine.”

  “Sounds good,” Reed said, sitting back up.

  “Time for wigs!” Arina cheered. Reed remained in the chair while Arina and Daniel put on, examined, and removed several different wigs, ranging in all styles and hair colors; finally they found the right one, it had shoulder length brown hair, and could easily be styled.

  “Alright, we’re done here, thanks for coming and being such a good sport Reed,” Daniel said as he cleaned up the mess.

  “Thank you, I hope it turns out great.”

  “I’ll call and let you know when it’s done, Arina.” With that, they packed up and left. Arina dropped Reed off at his car and he headed home after a long day.



  For three days he waited. Reed sat around in his house wasting time, anxiously checking his phone every five minutes. He tried to take his mind off of it, either by working out or getting deep into a video game or movie. But no matter how hard he tried, his mind always returned to thoughts of working as a secretary at a BDSM dungeon. He constantly found himself online, browsing through sites and looking at pictures and videos of crossdressers and transvestites. He researched how women walked, talked, and acted, hoping to impress his new mistress with study sessions.

  Lunch time on the third day and the phone rang. He dropped what he was doing and scrambled for the phone, trying to sound calm as he answered it. “Hello?”

  “Hi, Reed?” The female voice on the other end said.


  “Hey, this is Arina.”

  “Oh, hello, how are you doing?” He replied, fist pumping the air.

  “Fine thanks, you busy tomorrow?”


  “Good, why don’t you come on by, say 11am?”

  “Sure, I’ll see you then.” He hung the phone up and ran around his house in a victory lap. Very soon his boredom would come to an end and he’’d have something to look forward to.

  I am sure getting excited about this. I mean, I’ll be crossdressing and working as a secretary. Should I be getting excited about that? I mean I am a man after all.

  The sudden realization ended the victory celebration. He was getting excited for something that could be a total disaster. For all he knew, he could hate the first day and give up. “But what happens if I do enjoy dressing as a girl…… ”

  Ok Reed, stop. There are a million different ways this can go. Not worth stressing out over. Keep calm, relaxed, and just go with the flow.

  He took a couple deep breaths and let the time go by.

  He sat in his car for a couple of minutes as he looked at his watch and at the entrance to the dungeon. There were no cars out in front, just her car parked off to the side. He still had a couple more minutes until 11am. Striking up the nerve to continue, he stepped out of the car.

  No turning back now.

  “Hey, good morning,” she said from behind the desk. She was fumbling around with a couple of papers and dressed in black leather.

  “Good morning to you too” he replied.

  “Right, so I have several hours until my first client today, which gives us ample amount of time for ‘orientation’… you excited?””

  “Sorta… I'm also a little nervous.”

  “Don’t be, this is gonna be so much fun, you may actually enjoy it,” she smiled.

  “Yea… ” he replied, scratching his head.

  “Follow me.” She locked the front door and led him through the main door and back into the hallway and through one of the doors which led straight to the lounge. He looked up the stairs at the doors to her office.

  This is it.

  He followed her up the stairs and into her office.

  “I have gathered all the supplies needed for this experiment. And by all the supplies I mean all the supplies.”

  He said nothing.

  “Strip. All the way this time, I want you nude.”

  He gulped and nodded, taking off all his clothes and setting them on the table. It wasn’t long until he stood there in her office, completely naked.

  “Don’t worry, I've seen plenty of naked men, and ones far more ugly than you.” She patted him on the back and winked. “You won’t be needing those for a while.” She quickly folded his clothes and put them into one of the open lockers, securing it with a small padlock. “I don’t want you skipping out on me, so this is just a precaution. Unless you want to run outside en femme.” She slid over to the locker next to it, opening it with a key and walked to her desk.

  “Have you ever put on a wet suit before?”

  “Yes I have.”

  “Good.” She grabbed the package from on top of her desk and opened it, tossing the empty cardboard box aside.

  “This is a bodysuit. It’s built to help males look like females. Made of silicone rubber so it is elastic and stretchy, like pantyhose… only a lot more durable than hose.”

  Well this was unexpected. Reed figured she would give him a couple pieces of clothing and a quick make over, but a body suit? That was a whole new level. “I’ve never… I ugh… that thing legit?”

  “Yes, I’ve known the creator of these particular ones for a long time now, and she decided to let me test her newest line of them. The previous version required a lot of care and maintenance, as well as extra parts, but this one is a breakthrough. The material is super durable so it’’s nearly impossible to rip and tear, as well as super light and realistic. It’ll give you the look and feel of a smooth, hairless body, and can be worn for days on end!”

  “Wow. I don’t know… I wasn’t expecting a bodysuit.”

  “Surprised? There are a lot of things that’ll surprise you in this line of work. Like what some men and women do for pleasure. The suit also comes with some special bonuses.”

  “Like what?”

  “Well, it has a realistic vagina built in which allows for you to urinate, but you have to sit like a woman.”

  “Figured as much.”

  “You’re welcome to try standing, but you’ll have to clean up the mess yourself.”

  Reed put his hands in the air. “Don’t worry, I’m not stupid enough to try. Sometimes I actually prefer sitting.”

  “Here you go,” she said, tossing him the bodysuit. “Put it on like you would a wet suit. Only stop after you pull it up to your waist, just below the groin area.”

  She tossed him the suit and he quickly examined it before putting it on. The material was silky smooth and very life-like.

  “Those measurements I took of you helped to make this a perfect fit, but they were mostly for your wardrobe.”

  He sat dow
n on one of the chairs and put his feet into the holes, and then he slid it up his legs, smoothing out any folds or creases. Then he pulled it up and stopped just below his groin area, as she ordered. When he looked down at his feet, he saw no hint at all that he was wearing a body suit, the color of the suit perfectly matched his skin color.

  “Ok, here is the apparatus that makes you pee like a woman; it also safely protects your manhood!”

  She walked up to him and knelt down in front of him. She grabbed his dick and slid it into the holder. She then rolled down the silicone sheath until it covered most of his dick. She positioned his balls into their proper spot and pressed it against his stomach.

  “This will hold your penis upright, and the sheath will prevent it from sliding out of the catheter, even if you were to become flaccid… please hold this against your stomach for me.”

  He placed his hand on top of the device and held it against his stomach. She pulled out a pen and poked a hole in the top part of the vagina. She then fed the long rubber tube through the hole.

  “Keep holding it,” she said. She stood up, grabbed the sides of the body suit, and pulled up slowly. Once his waist and groin were covered, she told him to remove his hand.

  “You can let go,” she said. “I gotta check to make sure its straight. After today you’re gonna have to do this on your own, or you can just wear the suit for a few days at a time.”

  “I’ll think about it… ” he said, looking around nervously.

  This is just plain weird. The suit is rather comfortable. Maybe I will wear it for longer than a day.

  She fumbled around with the groin area, pulling more of the tube to make sure its straight, then felt around the outside to make sure it was all the way up and hugging the skin.

  “Ok, it’s in there perfectly, but I need you to bend over now.”

  “What for?”

  “This suit also comes with an insertable rectum, so you can, you know ... poop.”

  “Well that’s convenient.” He turned around and bent over, resting his hands on the chair.

  “Stick your butt out.” He did, and she slid her hand down his crack to make sure the material was straight.

  “This suit also matches the topography of your butt for extra comfort.”

  “I noticed, it feels like I'm wearing a speedo again.”

  She didn’t say anything, she only smiled as she stuck a pen into the hole and slowly up his butt.

  He grunted in discomfort.

  “Don’t move, just take it,” she giggled.

  “Easy for you to say.” She slid the pen in and out couple times to make sure it was all the way in, then she pulled it out and tossed the pen in the trash.

  “Ok, you can stand up now.” Instantly, he stood back up and shook off the experience.

  “Is that gonna happen every time I put this on?”

  “Yep. Although if you want I can give you something a little thicker to make it go faster.” She smiled and pulled the suit up the rest of the way to his chest. He noticed that the suit had nipples on it, and looking down further, he saw the vagina and agreed that it looked pretty convincing, except for the rubber tube sticking out.

  Not even a bulge from my junk.

  “Time for the best part: your boobs,” she said smiling. She walked over to the locker and pulled out a wooden box, different from the one she had the other day.

  “These are a 36C, bigger than the ones you had on the other day.”

  She grabbed the first one and slid it into the suit, making sure the nipples lined up correctly, then did the same with the other. He looked down and saw the two mounds on his chest, and with the material of the bodysuit, it looked like he had real breasts.

  “You can admire those later,” she joked.

  She grabbed his hand and fed it through the sleeve and he straightened his arms. They did the same with the other, all while pulling his head through the neck hole. The arm sleeves only went out to his elbow, and the lining on the neck didn’t bother him at all.

  “All done… now I expect in the future you will be doing this all by yourself and in half the time it took today, understood?”


  “Yes… ?”

  “Yes Mistress.” He added.

  “Good… how do you like your new body?”

  “It's odd. I can barely feel the material.”

  “Walk around the office a bit.”

  He did, and after a couple of steps, he felt like he was walking around in the nude. The suit gave no resistance, and he couldn’t even tell that he was wearing one. The one thing he did notice was that the breasts bounced and jiggled with every step, and that he didn’t have anything swinging between his legs.

  “Time for the reveal,” she said digging through the small closet in the corner of the office. She rolled out a full length mirror and stopped in front of him.

  “Holy crap.” He said, looking at his reflection.

  “Yes, one thing I forgot to mention is that the suit also had built in pads so you can have an hourglass figure.”

  He stood there, examining his body in the mirror. He felt every surface of his body, from foot to shoulder. The material was truly lifelike, and felt real too. He squeezed his new breasts which felt almost too real. She came back with a pair of scissors and trimmed the tube so it wasn’t sticking out. And with that, from the neck down, he had the body of a woman.

  “Time for wardrobe!” she said, clapping excitedly. She went back to the locker and pulled out several shrink-wrapped packages and a shoe box.

  “Every day when you come in for work, your outfit will be in this locker waiting for you.” She opened the first package and tossed him the contents.

  “Lingerie first.”

  The first thing was a black lace bra. He put it on and she clipped the back.

  “This is a garter belt, it will hold up your stockings.”


  “I am a big fan of stockings. This is my place of business and I set the dress code. All employees must wear stockings when told to do so. Now man up and put on those stockings!”

  He sighed and wrapped the belt around his now curvy waist and buckled it. She tossed him the stockings, which were black sheer.

  “To put these on, roll them up into a donut and slide them up carefully and slowly. The material is easily torn. There is a punishment for tearing stockings.”

  She demonstrated how to do it with his right leg, and he mimicked her movements and put the stocking on his left leg. He stood up and they clipped the stockings to the garter belt.

  “So how do you like being a woman so far?” she said, rubbing his legs.

  “It’s eh… interesting.”

  “Can you feel the stockings?”

  “Yes I can.”

  That’s odd. I can actually feel the fabric of the stockings through the suit. Now that I think about it, the breasts felt real too.

  She stood up and tossed him a pair of panties; they were also black lace and matched the bra and garter.

  “You put the stockings on first so you can slide the panties on and off for when you need to use the bathroom, or for any other reason which requires you to remove your underwear,” she said, winking.

  He stepped into them and slid them up. He could feel the material as he pulled them up and watched as the garment hugged his curves.

  “My my, you look so sexy,” she said.

  She walked back to the locker and grabbed two more shrink wrap packages. She opened the first one and handed it to him, it was a white button-down blouse, with a modest neck that showed off some of his “cleavage”. Then she opened the other one and gave it to him. It was a short black skirt.

  “After you pull it on, there will be a clip around the waist. Afterwards, be sure to adjust it so that the seam is on the back.”

  He put it on and adjusted it as she ordered. It hugged the curve of his hips and stopped a few inches above the knee.

  “Isn't this a bit too…

  “Of course not, if you’re going to be my secretary, you have to dress sexy. This is a business built on pleasure.”

  “Oh, of course,” he replied.

  I hope the skirts don’t get any shorter!

  “Don’t worry, it’ll just make you more attractive to the boys,” she teased.

  That was something he didn’t plan for either. “What happens if I do get hit on?”

  “Just go with it, see where your ‘womanly instincts’ take you. This is a lesson in living as a woman, so I would be doing you a disservice if I prevented you from getting hit on.”

  “Well, what happens if the guy wants to have sex with me? I'm still a man underneath this bodysuit.”

  “Then you have sex with him, only if you want to.” Before he could say anything, she continued. “I have a little surprise for you. Lift up your skirt and pull down your panties.”

  “Ok,” he said, still confused. He pulled up the skirt and slid his panties down to his knees.

  “Good, now sit on this chair and spread your legs.”


  “I gave you an order!” He immediately sat down and spread his legs. She walked over to her desk and opened one of the drawers. She pulled something out and walked back to him with it behind her back.


  He didn’t answer, he just stared. She could tell that he was nervous. She revealed what she had hidden behind her back.

  “Is that a—”

  “It’s a dildo.” She knelt down in front of him and positioned the dildo at the entrance to his false vagina. “Watch.”

  She pushed it, and it went into the vagina. She slid it in further and further. When it was all the way in, she rotated it around. He could feel it moving around.

  “With the way your penis is hidden, it allows for a cavity which can be penetrated. See? You have a real working pussy.”

  Without warning, she flipped the switch on the end. The dildo started vibrating.

  “Oh god,” he said, squirming. He bit his lip as vibrations sent waves of pleasure throughout his body.

  “Enjoying it?” She moved the vibrating dildo around the cavity, making sure it rubbed against the inside of the wall. After a couple seconds, she pulled it out and turned it off. “Does that answer your question? If a guy wants to have sex with you, he can.”


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