Raven's Seduction

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Raven's Seduction Page 19

by Yvonne Nicolas

  “Is it something else Remi told you?”

  “Yeah—kinda. You know he says things…”

  “Yeah-yeah, things you need to hear,” he grumbled. “His way of blabbing off at the mouth. He’s such an ass.”

  Gazing into his hypnotic light brown eyes, she became a little nervous about what she was about to ask. “He said something about this house, something odd.”

  “That it’s yours?”

  A swelling sensation rose in her chest. She tried to slip off his lap out of shock, but he clung to her. “Raven…” No way. He didn’t do that. This gorgeous man didn’t buy me a house, did he?

  His eyes continued to bore into hers. “The lawyer will be here a couple of days with some paperwork for you to sign. Just a signature here and there, and it’ll be yours. I’ll just be an occupant, if you’re willing to let me stay. Presumptuous of me, isn’t it?”

  “Are—are you being serious, right now?”

  “Ooo, I got you something else for you.” With excitement painted on his face, he lifted her, placed her back in her seat then leaped to his feet. “I was going to wait until tonight to give it to you, but…” He shot out of the dining room and bounded up the stairs, leaving Naturi sitting there with her mouth gaped open.

  He bought me a house? Oh my God! He bought me a HOUSE!

  The doorbell chimed.

  Naturi sat there for a moment, trying to steady her breathing and blink back tears. A dream… this has gotta be a dream.

  The doorbell chimed again.

  Slowly, she pushed to her feet and made her way to the door, thoughts racing through her mind. Without taking a glance at the security viewing screen, she pulled the door open.

  A woman, layered in a garment way too short and way too tight to be called a dress, glared back at her. Bouncy brunette curls spilled over her shoulders. A pound of makeup was caked on her face, nevertheless, contoured to perfection. She planted her hands on her hip and cocked her head. Her bright green eyes scanned Naturi up and down. The corner of her rouge colored lip kicked up in a snarl. “Who the hell are you?”

  For a second, Naturi was stunned, so stunned she couldn’t speak. When she finally found her voice, she heard herself say, “I think I’m the one who should be asking that question.”

  Chapter 29

  Highly Fucking Disrespectful

  Raven pinned in the code to his closet safe. He reached past the stacks of currency and his three handguns, then grabbed the purple velvet case. He cracked it open to peek at the pink diamond necklace set within, then he hurried to the stairway.

  He grinned as he touched the unicorn head hanging from his neck. “Guess we’ll both be decked out in diamonds,” he muttered to himself.


  He paused. There was urgency in Naturi’s voice, annoyance even.

  “You have company!” she shouted.

  “What?” Company? Better not be anyone from the Lab! If it was, they were about to see a side of him they wouldn’t soon forget. He placed the velvet case on the loft table, skipped down the steps, and dashed across the length of the house. He rounded the corner to the foyer and stumbled to a halt.

  What… the fuck?

  She stood in the doorway, pinning Naturi with a heated glower.


  Naturi sliced her eyes his way. He expected to see anger plastered all over her beautiful face, but she wore no such expression. A knowing smirk curved her lush lips. “I assume you know this delightful broad.” Sarcasm dripped from her tone.

  Upon seeing him, Miriam perked up with a wide smile, thrusting her breasts forward. “Hey, baby.”

  Grinding his teeth, Raven narrowed a glare at her. What is she doing here? Better question is, HOW is she even here?

  Miriam brushed past Naturi, bumping her with her shoulder. “I was in the area and thought I’d swing by for a visit.” She threw herself against Raven and tried to palm the sides of his face. “I’ve missed—”

  He caught her by the wrists, pushed her hands down, and stepped back away from her. “Miriam… have you lost your fucking mind?”

  Taken aback, she tilted her head. “What do you mean?”

  “What’re you doing here?”

  “Silly. I just said I was in the area—”

  “How? I never gave you my address. I never invited you to my house. Miriam, what the fuck? What makes you think you can just pop up like this—”

  Clearing the distance between them, she smashed her body against his, making him shuffle backwards. His back hit the wall. “Please don’t be mad. I had to see you.” She rubbed her hands up his chest, beneath the lapels of his robe, and nuzzled his neck. “It has been pure torture being without you. Ooo, what’s this?” She grazed her fingertips over his unicorn charm. “So pretty.”

  His nervous gaze found Naturi, who still stood by the door.

  Naturi watched them with glassy eyes. A series of emotions washed over her face. She pulled in a deep breath and shook her head. “A’ight then. That’s that.” She shut the door and made her way down the foyer hall. “I’ll leave you to it.”

  A stinging pain grew in his heart. This was so fucked up! How? How do I handle this? He’d just had an amazing night with her. They finally freed their feelings for each other, and now this. It contradicted everything he’d told her, everything he said he wanted with her.

  Naturi moved past them, her gaze ahead, her gait eager.


  “Don’t sweat it,” she said as she kept walking. “Handle ya business.”

  In the past, when his lovers would come around, she would say that same thing. She’d said it so much, he knew what she would say before she even opened her mouth.

  What a fucking idiot I am! How many times have I put her through this?

  Before tonight, they were just friends. So, his sexual trysts were tolerated, even though, they clearly felt something more for each other. However, now that they were more than friends, this shit was highly fucking disrespectful!

  He took hold of Miriam’s arms and tried to slide away from her. “Miriam, stop.”

  With a smirk on her lips, Miriam clung onto him. “I made reservations at that lovely French restaurant we visited—”

  “I said stop!” he snapped, yanking her arms from around his neck.

  Miriam stumbled backwards, her face veiled in shock. “What’s wrong?”

  What’s wrong?! Is she fucking serious?

  He rushed after Naturi. Before she could disappear around the corner, he caught her by the hand. “Nat, please…”

  Naturi turned to face him. She didn’t pull away, but she kept the distance between them.

  His arm outstretched, he hung onto her hand for dear life.

  “It’s okay.” Sadness glimmered in her eyes. “I know the drill. Handle yours.”

  “No, it’s not okay,” he gritted out. “This is sloppy as fuck and not the way I want things to be between me and you. Give me a minute to fix this, okay.”

  “Rave…” she sighed.

  He pulled her closer and palmed her cheek. “Okay?” he reiterated on a soft croon.

  The slightest smile graced her face. “Okay.”

  “Well this is just plain out rude,” Miriam interjected, a hiss lacing her tone.

  He slung his seething glare her way.

  Chin out and breasts pushed forward, Miriam continued to berate him. “Coddling her in front of me like that…”

  Naturi cocked her head toward her. “Coddling me? Wow.”

  “Just a minute, Nat.” Glower still glued on Miriam, Raven clenched his teeth in an attempt to calm the storm growing inside of him. “Miriam, I’d like to have a word with you outside, please.”

  He moved to the door, expecting her to be right behind. But when he looked back, Miriam hadn’t moved. She stood there, her arms crossed over her breasts, her eyes fixed on Naturi.

  “And who are you supposed to be?” Miriam dared to ask.

  Weight resting on on
e leg, Naturi planted a fist on her hip. “I already told you that wasn’t a question you should be asking me.”

  “Miriam, that’s Naturi.” Raven opened the door and waved his hand toward it. “Now, a word please.”

  “Naturi?” The contempt in Miriam’s voice cut through the air like a dagger. “This is Naturi.”

  Naturi rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Oh great, you told her about me.”

  “Well, yeah—of course I told her about you. You’re one of the most important people in my life.” He tapped the door in urgency. “Miriam, I’m waiting.”

  Despite his efforts, Miriam didn’t move. She continued to rake her glare up and down Naturi’s frame, her face twisted in disgust.

  Naturi quirked a brow and pursed her lips. “You best be on your way, Becky. I’m not the one to fuck with.”

  “I’m just trying to figure out what he sees in you, why he spent most of our time together crying over you. You’re a four at best, and I’m being generous. You must be great in bed.”

  “Miriam!” A wave of furious anger rushed straight to his head. He wanted so badly to grab her and throw her out of the fucking house, he could scream, but he was trying his damnedest not to get violent.

  To his surprise, Naturi chuckled. “It’s cool, Rave. I’m in a good mood, so I’ll entertain her for a bit.” Naturi stepped up to her, nearly eliminating all the space between them. “You feeling some kinda way, Mary? Go ‘head and get it off your silicon chest.”

  Miriam shuffled backwards, as if Naturi’s nearness rattled her. “Silicon?” She palmed her breasts and smoothed her hands over her figure. “You wish you had a body like mine.”

  “Never that,” she said with a smile. “Took me a long time to get to this point, where THOTs like you don’t bother me. Underneath all that makeup and plastic, you’re dying for someone to pay attention to you. I don’t have that problem, Jessica.”

  Baring her teeth, Miriam shot back. “Oh yeah, I’m sure you get plenty of attention with that lovely horse face and that Michelin tire man shaped body. Who wouldn’t look at you?”

  “Horse face? Michelin tire man? That the best you got, Barbie? What are you, like twelve?”

  “A hood rat with a sense of humor. Boy, Raven, you can surely pick them.”

  “You can talk shit until you’re blue in the face, Amber, that doesn’t change the fact that HE’S MINE.”

  “With those looks, good luck in keeping him.”

  Raven slammed the door shut, making both women jump and yelp. He opened it again, slammed it a second time, then did it a third time. The sound echoed through the foyer like a gunshot.

  “Raven!” Naturi gasped.

  With his head lowered, he opened the door again, allowing the outside breeze to invade the space once more. Fire simmered along his skin, making him sweat pure rage. He didn’t dare glance toward the women. He didn’t want Naturi to see the rage in his eyes. “Miriam…” he breathed out on an exhausted sigh. “I asked you nicely. You weren’t listening.” He spoke slowly to stifle the agitation in his voice. “So, I will say it one more time, and if you make me repeat myself, you’re not going to like what I do next. Step outside. Now!”

  Chapter 30

  Game On

  “The fucking nerve,” Raven bit out, gripping Miriam’s arm. He forced her toward her car, making her high heels scramble across the concrete.

  “Ow, that hurts, Raven!” She yanked her arm away from him and rubbed at it. A purplish bruise formed on her delicate skin where he had grabbed her. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

  He’d only known Miriam for a little over a week. In that short time, he learned she was a manipulative little bitch. She liked to play dumb. That way she didn’t have to claim responsibility for the shady shit she did.

  “You know damn well what’s wrong with me. That shit you said to Naturi back there—disrespecting her like that—”

  “You expect me to be nice to her, the woman who broke your heart? Pul-leeze…” Disdain colored her tone as she flipped her hair from her shoulder. “Honestly, the way you were going on about her, I expected her to be a Beyoncé, or a JLo, but after seeing what she looks like—”

  “Insult her one more time. Do it. I dare you,” he growled, clenching his jaw so hard he gave himself an instant headache. “I have the right mind to slap you down where you stand, woman.”

  “Slap me?” An impish spark flashed in her gaze. “Mm, that sounds kinda kinky.”

  Jaw clenched, he slammed his fist into her car, denting the rear side panel.

  “Raven!” Scuttling toward him, she gaped at the indention in the metal. “Jesus! Are you crazy? This is a rental!”

  “In case you haven’t noticed, I’m fucking livid! And I’m not in the mood for your childish games. If you know what’s good for you, you would leave right fucking now, and never come here again.”

  A look of confusion and sadness washed across her face. Her breasts swelled as her breathing quickened. “You’re being so damn mean to me, when I was the one who dried your tears…”

  “You think I wanna be mean to you? I’m not this guy! But look at how you’re acting. More so, look at where you are!” He spread his hands out, motioning toward his property. “This shit isn’t cool, Miriam.”

  For a long moment, she just stared at him. “You can’t blame me for being a little salty about this. Today was our meet up day.”

  “Wrong! Last time I saw you, I told you our little rendezvous was over. Do you recall that meeting?”

  “I’m sorry, baby, I don’t…” She fixed a smile on her face. Smoothing her hands over her hourglass frame, she approached him. “I don’t recall that at all.”

  My God, this woman is mental. He shook his head. “Miriam, I don’t have time for this bullshit, so I’m gonna cut to the meat of the matter. I don’t care why you’re here. I don’t even care how you got my address. What I do care about is that woman in there,” he said, leveling a finger toward the house. “I don’t know what delusions you have about what we shared, but let me be crystal fucking clear, this was nothing more than a fling.”

  The smile slowly drained from her lips.

  “You were a means to satisfy my physical needs, and I was a means to satisfy yours. Nothing more.” Once again, he kept his voice steady, and his words straightforward. “You knew as well as I did that this thing between us had an expiration date. We talked about it on many occasions.”

  “So, you think you can just throw me away?” she snapped.

  “Miriam, don’t…”

  “Is that what you think?” Tears filled her eyes.

  Briefly closing his eyes, Raven dipped his head back and huffed out a sigh. “Jesus Christ, woman. You’re married. Stop making this out to be something it’s not.”

  Lashes fluttering, she blinked rapidly then thrust her chin forward and pursed her lips. “You know I have a friend who specializes in peering into people’s backgrounds. He dropped a little surprise in my inbox last week. I know who you are, or who you used to be anyway. I used to wonder why a man as gorgeous as you are didn’t post any pictures of himself on social media. Now I know why. You don’t want anyone to know about the new life you’ve made for yourself here in the good ole’ US of A. Wonder what your fans would think.” A self-satisfied smirk slanted her lips. “Do you think the Asian community would approve of you shacking up with some black American girl—one who looks like she’s nowhere near to being in your league? I bet they would have a field day with that information. You know better than I do that social media could destroy someone. Since she’s so important to you, I suggest you rethink our arrangement.”

  Is this bitch for real? Raven eyed her with one brow cocked. “Stop, and think carefully, Miriam. Are you sure you wanna take that route? Once you go down that road with me, there’s no turning back.”

  “Look, I’m not done with you, and you’re not done with me. I don’t just give my body to anyone. So, this thing between us isn’t over. Yo
ur little chocolate bunny in there doesn’t have to know about us. It’ll be our little secret. Now, as I said earlier, I made reservations at that French restaurant downtown. You remember the location, yes? Dinner is at seven. I expect to see you there.” She tapped him on the nose, with a smile, then rounded the car to the driver’s side. “Don’t be late, baby.”

  “Alright,” he nodded, completely at his wits’ end. “Game on.” He pulled out his phone, type in the word Camelot, then hit Send. “Since you’re intent on including me in this little game of yours, I’ll play along.”

  ‘Gotcha, boss,’ came a quick text reply.

  Miriam paused and peered at him over the car. Her eyes shifted, her posture changed. “What did you just do?”

  “I sent a text message.”

  “To who?”

  “To someone who could possibly ruin you.” He watched anxiety claim her expression. “You really think you’ve got me all figured out, don’t you… Timothy Bellucci?”

  Those pretty emerald eyes stretched wide in horror.

  “Does your husband know? Do your friends know? Do your associates know? I guess not. You see, you’re not the only one with Sherlock Holmes tendencies, sweetheart. You’re also not the only one with friends and connections. Only thing is, I have a lot more friends than you, with a reach that expands across the globe. Twenty percent of the guys who work with me are—let’s say, resourceful. They could ruin your life with a few simple keystrokes. Although we were brief lovers, I had hoped you would respect me enough not to put me in this situation, but here we are…”

  A ringtone sounded from her phone. She frantically snatched it from her purse. Gaping at the screen, she let out a strangled scream.

  “I don’t give a shit what you do to me, but if you fuck with Naturi, or dare to utter her name with such disdain again, I will level your existence. Trust me, you don’t want to test me on that account.” Moving around the car, he approached her.

  She scrambled back and nearly tripped.

  “I suggest you go back to your hotel room and really think this through. Better yet, sleep on it. If you wake up in the morning and you’re still salty about this, you go ahead and pull that trigger. In return, I’ll pull mine.” He pulled the driver’s side door open. “Get in.”


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