in Mediterranean, 65–68
raids on Japanese shipping in Singapore Harbor, 145–146
British Navy
interest in LARU, 29
Italian underwater attack on, 5–8
British POWs, 162–163
Browne, Jack, 25–26, 28, 30, 31, 32–33
Bruckner, Hans, 206
Buchleitner (butcher), Dupont mission and, 158, 160–161
Burke, Arleigh, 237
invasion of, 145
Operational Swimmer Group and, 146
reconnaissance in, 141–143
Burrfish (submarine), 134–135, 137–138
OSS use of, 56–57, 60, 62
unreliability of, 68
Cairo OSS headquarters
Hayden and, 48–51
Taylor and, 47, 48–49
Tofte and, 51–53
Camp Pendleton, 74
Cape Rodoni (Albania), 109
Caprice missions, 146, 227–228
Caprice V, 227–228
Carpenter, Emmet, 137–138
Carroll, F. Michael, 132
Carroll, Madeleine, 241
Casablanca Conference, 53
Catalina Island, training on, 74, 76
C-53D Skytrooper plane, 91–93
Operational Swimmer Group II and, 79
Operational Swimmer Group III and, 146
Cheduba Island, 145
Choate, Arthur, 78, 124, 135, 136n
Chrislow, John, 127–128
Churchill, Winston, 53–54, 67
Civilian Conservation Corps, 17
Clark, James E., 133
Clark, Mark, 184, 215
Clear Springs (Florida), training at, 39
COI. See Coordinator of Information (COI)
Combat swimmers
in England, 131–134
in Pacific, 134–147
See also Operational Swimmer Groups; Underwater Swimmer Group (USG)
Albanian, 95, 112, 113
control of Mauthausen concentration camp, 230–231
Company D, of Maritime Unit
Allied offensive in Italy and, 215, 216
Ligurian Coast mines and, 195–197
sabotage of Livorno harbor and capture of Decima MAS frogmen, 175–181
Compass, luminous, 26
Concentration camps
Dachau, 203, 232, 233–235
slave laborers at, 172, 206, 208–209
trials, 232, 233–235
See also Mauthausen concentration camp
Congressional Country Club (Bethesda, Maryland), 52
Container School, 154
Cooky, Nick R., 103
Coolidge, Calvin, 9
Coordinator of Information (COI), 8–14
departments, 12
recruitment for, 11–12
See also Office of Strategic Services (OSS)
Corfu, 109
Counter-intelligence (X-2), 11, 12
Angleton and, 120–121
Cousteau, Jacques, 24n
Covert night-landing operation, 21
Crematorium, Mauthausen, 209–211
C-47 transport plane, 91, 91n
Cultural awareness, OSS and, 63n
cummings, e. e., 120
Dachau Concentration Camp, 203, 232, 233–235
Daniel, John Franklin, III (“Pete,” “Duck”), 60, 65
Das Boot (film), 146
David Taylor Model Basin (Maryland), 38
Decima MAS (Decima Flottiglia Mezzi d’Assalto), 5–8
capture of limpeteers in Livorno Bay, 175–177, 179
integrating into Maritime Unit, 115–124
members joining German cause, 176–177
MTM explosive craft, 123–124
See also Gamma men; San Marco Battalion
Demonstration film, Underwater Swimmer Group, 41, 44
de Noon, Betty Ann, 241
DESCO. See Diving Equipment and Salvage Company (DESCO)
Deserter-Volunteers (DVs), 151–152
Dien, Isabella or Carlotta, 208
Diga Di Marzocco lighthouse, 175
Disney, Walt, 250
Diving Equipment and Salvage Company (DESCO), 25, 33
Diving mask, test of Browne’s, 25–26, 28, 31–32
Dixon, B. A., 198–199
Donovan, William J. (“Wild Bill”), 3
approval of Underwater Swimmer Group, 33
communication from Zogists, 112
creation of COI/OSS and, 9–14
death of, 250
deployment of Operational Swimmer Groups and, 78
establishment of Maritime Unit, 39–40
Hayden and, 50, 51
Kelly plan and, 124
life after war, 250
obsession with Mediterranean, 48
thanking Smith, 101
the Toy and, 38
Underwater Demolition Team program and, 134
Dr. Strangelove (film), 240–241
Dukati (Albania), 103
Dulles, Allen W., 217
Duncan, Robert J. H.
Clear Springs training and, 39
Fort Pierce training and, 41–43
Silver Springs training and, 43, 44
Underwater Swimmer Group and, 33–37
Dupont mission, 151–173
capture by Gestapo, 164–165
insertion and intelligence gathering, 155–164
preparation for, 151–154
Durand de la Penne, Luigi, 5–8
DVs. See Deserter-Volunteers (DVs)
Eagle mission, 248
OSS in, 47–57
Taylor in, 47, 48–49, 53, 54–57
Eighth Army, offensive in Italy, 215
Eighth Army Detachment, 184–190
Allied offensive in Italy and, 215, 216
Bionda mission, 187–189
Gina mission, 189
Maritime Unit and, 181
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 54, 91n, 250
Eliot, T. S., 120
Ellen, Ward Evelyn, 23, 106
air raid on Bari and, 89
as Area D instructor, 19–20
delivery of P-584, 86
Kelly plan and, 122–123
life after war, 247
Lupo mission and, 180–181
mine explosion on Ligurian Coast and, 197
P-583 and, 128
rescue of American nurses in Albania and, 104
return to States, 216
supplying Yugoslav partisans on Vis, 99
Enzo, Mini, 129–130
Gamma men, 118–119, 123
Maritime Unit, 131, 133, 134, 235–236
Underwater Swimmer Group, 37–39
Eubanks, James, 74, 144
“Fabulous Five,” 216
Face masks, 118
Fairbairn, William Ewart (“Dan,” “Shanghai Buster”), 52, 53
Famagusta (Cyprus), 60
Fane, Douglas (“Red Dog”), 236–237
Fins, 118, 119, 136
First Army, Hayden and, 198–199
Fleming, Ian, 119n
“Flying Mattresses,” 131
Force #133, 78
Fort Pierce (Florida), Underwater Swimmer Group training at, 41–43
France, invasion of, 53
Frank, John, 29
Gamma men, 5–8
equipment, 24n, 118–119, 123
rebreather, 24n
training of, 117–118
See also Decima MAS (Decima Flottiglia Mezzi d’Assalto)
Garrone, Anelo, 187–188, 189
Gas chamber, 210–211, 235
General Order Number 9, 39
Geneva Convention, 169
attack on Bari, 87–89
executing Mauthausen prisoners, 211–212, 221, 230, 234–235
interception of C-53D Skytrooper plane, 92–93
> surrender in Italy, 217
top-floor prisoners, 172
treatment of POWs, 162–163, 169–173
arrest and interrogation of agent Stella, 192–193
Mortzinplatz IV, 170–173, 201–202
torture by, 181
Gina mission, 189
Giulio Cesare (battleship), 226
Goering, Hermann, 233
Gothic Line
gathering intelligence on, 189
missions against, 129–130
San Marco commandos and, 125–126
Grant (Austrian DV)
Dupont mission and, 153–154, 158, 161, 164
escape from Nazis, 221
in Gestapo custody, 171
as prisoner of war, 202
Greece, OSS intelligence gathering in, 48
“The Greek Desk,” 48
Green Berets, 3n, 52, 142, 237
Guantanamo Bay (Cuba), underwater training at, 75–78
Guenther, C. B., 48, 55, 57, 70–71
Gustafson, Gloria E., 241
Gutterfighting, 52
Hamilton, John. See Hayden, Sterling
Hawaii, deployment of Operational Swimmer Group I to, 78
Hayden, Madeleine, 51
Hayden, Sterling
air raid on Bari and, 88–89
based in Bari, 81–82
in Egypt, 48–51, 53
First Army and, 198–199
intelligence gathering in Adriatic, 97–99, 104–106
life after war, 240–241
replaced in Yugoslav supply operations, 106
rescue of nurses in Albania and, 94–97, 102
Samothrace and, 56
supplying Yugoslav partisans, 57, 70–71, 82, 83, 85–86
Hearn, George, 127, 216–217
Heisenberg, Werner, 185
High-speed boats, arrival of, 70
HMS Jarvis (destroyer), 8
HMS Queen Elizabeth (battleship), 7, 8
HMS Valiant (battleship), 6–8
Holocaust, 162
Honduras, Lost City of the Monkey God, 178
Hoover, Herbert, 9
Hull, Cordell, 112
Human Terrain Teams, 63n
Hvar, 97
Insulin, procuring on Turkish black market, 63, 65
Intelligence analysis, 11
Intelligence gathering
in Adriatic, 97–99, 104–106
blending with special operations, 21
Dupont mission and, 155–164
in Greece, 48
in Pacific, 134–135, 137–138, 139, 141–143, 144, 146, 226–227
See also Missions/operations
Irene (caïque), 60
ISIS. See Italian Secret Intelligence Service (ISIS)
Italians, loyalties after leaving Axis, 67
Italian Secret Intelligence Service (ISIS), 121
Allied offensive in, 215–217
area of operations, 84, 157
Ligurian Coast operations, 195–197
surrender of German forces in, 217
surrender to Allies, 82
Taylor and Maritime Unit in (see Bari [Italy])
underwater combat swimming (see Decima MAS)
Ivosevitch, Voyeslav, 82, 106
Jacinto, Kapo, 209
Jodl, Alfred, 233
John Harvey (freighter), 87–88
Kamp, James J., 132
Karavostosi, 78
Kauffman, Draper, 42–43
Kayaks, 13, 20, 38, 141, 142, 144, 145
Kelly, Richard M.
deactivation of Maritime Unit and, 216
life after war, 241
missions, 181
Morde and, 178
Operation Ossining I and, 125–126
pursuit of Kelly Plan, 115–116
success of unit, 186, 189
training San Marco Battalion, 122–124
Kelly Plan, 115–124
Ossining operations, 125–128
Packard mission, 129–130
Kennedy, John F., 237–238
Kenworthy, Robert, 139–140
Kesselring, Albert, 215–216
Kleni (caïque), 62
Korcula, 97–98
Korean War, underwater combat and, 237
battle on, 62–63
fall to Axis, 68
raid on, 54
Kosiek, Albert J., 222–224, 230
Koulias, Charles N., 36, 37
Krajcovic, Vojtech, 208, 212
Kupi, Abaz, 112–113
Kyaukpyu, OSS in, 144
Lambertsen, Christian, 3, 24n
awards, 242–243
death of, 243
LARU and, 26–30, 144–145, 236–237
life after war, 242–243
Operational Swimmer Group II and, 79, 142–143, 144–145
swimmer groups’ development and, 73
testing LARU after the war, 236–237
Lambertsen Amphibious Respiratory Unit (LARU)
after the war, 235, 236
demonstration for Kauffman, 42–43
demonstration of Woolley, 2–3
description of, 29
development of, 26–28
enhancing, 144–145
OSS selection of, 32–33
problems in cold water, 133
Underwater Demolition Teams and, 136
for Underwater Swimmer Group, 33
Legion of Merit, awarded Woolley, 243–247
Leros (Greece), 63, 65
fall to Axis, 67–68
Leyte, 140–141
Lichtman, Alfred, 44, 179
Ligurian Coast, 195–197
Limpeteers, in Livorno bay, 175–177
Limpet mines, 39
“The Little Pearl Harbor,” 88
Livorno (Italy), underwater sabotage in, 175–177, 179
Local language experts, need for, 142
London, L-unit, 131–133
Lovell, Stanley, 26, 43
Lung, Browne’s, 25–26, 28, 31–32
L-Unit, 73n, 131–134
Lupo (“Wolf”) mission, 180–181
Lusitainia (passenger ship), 25
Lysander training, 154
MacArthur, Douglas, 135
MacMahon, John, 137–138
Maiali (pigs), 5, 7
Malacarne, Bruno Oswaldo, 176
Maletto, Antonio, 187, 188
Maribel (cabin cruiser), 15–16, 19
Maritime Authority, 13
Underwater Swimmer Group and, 33–40
Maritime School, 13–14
Maritime Unit (MU)
Allied offensive in Italy and, 215–217
Area D, 17–21, 36–37
caïque fleet, 56–57
Caprice V mission, 227–228
of Company D, 175–181, 195–197, 215, 216
covert night-landing operation, 21
deactivation of, 227
disbandment of, 232
equipment, 131, 133, 134, 235–236
establishment of, 12, 39–40
ferrying operatives from England to France, 131–134
focus on Pacific following end of war in Europe, 226–228
increasing military structure of, 124
integrating Decima MAS into, 115–124
life of members after war, 239–250
mines on Ligurian Coast and, 195–197
Morde and, 177–179
need for training boats, 15–16
Operation Picnic, 109–113
operations in Pacific, 141–146, 226–228
parachute insertion and, 69
rescue of American nurses in Albania, 93–97, 102–104
Samos mission, 59–63
supplying Yugoslav partisans, 57, 69–71, 82–86, 106–107, 128
training facility in Egypt, 54–55
Underwater Demolition Team program and, 135–136
Marsyl (boat), 16, 19, 37
p; Martellini, Capt., 191, 192
Mary B. (caïque), 62, 63, 65–67
Maryk, 94
MAS (Torpedo Armed Motor Boat), 67
Mauthausen concentration camp, 202–203, 205–214
Communist control of, 230–231
conditions at, 207–209, 212
crematorium at, 209–211
death toll following liberation, 231
execution of prisoners, 211–212, 221, 230, 234–235
film crew documentation of, 229–230
gas chamber at, 210–211, 235
liberation of, 219–224
prisoners’ trust of Taylor as American, 213
recruitment for SS at, 214
Mauthausen-Gusen Camp Trials, 232, 233–235
May, Col., 65–67
McConnell, Catherine Devine, 241
McCulloch, John B., 151–153
Dupont mission and, 155–156
McFadden, George (“Daffy”), 55–56
ME-102 course, 154
Mediterranean area of operations
Churchill and, 53–54
Kos, 62–63
map, 61
Samos, 59–63
Mersa Matruh (Egypt), 55
Mess, Walter, 143–144, 147
Mihailovic, Draza, 69
“Mincemeat” (disinformation operation), 54
Mines, Ligurian Coast and, 195–197
Bionda, 187–189
Caprice, 146, 227–228
Dupont, 151–173
Eagle, 248
Gina, 189
against Gothic Line, 129–130
Lupo, 180–181
Operation Audrey, 82–86
Operation Betty, 132
Operation Cincinnati, 75–78
Operation Ossining 1, 125–126
Operation Ossining 3, 127–128
Operation Ossining 4, 128
Operation Ossining 5, 128
Operation Picnic I, 109–113
Operation Sugarloaf 2, 146
Packard, 129–130
PIA, 216
Samos, 59–63
MO. See Morale and Operations (MO); Morale Operations (MO)
Monopoli (Italy) maintenance base, 86, 89, 99
Montanino, Giuseppe, 187, 188
Monte Cassino, fighting around, 185
Monteleone, Frank, 185, 185n
life after war, 249
Morale and Operations (MO), 153
Morale Operations (MO), 12
Morde, Ted
death of, 242
as executive officer of Company D in Italy, 177–179, 195–196, 197
life after war, 241–242
in Pacific, 226–227
Morgan, Charles, 7–8
Mortzinplatz IV Gestapo (Vienna), 170–173, 201–202
Motorized Submersible Canoe, 134
MTM explosive craft, 123
MU. See Maritime Unit (MU)
Mustard agent, 87–88
Nationalists (Ballists), 95–96, 102–103
Navy Cross, awarded to Jack Taylor, 239–240
Nimitz, Chester, 135
Novorossiysk (battleship), 226
Nuremberg Trials, 233
Mauthausen death books and, 231
O’Donnell, Patrick K., 248
Office of Strategic Services (OSS)
First SEALs Page 25