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Forever Page 1

by Wanda Boyd

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1 - Cecilia

  Chapter 2 - Ignatius

  Chapter 3 - Cecilia

  Chapter 4 - Ignatius

  Chapter 5 - Cecilia

  Chapter 6 - Ignatius

  Chapter 7 - Cecilia

  Chapter 8 - Ignatius

  Chapter 9 - Cecilia

  Chapter 10 - Ignatius

  Chapter 11 - Cecilia

  Chapter 12 - Ignatius

  Chapter 13 - Cecilia

  Chapter 14 - Ignatius

  Chapter 15 - Cecilia

  Chapter 16 - Ignatius

  Chapter 17 - Cecilia

  Chapter 18 - Ignatius

  Chapter 19 - Cecilia

  Chapter 20 - Ignatius

  Chapter 21 - Cecilia

  Chapter 22 - Ignatius

  Chapter 23 - Cecilia

  Chapter 24 - Ignatius

  Chapter 25 - Cecilia

  Chapter 26 - Ignatius

  Chapter 27 - Cecilia

  Chapter 28 - Ignatius

  Chapter 29 - Cecilia

  Chapter 30 - Ignatius

  Chapter 31 - Cecilia

  Chapter 32 - Ignatius

  Chapter 33 - Cecilia

  Chapter 34 - Ignatius

  Chapter 35 - Cecilia

  Chapter 36 - Ignatius

  Chapter 37 - Cecilia

  Chapter 38 - Ignatius

  Chapter 39 - Cecilia

  Chapter 40 - Ignatius

  Chapter 41 - Cecilia

  Chapter 42 - Ignatius

  Chapter 43 - Cecilia

  Chapter 44 - Ignatius

  Chapter 45 - Cecilia

  Chapter 46 - Ignatius



  Copyright © 2017 Wanda Boyd

  Cover: John Ferris

  All rights reserved.

  The copying of the material contained in this issue without the consent of the author. This book is the result of the author's imagination and none of the characters and events depicted in it have any equivalent in real life.


  Ignatius is broken. His great love was gone, carrying in her womb proof of how much they loved. No clues to where she might have gone and afraid to make a hasty decision that future harm a reconciliation, he spends his days embittering abandonment, sleeping with all the women of the city and praying that one day she, the queen of your heart, return to it.

  Cecilia is an incomplete woman. After suffering an accident and lose memory, she struggles to follow his normal life, although everything in your body, your mind and your heart cry out that something is wrong. After moving to a city in search of professional success, it proves that the destination has its ironies, to realize that all of the city to know and come across the beautiful, sexy, but embittered man who claims to be her husband.

  Two undocked pieces amid a puzzle that they have to struggle to mount.

  When the mind does not remember the past, you can recognize your love through the heart?

  Chapter 1 - Cecilia

  I do not remember exactly when my life changed, all I know is that one day, when I opened my eyes in the hospital, they told me that my name was Cecilia Avila. I do not know how much of that is true, I can not remember anything of the past.

  The only explanation I got was that I had an accident and I was a month in a medically induced coma, so that my body and my brain to recover from the accident.

  Simple questions like who I was, my age, years in which we were or who was the couple next to me, could not answer. The only explanation I got out with the doctors who had amnesia, the problem was that they could not guarantee how long it would look like.

  Five years have passed, five long years of the accident and, even then, nothing came back.

  I still do not know who I am, or who are the people next to me. The ones that really recognize are those that befriended me after the accident.

  I look every day for the couple who claim to be my parents, but I can not really believe it. I get a strange feeling in the chest, that there is a lie in all this, but can not figure out what it is. Adelaide and Elisha Avila were two unknown to me. Despite seeing some photos we were together, I could not get comfortable around them.

  I've tried to force my memory to return, but she does not want to cooperate with me.

  During those five years, I could study and finally get my animal science degree. My parents - or whoever they are - wanted I graduated as a lawyer or doctor. But my heart always called me to the animals.

  In the first few classes, I first felt that something was right. And my certainty came true when I treated a horse for the first time. He was aloof, would not let anyone approach. Feeling an impulse he did not know where it came from, I talked to him, stuck out my hand and let him smell me. Ten minutes later, I got it, being guided by the teacher treat leg of the horse.

  See the relief in his eyes, almost gratitude, was the incentive to study more comfortable yet.

  So now, two weeks after getting my diploma, I'm waiting for my friend at a coffee shop, I have a proposal to make and hope, heart, she accepted.

  - Cecilia? - Marilia calls of the cafeteria door and give a smile to her. - Sorry I'm late, I got a horrible traffic.

  As we lived practically on opposite sides of the city of São Paulo, one always ended up delaying.

  - Okay, the important thing is to come.

  - What so wanted me to talk? I was curious.

  - Mari, I made a decision. I go to the interior of São Paulo - speak and she is not understanding.

  Marilia Machado was from a good family, they had enough money so that she did not work, but the father insisted that she should work and conquer the world for his legs. It was not because he had a large law firm in the city, she could beat him at the mall all day. He admired the thought of Mr. and Mrs. Machado. Mari was an amazing lady, kindhearted, gentle and affectionate. A little crazy at times, but it just made me even more loved.

  - What will you do in São Paulo?

  - I decided to set up an office for rural counseling. We could work for the farms, with guidance on the soil, feed, animal breeding and genetic improvement of animals.

  - But why inside? You can do this here, working for a large company.

  - I want to have daily contact with animals, especially horses, I work outdoors, not inside a factory.

  - You really love these animals, is not it? - She asks with a smile. My passion for horses has never been a mystery to teachers and classmates. But it was a love I did not know where it came from.

  - Master. And so I will move out.

  - I miss you - she says excitedly.

  - That's just it, I want to come with me.

  - I? - She asks confused.

  - Of course. I need a partner.

  - You want me to be your partner? - Screams and the whole cafeteria looks at us.

  - You do not want?

  - Amiga, of course I accepted. My father was talking about giving a money I invest in something. With the money he will give, I'm sure that inside we have a tip clinic.

  - I do not have much money to give ...

  - You go to work, do not worry. And another, my father loves you, I'm sure you will not mind to help us. Have you decided the city?

  - I was looking at the map of Sao Paulo, has a town called Barra Bonita, has six thousand inhabitants, and the main, it has rodeos every year and is part of the state rodeos schedule. That is, has horses, and many farms in the area, many of them working with beef cattle, dairy and selling horses. And I tell my parents that I had a grandmother named Daisy, who lived in a nearby town, 10km from Barra Bonita, so I think it would be the perfect place - lively talk.

  - And if you have horses, cowboys have those delicious, right? - She asks with a raised eye
brow and laugh.

  She did not hide the enchantment that had the men. In the five years I've known her, I have seen many men go through your life, never dated seriously all this time, she said she had not found the right guy and therefore would have fun.

  Already I could not let a man approached, I have received numerous invitations to leave, they had men who wanted to stay with me, but never worked. When I tried for the first - and eventually became the only time - kissing someone, I felt dizzy, sick one, as if it were right. I could not understand what was happening to me, but my body and my mind would not let me relate me with a man. So therefore, followed single. I did not know whether before the accident I had kissed someone, or even had sex. But I knew that my body would not let that happen now.

  My hope was that finally the right guy came along and my body cooperate.

  - I do not know, but it can be so. - Pisco to her laughing.

  - All right, Ceci, I trust you that this city is the right place. Let's go to my father's office to talk to him? The sooner we solve everything faster start our business.


  Mr. Stephen looks at me and the daughter wordlessly, we explained our plans for the clinic and now expected his answer. All the way to Avenida Paulista where his office was the, we talked about what we wanted in our own business.

  - Are you sure you want to go inside?

  - Despite a large company pay well, we have our own father's business.

  - In this you are right. - He sighs and then grins. - I agree with you. I will provide the capital to start, but will have to manage everything themselves later.

  - Thank you, Mr. Stephen.

  - No need to thank Cecilia, I know how you two have struggled in college. I wish good luck in this new phase.


  As I knew my parents would not approve the idea, I started going every day to the home of Mari to solve all about the clinic.

  To our luck, we got in touch with a real estate agent who sent photos of the places available for purchase. What we liked most was a building in which the bottom part had four rooms plus a bathroom. And the top was an apartment. Then we could live and manage the office in one place.

  Exactly three weeks later, we dispatch the truck with all the necessary furniture for the office and our furniture from the apartment and said goodbye parents of Mari.

  My parents, when they heard, created case and wanted to forbid me. As I am of age and own my own nose, I put my foot down, I packed my things and left the house. By guarantee, I did not say where he was going, but they would be there every day, tormenting and trying to get me back home.

  We entered the truck that won Mari parents. According to them, in a country town, caring for large animals, a large car would be necessary. And let us toward Bonita.

  I could not contain my excitement as the kilometers were decreasing to our destination. My heart beat faster, and my hands were sweating.

  - I hope it works out - Mari says, looking at the road.

  - Of course it will work. We are great animal husbandry.

  - You're right. Nothing negative thinking. - She shakes her head and laugh.

  We entered the city and look at all anxious.

  A monument to the city is the first thing that we, the GPS guides the way and we will looking at everything carefully.

  - Turn left at two hundred meters - the GPS tells Mari and obey, look at our new street and open a smile.

  - We arrived.

  Mari park the car in front of the building, and a man out of there to greet us.

  - Good afternoon, I am of the estate.

  - Good afternoon - we respond together.

  - Here are the keys if you need anything, just call me.

  We entered lively in what would be our office and look at every corner, defining where would every thing. In addition to counseling, we would sell specialized feed for each animal, then we would have a room to store rations, medicines, agricultural products and others.

  The truck driver warns that come in half an hour, so we decided to take our bags to the apartment. To our luck, he was already practically furnished, so we brought a few things into the truck.

  Mari chooses her room and go to what would be my new room. It is not big, but has its own bathroom, the window faces the street. The bed is next to the window, so I can sit on it, admiring the scenery. How did not have a building in front of ours, I could see in the distance the pastures from the nearest city farms.

  - I loved the place. - Mari speaks, playing on my bed.

  - Me too. I can not wait to start.

  We had decided that we would open in two days, so give time to pack up and get to know the city.

  I see through the window the truck approaching and rushed to unload things.

  Even with two men from the moving truck, unload tables and appliances proved to be an arduous task.

  - Want help? - I hear someone ask and try to turn me to the owner of the voice.

  - Thanks. - I give a smile to the boy standing with three other friends.

  They take a step forward and remove the table that Mari and I tried to load into the building. With their help, it would take hours, eventually becoming one.

  - Thanks, guys - Mari speaks and looks at their pawn outfit. - Do you have horses?

  - We do have Dona - one of them responds.

  - So as a thank you, the first appointment for you will be free. If need is only appear - she talks and they open a smile.

  - Thank you very much.

  We spent the rest of the day organizing everything and almost the last night nine finished.

  - Its beautiful. - I take a lively little jump and Mari hold me.

  - I can not believe we have our own office.

  - Now we are missing a few things to solve. - I'm going to the couch in the waiting room and picked up a notebook I left there earlier. - Our cards are ready, are upstairs in the apartment. The propaganda leaflets also. - Risk list items and she sits next to me. - Now we need to hire a receptionist and I think it would be good to get someone to clean it up, what do you think?

  - I agree, so she could clean down here and the apartment.

  - Okay, let's put a little sign on the clinic window and wait.

  Mari runs into one of the offices to the poster have to and go to the sidewalk.

  Take a deep breath the fresh air of the city and close my eyes.

  For the first time in my life, I felt that things were fine. It seemed to have found my place in the world.

  I do not remember anything, absolutely anything before waking up in the hospital. But the feeling of loneliness, abandonment, have an incomplete part of my body and my mind begins to decrease.

  - Ready. - Mari leaves the clinic and see the plaque is already attached. - Let's have dinner?

  I agree with her and went up to the apartment, we had pike to go out to eat out, luckily we buying some food in São Paulo and brought the car.

  While Mari prepares noodles to eat, I take a bath. Let the hot water run through my body and wash not only my skin but also my soul. There was more that couple bossing each step I took, was the owner of my own business. Now all that remained was to find the piece that was missing in me.

  I just did not know where he was.

  Chapter 2 - Ignatius

  Warm! Too hot!

  This is the sensation that runs down my throat as I swallow the full-bodied liquid. I accepted the challenge that everybody in the neighborhood launched, in which we should all take tequila shots together. Who could endure more, win a crate of beer each participating colleague in addition to the official title of "Alpha Male" city.

  While it is a stupid joke, every guy likes to be recognized among friends as the most badass, the bravest. So I have taken my sixth dose and already desclassifiquei five partners.

  Diogo and Canoa, my closest friends, are the ones who still compete with me.

  - You sure you want to continue? I am far from my limit, you will go wrong - Canoe bluffs, an
d I know it because who speaks very little does. I'm still not at my limit, but keep this information because I will be happy to see each of them go wrong. Who sent to play with fire? Or rather, make a fire?

  - Have more Suzi! - Diogo asks and Suzanna follows, filling glasses with three shots of tequila and handing each of us. He turns his dose, I turn mine, and we both watch the canoe, still looking at his full glass.

  - You can not blame a man for trying. - He shrugs and with a sheepish smile, says: - I do not take it there or to Jennifer Lopez to materialize in front of me and beg.

  I look Diogo and he looks at me seriously, in a silent challenge.

  - Do you want to continue? Are you sure it will not put the guts out? - Rio internally but without changing my facial expression. I want to stay serious and focused the eyes of all. Although I am beginning to feel my stomach turn.

  - Suzi, send the next! - I practically command and she, as always, obey me. She is one of my peguetes city. I'm not a guy to date. My heart has been broken and is permanently closed, and I have neither the intention nor the disposition required to maintain a single woman in my life. So I divide my time between several, making it clear that I am a public property, not private. They all accepted my conditions, but I feel that Suzanna is starting to bother with it. I think she's starting to fall in love and will soon have to stop using your body to my carnal satisfaction. But it will not be a difficult task for me, although it has a phenomenal body and a talented mouth for certain pleasures. Well, maybe I even feel your lack a little, after all.

  Once we are served the next dose, and I Diogo turned at once. I feel I am on the verge of passing out. Swallowing the last drop, I give a male crying, screaming my conquest and hit the glass on the table. Diogo repeated my gesture, but then his feature closes and your skin gets a greenish tint. His mouth begins to gush an orange vomit, and pull away to not win remnants of this filth in my feet.

  - Damn, man! We were rooting for you! - The canoe and several other guys say to my friend who at the moment is extremely smelly.

  - Oh yes? It was a plot against me? For they have gone awry, will now have to swallow me as "Alpha Male". But as I'm good, I will organize a barbecue and divide with you all the beer I win.


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