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Forever Page 17

by Wanda Boyd

  According the next day with two people talking and look at the couch.

  - What are you up to? - I ask and Edgar smiles.

  - Nothing, honey. I was just explaining to Mari what would be the care when you go home. How is not with the cast, you will be able to shower normally but rather it feels like to not force the leg - talk and come to the bed. - The collar can also be removed, but should return soon after. You will need one week until it is removed completely.

  - Drugs - claim.

  Upon arriving home, Mari and Dagmar help me climb to the apartment and go to the couch to sit, I was tired of lying in bed.

  - I'm going down to work a little, if you need, just call on my phone and I climb.

  - You can be quiet - and talk it down.

  I turn on the TV and put on a movie to watch. Almost half of the film, I'm falling asleep, when the door opens and Fatima comes accompanied by Alana.

  - Hi, Ceci. - The Alana runs to the couch and give me a kiss on the cheek.

  - Hi.

  - I came to prepare a tasty lunch for you to help in your recovery. - Fatima explains the visit.

  - Not needed.

  - I needed, yes. You need to recover fast, before a then occupy its place. - The Alana angry speech.

  - As well?

  - Nothing, Ceci. The Alana is talking nonsense. I will prepare the lunch. Behave, Alana.

  - I always behave, Mom. - She rolls her eyes and laugh.

  Just forget the movie and I'm talking to Alana was about that time I was away. She tells about the school, the farm and on the canoe, she was really in love with him.

  - Alana, I ask a question? - I know it would be crazy to ask for a fifteen year old girl who was Ignatius, but had to risk.

  - Of course.

  - You know who I ...

  - Cecilia. - The doors open with everything and my mother enters the apartment.

  - Mother? - I ask incredulously, and she stops in the middle of the way and look at Fatima that came out of the kitchen.

  - Hi, Adelaide.

  - What are you doing here? - My mother screams nervous.

  - Taking care of my daughter. - And responds back to the kitchen.

  - She does not need you, she has a mother.

  - Mother? - Fatima asks indignantly and back to the room. - What mom? The same who just wants a daughter to garnish? A mother who hides the truth of it? That is not able to see how much his daughter suffers away from the man she loves?

  - She had a bright future ahead of him and his son was keen to end it all. - My mother says, pointing at her. - But what could be expected of this family is not? Nothing good can come from the Great.

  - It's not what you thought when rolled with him in the hay. - Fatima laughs.

  - I am a respectable woman.

  - Respect? - Fatima laughs. - I know you since we were kids, Adelaide. You never was about, you wanted a rich man, but as he did not think one was amused by all people of the region. The only Elisha was the idiot who took a round woman.

  - Wow, I never saw my mother talk so - Alana speaks to me and laughs.

  I look at the two women arguing and can not understand what is happening. What I could understand was that there was an old feud between them and, apparently, involved the Great and my father.

  - The Elysee is a decent man, right and wanted a life with me.

  - No, he's just an idiot who fell on their labia and Ceci had the misfortune to be born of you. I can not understand how such a good girl can have parents like you two.

  - I respect, your hick - my mother cries.

  - You are also hick, Adelaide, as far as I know, you were born here in Bonita, like me.

  - Get out of this house. - My mother points to the door and I get up.

  - It is - talk. - It's my house and she is my guest, who came here uninvited was you.

  - I'm your mother.

  - My mom? Do you really want that title? You do not care about me.

  - Of course I care.

  - Then why did you lie to your daughter? Why not tell her who is married? Why hide the death of her daughter?

  - I did not want her to suffer. And again, it was the chance of my daughter have the life she deserves. Cecilia deserves a doctor or a lawyer, even a great entrepreneur as a husband. And not a stinky pawn horse and sweat, poor man, who has nowhere to drop dead.

  - My brother is better than any doctor. He is honest and hardworking - Alana screams.

  - He is not able to support my daughter.

  - Am I decide that, Mother. Not you and my father. If I want a pawn husband, then I will have a pawn husband.

  - Only over my dead body - she replies.

  - You hid all the truth on purpose, did not you? - I ask.

  - I told you, it was his opportunity to have a better life.

  - And I do not stop to think that my memory could come back? - shout. - That I could remember my husband or my daughter?

  - If one day return, you would see that the life he was leading is better than the past.

  - You really believe that? - Fatima asks. - Love of two is stronger than any trick you or your husband.

  - It is so strong that she spent five years without remembering him and had not come back to this town of shit, would not know anything.

  - Get out of my house - cry.

  - I will not, I said ...

  - Go away - cry pointing to the door.

  - I will, but only because essazinha is here. - Points to Fatima. - I'll be back later to talk. - My mother turns her back and left the apartment.

  Manco to the wall, which I support, and Fatima approaches and hugs me.

  - I'm sorry, honey.

  - Am I have to apologize for my mother.

  -. No Never apologize for this woman. - It raises my face and smiles. - You have no fault to be her daughter.

  - Why do I feel that the fight between you is not only for my sake?

  - There is much more behind her marriage to Antonio. - She smile. - But now is not the time to talk about it. Will sit, I'm almost finished lunch.

  Back to the couch and I look for Alana, who shrugs. I could not understand what was happening. The little that has to understand is that my mother dated the Great, is that the whole fight is because of this ancient relationship?

  Chapter 30 - Ignatius

  - You there, you peãozinho Thursday! Come here, now - she says, pointing at me. I look at the direction of the ice cream shop and continue.

  - Janu's her name, is not it?

  - Yes. She is a sweet and immense heart woman.

  Not have time to answer before the "Chatelaide" poke me. I turn, and so I look at it, I feel a slap in the face.

  - That's for you to learn how to take care of your life and forget my daughter. Not enough to have ruined her life once, now you try to destroy everything again. She deserves more than you, your bowl half pauper.

  My blood boils and I realize that the whole ice cream shop is silent, waiting for my reaction. Insurance Adelaide shoulders and approach my face her, looking straight into her eyes, so she understands well the message that I give.

  - Listen, your unloved. First, I never ruined the life of his daughter. I tended carefully to her to be happier every day with me, day after day. If she did what she did, it was likely to be influenced by your poison, or have pulled their bad blood. Second, I'm not trying to ruin the life of his daughter. Even I have nothing more to it, as you can see it. - I raise my hand is intertwined to the Cybele and she finally notices that I am accompanied. His eyes esbugalham pleasure, but soon resume to normal, as I continue to speak. - If she is upset or unhappy, you have contributed to it, to hide Cicely who she really was and everything that happened. Third, you continue, year after year, calling me a pauper, even with our farm have enriched enough to be one of the largest state of the livestock farmers. Basically, I think this is elbow pain, or you think you do not know you and my father dated, but you kicked for being poor and changed by your hubby that was full of
money, but that failed you in less than ten years? - His face is red and looks like she's about to catch fire. - And fourth and finally, go to hell, you witch, which is where you deserve to be. I stand it only look at this its ugly head for so many years with respect to Cecilia, but always found you a repressed and unhappy girl. Good day!

  Pull Cybele to the other side of the ice cream shop, where the refrigerated counters with ice cream, when I start to hear a round of applause. All persons present in the ice cream shop up and began to applaud, and bruaca was so bland that gave a cry of rage and stomped out.

  - My God, you set off with her. I think she never steps here in shame.

  I look Cybele and caress your face gently.

  - I'm sorry to have to go through it. - She laughs and says:

  - Excuse me? Thank YOU. No novel I attended was as exciting as this discussion. Her face was priceless.

  We laugh and take our ice cream quietly. Then we strolled through the city, as we talked about our lives. I told all of my life to Cybele, and she listened intently without judging me. She told me things in your life, too, and I began to admire her even more. Unfortunately we had to immediately end our tour because she had to work, I left the hospital door, where we said goodbye with a slow, delicious kiss. It did not compare to the kisses that I exchanged with Cecilia, who were explosive and passionate, but I can not say it was bad. It was just different.

  She waved goodbye and went inside. I was about to leave when I saw Edgar.

  - Hey, Edgar! - I call him and he hesitates to see me. - Can we talk civilly?

  He looks at me in a different way, probably assimilating my offer. So he agrees and approaches. I get off the car, and meet halfway.

  - Is something wrong or you just want to hurt me again?

  - None of the - I say. Clean the throat and finally released: - I wanted to apologize for the rude way I treated you. You were right, I was jealous and a little envious of his approach to Cecilia. But as she and I we are still married, it is not the same person. It does not have our memories, she traced a new destination and love her too much, I can not stop her from following his path. I realized the care you have with her and noticed that your feelings are sincere. So you have my permission to whatever they are living. Just do not forget that if you hurt, you will suffer triple. I end up with race, you hear?

  He nods and after a silence weird where we stared at us, he finally extends his hand. I squeeze and thus sealed the peace.

  The next day, I woke up with my phone ringing.

  - Hello! -'ll Get it, fully aware that my voice hoarse denounce I'm sleeping.

  - Son, it's Mom! The detective Pieroni just said is collecting new evidence and once the dossier is complete, he will reveal the big news. I asked when he had come in such bombastic information, and he said he will complete all between twenty and thirty days.

  - Hey, what information he has that we do not already know? You are going over everything we found him? Wait ... is that Cecilia is lying regarding amnesia?

  - Do not believe it, son.

  - Yeah, I do not. Well, we can only wait.

  - Yes son. I just called you because I wanted to tell you soon and was too lazy to go up there now, and in a moment we meet to go to seek Luzia.

  - Well, now that I'm already awake, for me already I shower and I there to get you. I can get you in fifteen minutes?

  - Sure, son. I'm almost ready.

  - OK mother. Kisses!

  - Kisses! - She answers and I hang up.

  An hour later we were in the hospital, already in the room where Lucy was.

  - Hi, my boy! - She says, smiling to see me. - Hi, Fatima!

  - Hello, Luzi! - My mother says, going to her to hug her. Once they are separated, it is my turn to hug my great friend.

  - We came to the hospital the day before yesterday, but you were walking around. - I say jokingly. She laughs and says:

  - I learned a little bee came by and told me. I was doing some tests, when you came to visit me.

  - A little bee redhead and very pretty? - I ask.

  - Yes, one little bee redhead, beautiful and very friendly. Every time come here to make sure I'm okay. I'm almost feeling suffocated.

  We both laughed, and my mother frowned.

  - What is it, Mom?

  - I do not know if I like that story that you're dating someone else now that Cecilia returned.

  - Do you prefer me to be alone, suffering? The Ceci not want me, mother. She does not remember me, and the new Ceci does not love me.

  My mother grimaces of grief and come to embrace me as one of his hands caress my hair.

  - Do not be sorry for me, Mother. I'm overcoming it, thank God. And if you ask me, Cybele is a woman of good, fair and very affectionate. She's helping me a lot in this new phase of my life.

  In this, both my mother and the Luzi, look behind me and realize that we have company.

  - Very nice to know you think all this from me. - She smiled, and I imagine that my face should be the color of a chili. I approach her and say:

  - Cybele, this is my mother. Mother, this is the woman I was talking about.

  My mother looks at her for several seconds, probably assessing whether like it or not, and then finally she grins.

  - If my son likes you and you do well for him, so it's a pleasure to meet you.

  I am very happy to hear that, because I know how my mother is attached to Cecilia.

  - It is an honor to meet you, Mrs. Fatima.

  - Now that all have been properly presented, that this tell us if we ever take our cat home here - I say this by looking at Luzi and giving a wink. All laugh and Cybele finally gives us the good news.

  - Can yes, the doctor just to high. But she had a heart attack first, then you can not have great emotions or spend a lot of nervous. Avoid strenuous work is also required.

  - That we have imagined - my mother says.

  - But rest assured that I will not fail to prepare my delicacies. That the doctor released.

  As if it had been invoked, someone knocks on the door and a tall, gray-haired and family appears.

  - Good afternoon! I am the doctor and patient Luzia came to say goodbye patient. You are already ... - he sees me and seems to choke. - Yeah ... You are already taking home?

  - Do I know you from somewhere? - Ask, and he lowers his face and denies.

  - I do not think so. Well, I just came to see if the patient was well. I need to visit other patients.

  - Wait a minute ... you are the fair girl's father. What sold me the bull.

  He glances and nods.

  - Yes it's true. There was not recognized you. Well, I must go. - He opens the door, and I follow.

  - Wait ... how is Victoria? If you want you can take it to the farm for ...

  - It will not be necessary. Thank you very much! - He says rudely and comes striding.

  I feel a chill down your spine, while the watch go. Either this man is very funny or he's avoiding me, and I have the impression that it is the last of the options.

  Chapter 31 - Cecilia

  After the Fatima goes away and I'm alone, I try to process what happened there in my apartment.

  I could not imagine that my mother did not understand with Fatima. But also had the issue that did not know of the existence of Antonio and his family, until I moved to Bonita.

  - Hi, Ceci, how are you? - Mari enters the apartment and ugly look at her. - What's it?

  - Why did not you tell that my mother was coming up?

  - Your mother? - Asks incredulously and sits next to me. - I did not know, I see a horse and spent the whole day just outside the office. Paula should have allowed her to rise. But and there, talked to her?

  - He had as she entered and Fatima was here. The two began exchanging barbs, then drove out to my mother here.

  - Wow. And I lost? Bag. And now?

  - I'll call her and see if she comes back here to talk.

  - Good luck.


p; An hour later to call my mother, she returned to the apartment. As before, she entered without permission and was already sitting.

  - I do not think that allowed that woman was here.

  - That woman, as far as I know, my mother was here and taking care of me. As you can see, I am unable.

  - If he had stayed home, it would not.

  - What are you doing here mother?

  - As well? You call me saying that this is mixuruca city and asks what I'm doing here? I've come for you, of course, take it back home.

  - I will not. As far as I know, this is my home.

  - For Cecilia drama, you come with me.

  - I am of age and married. I'm not going anywhere.

  - Married? With that stupid? If it's so good, a great husband, where is he? - Question and stares at me. - Because I know where he is. Your dear husband is walking hand in hand with another woman around town.

  - And whose fault is that? - I ask. - If it were not for you and father lie, I'd be with my husband.

  I try to ward off the tears that are willing to fall. With whom Antonio was? Would Suzi or another woman?

  - It was for your good. If we had not done that, you would not have formed, would not have lived. It would be just the wife of a pawn with no where to drop dead.

  - I think I'd rather be the wife of a pawn to live a lie - cry.

  - Do not yell at me, young lady. I am your mother.

  I look at it and take a deep breath, needed to calm down.

  - And my daughter?

  - What have?

  - As well, what it is? She was my daughter, her granddaughter.

  - She was just a nuisance that was messing up his life. - Said moving his hands as if a fly has amazed. - It was better this way.

  - Best? -Levanto With everything and feel a huge pain to hit the foot with the boot on the floor. - Do I dare to say I miss my daughter was better? - I look at the woman sitting on my couch and I feel a huge headache, my legs start to shake and I know I'm at my limit. - Get out of my house! - Cry pointing to the door.

  - Cecilia ...


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