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Forever Page 24

by Wanda Boyd

  Cecilia cries so much that his face is swollen up, so I kiss her again and take in my arms. We love the whole night and fall asleep together.

  When agreement and the meeting in my arms, I close my eyes and say a prayer to God, giving thanks for the blessings. I do not know if I am worthy of much blessing, given everything I did with my family years ago. But if God is allowing me to live it all again, it is because he and my daughter forgave me and gave me another chance.

  Without waking Ceci, I get up and I snuck into the garden harvest new roses. So I go to the grave of Clarinha and I present with fresh flowers. I sit there and start talking to her:

  - Hi, baby girl! Good Morning! I came here to tell you the news. Me and mom are together again. - I give a slight laugh, such happiness I feel. - Also, Mom gave me the second best news in the world: you will have a baby brother or sister. The first thing I did when I woke up I was coming to tell you because I thought you'd be very happy, my little one. Daughter, know that whatever happens, Daddy will always love you so.

  A noise caught my attention and I see that Cecilia is watching me.

  - Good morning my love! - She says, and I get up, I extend to her a rose that I had separated from the other to present her.

  - Good morning my queen! And no, I did not give up to convince you to like them.

  She accepted my gift and laughs. She sits next to me and talk to our daughter, as I have just done. We both count how much we were happy to be together again, and Ceci repeatedly says he loves her very much and misses you.

  When we get up and entered the house, Ceci says:

  - Love, I woke up with a lion hungry - she says.

  - So let's change the running because Luzi should have prepared a delicious breakfast.

  - But it should not be cooking.

  - I tell her that every day. She says she gives up everything but cook, because for her it's not something stressful, but enjoyable.

  - It's her face mean it - she says, laughing. - But do not you find it strange I appear so uninvited?

  I give a loud laugh.

  - You can be sure that nothing would leave them happier than their visit. Especially with the news that we have. Do you mind if we tell them?

  - No way. Already I imagine the happiness to know that Alana will be aunt again.

  We exchanged and went to the big house. As soon as we opened the door, we found everyone sitting at the table drinking coffee. All they see us open-mouthed, and then Alana laughs and says:

  - You see, did not say that Ceci would ensnare him tonight it?

  - Alana! - My mother scolds her, but extends a smile that shows that it is satisfied with what you see.

  - Join us, Cecilia. It is a pleasure to have you here with us again - my father invites, but I am speaking.

  - First of all, I have news: First, I and Ceci are together again, as you can see. She is regaining her memory and after a while will remember how you are boring. - Earring, and Alana shows language.

  Everyone laughs, including Ceci, which gives me a look of anxiety, because the next news that will give.

  - And secondly, I and Ceci have the immense joy to announce that we are expecting a baby. We will be parents again!

  My mother drops the spoon he was holding and starts crying. My father claps, all satisfied. The Luzi runs to embrace us, and Alana punches in the air and begins to jump for joy.

  - I'll be tiaaaaaa! Uhulll! - She shouts to the four corners.

  My morning could not be better. We spoke, ate and laughed a lot. Cecilia did eat for two. She said that if I continued to get on your feet, it would move up in weight to the end of pregnancy. I laughed and said she'd be lovely plumper.

  When we finished eating, we said goodbye to everyone, and caught Ceci back in lap.

  - Let's go to our house, my love?

  - Wow? - She laughs.

  - Yes! It has always been and will always be ours. I do not think I will let you return to live in that apartment. Can warn the Mari now she does not have a roommate.

  - I think she will not feel so bad. I give less than a week to Diogo move there.

  - No, I give less than a week for her to move into his house. He loves that house.

  Once we got home, I take her to the bedroom and start to rip his clothes off.

  - My love, now does not. Need to work!

  - Not today, Ceci! I need more time to satiate my hunger for you. I want to make love to you until tomorrow morning, just so I will please free you. All right?

  - It's like I said yesterday. I have no choice. And I am yours, my love.

  My heart is filled with love, and I kiss, completely in love.

  Chapter 41 - Cecilia

  Finally I found out that all this time I had never betrayed Antonio - that is, Ignatius - took a weight off my chest.

  It was he, when he was the only love of my life.

  Since I put my feet in his home, it was almost impossible to take your hands off my body, which of course I did not want to do.

  After making love again, I slept with his head resting on his chest, listening to his heart beat.

  - My daughter saved my daughter! - Scream as the hospital gurney runs with me and I am surrounded by doctors.

  I had woken up in the ambulance, and since then I have begged for her life.

  - Stay calm, we will do everything to help her.

  - I'm losing my baby - I talk to the nurse, trying to calm me down.

  Come with me in an operating room and my fear increases, I knew I had to ask to call someone, but his name did not come in my mouth. I needed him, but could not remember who he was. My head was spinning.

  - Cecilia my name is Rubens Campos, I am the doctor who will take care of you.

  - My baby...

  - Do not worry, everything will be OK.

  Let out a loud scream with pain that hits me, I was with contractions and could feel that my daughter wanted to be born.

  - She's maximum dilation, doctor, and the water broke, do not how to prevent the baby is born - the nurse warns and look for the doctor concerned.

  - It's too early.

  - I know, but it has no way to stop. His daughter wants to be born.

  I am prepared for emergency delivery and feel the need to push. When finally the doctor Rubens asks me to push, do it with joy, just I want to pass pain.

  - Again, Cecilia - he asks, and I obey.

  I feel a pressure on my stomach and then the pain goes away, and a cry fills the room.

  - He was born, and it's a beautiful girl - the doctor says.

  The nurse quickly approaching my daughter from my face and go out with her to another room.

  - She is fine?

  - She was born healthy, but it is premature, we need to stay in an incubator - a nurse warns.

  I look at the door where the nurse went with my daughter, I just wanted her to stay here with me, wanted to take her in his arms, wanted to kiss her.

  - Clarinha! - Cry and feel my body soften, and then the darkness comes.

  - Clarinha! - I cry and I jump in bed.

  - What happened dear? - Ignatius embraces me, and I feel I'm shaking.

  - She's alive. - Choro clinging to it.

  - Who?

  - The Clarinha is alive, Ignatius. She was born - I speak, and he looks at me with wide eyes in disbelief.

  - Love.

  -. I'm not imagining Ignatius. I arrived at the hospital in labor. I gave birth to our daughter, I saw her alive, she wept. The nurse came to her, because she was premature and needed to go to an incubator. But Clarinha was born alive.

  - Are you sure?

  - I, I just remembered.

  - Okay, dress, go to the big house. My mother hired a detective, I want to talk to him and pass that information.

  - I want our daughter - talk, and he grabs my hands.

  - If she's really alive Ceci, we'll find it. I'm going to hell to search for our daughter, but I'll bring it home.

  They were still three in
the morning when we entered the big house, Ignatius shouts by his parents, who descend concerned, Alana runs down, you see my state and sits beside me.

  - What is it, Anthony?

  - Father, Cecilia remembered giving birth to our daughter. She is sure that Clarinha is alive.

  - But how? - Fatima looks at me.

  - I arrived in labor, the doctors could not do anything, I gave birth before slipping into a coma.

  - And your parents did not say anything?

  - Magno, the problem is not just that - talk, and Ignatius looks at me. - Edgar said in my chart was mentioning an emergency cesarean section performed. But I do not have any scars.

  - Someone is lying, then - the Great speech, and Ignatius sits next to me.

  - We'll find our daughter.

  - OK thank you. - Fatima hangs up the phone and approaches. - I called the detective, said he arrived in the city last night to talk to us. He's coming here now.

  A half hour it took to the detective finally arrive, it seemed an eternity. He enters the room, looks at me and gives a tender smile.

  - Good Morning. - He greets us.

  - Sorry connect at this time. - Fatima apologizes to him.

  - Imagine.

  - Do you have anything for us? - Ignatius asks, squeezing me tighter in his arms.

  - Fatima told me that you remembered to give birth? - He asks, and I agree. - Well, that already reduces half of what I have to say. I investigated the time of the accident, I talked to some nurses and got access to their medical records. After delivery, the baby was taken to the neonatal ICU, and stayed there until the day he was discharged.

  - She is alive? - Ignatius question.

  - It is. - He says, and let out a scream.

  - My parents said she died.

  - They lied. In fact, they gave their daughter for a couple, they managed to get the hospital's role in the child's record, put their name and the record was done. The man is a relative of the registry office owner who helped make it all behind the scenes.

  - They stole our daughter Ignatius.

  - I know my love. I promise we'll bring it back.

  - Who is this couple? You find out? - The Great question, and look at the detective.

  - He's Hospital doctor, he was responsible for the care of Cecilia. His name is Rubens Campos.

  The image of the doctor back in my memory and I feel already have seen it before, remember the barbecue that Edgar took me and his boss have said they met me. If it was the same, so ...

  - Her name is Victoria - speak, and the detective agrees.

  - Exactly.

  - You know, love?

  - I was at a barbecue with Edgar, I met a girl named Victoria, and she was the daughter of the head of Edgar. He said he met me in the accident. After I talked to Victoria, he was weird and left - speak and remember the rodeo. - They are leaving Ignatius. I found the Victory in the rodeo, she said they are moving. They go away.

  - I heard that too and has warned the authorities took all that I have found to the police station. The sheriff looked at the evidence and said that today was going to their house. Do not worry, I left my assistant watching the house, I called him as soon as I got here. They are still there.

  - What will happen now? - I ask.

  - The sheriff will take the Rubens and his wife to the police station, to provide testimonials. And a DNA test will be performed with both of you, to make sure if it is the Clara.

  - This will take. What will happen to our daughter there? - Ask, and Ignatius sighs.

  - We will make sure that it is safe until it comes out the result.

  - I took care of that - the detective says. - When I found out about the false record, I told a friend who is the prosecutor, he investigated the case with me and made a request to justice, to probation, in addition, he asked that the girl be delivered to you. I believe we must now leave the judge's decision.

  - So today my niece comes to the house? - Alana asks, speaking for the first time.

  - I believe so.

  - Okay, so if I give leave me help Luzi making chocolate cake, I have to separate my dolls, I have a lot to do to get my niece - she says and turns to me. - The Clarinha's coming home, Ceci. - She kisses me. For the first time, I give a smile and see her out of the room.

  - Well, I'm going to the police station, check things and inform the officer that you remembered delivery. You will probably need you two witness.

  - Of course. Only notify me when we go there - Ignatius speaks, and the detective leaves.

  - She's alive - I repeat with a smile.

  - Yes, you are my queen. Soon we will have our daughter in our arms.

  Chapter 42 - Ignatius

  My daughter is alive! My daughter is alive! My daughter is alive.

  My. Little. It is. Alive.

  I repeat mentally for again and again because it is being difficult to assimilate mentally all this tragedy has happened to us.

  They pulled our daughter from the arms of Cecilia, as she was recovering from childbirth.

  That bitch, that witch, that bitch, that bitch, that daughter of the devil that I have called a day of mother, gave our little girl. This is unbelievable!

  -Inácio, You're making me even more nervous. Sit here by my side, please.

  - I can not, Ceci. At the moment, I can only think of how I will end the life of his mother. I'm trying to decide whether to use a knife, a gun, an ax or a chainsaw, but I think I am likely to use my own hands even. I want to feel your bones breaking under my fingers when I squeeze his neck until his bones come paçoca. I WILL END LIFE THAT WOMAN! - Cry, venting all the hate I feel.

  Ceci gets up and puts both hands on her hips:

  - First, the only mother I have is the owner Fatima. One that generated and placed me in the world, died for me. Second, you will not do any of that, because we have two children to raise, and they will need the father around, not a chain. Third, all you're thinking already crossed my mind. I also want to kill that bitch and all who were part of this ... this ... this mess. But justice comes from God, love. Let's not get our hands dirty with poison them. We have to think of our small, it will be very scared about the whole story. My God, I can not wait for it to be here in my arms. - Ceci sheds tears of sadness and happiness at the same time. That makes me calm down a little, then kiss her forehead and hug.

  - Son, be patient, because the police are already solving it. You both have to focus on this beautiful family that you are forming now. My goodness, is that Clarinha will like me? - My mother sits pensively.

  We are all in the big house room. We spent the whole night awake, waiting for news of the case.

  - I just can not understand how a woman can do it with his own daughter - says Luzia.

  - Oh, people! She does not care for anyone. She gave his granddaughter to strangers. Do you think he was thinking about the feelings of Cecilia? Do not be naive. This woman is the incarnation of the devil, that's what - says Alana.

  The bell rings and all run to meet, but they were not the cops. Canoe, Mari and Diogo enter concerned.

  - We have come so Alana called us. My God, I never thought that there were stories like that in real life. I thought only existed in horror movies or in Mexican soap operas.

  - Well, the life of Toti and Ceci would make a beautiful Mexican soap opera.

  - Daughter, give me a break, will you? It is quietly, please - my father asks.

  - Why can not I speak what I think?

  - Because we are all nervous without his jokes, does not worsen the situation.

  - But she did not say anything else, Mr. Magno. - Canoe and defends the eyes of Alana shine.

  My blood boils when she saw him with cute up my sister.

  - You'll start with that, Noah? Are you sure? Because if you want, we can have a conversation about Alana, here and now.

  - What do you want to talk to me? - Alana questions and Noah raises his hands in surrender.

  - Ignatius, for God's sake! Stop p
icking on the two. People, we are all nervous, our feelings are on for the skin. We will try to be less explosive and more cautious, okay? For those times when we say things we do not want.

  The phone rings, I run to meet.

  - Hello! I would like to speak to Mr. Antonio Inacio Barreto or Miss Cecilia Avila, please.

  - Hello! Yes, it's Antonio Ignatius, and my wife is here beside me.

  - Good evening, Mr. Barreto. I'm Munhoz delegate, and just effect the arrest of the persons named in the warrant. We need both of you attend the police station to sign the documents guardian of the minor Victory Fields and testify.

  - Of course, we are going there right now. Thank you! - Hang up and look Ceci. - Let's get our daughter, my love! - I play in his arms, and cried together, looking forward to the new directions that fate has given us.

  As we entered the station, we saw a couple of doctors who stole our daughter.

  I do not even think twice before popping up the phony doctor.

  - You motherfucker! I'll finish with you, you monster! - Two guards pull me back, but do not give up. I keep moving forward with all my strength. - Do not forget, I will not end my life without this break your face and kick his balls. I hope you rot in prison. - Spit on him and he tries to divert, but end up hitting in the middle of your face. Still, he does not answer, only lowers his face, embarrassed.

  - How could you do this to me? - Cecilia question. - As? Tell me!

  The police end up taking the two child thieves us.

  - Lord and Lady Barreto, the lowest is in the first room on the right, with a protective state. You will be with the temporary custody because the final will only come after the trial of the alleged parents of Victory.

  - Clara! Her name is Clara! - I say.

  The delegate based and offers the papers for us to sign. While Cecilia signs, ask the delegate where are the parents of Cecilia. He says he prefers not to say, but I insist that I would talk to them.

  - If you were in my place, I would not want to talk to them one last time?

  - I give you three minutes, nothing more, nothing less.

  I thank you and look at Cecilia.

  - You want to go with me?

  She shakes her head.


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