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Forever Page 27

by Wanda Boyd

  - Is released, Barreto lady.

  - Thanks. - Levanto to get out and stand in front of my parents. - I hope they pay for what they did and know that, for me and my family, you are dead.

  Walk out cuddled with Ignatius court and let out a sigh when we got on the street.

  - It's ok?

  - Now yes. - I give him a smile. - I have to buy chocolate, then I want to go home, dating a little.

  - I loved the idea.


  While Ignatius will seek Clarinha in the big house, try to arrange the little room that would be the baby, we had made a reform in the house, so that each child had his own room.

  The Clarinha had won his fourth lilac with horses and the baby's room was decorated with farm theme.

  - Solta this crib right now. - I hear the cry of Ignatius and scare me.

  - Want to give me a heart attack? - I ask, her hand to her chest.

  - You're pregnant, you do not have to be dragging heavy thing. It has a strong husband at home for what?

  - To make love to me? To hold me and kiss until I lose my breath? - Ask hugging him and he tries to stay serious.

  - Just for that I serve?

  - Of course not, you serve to massage my feet, wash my back, kiss me a lot, say you love me too, treat me like a queen. - I give him a peck, still looking at me trying not to smile. - And especially stand beside me for the rest of my life.

  - Got it. I think I'll do my best then.

  - Daddy, Snowflake want chocolate! - Clarinha screams, entering the room with the dog behind her, and laugh.

  - The Snowflake can not eat chocolate, my love, it can go bad, chocolate is poisonous to dogs - talk and she looks at him, sighing.

  - I tried, Snowflake, but do not worry, I like for you. - She makes a pet him and looks at me and Ignatius with eyes shining with chocolate will.

  - Come princess, Mommy will give you chocolate, while Dad strong one here pushes the cradle.

  - Mom, I know that my little friends are jealous of me.

  - Oh really? Because? - I ask, as we go into the room.

  - They said I have a beautiful dad and that these are not pretty - talk and listen to the high Ignatius laughter in the room.

  - I think they're right. Only you have the most beautiful daddy in the world.

  - I know. It is lindão, but Alana aunt said the uncle Canoa is more beautiful than Dad. I do not think.

  - Well, between my father and uncle Canoe, I prefer Dad.

  - Me too, Mom. Will my little brother will be born beautiful equal to the Father?

  - I do not know, why ask?

  - Why are born equal Daddy, will have a lot of girl liked him, and I'll beat them all.

  - Because? - I ask, laughing.

  - Because my brother is small to date, Dad said I only date when big like him, but I think it will not happen, everyone says I look like a lady, and the lady is small, I will not date ever then Mom.

  I look at my daughter and I smile, she was like me in many things, but had pulled Alana aunt in the way of speaking, mix the issues, questions and mainly in the form of fast talking.

  - You going to date, when the time comes, and meet someone special that you like. I met Dad, I was younger than you, and he became my best friend and my love, and now father of my children.

  - Got it. So Uncle Canoa will marry Alana aunt? She likes him.

  - That I do not know, my love. There is a bit more complicated.

  - I like canoe uncle, he jokes with me. And I laugh when he gets angry with Alana aunt, what happens always.

  - This is true.

  - There you go, girls. Everything tidy. - Ignatius comes into the room and sits beside me, pulling Clarinha into his lap. - What were they talking so much?

  - Mama said you were her friend when small, and are now married. Have you ever liked her?

  - I love your mother since I was a kid who could not ride alone on a horse.

  She looks at us both and smiled.

  - Good, Father. Because I love Mom and also like it to be my mom and you, my father.

  - And we both love you too, princess. - I give her a kiss and lay her head on his shoulder Ignatius.

  Chapter 46 - Ignatius

  - Dad, how am I? - Clarinha question, with eager eyes for my approval.

  - As a true rodeo princess - answer.

  The theme of the party girls ended up being "Princesses Rodeo" for the joy of our shorty. Alana tried not to look disappointed, but we know that this was not exactly your desired theme.

  The party must have started, but Ceci felt a bit tired and fell behind. Her belly was huge, and she's even more beautiful than in the first pregnancy.

  - Dad, Mom is also beautiful with the plaid dress and boots. Could you not ask her to use the Queen track?

  - For you it does not ask her?

  - I asked, but she said her belly is too big and the band will leave her crushed.

  I laugh the way she says things. She looks a lot like my sister, and I fear that soon I should dub her mini hurricane braids.

  - If she said that the band is tight, we must respect his decision not to use. Will she wears and begins to go wrong. Would you like to see Mommy sick, shorty?

  - No, Daddy. I never want to see the evil mother.

  - So let's leave this strip of history there. After all, why would you want her to wear the band?

  - For everyone knows I'm the princess, ué! If my mother is the queen, I'm the princess.

  Ceci it appears, holding laughter, he says:

  - No need for any band to see that you are a princess. To just look, will ever find out.

  - What do you mean, Mom?

  - Why, my love! You're beautiful like a princess.

  She smiles and asks:

  - I'm beautiful like you?

  - Much more, my love!

  I look at the two and again my heart is filled with pride. Lately this walk is the feeling that the more I feel.

  - Well, the princesses are ready for the prom? - I ask while I adjust my royal blue shirt.

  - We yes, Dad! Let's go!

  The party was assembled in front of the big house. A huge tent covering the filled tables of food, colorful balloons and the dance floor. Alana wore a denim dress that left her with a more adult look. She was beautiful, no doubt. My mother was beautiful. Several acquaintances of my parents and friends, we had in the city, attended.

  - My God, how this princess is wonderful! - Mari says, approaching close to Diogo.

  - Thank you, Aunt Mari!

  - Well, seizing the moment, Mari and I have an invitation to do for you all.

  - Tell soon, friend! You know how much I am curious - Ceci says Mari.

  - Well, you and Ignatius accept being our sponsors? - She says, displaying the alliance bright on her finger.

  - I do not believe! My friend Lacy instead. - Earring, patting congratulatory back Diogo.

  - Guilt Cicely! Who commanded to bring this piece of bad way to Bonita?

  The two kiss, and Clarinha says:

  - Yuck!

  We all laughed, then Mari crouches and whispers something in the ear of our little princess.

  - Of course, Aunt Mari! Ebaaaa will wear a beautiful dress little bride!

  - Who will use little bride dress? - Alana approaches and questions.

  - We're getting married! - Mari announced, raising his hand Diogo with his.

  - Congratulations! I love parties. I can be the godmother?

  - Alana! - Rebuke!

  Mari and Diogo laugh and finally said:

  - Well, you were faster than us, but we would even ask you. After all, who else could enter the church with the canoe?

  - I'll even be godmother? And the canoe will be the best man? Best! Birthday! In! All! - She goes out dancing, and I approach Diogo.

  - Are you sure this will work?

  - Brown, our party will be in two years. If you do the math, Alana already have eighteen. And between us, do not you think it's ine

  - Do not know! Just know that if he hurt my princess, I forget that he's my friend and yank his balls.

  Later, while Clarinha playing with her grandparents, I approach Ceci, now sitting entire party.

  - Too tired for a dance, my love?

  - I'll never be too tired to you, my yummy pawn! - She jokes, but I know not last more than a dance.

  I pull her against me and hold your waist with one of my hands. Belly Ceci is so great that it is the only part of your body that touch me, but your hands.

  - Love, not'll hold this weight for many days.

  -Logo Soon our little baby will be born! Stay calm.

  - For so much that I gained this pregnancy and the amount of shots you take, I do not know if I'm carrying a baby or gremilin.

  I laugh and whisper in his ear:

  - You are the most beautiful gremilin mother of the universe.

  The song ends and Clara approaches.

  - Dad, you dance with me?

  - Thank God! Dance with his father the night for mom to rest, daughter - Ceci says.

  The sound of Edson and Hudson echoed by high speakers.

  I caught Clara in her arms and dance with her animatedly while she loose laughter and excited squeals. When the song ends, Clara asks to go to the ground because she wants to dance with Snowflake, your guest of honor. Wander the room and when I decide to pick up food at one of the tables that are close to the house Large door, I hear the voice of Alana and Canoe.

  Walk cautiously to the window and creep me to spy.

  Alana is carrying a tray and another canoe.

  - Noah, I wanted to talk to you about something.

  - What happened, my girl? - "My Girl" My blood begins to boil and trouble even my ears and my vision.

  Alana put your tray on the living room table and then starts the hand of Canoa of his hand and puts together her.

  - As you know, now I'm sixteen. I'm not a little girl.

  He takes a look strange to her, and says,

  - Well, it's not a child, but always be my girl.

  She cover her face with one hand and snorts.

  - Heaven! You do not see that I am already turning into a woman? A little girl is this? - She points to her legs. - And this? - She turns and points to her butt. - What about this? - She points to her cleavage. - I'm not a girl, Canoa! And you know this!

  - Alana, no ... - He takes a step back while she goes about it and stops it.

  - Alana nothing! Are you tired of knowing that I am completely in love with you, Noah! I swear I tried to resist, but I can not. Everything you are, everything you do ... I love everything about you. - She takes her hand and pulls her.

  - I love you, Noah! - And then she kisses him. When his lips abut it and it corresponds serro fists and take a step toward the door, but I hear the voice of the canoe.

  - No, Alana! This is wrong. You can find it already a woman, but for me it's just a girl. I've known you since you were born, and his brother is my best friend. I do not want to hurt you, princess, but you and I can not have anything. I'm much older than you.

  - I do not care about this, Noah! Always loved you, conscious of our differences. And deep down, I know you feel something for me.

  - Of course I feel! I ... I ... - He looks at her, which again brings her face him and look at him with eyes full of hope. - I ... love you as if you were my sister.

  - I'm not your sister! - She shouts, desperate for the rejection of my friend and my heart tightens her. I know you're hurting. - I am not and never will be your sister.

  - I'm sorry, but that's how I feel. - He says, and tears begin to stream down their cheeks. - Do not cry, my girl!

  - Do not call me like that! - she says. - I knew you put our age difference as an obstacle, but I confess I always thought I saw in his eyes the same feeling I have for you.

  - Alana, please!

  - I need to get away from you for a while. I'll talk to my parents and ask to exchange in the farthest place here that I find.

  - No, Alana! Do not do it. Nobody wants you away. I do not want! - He picks up one of his hands and says: - You do not know how difficult this is for me.

  She wipes away her tears and said weakly:

  - Unfortunately this has more to do with you, since you do not feel anything for me, except love sister. Everything now is about me. I need to forget you! Now I have to think of me!

  She rushes toward the stairs, and only then realize that Ceci is beside me.

  - One time or another this would happen. But I confess I always thought he corresponded her feeling.

  - I also found my love! I also found!

  The party just bittersweet way: bitter and sweet for Alana to Clara, who was amused as ever. When my parents noticed the absence of Alana, they were to her, who confided them what happened. They agreed that it would be good for her to step aside and said they would start looking for somewhere to Alana make an exchange.

  When we were starting to gather to wrap up the party, Ceci screams alarming to everyone:

  - Ignatius, my love! Runs here! I think the time has come!

  It took me a few seconds to understand, but when I realized it was my son or my daughter who was willing to be born, I made a brief prayer and ran to her, like never ran in life.

  Chapter 47 - Cecilia

  From the moment she knew she was pregnant again, my biggest fear was what would happen to my baby.

  So when the contractions started, I was terrified, the only thing that calmed me was the fact that Ignatius was beside me all the time.

  The contractions came and went in ever shorter intervals.

  - Calm down, love, I'm here.

  - It hurts a lot, Ignatius.

  - I know, I asked the doctor to give you something for the pain.

  I see the door open, and our family get worried.

  - Mom, I know my little brother today?

  - Go, princess.

  Clarinha up on the bed, lying beside me, puts a hand on my stomach and starts to sing.

  I've tried to find stars in the sky That does not tell our history is impossible Seven Seas know about us The five continents sing our song But nothing is greater than I have kept the heart That his gaze, our first kiss The first time we talk about love You ruffled, and me not over

  The Alana had shown this song to her the other day and as we explained that much I did not remember, she said he was my music and sing all day for me.

  Although he lost his memory would have the heart Although this part of the story is loneliness I will not leave, I will not give up on us.

  - Are you better, Mom?

  - I am, yes, princess, her voice is beautiful, you know.

  - Mom, I thought of a name for my little brother - talk to a beautiful ruguinha between the eyebrows, like his father when he thinks.

  - Which name?

  - Inácinho - speaks and smiles. - What do you think?

  - It's a beautiful name - speak.

  - I also loved the name. - Ignatius winks at her. - And if it's a girl?

  - Julia. But it is not girl, it a boy, because I do not want to share my dolls with her, then the mother will give me a little brother.

  - We do not know princess, can be a girl.

  - No it's not, Dad. - She smiles and kisses my belly. - It is the Inácinho.

  I feel a new contraction and grab the hand of Ignatius, trying to calm me down. Two hours later, the medical team finally takes me to the delivery room.

  - Okay, Cecilia, when it comes to new contraction want you to push with all his strength, it is almost over.

  My belly hardens again with a contraction and try to push as hard as possible. I feel a pressure in the stomach and then a relief, the most beautiful sound in the world invades the room.

  - Was born. The father wants to cut the cord? - The doctor asks.

  I look at Ignatius, who is in tears, and rises slowly, he approaches the doctor and grabs the scissors, I see your smile to cut the cord, he acco
mpanies the nurse who takes our baby.

  - What is love? - I ask when he comes back with the baby wrapped in a blanket.

  - My love, I want you Inacio Barreto. - It puts our son in my arms and feel my love increasing, as if that were possible.

  - Hi my love. It is beautiful, Ignatius.

  - Of course it is, it pulled the father in all. - It opens the blanket and points to our son and give him a slap. - What? I'm just telling the truth. This will be the terror of the women when they grow up.

  - It will not, it will be a prince and queen will love him above all women - I speak, and Ignatius gives me a kiss.

  After staying in the observation room, finally I can go to the private room where the whole family was waiting for me.

  - I hit him, Mom - Clarinha screams, so come with me in the room.

  - He hit Princess is a lovely boy.

  - We went to the nursery, how did you take that baby so long in the belly? It is huge, Ceci - Alana asks incredulously, and I laugh.

  - Not I know, Alana.

  - When can I get my baby brother in her lap?

  - Once you bring him princess - Ignatius speaks and takes on her lap, to put me lying.

  Before long, a nurse enters the Inácinho in the arms and hands me, I adjust it in my lap so he can nurse while Clarinha watching all excited.

  - He's hungry - speak.

  - Also, Mom, he spent nine months in the belly without eating, had to be hungry - speech, defending his brother, and I laugh.

  - Our daughter is very smart, Ceci.

  - I noticed.

  Once the brother ends nurse and Ignatius puts to burp, Clarinha out of bed and sit on the couch, stretching his arms to catch him. Ignatius sits beside her, supporting the baby's head, and she looks ugly for her father.

  - I will not drop my little brother, Dad.

  - I know honey. I'm helping you.

  - Mom, when I grow up I will have a baby too?

  - Yes you will, my love.

  - But it will take a long time, heard - Ignatius warns, and she laughs.

  - Just until I find my prince, Dad.


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