Rane's Mate

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Rane's Mate Page 7

by Hazel Gower

  Sara gasped and ran to her side. “How can Arden save her? Look at her.”

  Faith smiled at them both. “You don’t realize how special you are, do you? Did Tray or Rane explain nothing to you?”

  Kirby nodded. “A little bit about the bite.” Whispering, she added, “The sperm and lock of his penis, that it will all help us to heal and live longer, and something about how the wolf chooses.”

  Faith laughed. “I’m going to let you in on a secret. You will never find an unmated werewolf over the age of one hundred. His life after so many years of fighting and killing, even knowing they are killing demons, minions, and zombies, their souls can’t take it much more without someone to share the burden, or someone to bring some light into it. Can you imagine living that life and never having someone to talk to, laugh with, and love? Oh, they can mate with others, but it’s not the same as a true mate, it’s not their soul mate. Their savior, their light in their otherwise dark world. I’m not saying being a true mate is easy. Let’s just say you were made for each other. You’re a perfect match. Mating with their true mate will always bring the strongest children and they will always feel loved. It’s also not just the magic that they transfer over, it’s the unconditional love.”

  “How does this save Remy?” Kirby asked.

  Faith grinned. “I’m so glad Arden is her mate, because this is going to take a lot of patience. He absolutely won’t be able to have sex with her, because of the condition she is in, so he will have to just bite her shoulder.”

  “Arden will find a way to save her, trust me.” They all turned, shocked to see Kane standing on the other side of the room. They hadn’t noticed him until he talked.

  Faith smiled at her mate, then grabbed Kirby’s and Sara’s arm and patted them gently as she said, “I’m really sorry, but after the incident last night, we can’t take any chances. You’re both going to have to live here, or with your mates. We just can’t chance the demons getting a hold of you two. But don’t fret. You are some of the luckiest women in the world to have men like this. You’ll see.” Faith nodded as they sat down next to her brother’s bed.

  Kirby glanced behind her to see Rane standing in the doorway. When his eyes met hers she could tell that he was troubled.

  Faith seemed to change her mind and stood up. She grabbed Kirby’s hand, dragged her over to Rane, and placed her hand in Rane’s, then Faith sat back down next to her brother.

  Kane turned to them. “Mates are on lockdown, everyone is going to have to buckle down. We can’t lose any more mates to the demons. We’re going to up our ante and find our mates before they do.”

  Faith kissed Kane’s cheek as she said, “I know they’re holding women that are mates to our werewolves. I don’t know whose mates yet, but I think moving up our raid of the demons’ hideout would be a good idea. I also think we have to train all of the supernaturals starting tomorrow, especially the mates as the men can’t live long without them.”

  Rane spoke up behind her. “I already was hoping to have something like this organized. Devlin and Jamie will be perfect for that job.”

  Kane and Faith both nodded.

  Kirby shivered as Faith went into one of her trances and came out of it with an evil smile on her face. “Ah, before you go, Rane, you will be getting ten more recruits from England and America. They’ll be arriving in a couple of days, so make sure you add that when the Australian Army gives you the new amount.” Rane raised his eyebrow and groaned as Faith continued. “Grab Kirby’s stuff from her flat, she shares her flat. Pay the rest of her lease out.”

  Kirby stared open-mouth and dumbfounded. She seemed to be doing that a lot this weekend at everything that came out of Faith’s mouth.

  Faith paused and looked at her. The wicked grin never left her face, it just got bigger as she said, “Make sure Kirby goes with you to the military compound today. Go now, shoo.”

  Rane groaned again, tightened his hold on her hand, and walked as fast as he could with her running to keep up with him.

  “What the hell just happened?” Kirby asked.

  Rane shook his head. “Yeah, she does that to all of us. She’s freaking amazing like that.”

  Kane followed them and tapped on Rane’s back to get his attention. “All your recruits will be here by Thursday. You’ll need to prepare them as best as possible for the take down of the demons’ stronghold.”

  Rane gave the slightest of nods before they left the house.

  Chapter 8

  Rane looked at Kirby seated in the SUV he had parked across from the entrance to the human military compound. He glanced out the window to see the work he had instructed to be done was being completed. More barracks were being erected. Kirby was the first woman to go into the human military base, and Rane didn’t know how he felt about that. He was excited to show her what he did, but also hesitant for her to see this side of him. It was silly, he knew, especially as she had already seen him in tough guy mode with demons. But this was different. Here he was the big boss, the highest military ranking officer, and what he said was law. He knew his training schedule was brutal. He was a hard taskmaster. Rane didn’t have any weaknesses here usually, but today, his only and biggest weakness would be there for them all to see.

  Rane moved and turned his body so he could look into her big brown eyes. “In here, little red, I’m Major Rane, hard arse.” Gently touching her face, he tucked a red curl behind her ear. “I will introduce you as my wife. Since they’re human they won’t understand the significance of the word mate.”

  He slipped a square cut diamond and ruby ring on her left wedding finger. She gasped, staring at her finger. Chuckling, he pulled her face to his to give her a kiss. She melted into his embrace, her arms sneaking around his neck. He pulled away, sighing, knowing they couldn’t do anything when he was there to work.

  “I’ve been training six military men, and there are supposed to be another six arriving today. After what Faith just told us, I’m sure there will be more. I am so sorry, but now that they’re going to send more I’m not going to have time with just you and me like I wanted.”

  She nodded and smiled. “I’m from Singleton, you’re either a miner or in the military. Actually, both my brothers are in the military. It was kind of a shock that they didn’t follow my dad into the mine. But thanks to my brothers, I understand how it works. Well, kind of.”

  Rane smiled. Of course his mate would know the situation, she was perfect for him.

  They got out of the car and he walked them straight through the gates and into the compound. She turned not far from his office and started to say something. He couldn’t hold back his groan, because as she had walked ahead of him he had noticed how smoking hot she looked in just a simple pair of fitted jeans and a black singlet top. Her black lacy bra strap was sticking out of the top of her singlet, and her hair had fallen out of her ponytail. The fire engine red curls were falling everywhere.

  Moaning, he pulled her to him and kissed her before he could hear what she was about to say, drinking in her sweet apple and cinnamon taste, taking deep breaths of her heavenly smell. Fuck! He had never acted like this before, especially in his military mode. He groaned again as he sensed two people walking down the hall toward them, two of the humans that he had trained. He tried to pull away, but Kirby moaned and pulled him closer.

  He reluctantly pulled away from her as the two men came up to him and stood to attention. He turned to see Captain Lance and Lieutenant Logan standing in front of him. Slowly, he removed Kirby out from behind him, only to hear her gasp.

  Lieutenant Logan grabbed her arm, and Kirby winced as he pulled her to his side. Shocked, Rane growled and lunged for the lieutenant. He vaguely heard Kirby yelling, “Stop!” The problem was his wolf had taken over. Rane picked the lieutenant up and was just about to throw him when he was startled.

  In his head he heard very loudly, “Rane, you better let go of my brother Logan, or I will never forgive you. Now!” His wolf stopped mid-throw
, and Kirby’s voice repeated in his head again. “Put him down now.”

  He turned to Kirby. “He touched you and hurt you. You winced.”

  Kirby sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. “Rane, he was shocked. He didn’t mean to hurt me. Did you, Logan?”

  He turned to her brother who was still dangling in his arms.

  Kirby’s eyes narrowed as she said, “Logan.”

  Logan still didn’t say anything. Rane’s wolf was telling him to throw the man.

  Rane smiled, showing his lengthened teeth. He turned back to Kirby, and she raised her eyebrow at him and said, “Don’t even think about it, Rane.”

  Damn, he wondered if she knew how good she was. Feeling Sebastian come up next to Kirby, he could tell the other werewolf was biting his lip, trying not to laugh.

  “Rane, put him down. Let’s go sort this out in the gym.” Sebastian turned to Kirby. “It’s nice to meet Rane’s wife.” Logan made a choking noise and started to swear. Sebastian then turned to Logan, grinning as he said, “Lieutenant, I would shut it if I were you.”

  * * * *

  Kirby sighed as she looked at her stupid brother. The idiot should have some sense, especially when a six foot four, massive werewolf had a hold of him and looked like he was ready to kill him. You would think that he would cooperate, but not her brother. How on earth had he stayed in the army for so long?

  She shook her head and looked at Rane. He did look scary magnificent. Oh God, she really was a freak, because he looked so hot right now.

  He growled, his free hand coming out to touch her arse. “I can smell you. God, you smell so good.”

  She knew what he was talking about and couldn’t help the groan that slipped out. It made the situation worse, especially when her brother moaned out, “Oh, great. Gross!”

  He glared at Rane, which was kind of funny, because Rane hadn’t put him down so he was still dangling in the air while they were walking.

  She bit her lip, but a giggle still escaped. She coughed to try and cover it up. “Please put him down, Rane. For me, please.” She glared at her brother. “He’ll be on his best behavior. Won’t you, Logan? Please, Rane, for me.” She knew she had Rane with the last plea.

  Rane sighed, and none too gently he dropped her brother.

  Her brother went to grab her again…idiot. Rane stood in front of her and said, “You don’t touch her, or say anything that she wouldn’t like. Got it?”

  Her brother really was an idiot because he didn’t say anything as they headed down the hall.

  Once in the large gym, the doors were shut and Rane turned to her brother. “You may speak now, Lieutenant Logan, but keep in mind you will not offend Kirby. Do you hear me?”

  Some sanity must have come back to Logan as he nodded, saying, “Yes, Major Rane.” Her brother then turned to her. “What the hell are you doing here with him? I know you know what he is. How the hell are you here? You live thirty minutes away. I’ve been checking on you, and there is no way my baby sister is married or marrying him. So you better start talking.” He was yelling by the end.

  Kirby could feel how tense Rane was and the growling was pretty loud. She glanced at her brother and gulped, she had never seen him so pissed off. Clenching her fists and starting to get angry herself, she stomped her foot like a child as she yelled back.

  “I don’t know why you’re so pissed off. You work with him. I’m old enough to date who I want and be married to whoever I choose.”

  Logan took a step toward her and halted when Kane growled. “Jeez, Kirby, I know you love animals, but you’re not marrying one. For fuck sake, they’re not human, and that’s just for starters. How many goddamn years older is he than you? Have you seen yourself? You’re frigging five-four, and he’s a giant at six-four. There is no way Hayden and I worked so hard to scare off any losers or jerks who looked your way, only for you to end up with him. For Christ’s sake, he’s known as the exterminator.”

  Kirby couldn’t believe her brother; she had never heard him speak like that about anyone before. She was mad at Logan and mad at everything. She squared her shoulders, reached over, and grabbed Rane’s hand.

  “I can’t believe you, Logan. You of all people know what they go through to protect us, and yet you don’t think he’s good enough for me?” She couldn’t hold back the tears any longer as they freely ran down her face. “I have never been so disappointed in you in all of my life. I’m twenty-two years old, old enough to make my own decisions. I’m ashamed to call you my brother right now. I will have you know, I am the one who doesn’t feel worthy to be married to someone as wonderful as Rane.” She laughed as tears still fell from her eyes. “As for his animal side, I love that part of him more than you will ever know.”

  Not being able to look at her brother anymore, she let go of Rane’s hand and ran for the doors. She needed air and to get away from prying eyes. She needed to cry in peace.

  * * * *

  Rane let Kirby go. He would find her in a couple of minutes, but first he needed to sort out her brother. “You will regret what you have done to my little red. No one makes her cry and lives. Unfortunately, if I killed you that would probably upset her more, and because I love that woman more than anything in the world I don’t ever want to do anything that will hurt her.” He smiled and knew his grin was feral. “You’re moving teams, until I tell you otherwise you are permanently on my team and my shadow. Have we got it, Logan?”

  Logan looked at him, his eyes now wide.

  “If I were you, I would think of a real good apology.” He let his wolf shine through his eyes. “It better be a bloody good apology for my wife. I’ll see you at fifteen hundred hours tomorrow, in this gym.” He turned to Sebastian. “I need to go find my wife. We will be back, unfortunately, because I have lots to discuss with you. I need a better recap of last night, as I have been told that we lost one.” He glanced at Kirby’s brother, then turned back to Sebastian, continuing on, “Start him on the swords at 0400 hours tomorrow. Don’t let him rest until fifteen minutes before I come. Kirby leaves for work at around one-fifteen in the afternoon so I’ll be here at about one-thirty.” He made sure that everything he had just said was loud enough for Logan to hear, he enjoyed pissing him off.

  Leaving the gym, he went in search of his mate. He eventually found Kirby on the edge of the compound surrounded by rabbits, koalas, and other animals. “You do know that wolves like to eat rabbits, don’t you?”

  She smiled and wiped her eyes. “I’m sorry about my brother. I am surprised at how prejudice he is since he is here. I didn’t mean to act the way I did. I hope I didn’t embarrass you.”

  Rane pulled her up from the ground, hugging her into him. “You didn’t embarrass me, and that brother of yours has no choice but to be here. He goes where the army tells him to go.” He hugged her tighter, and using one hand, he gently wiped her tears away. “I don’t care what he or anyone else thinks. The only person who matters is you.”

  Kirby smiled into his chest. “It has been an enlightening forty-eight hours.” She looked up at him. “Is life always this hectic for you?”

  Rane didn’t answer at first, because he wasn’t sure how he should answer. He didn’t want to say anything wrong and lose her. Taking a deep breath, he let it out, telling her the truth. “Sad to say, something is always going on. Does that bother you? We are born protectors, it’s all we have ever known—protect the earth.” Rane looked at Kirby and he wished that he could read minds. He couldn’t help what he was, and he just hoped that she could live with it.

  She snuggled into his chest. “I’m trying not to let it bother me, it’s just such a drastic change from my boring, overprotected, quiet life. Don’t get me wrong, it’s nice to know we have people looking out for humanity. I just don’t know if I’m as strong as everyone thinks I am.”

  Rane picked her up, plastering his mouth to hers before she could say any more. He traced her lips before his tongue entered her mouth, meeting hers. Her hand
s snaked around his neck and he groaned out. “I don’t believe for a minute that your life was boring, and you are extremely strong, all you have to do is look at what you’ve gone through over the last forty-eight hours.” He gently kissed her lips again. “You haven’t gone crazy yet. I wonder if Faith knew how it was going to be with your brother.”

  Kirby laughed. “It makes a lot more sense now as to why she wanted me to come here with you.” Sighing, she gave him a quick kiss. “I’m ready to go back now. Would it be okay if I have a private talk with my brother?”

  Rane frowned. He knew deep down that her brother would never hurt her, but he didn’t like leaving her alone with Logan when he felt the way he did. Rane was about to say no, put off work until later and go home, when a bruised Devlin called to him. Devlin escorted Major Samuel Black and General Peter Beal.

  Fuck, it looked like the shit was going to hit the fan sooner than he thought. He stood to full attention, saluting his commanding officer. General Beal saluted back saying, “At ease.”

  “I would like to introduce you to my wife, Kirby Wolfen.”

  The general nodded at Kirby and then turned to Rane. “We need to talk in private.”

  Rane turned to Devlin. “Take Kirby to her brother, don’t go far.” Devlin raised his eyebrow and Rane made the slightest tilt to Kirby.

  Devlin nodded. “Sure, come on, Kirby, you can tell me all about your super powers.”

  Kirby smiled at Rane and followed Devlin, laughing.

  * * * *

  They found her brother in the gym, sparing with a guy.

  “That’s one of the new guys we were sent,” Devlin said. “It looks like your brother is giving him a real workout.”

  Kirby grimaced as she glanced at the bloody and bruised mess of the man who was now limping out of the boxing ring.

  “Yo, Dev, who is the hot redhead?”

  Devlin gave them a wolfish grin.


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