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A Hunter Within

Page 16

by Anna Applegate

  I stood and turned but stopped almost immediately when I caught my reflection in the mirror. I had no idea who was looking back at me, because it couldn’t be my reflection there.

  Abbey had curled my hair so that it fell loosely down my back, which perfected the look of my off-the-shoulder red dress, which was nothing like I normally would have picked. She had delicately pulled the sides of my hair back and clipped it off my face. She had given me makeup that had me thinking I could be beautiful. It wasn’t caked on and heavy, but she had highlighted my features in a way that made me stand out in the best possible way. I smiled, looking at my lips last and seeing real lipstick, matching the red to my dress.

  I wasn’t sure what to say. “Abbey, I…”

  “Don’t mention it. You deserve a night like this.” She hugged me and started packing up her things.

  “Thank you,” I grinned.

  I made my way out to meet Henry but stopped walking when I saw him. He was dressed in a tuxedo and bow tie. Henry normally had a boyish look about him. Perhaps that was just his normally disheveled dirty blond hair and playful green eyes. In the week and half we’d been apart, though, somehow he looked different. He looked grown up and not at all like himself. His hair was more carefully styled but still captured his personality in a way only he would have been able to pull off. He stood with one hand in his pocket, and I could only see his profile.

  I cleared my throat to get his attention. He turned with a smile on his face.

  “Well, what do you think?” I asked, doing a silly spin as I came into view.

  He laughed. “Simply marvelous.” He smiled again. He came over, with only a few large strides and picked me up into a bear hug.

  “I’m sorry I haven’t been in touch,” he said, still holding onto me.

  I pulled away, remembering how much stronger he felt than how he looked. Henry was such a nerdy scientist like me, but if you didn’t know that and you hugged the guy, you’d probably mistake him for some jock.

  “Hopefully I’ll understand, soon?” I asked.

  He nodded, reassuringly. “Let’s try to have some fun, first. Shall we, milady?” He held his arm out to me and I laughed. Missing the simplicity that we had before my discoveries about Falcone.

  “We shall, kind sir.”

  “You really do look great.” He nudged into me and I laughed again, forgetting momentarily about the drama surrounding us.

  We headed to the party as if nothing had changed at all, as if there were no secrets between us, and we were just two old friends, like we’d been forever.

  As we approached Falcone, I was shocked. It looked so different with the elegant decorations and formal lighting. There were curtains that had been assembled and drawn back in places, the whole thing made this research facility look like one of the most elegant and posh facilities I’d ever been in, or seen pictures of for that matter, since I hadn’t been many places.

  “Pretty nuts what people can spend their money on, huh?” Henry said, looking around the room as he spoke.

  “Apparently,” I agreed.

  He held his arm out, and I wrapped mine around his. “Let’s take a peek at that buffet. That’s usually the best part,” he said.

  I laughed as he escorted me to the food. I glared at him when we made our stop to eat at one of the high-top tables to snack on our appetizers.

  “What?” he asked, amused at my fake outrage.

  “Take your disgusting vegetable medley off my plate,” I teased, flinging pieces of the items onto his plate.

  “Um, excuse me? I only needed to use your plate because you insisted we get seven crab rangoons.” He smiled, placing the remaining ones onto my plate.

  “You know how I feel about these things, though,” I whined, popping one into my mouth and letting out a low moan.

  “I do, which is why I didn’t argue.”

  I laughed, taking a sip from the wine glass in front of me.

  The music slowed to a beautiful song and people started pairing off. Henry took my glass out of my hand and set it down on the table next to us. He held his own hand out toward me. I smiled at him, taking it in mine.

  “I’m not sure where to start. I’m sure you have questions. Probably first how I know about you know who,” he started, swaying with the music.

  “Yeah, and why you had to disappear,” I added. “What’s going on?”

  Henry paused, looking down.

  I brought my hands down to his chest. “You can tell me anything, you know,” I encouraged. When he didn’t continue, I looked up and caught a glimpse of the most incredible-looking being I’d ever seen.


  He stood in the shadows by the back doors, wearing an elegant tux and surveying the room. If I hadn’t known better, I would think he had the ability to put a spell on me.

  “Henry, I’m so sorry. I’ll be right back, I promise. I just need one second.” I slowly walked away from Henry, ignoring the light pull of his fingers on mine, and headed toward the back.

  Seeley stood still, searching the ballroom for something. I glanced around, looking to see if anyone was watching. When I was convinced I was the only one enthralled, I continued walking toward him.

  His eyes met mine, and it was suddenly as if no one else was there. I was completely, utterly mesmerized by this man. I approached him, and he took my hand, not missing a beat, pulling me away from the potential eyes of others from the crowded dance floor as the beautiful melody continued to play. We walked out into the night air, onto one of Falcone’s back patios.

  “May I have this dance,” he whispered in my ear, breaking the silence between us.

  He twirled me around and pulled me close to his body. His hand rested on my lower back, and thanks to the low-cut dress Abbey insisted I wear, the electricity from the touch of his skin on mine was palpable.

  The music of the song swelled to the chorus, and I couldn’t help but gaze in awe up at the man twirling me around as if we didn’t have a care in the world. Our eyes met, and I couldn’t hear anything but my own heartbeat. If I hadn’t known before, I certainly knew now.

  I was falling in love with Seeley.

  There was no way to explain it, no way it should be happening, especially after knowing each other for barely any time at all. We were from two different worlds, and there was no telling what would happen in our future. After all, he said it himself; he hadn’t known any vampire and human couples who were together.

  Even with all the questions and the doubts, my heart had already outspoken my head. I was his and I was dangerously close to falling completely for him.

  “You shouldn’t be here,” I said, my breath shaky as I tried to speak through my realization.

  I trembled from the knowledge of my feelings, from fear of the entire room being filled with hunters who would know who he was. My heart felt like it could burst, but at the same time, I was scared of losing him already.

  “I would have never forgiven myself for missing how breathtaking you look if I hadn’t come,” he said before his features clouded as if another thought crossed his mind. “And I won’t stay long. You were right to be careful. I’ll be gone before you know it.”

  I watched him as tears threatened to fall from my eyes. He stopped dancing and cupped my face with his strong hands. His thumb brushed gently at my eye and whisked away the lone tear that had escaped.

  I wanted to be honest and tell him at least something about what I was feeling. “Seeley, I…”

  “Just dance with me, Jules,” he whispered, bringing me even closer than before and holding me as if he was terrified to let go.

  The song ended, and with it so did the trance the dance and his arrival had brought. I backed away and glanced quickly around us. I didn’t see anyone and walked over to the door. No one was there either, which is why I jumped when I heard Henry’s voice moments later from the exit behind us.

  “What do you think you’re doing here?” Henry burst through the door, giving a qui
ck glance over his shoulder as he did. He looked furious.

  “I don’t really think it’s your business,” Seeley replied.

  “It is if you’re putting Jules at risk,” Henry said, clenching his teeth.

  Seeley came up behind me, briefly touching my arm and letting me know he was with me. “I think Jules can take care of herself.”

  “Don’t you think you’re being selfish, Your Majesty.”

  I looked at Henry hard. He certainly knew much more than he had let on before.

  “Henry,” I said, stepping toward him. “How do you know—“

  “Dammit,” he said, walking toward me. “There’s so much to say, and we certainly shouldn’t be out in the open here doing this. They’ll start piecing things together, and it’s too dangerous.”

  I stared at him, at a total loss for words. I didn’t understand. “Piecing what together?” I asked, not sure how to even form a proper thought.

  “I know you think this might be some jealousy thing, but it’s not. I assure you,” Henry said, practically scolding Seeley. He turned back to me. “I’ve only ever wanted to look out for you. Ever since we were kids.”

  His statement caught me off guard and left me dumbfounded. I glanced at Seeley who had stood into a more protective stance, with his eyes narrowed. He, too, was clearly surprised.

  “What are you talking about? We met five years ago,” I said with a shaky breath.

  “Forget it,” he said, clearly frustrated with himself as he squeezed his eyes shut and clenched his jaw.

  I wanted so badly to fix whatever was happening between us. Henry was the one person besides Amanda that I felt I understood no matter what.

  “I think I’d like to know what you mean,” Seeley interjected.

  “It’s none of your concern right now,” Henry said softly but still through gritted teeth.

  “Henry, please talk to me,” I begged, stepping away from Seeley’s touch. I understood his show of support, but right now, a terrifying lump grew in my throat at the thought that I was losing Henry, and the last thing I wanted was for him to think I was ganging up on him with Seeley.

  Henry’s eyes flicked around, and he stood uncomfortably in the light of the patio ambiance behind the lavish party being thrown inside.

  “Not here,” he said, shaking his head. “Meet me on the quad after the gala. I’ll truly tell you everything. We just can’t do this here.”

  He walked up to me and kissed me on the cheek, looking at me tenderly before backing away to glare at Seeley once more. “You should have known better than to come tonight,” he said.

  “I know how to stay safe,” Seeley said, agitated at Henry’s accusation.

  Henry shook his head and let out a sharp breath. “You should care more about how it looks to be seen with Jules.”

  “Henry, I’ll just leave now so we can talk,” I said, ignoring their debate.

  Henry’s lips turned upward, but it was done more in a way that let me know I had no idea what was going on. And he was right.

  “If he’s leaving, you absolutely cannot. It’s already going to look bad if anyone noticed your absence, and potentially saw him like I did,” Henry said before turning his attention and conversation back to Seeley. “And you need go now. If Marissa saw you too, she’s called out the hounds for you already. Get out of here,” he ordered.

  Henry was right. If Marissa saw me with him and had any questions, it would be very suspicious that he came and danced with me and then we left together.

  “If they ask, you don’t know him,” Henry instructed. He had thought through this surprisingly well in the few moments we’d been out here. “I’ll see you soon,” he said before he turned into the night.

  Seeley was quiet, but when I looked at him, he looked as if he was filled with regret. He nodded. And I realized he knew Henry was right, too. His showing up had been dangerous to my cover.

  “I’ll be fine.” I squeezed his hand and reassured him.

  “Be careful, Parker,” Seeley said before he disappeared as well.

  I headed back inside Falcone. Back into the snake pit to make sure my cover was still safe.


  I walked back into the gala, breathing in through my nose as I headed toward the drink table. I needed to calm myself and appear unfazed.

  I poured myself a drink and heard the one voice that sparked a fear in me about this whole situation. “Hello, Ms. Parker. You look wonderful this evening.”

  I turned, plastering my own fake smile and starry-eyed look on my face. “Ms. Malcovey, hello. It’s beautiful in here.”

  She turned, admiring the room before her. “Oh, this is nothing. I tend to enjoy it. It’s a hobby of mine, entertaining.” She smiled, turning back and staring at me a moment too long as I smiled and took a sip of my punch. “I must ask, darling, who was that gorgeous man I saw you sneaking out with a moment ago.”

  My hand trembled but tried to get it under control. Okay, Jules. Game face.

  “I was hoping you could tell me. He left before he introduced himself.” I looked down at my drink, giving a shy smile. “He’s not a benefactor?”

  “Hmmm,” she answered, studying me. “No, he’s not. I don’t know him.”

  “Oh,” I frowned. “Maybe we can find him later and ask him together.” I shrugged, hoping I was selling the shy and awe-struck girl. It wasn’t me in real life, and I knew I wasn’t that good of an actress.

  “There you are, dear.”

  I smiled and came face to face with Andrew Thornton.

  “Mr. Thornton.” I grinned and held out my hand to Henry’s father.

  “None of that, come here, you.” He pulled me in and kissed my cheek. “How are you? I thought Henry was coming with you tonight?”

  I stuttered, but only for a moment. “He left. He wasn’t feeling well.”

  “You two know each other?” Marissa asked, genuinely surprised at the interaction playing out in front of her.

  Henry’s father clasped my shoulder. “Jules here is Henry’s best friend. I’ve known her a few years now. Although Henry never told me you had applied here. I found out when I heard Marissa bragging about her new star intern. I can’t believe I didn’t know.”

  You and me both, I thought to myself. “I didn’t want it to seem like I was favored in any way,” I said.

  Marissa’s eyes held an eerie darkness, as if she was searching for something more that she was missing. “Well, isn’t this a lovely surprise?” she said in a cool tone. It was disconcerting. She watched me even more closely as Mr. Thornton continued. Her eyes bore into me, but I pretended otherwise.

  “I thought you would have convinced Henry to come back to us by now,” he said, nudging at my arm.

  “Come back?” I asked.

  Mr. Thornton nodded. “He grew up in this building. I thought he’d be here forever. But no, he wanted to go find his own way.” He shook his head and sighed, glancing over at Marissa. “Are you all right, dear?” he asked, probably noticing that she was staring at me.

  “Of course. Jules, I have something I’d like you to see,” she said, watching me like I had somehow become prey. “Perhaps we can sneak away while everyone is dancing. There’s still some time before my big charity announcement.”

  Mr. Thornton looked taken aback but recovered quickly. “I’ll see you later then, darling. Jules.” He bowed his head toward me, smiling genuinely, and walked away.

  “Come with me,” she said. The shadows on her face were replaced again with the cheery mask she carefully wore.

  I followed her through a set of double doors, and we walked in silence for a few more feet. We turned down a hallway I hadn’t been down before. There seemed to be quite a few of those in the never-ending maze of rooms and hallways at our headquarters building.

  “There are some days that I walk these halls and think about all the incredible people who came before me. They paved the way so that I could be here today, running such a successful company
and helping so many others.”

  She didn’t even look behind her to see if I was still following, but I kept in step. Eventually she slowed down.

  “So many have lost their lives to our cause. Picking you for this project was an honor for you, yes, but I’m asking a lot in return as well. You are helping us protect mankind. Take a look at some of those that came before us.” She pointed to the walls.

  I wasn’t sure where this was going, or what point she was trying to make, but I was wary that this might be a trap of some kind. A trap for what I wasn’t sure.

  I looked up at the pictures as she instructed and scanned them. These were fairly recent, and Marissa was in many of them. We continued walking.

  “I’ve kept some of these pictures as a daily reminder. Whenever I get discouraged, I take a walk here and just, reminisce.” She slowed her walk, and I saw her glance over at me from the corner of her eye.

  I continued looking at the images as she walked by, and then stopped. My breathing hitched as I looked at one image in particular. It couldn’t be. It was a newspaper clipping. Standing smiling next to Marissa in lab coats were…my parents.

  I glanced away and could see her watching me. So I looked just as intently at the image next to it. But a million thoughts ran through my mind. Did she know my parents? I shook my head to clear my thoughts. Now was not the time to let distraction overcome me. Come on, Jules. Your parents did not work for Falcone. My aunt would have told me. It was a grainy picture and I must be mistaken.

  I looked back over to Marissa who face was contorted in a vacant, hollow grin. We walked a bit more and came to a neatly set up conference room table.

  Marissa had leaned up against the table behind her and was talking about something. My mind had gone blank, and I was having a hard time focusing. I watched as things seemed to slow down to a strangely unnatural pace. Marissa learned against the table and looked like she was mindlessly shoving a coffee mug off of it. Without thinking, I leaned down and grabbed it. I caught it before it crashed to the floor in front of us and time sped up again.


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