The Pure Soul (Book 3)

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The Pure Soul (Book 3) Page 27

by Jeff Hale

  “Pretty much.”

  “What would you do if I told you I fucked her brains out last night? And that she enjoyed every last second of it and begged for more?”

  “Careful, pup boy,” I said, trying to stay calm. I knew by his tone that he hadn’t.

  “Wow, you are touchy about that, aren’t you? Yeah, I’ve seen this before, just not quite on the same intensity level. You and Darien have more in common than either of you wants to admit.”

  “How do you figure?”

  “He lost someone, too. He’ll just never have the chance to have her back exactly as she was anymore. She’s already been brought into a new cycle.”


  “Yeah. Katelyn.”

  “What?” My eyes went wide at that and I took another drink.

  “Yeah. Why do you think he is the way he is with her? Poor bastard, she’s a cat shifter which makes her sexual proclivities more… open than he’d like. Not that she sleeps with just anyone mind you, just that she won’t settle down the way he wants her to.”

  “Well, it’s her choice.” It was, but despite how I felt about Celeste, the choice I wanted Kat to make was to tell Darien to go to hell.

  “Ha! That coming from the guy who just about sprayed my blood and innards all over this building because of that girl’s choice.” He gestured towards the door that Celeste had left through.

  “That’s different.”

  “The hell it is!”

  “It is. I told her to stay away from me. To find a normal guy. You’re not normal, and you aren’t away from me so to speak.”

  “So why the stipulations? Can’t she make her own decision and if it ends up being a… what do you call us? Aetheric?”


  “Okay, so if it’s an Aetheric, so what?”

  “She doesn’t know how dangerous it is. She wants an Aetheric so she can be protected. What she doesn’t realize is that if she lives a normal life, then the Aetherics will probably leave her alone. Aetherics tend to attract others of their kind. It’s some power posturing thing. I don’t know, it just seems that we attract each other and trouble with it,” I explained.

  “Does seem that way, doesn’t it?”

  “It’s the only way I can truly protect her.”

  “I see what you’re getting at. But you have to understand, she doesn’t care. Not that she understands why, but she loves you so much it actually hurts her to look at you sometimes. She is so confused by it that she is unsure of what to do about it. She doesn’t care about the dangers of being with you. She is willing to take that risk,” Alex told me.

  “I’m not. I lost her once already.”

  “And you’re just going to give her away now that she’s back? What is wrong with you, mate?”

  “I’ll be happier knowing that she is alive and happy somewhere else.”

  “Wow. There is no way you killed those shifters out of hand like Darien and Katie believe you did. You’re far more noble than either of them give you credit for. Well, maybe Katie knows that about you, but right now she’s just so flamin’ pissed at you that she’s not taking your good qualities to heart.”

  He sighed before continuing. “Well, I think Katie believed you were a good person once. A lot of the recent events have made her think otherwise. That’s been eating at her a lot. It’s caused a strain between her and Darien. He just wants her to get over you, but she’s positive there has to be a misunderstanding, though she can’t imagine what kind of misunderstanding would have you slaughtering an entire pack. At least, knowing that they threatened to rape and kill Celeste, I understand why you did it.” Alex looked over his shoulder at the door again.

  “I didn’t kill them all, I keep trying to tell you guys that,” I reminded him.

  He gave me a searching look, then nodded to himself. “Maybe not, but if you did, I reckon someone should give you a medal. When I came back earlier in the year, Henry didn’t even bother to hide it from me. He went as far as trying to recruit me and I told him to fuck off. They were rotten to the core, murderers, rapists, and masochists of the worst kind.”

  “Well, they do work for Baba Yaga. Why haven’t you told Darien and Kat this?”

  “I have. They know. But they both believe that pack can be redeemed. Believe me, when they’re on the same page anything I say becomes like background static noise. Hell, even when they’re not on the same page they’re so wound up being hurt and hating each other that they don’t listen to me then either. It’s so frustrating.”

  “Well at least you tried.”

  “And now I’m going try harder. You deserve no less. But look, mate, you have good friends. Powerful friends. You can’t do everything yourself. If I were you, I’d be a bit more selfish. I’d be close friends with Celeste until she dumps that asshole boyfriend of hers and then I’d be with her and use my friends to help protect her. By the way, she obviously will remember who she really is if she’s having strong feelings about you the way she is. I haven’t seen passion that strong since… well ever.”

  “Then you’ve never hung around the fae very much.” I shuddered slightly as I recalled Raven’s outburst.

  “Can’t say I have, no.”

  “Why do you care anyway?”

  “I didn’t. Not at first. But I figured that if some cute, innocent little thing like Celeste could care that much about a bloke then he can’t be all bad. So I thought I’d get to know you a little better. I’m glad I did. I mean, I figured you for a decent enough fella when you helped Katie with the vampires, but afterwards I thought you did it for your own reasons, and not to really help her. Now I’m thinking you’d have done it for anyone that you considered a friend.” Alex gave me a wide smile.

  “No doubt.”

  “Anyway, I’m going to go talk to my pack. This time they’re going to listen to me. Oh, and by the way, Katie’s not over you, and I’m not sure she ever will be entirely. You were her first, after all. Be careful around her, okay? She can get tangled up in her feelings pretty easily sometimes.”

  “I’ll do my best, I guess.”

  “That’s all I can ask.”

  We talked for a bit more before he left, primarily small talk, though I did learn that Darien had beaten him to a bloody pulp for kissing Kat once. It explained his protestation earlier with the Celeste situation.

  Thinking over our conversation, I had to admit that Alex was a bit wiser than he let on. Maybe I’d take his advice. Maybe I wouldn’t. At the exact moment I had no idea what I wanted to do. Did I want to be with Celeste, especially if she remembered that she was Serena? Absolutely. Did I want to put her at risk by being with her? No. I didn’t.

  Oh well, I wasn’t sure she was even coming back, so no use worrying about it right now. I was hoping she’d just take the decision out of my hands entirely and go find herself a nice normal guy to be with, or better yet in my mind, just be by herself for a while.

  I looked at the empty glass on the bar. One double screwdriver that Alex had made for me while we talked, and I was feeling buzzed while he’d gone through an entire bottle of tequila with little or no effect on him. Shifters had natural regeneration capabilities and it was almost impossible for one to get drunk. Myself, I could be sober if I wanted to be, but I would have to make the conscious decision to purify my blood.

  I sighed and went to find Lucien and Raven, to tell them of the turn of events regarding Alex. They were quite happy to hear it, though Lucien believed that Darien wouldn’t listen no matter what.


  The following day was the first actual day of the trial. The back part of the Flame opened into a dimensional pocket which was set up as a court room and I was impressed at the level of detail that had gone into the place. Oak benches sat in rows on a white marble floor that led up to a waist high white marble wall. In the center was an aisle between the benches that led up to a gold railing. The areas where the plaintiff and the defendant sat boast
ed redwood and white marble desks with matching redwood chairs. The podium where the presiding judges, the witnesses, and the bailiff would be, were all white marble as well.

  I was led to the defendant stand by Lucien. He was dressed up as always, in a red suit with a black shirt and white tie. I saw Raven seated right behind us, wearing a black leather catsuit that was low cut to the navel and tied loosely to hold her in. Next to her was a nervous looking Celeste, dressed in a white button-up blouse that was tight across her chest, and a pair of black slacks. She actually had make-up on, which, like Serena, was a rarity. I tried to ignore her.

  Darien, Kat, and Alex were all sitting where the judge normally sat, Darien in country formal, complete with bolo tie. Alex was in a normal suit, and Kat was in a white blouse and a business skirt. They’d be the ultimate decision makers when it came to my fate.

  Henry sat with what remained of his pack in the plaintiff’s area. They all gave me threatening glares. All except Henry, who gave me a smug look. They were actually dressed up for the trial in suits, again all except Henry, who was wearing a tight fitting tank top, leather pants with fringes, and a leather biker jacket.

  I noticed several fae situated around the room, and I could see the Aetheric runes for Justice, Truth, and Order on their crests. I knew they’d be able to sense a lie if it were told and they would intervene if things got out of hand. To the right of the judges stand, sitting in a place of honor in a chair set higher than the others, was Queen Cynthia. The oak benches behind the low marble wall were full as well. Most of those there were fae, but among them were four MAGE agents, and a bunch of other individuals in their Sunday best, or what equated to their Sunday best.

  “Who are these people Lucien?” I asked in a whisper. I didn’t realize my trial was a public affair.

  “Shifters from other areas. Mainly alphas and betas, a couple of nomads maybe. They’re here to see how this integration idea with the fae overseeing everything is going to work,” he answered in a low voice.

  “Oh.” I sat down and Lucien gave me a slight nod.

  After a few minutes to let people quiet down, Darien spoke. “The Adjudicator pack of the western United States will now hear the case of Henry Ragingbear versus Aerick Kerensky, where Mr. Kerensky is being charged with murder in the first degree, intention to commit murder in the first degree, murder in the second degree, intention to commit murder in the second degree, assault with deadly Aetheric powers, and assault with a deadly weapon. We will hear the opening arguments now.”

  Lucien stood and straightened his jacket slightly. “Honored Adjudicators, I would present in my case that while Aerick Kerensky did, indeed, kill the shifters that attacked him and several humans, and he killed one other at a later point, he did so out of the belief that they would harm innocent humans who had no way of protecting themselves, just to please their mistress Baba Yaga, whose intention, while unknown, is likely the enslavement of this entire region under her authority. I will also present that Aerick did not kill the other fifteen shifters he is alleged to have killed, that in fact, those shifters had been killed by another Sentinel, also in the employ of Baba Yaga, and that the Plaintiff’s charges are nothing more than a way of plotting Aerick’s execution so that Baba Yaga does not have to face him herself,” he said.

  Lucien sat back down and a tall, lanky guy in a suit stood up by Henry. The guy had short, light-brown hair and grey eyes. He walked over and stood in front of Darien.

  “I bow before the authority of the Adjudicators and their representation of the Shifter Council’s power…” he began to say before Darien raised a hand to cut him off.

  “Don’t presume to try and kiss my ass, Phil. The Council sent you to advocate for Henry, not suck up to me. Now make your statement,” Darien said, giving the guy an annoyed look.

  “Very well,” Phil said, looking chagrinned. “I will prove that Aerick Kerensky did willing and maliciously hunt down the members of Henry’s pack and murder them in cold blood with his superior abilities and magics. I will also prove that Henry was not beholden to any sort of ‘deal’ that was made by the lesser members of his pack and Mr. Kerensky!” he said, gesturing at me.

  “Careful, Advocate. Don’t let your temper get away from you,” Alex warned.

  Over the course of the next several hours, physical evidence was brought up to the Adjudicators. First was Henry’s pack providing security footage of the initial fight I had with Henry. After it played, Darien gave Henry a stern look.

  “It was witnessed by no less than three shifters in that video that it was agreed that you would leave Aerick, and any he claimed protection over, alone,” Darien said in an even voice. Looked like he was actually going to conduct business fairly. I could only hope.

  “My client did not agree to those terms. The sorcerer boy…” Phil began before Darien cut him off.

  “You will use his name, Aerick, or his proper title, Sentinel, while this trial is underway. Is that understood?” Darien demanded.

  “Yes, sir. Aerick demanded of my client’s pack something they could not give since Henry is the Alpha and was not in a state to agree to anything.” Phil glared at me.

  “Very well. Noted,” Darien said.

  Next was a video from a security camera that the coyote shifter that I killed had obviously had set up, probably to help to deter burglars. It showed everything exactly as it happened, which admittedly did not look good for me, and it even showed me vanishing when I was teleported to Baba Yaga’s hut.

  “Now what happened there?” Darien asked, pointing at the television.

  “May I?” I asked Lucien, and he nodded at me.

  “I was transported magically to Baba Yaga’s hut, where I confronted her and found the body of Kent Dyson, whose disappearance I had been investigating. Furthermore, she threatened me, and everyone I cared about,” I said in a level voice. I heard a small gasp from behind me, about from where Celeste sat. Shit. I needed to contact poor Lisa and tell her that her best friend was dead. That was not going to be an easy phone call to make.

  “Thank you,” Alex said with a nod.

  Next on the docket was the tape of their attack on me at the Circus Circus. The whole thing was shown from multiple angles, and after I disappeared due to my teleportation, I saw that Lucien had provided tapes from the security cameras at the Velvet Flame where I had tried to teleport to. Each of them showed me appearing and collapsing immediately as some flashes of energy shot off of me randomly. I had no idea that’s what it looked like when you Aether burned yourself.

  After that were various security tapes from Henry’s club, and several of the shifter’s houses, all showing a blur of motion slaughtering each shifter in turn. By about the third tape I noticed something slightly off; none of them had date or time stamps, while all of the other footage, even the one from the coyote’s house, did have them.

  “Lucien,” I whispered, and he leaned over. “Those tapes don’t have time or date stamps on them. The others did. Isn’t that a bit… odd?”

  He nodded at me and stood. “Adjudicator Darien, if you would?” he asked, at which point Darien paused the playback and looked at Lucien. I gave a glance at the playback, hoping against hope it showed the assailant in anything other than a smear across the camera. It didn’t.

  “What is it, Advocate?” Kat asked.

  “None of the tapes that the Plaintiff has provided outside of the first three have had date or time stamps,” he pointed out.

  Darien cocked his head to one side and stared at the tape, pushed play, watched a few more moments, and then paused it again. He then turned a quick glare over to Henry and Phil, then looked back at Lucien.

  “What is your point, Advocate?” he asked.

  “The point would be that the Plaintiff is obviously trying to hide something in order to make it look like Aerick did indeed do these killings. My belief is that these killings actually took place shortly before or directly after Aerick killed the coyote in Calico Basin. Note th
at you never actually get a good look at the killer, only a quick blur of motion, and while Aerick was indeed using supernatural speed during his rush to the coyote, he obviously was not before and after the kill. He did not care whether or not he was seen one way or another. The other tapes, so far, have shown us nothing but the blur of motion, like the attacker does not want to be seen,” Lucien pointed out.

  “Noted. We will continue to watch the tapes, however,” Darien said.

  After three more tapes, Darien called a recess. I saw Queen Cynthia follow Darien, Alex, and Kat out the door they left through. I hoped that was a good thing. I went to the room that was set aside as my holding room with Lucien.

  “Things are looking up. That was a good catch, Aerick,” Lucien said, patting me on the shoulder as he walked past me.

  “Will it help?” I asked in a brooding tone.

  “I think it will. It may even cause them to throw those tapes out since they do not show anything that is definitive,” he reassured me.

  “I hope so,” I said, sighing.

  “I think I know what is going on here. Indulge me a moment if you will,” Lucien said, sitting across the table from me. I gave him my undivided attention. “Okay. So those tapes were obviously tampered with. I deal with the security of my club enough to know that every security camera tape has a date stamp on it at the very least, and it’s rare to find one without a time stamp. My belief is that Malachai killed those shifters, probably at the order of Baba Yaga to cull the weakness from Henry’s pack. Or Henry may have ordered it. Either way they believe that the Adjudicators are only aware of a singular Sentinel, you. So they used the deaths as a way to frame you.”

  “It’s a good theory, Lucien, but we have no proof of that,” I pointed out.

  “We won’t need it. Cynthia will be having those tapes checked if I know her, and I do. Chances are she will even have one of her own do their own tampering to get the truth from them. I am willing to bet my eternal spirit that they find Malachai on those tapes, not you. Henry and his deplorable advocate have painted themselves into a corner,” Lucien reassured me.


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