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B01M0OJOU7 EBOK Page 18

by Unknown

  Needless to say, it was a very encouraging experience, one that had us all deciding we needed to market this shit. It was too good not to. I mean, what could be the worst that would happen?

  Cass was very against it. The other girls, they said something about it being empowering, like they felt like they were fully in control even though the initial response was out of their hands. The other guys had no problems, I mean, what guy has a problem getting laid that hard as part of a major high? Cass said it was strange again, strange images about a rainforest and pyramids, blood and sacrifice, these being who were more than human, primal rites and terrible sounds. I had to admit, with my few minutes of observance before I was pulled in, there was an edge of concern there for me too, something was strange here, but between Cass and the positive outlook I wanted to have, I chose the idea most everyone else was into.

  Maybe I was always meant to be the guy that fucked everything up.

  We made plans; got more caterpillars, even got the ones we had to mate and got a few more going before we got the new batch. Things looked up, well, as up as they get when you’re doing something you know is probably illegal, fun or not. I think the hardest part of it all was getting the barn all decked out for the folks coming in. That part was on Cass, she refused to help unless we made it a requirement that everyone doing the caterpillar thing did it within watch of a few sober people. As it happens it also meant we could make a hell of a website for the orgy and group sex fans, it even drew in some of the BDSM folks who enjoyed the lighter side of femdom. I didn’t tell Cass about that, of course, she was stressed as it was about what we had going.

  Ooooh, but did those followers love the pagan chicks, those back to earth and fertility types we had come in for Beltane, eight women and eight men doing their ritual stuff for a couple hours and then getting down to business. I think maybe they had the right thing going about it, at least they had less stress over it later on anyway.

  See, nobody thought about the fact a whole lot of uninhibited sex meant babies. Cass and me, we caught onto that right about the time we’d started the new business and part of the reason she let the rest of us run the caterpillars was because it meant she and I had the money to fund our little bun. Well, what we assumed had to be ours, the timing was right for that first time at least. Didn’t take long for the other girls to turn up with theirs either, Cass’ place wound up being kind of a commune for us all, made operations smoother and it meant we could kind of keep the whole cause on the down low. Not that we were hippies or anything, but when you don’t know exactly who wound up making the babies, it’s probably good for everyone to share the responsibility.

  We were, well, tribal about it all, I guess.

  We had it all going pretty good for months, the sex, the fucking caterpillars, and our happy little tribe. We’d get together every so often and use them ourselves too, by then we got that the caterpillars always seemed to know which of the group were women and only stung them, so we didn’t bother to stick the men’s arms in there at all. Nice thing was, it didn’t seem to hurt the women at all either, or the babies, didn’t even show up on blood work, if you can believe it. More and more it seemed to be the perfect drug, the best high you could get.

  Except, well, there were some problems.

  Not everyone got the memo on the one side effect that could be considered negative on the whole thing, and I mean this side effect was so damn sure it was something we maybe shoulda popped up a warning sign about. Women with birth control in their systems, even women who were infertile and women who had goddamn implanted shit in their arm or uterus were still getting knocked up! Some people were grateful, I mean, when you’ve been trying to get knocked up for years and you come up preg after a wild night, it’s kinda like God answered your prayers, you know? Others weren’t so happy though, if you took the time to get all that done and you still got pregnant it was a little aggravating, so we gave them half the money back, Cass figured that helped. It did, but we were trying hard to think of a way to prevent it too, circumvent the ones that wouldn’t be happy with more than twice back, you know?

  For weeks we tried to get folks to take rubbers, even got the guys to put them on, but, I shit you not, every damn time he had one on she growled and ordered him to take it off. When he didn’t she took it off herself and didn’t give him time to do anything about it. That was a trip in itself. It made me turn to Cass, full of baby and those fine breasts of hers full of milk, so that I could ask her if anything weird had still been going on. I mean, I knew the answer really. She wept afterwards now, wrapped up in the moment, as hot and heavy as ever with her interest when it was in her system, but the dreams, the visions made her scared.

  “I don’t want to talk about it, Danny, I feel good when I’m in that place, but so many awful things happen once I reach that level, when the sex has me rolling into the high. I see death, they all see life, the sex and the fertility, but I see something else. Something that scares me about so many things.”

  I asked her about the weird shit with the condoms then, figuring maybe it would be something she could laugh at, but instead she cried.

  “Danny, there’s a fuck of a lot more going on here. The women, the sex, it’s all about fertility, like primitive fertility. Do you understand? Without the connection, without the babies there is no completed conduit. There’s a reason that fucking tribe was using it and why they considered it something to use rarely. We were wrong, Danny, this is all wrong and now we can’t take it back.”

  Was she talking about some sort of supernatural crap? Yeah, Cass, my best friend for ages, and more recent partner, was saying this shit was locked into some strange heavy duty mumbo jumbo from this little tribe in the Amazon. The kinda shit that forbade a human being’s control of fertility, both took away a woman’s inhibitions and gave her control, and made men walk a dance that left him wanting more. Other than for folks who had serious issues with babies, I couldn’t see much bad about it, I mean, not that I’d been dying to procreate successfully myself, but still. How to explain the blood and shit in those visions of hers though? If I bought the rest, I had to consider that didn’t I? Where was the blood?

  I had my answer soon enough.

  Between our website and the word of mouth we had a pretty consistent stream of customers. Not so much that we were drowning in cash, but enough that we were pretty comfortable as far as the expenses of living, maintaining the operation, and saving for the impending births and child-rearing. I think, fucked as it sounds to say, doing all this actually made our little collective of do-nothing slackers into a responsible little unit of adults. Things were good, real damned good, until the shit hit the fan.

  It had been long enough that some folks were asking to take part as much for the site as for the high, so much so that folks would ask not to be on if they were too nervous about it. This couple that came in next, they asked for that, for it to be private, and I was damned happy they did by the end of it.

  They were gay, not something I have a problem with at all, people should be happy any way they’re happy, but I think maybe whatever it was with this drug had a real bug up its ass about it. Let tell you why I got that impression.

  Things were fine, the two of them were beaming at each other, just doing their thing and enjoying their lives together as they so clearly had since they met. I have to say that I think I’d seen few happy straight couples that were as so clearly bonded as those two. They actually told me they were doing this as a honeymoon thing, somewhere to stop off before they hit the cabin they rented a couple hours away at some resort.

  Goddamn it, I wish they got to go.

  Xan, he was the medium build guy with the more outgoing personality, had his quieter partner’s hand in his, slipping Kyle’s closer to one of the several caterpillars on the cage as he smiled sheepishly back at Xan. Thing was, the caterpillars had their built-in preference, so they weren’t having anything to do with the idea. Kyle, being one to avoid making scenes, whispe
red that maybe they could head on to the cabin instead. Xan was the kind of guy who doesn’t take to plans being changed though, so he reached out and grabbed one of those fucking caterpillars, stinging himself and then his partner.

  Ever see a person do something and then they instantly know they fucked up? The look is written in every pore of their face? Yeah, that was Xan, something was wrong. I didn’t step in, not then, I didn’t see anything major going on and figured maybe he just felt off like Cass did when she got stung. Those first couple minutes of feeling off or something. Then I saw it on Kyle’s face too, the pair of them looking at each other as if they were just told that they would never see each other again. A second later Xan was running for the doors, both of them clapped shut for privacy, Kyle hot on his tail.

  The look of terror on that man’s face, his partner catching up to him and ripping right into his chest with these claws and the fur that that came out of fucking nowhere, the blood spraying over both of them as Xan got turned into a pile of ripped up leftovers. Hollllyyyyyy fuuuck! Then it went from bad to worse, Kyle’s body slipped back to his normal self, the claws and the other shit gone, but the blood was fucking everywhere. He was in tears, his partner dead hamburger on the ground, and then?

  He starts rotting right in front of us.

  There he is, weeping and moaning over his partner, and then he’s sliding apart, the chunks slipping off in a mire of filth and stinking fluids which drug out the sound of that loss until it was a guttural animal sound of horror. All of him just came apart like a badly glued together popsicle stick sculpture, and all there was now was a hell of a mess to clear up.

  I was shaking, my eyes locked on the leftovers until I heard a small gasp from beside me. Cass must have seen it all. She was pale as a ghost and her hand was to her mouth, tears streaming down from her face as she struggled to breath past the horror eating her up. She’d had the baby a few weeks ago, so she’d been spending more of her time wrapped up in that than the business. She must have been coming in to get me to go to bed and then…

  “It’s over.” I could hardly hear her, but the words fell like a hammer, as deeply destructive as what had happened only a few minutes before. This was an epic fuck up and it had every indication that things were not ok with these damn things, but…

  “Maybe it was that they were gay, maybe it was just that and it has to be regular couples or…”

  “For fuck’s sake, Danny! Did you not see what he did? What they both did because of it?”

  “We’ve never had a problem, not in all of these months. It has to be a fluke!”

  Her eyes darted back and forth, wet with unshed tears and so angry they were blazing. “Fine, but if it happens again, one more incident and I tell the fucking world, Danny, no one should ever have to go through that, not ever.”

  I shoulda fucking listened to her, Cass was a damned smart woman, and she had all the right ideas on this shit once she had a taste and knew better. Me? I was a fuck up, born and raised; I was dumb enough to think maybe a few bad calls would still be worth it as long as things got to be good for most of us. This was the one half-cocked idea I’d ever come up with that actually netted something like good stuff. We had a life now, responsibilities I was providing for, and I didn’t want to lose one small scrap of what I had. The thing I forgot about was that the harder you try to hold onto something that is absolutely fucked, the harder the bastard will fight to fuck you up and slip out of your grasp.

  Things worked for a bit, we had a way of running things now that we used handy excuses like risk for STD's and AIDS as reasoning for leaving gay men out of the ballgame, you know, like the blood drives do. I felt like shit about it, I wasn’t gonna tell a guy he was a prick for being gay, but I sure as shit wasn’t gonna watch him rip the shit out of his partner against his will either. So we played hardball and it worked out. You can’t exactly argue with an illegal operation about the way they run things being discriminatory when you’d be in hot water for bringing it up, after all. Like I said, it worked for a bit.

  All told we’d been in action for a year by then, the ladies had 3 months hard work in on their rugrats (all 5 of them, I scored the singleton, and all 5 were girls) and us guys had busted our balls to get them what we all needed in order to survive and maybe become a little comfortable as we went along. It had been just long enough for us to become a little more relaxed about the incident, the corpses settled into their mingled grave both literally and figuratively, and we decided it might be all right to pull off one last crazy dose of the stuff for us after a long break. Our little tribe was in high spirits, the rugrats all safe and secure with their babysitters, so we got down to business.

  We weren’t stupid about it, made sure the guys stayed well away from those fuckers and the women didn’t let the things sting them more than once. The only change-up was that Cass was staying sober, and one of the guys had invited over a couple of other girls to join us. Things were going real nice like usual, though Cass looked on with her judging face from the sidelines. We weren’t so good at the partner thing after those guys died on the stuff, differences of opinion and all of that. She said she didn’t care if I took part or not, so I was down in the thick of things waiting to see what went down from it all.

  By then we’d started saving ourselves some bullshit and got naked before we got started, so it all started going down pretty quickly, all of the usual signs cuing us guys that it was time to gather around. The women were writhing on their feet, all them tits high and erect with their varying nipples hard as hell between their teasing fingers. The flowery flesh smell came up and over us again, the air thick with the ripeness of their sex and their eager hands pulling us along to take part in it all. I did look over at Cass before I did anything about getting caught up in things, I wasn’t in the best place with her right now, and I wasn’t happy, but I wasn’t so stupid I would risk it all after all we’d been through.

  She met my eyes, hers shining and wet and mine watchful, another woman’s hands pulling on me as I looked back at her. She nodded her ascent, her eyes far away and focused on whatever aspect of this bothered her more than anything we had going. I dove right in after that, buried inside of a woman I just met a couple hours before and riding the high right into the next woman until I must’ve fucked every one of them at least once, and I was starting to lose the thread of things. That was probably for the best anyway.

  See, it was right about then, when things started getting blurry, that the women started looking at each other with this strange expression, three of them circling the fourth and running their hands over her body. I only caught it in snatches, little blips of imagery that told me what was going on while I was high on this caterpillar crap, but it was enough to put it all together by the end of it. At first it could have been some sort of game, something that was a part of the sexual free-for-all that happened with this stuff, them playing with her so that she was ready again for the sort of things that we’d been doing before, her and the men watching. But it took on another sort of edge as they moved around her, weighing each breast in hand, their fingers like crooked claws and their eyes shining in the light of the barn. This new turn was all about judging, their faces running close to hers, pulling in puffs of her sent that carried them down to her sex and then up to gaze into her eyes, at first serene and then frightened.

  They whirled and swung around, snarling then with their crooked fingers, and they spun back to face her with those same fingers and began tearing her apart. I remember splashes of blood, screams of terror, the sound of eating and then long empty bones on the floor at their feet as the flowery thickness of their sex smell came on again, and we were back to rutting with them until we lost consciousness.

  I came to a few minutes after that with Cass’ foot thrust into my gut and blood all over my skin. I laid still, marveling at the few images I could muster about what had happened, and then Cass’ foot was slamming into my gut again, clearing my head and pulling things all into foc

  “Oh, fuck.”

  She was crying, not just upset, but actually streaming tears of rage and ready to spit nails now. “It’s done, you got your chance to have fun and make a goddamn buck off other people and now it’s all done. I don’t even know her fucking name but I’m gonna find out, and then we’re going to get the word out about this shit. We’re going to stop people from using it and then whatever consequences there are, we’re gonna face them. We deserve it, we deserved it for those poor men, we deserved it for even touching it after that first time. It’s done, Danny.”

  “But we-”

  “Don’t even try, Danny, you’re laying there with her blood all over you, I watched you fuck them after they tore her apart, and I knew that was gonna be the end of it. I even guessed why they did it. Do you?”

  “No, I uh-”

  “She didn’t have a uterus. I remember her telling the boys how she was gonna dodge the pregnancy thing because she had a hysterectomy. Well, guess the fucking rite showed her, huh?”


  “Yeah, you didn’t take it seriously like I did, and now we know better, but it’s too late to make it all better. There’s too many damn variables for you to come up with some sort of gameplan to get around it all.”

  “Cass, baby, I-” I was on my feet by then, reaching my arms out to try and plead with her, soothe her, something like that, but she wasn’t having any of it.

  “Don’t fucking touch me!” She roared it, both her hands thrust out against my chest and pushing me away from her as hard as she could. Pushing me straight into that goddamn bird cage, my back striking a caterpillar just the right way to be stung, and then I was darting across the room and straight at her.


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