The Eastern Dwarfs: Part Two - The Underground Journey

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The Eastern Dwarfs: Part Two - The Underground Journey Page 24

by Leo deSouza

  “Eight eyes? What more did ye see? Was it really half spider and half scorpion?” Olaf asked.

  “I don’t know, it was dark, and I was not willing to waste my time in watching that creature. I just did my job. It is done.” Torag added.

  When they reached the center of the hole, the group found itself on a large mattress of web, forming something like a circular platform where they could walk freely, the distance in between the wires was not large enough for a foot to slide through.

  “Ye see? This is not a spider web. A spider web would be gummy, to catch flies, and other bugs.” Rurur said.

  “Still there are these things.” Olaf replied pointing to the spiders around.

  Somehow the creatures seemed to be following them.

  “Don’t bother about these ones, they are harmless.” Torag said as he kicked one of the spiders far away.

  Montaron was now smiling shamelessly. He took momentum from the web, making it wave, then jumped and hugged his knees, falling with his butt on the mattress of wires, being thrown in the air again, the dwarf began to make juggling motions.

  “Ha! Look at this small harlequin!” Torag exclaimed as he watched the scene.

  “Montaron! When we get in the Steel Fist house, we will get some coins from folks there, they will pay to watch ye!”

  Montaron was now jumping around, making the web tremble as he laughed.

  “Do not abuse our luck.” Thuor said.

  Torag spoke: “Oh captain, the web is strong enough, let the little rascal have some fun, at least it yield us some laughs. So…” He continued as he took one spider from the web with his bare hand. “Spider webs are gummy… If this web is not made by any spider, what made it then?”

  The creature agitated its paws while the dwarf held it, strumming in the air.

  “Let this damn thing go, Torag!” Olaf said with a disgusted face.

  Torag dropped the spider, it fell in the hole towards the lava. Now everyone began to walk towards the other side of the hole, to leave the place.

  “Come on Montaron, ye already had much fun.” Torag said.

  Rurur turned to Montaron to say something, but before he could do it, he saw the exact moment when the juggler dwarf was looking up to something and his smile turned into a frightened face. Looking up Rurur saw what it was about. “Run ye all!” He shouted.

  As the others looked out too they saw something that made their blood freeze. From the ceiling of the cave, hanging on a web wire, came a monstrous figure. None of the dwarfs spent time to realize what it was as they all turned to run, the giant creature came down, his many legs horridly strumming in the air, but this was not a simple spider. The only one daring enough to look back was Thuor himself, and he saw that the creature was actually like a mixture of things, part spider, part scorpion, as Krogo described, and his horrid body caused him qualms. Now they were again passing on a lower wire while holding onto a higher one, much faster than they previously did, hurried.

  “What is that thing?” Olaf shouted.

  The big creature now landed on the center of the web mattress and rotated toward the dwarfs at a frightening speed, sounding a disturbing noise. The dwarfs were getting near the end of the hole, but the creature came and was approaching fast. Montaron was the last one, he stopped and looked back to the monster, in a quick movement he then drew a sharp knife and began to cut the wire.

  “What are ye doing? This way ye will kill us all!” Olaf shouted.

  Montaron did not answer, he kept cutting the wire where he was holding it with his hand, but he did not finish it, instead, the dwarf stretched his arm to cut the lower wire where he stepped, none of the wires were totally cut when then he went ahead again. The creature was almost reaching him, Thuor was the first one to jump on firm ground again on the other side of the hole, then came Torag, Rurur, and at last Olaf. Still Montaron was coming fast, everyone stood on the border waiting for him.

  “Faster, Montaron! He is right behind ye!” Olaf shouted.

  “Oh my! He will not make it!” Rurur exclaimed.

  Right when the creature stepped on the wire where Montaron did the cuts, the web broke, the monster fell into the hole growling a horrid scream; the dwarf held tight on the wire as he fell too.

  “Oh no! He fell!” Olaf exclaimed.

  The other dwarfs bent over the edge of the hole, trying to see something.

  “Montaron!” Rurur shouted.

  But no answer came.

  “Oh my dear… He fell on the lava…” Rurur whispered.

  Then a voice dimly echoed in the hole: “I’m alive!”

  It was Montaron, the others now could see him climbing the web.

  “The more I come to know this little one, the more I get satisfied with him!” Rurur exclaimed.

  Montaron reached the hole’s border, and was pulled out by his mates, Torag gave him some slaps to clean his clothes from dust. “Ye are the luckiest of the dwarfs!” He said

  “I don’t think that was about luck.” Thuor broke in. “He cut the web enough for it to still hold us, but not for the monster, a smart move just in time.”

  Montaron gave a forced smile, he got some slaps on his shoulder and some words of gratitude as the group turned to continue the path ahead, but just a second after it, they heard a sound that they knew, and looking back they saw the legs of the creature coming from the hole and reaching its border.

  “It is not over yet! Run for your lives!” Olaf shouted.

  The monster came from the hole and stood on the ground, it stirred and advanced quickly towards the dwarfs one more time.

  “There is the Great Wall!” Thuor shouted pointing ahead as they all ran.

  At their front was a huge wall, made of the same rock as the rest of the cave, but so polished that even a small flaw could not be noticed, at its foot, a small door, and as they came closer, they noticed something they were not expecting.

  “It is closed!” Rurur said, he came running and threw himself against the door, but it did not move. Torag drew his crossbow and pointed to the incoming monster, he fired a shot that went into one of the many eyes of the creature, bursting it. The monster screamed loudly, it stirred and moved adrift.

  “Open this damn thing!” Olaf shouted.

  Torag was now reloading his weapon as he ran between the monster’s legs, it was then that he noticed that one of its legs was missing, he realized that it was the same monster from the night before. The creature had a tail like a scorpion, and now it began to try hitting the dwarf, but fast enough Torag dodged, jumping to avoid the blows. Thuor drew his weapon and prepared to fight. Montaron took his tools from one pocket and began trying to open the lock of the door. Another shot was fired from Torag’s crossbow, now into the big belly of the monster. Many strokes were struck by Thuor, his warhammer hit the monster’s legs, opening wounds from where a disgusting pus came.

  “Why are ye taking so long? Open this damn thing!” Olaf shouted.

  Montaron was sweating and trembling as he tried his tools one by one inside the lock, he leaned his ear against the door, knocked on it trying to be heard, but did no manage to open it. The creature distanced a little, stirring his horrid head as blood leaked from his wounded eye. Thuor and Torag came to the door.

  “What is wrong, why can’t ye open it?” Torag asked

  “The monster is preparing to strike us!” The captain exclaimed.

  Montaron was now biting his own tongue, he was totally focused on the lock. The creature leapt and jumped toward them.

  “Open that damn thing!” Torag shouted.

  Just a moment later the door opened, the dwarfs fell into it and crawled, getting far inside, one of the legs of the monster came under the arch and groped on the ground, as if trying to catch one of them. Thuor struck a hard blow with his warhammer, amputating the limb, a scream was heard and the stump of the leg retreated. Olaf and Rurur closed the door, they lay on the ground, breathless, the captain leant on the handle of his weapon, Tor
ag leaned against the wall.

  “I swear… By the memory of all my forefathers, that I will never enter that damned underground passage again…” Torag spoke.

  “Was it the same monster ye saw last night in the lizard dwelling?” Rurur asked.

  “Yes…” Torag replied as he breathed. “I saw one of its legs missing…”

  “Ye should have killed that thing when ye had the chance…” Rurur continued.

  “Well that was my plan since the beginning while ye all just wanted to block the hole! At least I took from him a leg!” Torag spoke.

  “Stop with this!” Thuor exclaimed.

  “Where did this thing came from at all? If this is the type of thing that dwells in this underground passage, then how could our cousins use this path for so long?” Olaf asked.

  “Ye heard Krogo.” The captain said. “These things are coming from inside cracks recently opened in the cave… Now, if it was an air pocket where the ceiling collapsed, at least we should know why it broke. Like many other things that happening since we left our stronghold, this one, natural or not, seems to have something strange as background.”

  Torag gestured in the air as if despising the captain’s speech. “Whatever…” He said, still breathless. “I’m not going to pass though this path again, no way!”

  Now everyone turned quiet, and they suddenly realized they were facing an impressive and totally different ambience. It was hot like they had not felt for a long time, and brightly lit. They saw waterfalls and rivers, not of water but of lava. Torrents of lava flowing through the rocks, flames burning and smoke going through cracks in the ceiling. There were also some handmade structures, aqueducts conducing lava streams.

  “Behold! The fire kingdom of the Steel Fists!” Thuor exclaimed.

  “That is really impressive.” Rurur whispered.

  “The domain of King Drago, mightiest among all the dwellers of this place, and a fair sovereign.” Said the captain.

  “I’m very glad this journey is over.” Olaf spoke. “We will finally get some time to rest.”

  They arranged themselves and walked ahead, through the heat.

  T he prince of fire.

  The way through the new ambience was not mild, the heat was increasing, but there was a well made paved path through the many lava streams, and some bridges crossing deep slits on the rock ground where fire burned constantly. Everyone was sweating and it became difficult to breathe well.

  “I guess it is not all like this.” Rurur said.

  “No. This is a rich kingdom, they have many good houses and halls, and they know how to tame the heat, bringing it down to comfortable levels.” Thuor spoke.

  Far ahead they saw a group coming, Thuor squinted as he tried to identify them. “It seems a garrison. They will for sure welcome us.”

  He was right, it was a garrison of Steel Fist dwarfs, and as they approached the company could see them properly. Strong muscular brown dwarfs, their skin looked as though burned by the sun, but it was actually by the heat of the Vulcan, and they were dressed in a very particular type of armor, their helmets were edged and covered all the head and almost all the face; their breast plates were full too, and all the rest of the body was almost totally covered by the steel; on their hands, edged swords and shields, and on their back red capes.

  “Halt!” One of them exclaimed raising one hand.

  Thuor made the dwarf greeting gesture, lifting one fist, but it was not reciprocated.

  “Who are ye? And how ye passed through the closed door in the Great Wall?” The dwarf asked.

  “We are RockFoot, on a quest. We unlocked the door, we had to, there was a danger on our backs.” Thuor spoke.

  “Danger or not, this is a violation. That door has almost the thickness of one of ye, ye breached through it, and entered our kingdom without permission!”

  “Hey mind your words master Steel Fist!” Torag said pointing his finger to the guard. “I did not cross all the way through the darkness, dealing with calamities of all types to hear such an offense!”

  Thuor lowered Torag’s arm calmly. “It is true, there was a huge creature chasing us, we had no option.” He said.

  “It is not up to me to hear stories, ye will need to explain this to our authorities. Ye are under arrest.” The dwarf guard replied

  “Under arre… Oh shut your mouth! I’m not going to take this after all I endured!” Torag said reaching for his axe.

  But fast as lightning the Steel Fist dwarfs encircled the company, pointing their swords against him and the others. Thuor raised his hands in an appeasing gesture. “Hold!” He spoke. “We will not offer any resistance, take us to your leader, tell the King we arrived.”

  Now the guard dwarfs gestured with their weapons for the company to walk ahead, they left, being escorted by these warriors. The group passed by all the lava, ground cracks, pits spitting flames, and falls of melted rock, they crossed this first part of the kingdom till they reached a place with no more fire. Now they went into a large open hall, made of red marble; right ahead was a tall wall that ended at the ceiling with no gap, and in it an imposing iron gate. The leader of the garrison sounded a horn, then the sound of hinges was heard, the gate opened. The sight beyond the entrance was even more impressive than the one they saw before, now they got into an underground chamber under the Vulcan. Red marble was the material used in all the buildings and structures, balconies coming from both walls on the sides, and tower like structures that came from the ground to the ceiling. There were still some small lava streams, but guarded on their borders by high parapets, Steel Fist dwarfs were all around, passing by.

  “Seems like just another day inside the Vulcan.” Olaf whispered.

  They crossed all the main hall of the city and entered a gallery where there were many statues of dwarf warriors on both sides, there was no dark corner in this place, everything was lightened by torches or even flames coming from pits, and above there were many chimneys to exhaust all the smoke, so the air was clean, yet too hot for the newcomers. The group entered what appeared to be a military area, there were other warriors around, then they finally reached a fortified iron door.

  “Ye will stay here for now, we will inform about your arrival.” The leader of the guards said.

  Another one opened the door.

  “Tell King Drago we came, he knows me, I’m Thuor, master chief of the arms of the RockFoot Stronghold.” The captain spoke.

  “King Drago is sick. He can no longer meet his responsibilities. Prince Gorduro is in charge now, he is the ruler.” Replied the guard leader.

  The other warriors forced the company inside the room, not without some protest from Torag, the door was closed, and now the dwarfs were imprisoned.

  “I don’t understand what is happening, but as soon as I get to meet Drago, or his son, Gorduro, I’m going to clarify all this.” Thuor said.

  The others sat on marble benches there.

  “Do ye know this so called Prince?” Olaf asked.

  “Gorduro, I saw him once, when he was still a kid. Guess he must be a grown lad now.” Thuor replied.

  “He must be. I mean, he is the one in charge. How many children does the king have?” Rurur asked.

  “Two. Gorduro is the prince, Torra is the princess.” Thuor explained.

  Olaf looked up and saw a chimney in the ceiling, closed by metal bars. “This is the place where winter never hits.” He whispered.

  “Get some time to rest, the answers will come soon.” Thuor said.

  So they did, everyone found a good place to lay down or sit, and all the dwarfs became quiet, immersed in their own thoughts. Montaron was stroking his weasel, Ribs, the small animal was constantly running across the room and coming back to the hands of his master. Torag was looking at his newly acquired gems, smiling satisfied, no matter the conditions the company were in now. Rurur was eating some bread and Olaf was sleeping. Thuor was the only one still alert, more than all the others he was expecting for someone to

  Much time passed till the door finally opened again, a guard came inside, but none of the dwarfs gave him attention, it was only when someone else came that all of them turned to look. Through the door entered a robust dwarf, very young and with a sassy mien. His hair was oily and spiky, his beard was short and his mustache thick; he had a muscular shape, wore a heavy adorned steel armor with many details in red color, and he brought a helmet under one of his arms. Torag quickly hid his gems, Thuor then rose from the ground, but the others just stayed still, they were exhausted by all the effort they made to escape the monster in the leaving of the Underground Path, and also due to the heat.

  The dwarf in the heavy armor looked at all of them for a moment, raising an eyebrow, then spoke in a pettish voice: “Who are these ones who don’t even raise from the ground when they come to meet the prince of the Kingdom of Fire?”

  “They are too tired, please forgive their reluctance about answering, some of them would even find it difficult to say something.” Thuor said giving the best answer he could.

  “Fine then, if ye want ye can stay on the ground, might be a more appropriate place for ye.” Gorduro spoke.

  “Gorduro, my lord, I’m Thuor, from the RockFoot house, don’t ye remember me? These are Olaf, Rurur and Torag, and this is Montaron, former Thick Beard.” Thuor said pointing to the dwarfs one by one.

  “Former? At least all of ye have names! Thuor RockFoot, refresh my memory, I don’t remember ye.” Gorduro continued.

  “I know your father since a long time ago. I’m the master chief of arms, from the northern stronghold, the house of your cousins.” Thuor argued.

  “Oh!” Gorduro exclaimed. “They told me about that, it is true that my father knows ye, but I can’t remember… Anyway, what are ye doing here? And why ye came without warning?”


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