Heart to Heart

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Heart to Heart Page 167

by Meline Nadeau

  “Rob?” Pippa raised her voice, looking for her helper. She stalked into the cold room and gathered the ingredients anew, mind working furiously. A bit spicier, hey. She’d give him spicy. Her hands flew whilst chopping the ginger and she moved onto the chili, glancing at her watch. She had to work fast.

  Without stopping to think, she chopped more chili and, after placing most of the ingredients into a main pot for all of the other guests, started a small pot. Especially for Jonathon. A little bit spicier indeed. Take that!

  There. Done. No turning back now, although a remote part of her stood apart with crossed arms saying, What the hell are you doing?

  “I’m here, chef.” Rob materialized beside her, looking over at her with bemusement. Pippa straightened her face with an effort.

  “I need to you move lightning fast, get up to the Doubtful, and add an extra two seats at the table. We have another two guests, and they are moving up there now. So you need to be quick. I’ll send the starters up in the lift as soon as the extra two are done. Now shoo!”

  “Okay, great. I’ll let you know when I’m clearing the starter.” Rob’s voice tapered out as he disappeared in the direction of the exit.

  Pippa concentrated on frying more scallops — two seconds extra frying and they would be ruined. She hummed distractedly, refusing to think of what she’d done. The only thoughts in her head was “spicier please.” The brazen look on his face, gold flecks in his eyes just daring her to react to him.

  Her mouth watered as the smell of frying scallops rose, reminding her she hadn’t had anything to eat yet. Pushing her hunger to the back of her mind, she loaded the butler’s tray and sent it up in the lift to Rob.

  Don’t think just do.

  The chicken sizzled nicely, and she tasted the sauce for the Stevensons. The pistachios added a lovely, almost toasted almonds taste, the chili stayed in the background only to linger on her tongue after she swallowed, and the taste of the coconut soothed the flavours down.

  Perfect. For some maybe.

  The food lift pinged its arrival, giving her heart a little jumpstart. Nearly dropping the dishes in her hurry to get them away from her, she loaded up the main course and sent it on its way.

  He deserves it, remember.

  But would she deserve getting sacked?

  Rationale finally managed to break through into her hothead.

  Damn what had she done? Groaning audibly, she flung her chef’s towel from her and left the kitchen at a run. Maybe she could get there in time to stop Rob serving. She huffed up the stairs and followed the long corridor around to the suites. Who knew it was so far from the kitchens?

  As she opened the door to the suite, she heard a peal of laughter, followed by a gaggle of voices. Piano music played in the background and the soft glow from the chandelier warmed the room. A balmy sea breeze blew through the doors, wafting around the suite to release the smell of roses from the display on the sideboard.

  All at odds with the jangling alarm in her veins.

  Jonathon glanced up from his conversation, tawny eyes warm as he smiled at her. She flashed him a quick smile, looking at the table to see what was in front of the guests. Of course. The main course was out, complete with sauce.

  “Ah, good. Everyone, this is our new superb head chef of Corals, Pippa Renshaw. For our good fortune, we have her cooking solely for us tonight. Pippa, let me be the first to congratulate you on the scallops, the flavours were wonderfully intense, and an excellent way to start our meal. Well done.”

  Pippa blinked. Had she heard right? Was he actually complimenting her? There were murmurs of agreement from the other guests. What was he going say after trying the main course? Perhaps she could rescue his plate yet.

  “Yes, Jonathon daaarling, you are right. Of course.” The American accent broke through Pippa’s confusion, and she nearly looked twice when she saw Juliet sitting by Jonathon’s right hand side. Her features were so familiar, Pippa felt she was looking at a friend of hers. Not that any friend of hers would look back with such contempt. Clearly, Juliet didn’t expect to hobnob with the staff.

  Her hand lay on Jonathon’s forearm, fingers splayed possessively as though she never intended to let go. Adopting the critical eye Pippa employed in looking over her dishes, she could see that they made a very attractive couple. Juliet, with her overly done good looks, and Jonathon, with his understated charisma, were perfect foils for each other. Easy, tiger, anyone would think you cared. Her nerves for the evening dissolved, replaced by a dull emptiness.

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it.” Pippa managed to get the words out from a tight throat. “I hope you enjoy the rest too. Can I get you anything else?” But out of her peripheral vision, she saw him take a mouthful of his main course. She turned to look fully at him as he hesitantly swallowed and coughed, tears coming to his eyes.

  Juliet’s voice sounded sweet as sugar. “Oh, darling, did it go down the wrong way? Here, have some of my water.” Taking advantage of the situation, she draped her arm around his shoulder as he quietly coughed some more. She glared at Pippa. “Or maybe it’s poisonous. Perhaps your wonderful chef isn’t so wonderful. Here, let me take a taste.”

  She raised a fork.

  Pippa’s stomach twisted. Jonathon’s eyes met hers, and she was sure he could see her plea. Don’t let her try it!

  “Juliet!” Her mother’s voice rang out through the room. “Your behaviour is appalling. What is the matter with you?”

  Pippa’s stomach unclenched. Her future on board wasn’t looking good as it was, never mind the disaster that would ensue if Juliet had tried the hot sauce.

  The sweet, caring look that had been predominant on Juliet’s face turned into a pettish, childish snarl. “You insisted I come along on this forsaken tin boat, I didn’t want to. So you can hardly take it out on me just because I’m looking for a bit of fun whilst I’m stuck here.” She flounced back in her seat and took a gulp from her wine glass, emptying it. With a flick of her wrist, she gestured to it, and raised her eyebrows imperiously at Rob, who, exemplary waiter that he was, complied.

  Although Pippa didn’t like scenes, she was glad the heat had been taken from Jonathon’s reaction to her sauce. Looking at him now, she saw him dabbing at his mouth with his serviette in a vain attempt to hide the curling of his lip. The heat from the chili seemed to have reached his eyes as they slowly simmered under his thick lashes. They turned a deep whisky brown and the gold in them glittered dangerously. Almost as though he turned the heat on her, her face started to warm up.

  “This is excellent also, Pippa.”

  Had she misheard? “Pardon?”

  “I very much like this sauce, although I’m not sure what the predominant ingredient is. Is it the chili, the coconut, or maybe even the ginger? In fact please, just to humour me, I’d like you to take a taste, savour the sauce and tell me the flavours you taste.” He looked at the Stevensons. “This is the beauty of having the chef come to the table. You get to ask questions about how your dinner was made.”

  “Oh.” Pippa had a sneaking feeling she looked like a fish with her mouth fallen open. “I wouldn’t dream of trying yours. I’ll fetch another sauce from the kitchen.”

  “Too right,” Juliet murmured, words nearly blocked out by her wine glass close to her lips.

  “No, not at all, please, try mine.” Jonathon dipped his dessert spoon into his sauce and held it out to her, heavily loaded. Juliet straightened up, and her eyes took him in, then flew to Pippa. The scene looked like a caricature of two lovers sharing a dish, and Juliet’s eagle eyes spotted it.

  “Um, thanks.” Pippa took the spoon and, mentally blocking her nose to save herself from some of the heat, swallowed the sauce.

  “Savour the flavors,” Jonathon almost crooned at her, his eyes now showing nothing but merriment. “Now, what can you taste? No,
don’t spoil the taste with water, tell us all about the prominent one.”

  Pippa felt as though her mouth was on fire. “As you rightly pointed out, Jonathon, the chili is the prominent flavour, with after tones of ginger.” The chili burst into her mouth and the quantity made her feel as though flames were about to emerge. She had always wanted to be a dragon when she was growing up. “Followed swiftly by the soothing coconut.”

  “Thank you, Pippa.” Jonathon held his wine glass up to her; to all the others it looked as though he were praising her, but she knew better. He held the glass up as though to say, We’re even, you and I. Don’t even think about trying that again.

  She tilted her head to the side, and gave a half smile in return.

  Fair enough. She couldn’t complain.

  • • •

  The memory of what Pippa had done kept Jonathon amused for the rest of the evening, which passed by without a hitch.

  The Bradleys reluctantly left after Della fell asleep at the table, citing jetlag rather than her copious consumption of the very good Chablis Premier Cru. Nina’s comment to Juliet seemed to have taken the wind out of her sails, for she too soon yawned and hinted loudly at Jonathon to walk her back to her suite. George threw his eyes exasperatedly up to heaven.

  “Don’t mind my daughter, Jonathon, it’s just the jet lag talking.” The look he gave his daughter made it clear he thought the world of her. “Come on, sweetheart, Daddy will take you home.” Putting her hand over her yawning mouth, Juliet stood and swayed. George grabbed her before she could fall into Jonathon’s arms, and Nina stood too.

  “Thank you for a very enjoyable evening. We’re very much looking forward to seeing White Island tomorrow.”

  Jonathon bid them good night, and called down for the room service staff to come and clear away. He sat at the table, nearly empty wine glass in his hand. He couldn’t believe the evening that had passed. The impudence of Pippa, lacing his sauce. His heart had nearly stopped when he had tasted the chili, and he had been on the verge of warning George not to eat the sauce, but he was too late.

  However, the look of delight on George’s face reassured him. Obviously, his sauce was the only one laced. He chuckled to himself, then stopped. If the waiting staff came in to find him laughing alone at the dinner table, all his hard-won credibility would be lost. He pushed his chair back to stand when the door opened.

  “Knock before coming in, please, in the future.” He couldn’t have the staff just walking in, even if he had called them.

  “Certainly, then I’ll ask you to do the same.” Pippa’s voice sounded cool, her English accent familiar after the evening spent with the Americans, but her face belied the coolness. Her eyes lightened to a spearmint color and looked suspiciously glassy, with her rosebud mouth all but disappeared into a long line. Even her freckles seemed to have paled.

  “I thought you were the staff, come to clear up.”

  “Well, you’re right there, I am the staff, just not coming to clear up, rather to catch some sleep. I’m quite tired.” Pippa’s voice faltered and she crouched down to tie up shoelaces, which, from his view point, didn’t need tying up.

  “Are you okay?” Jonathon reached out to her. He gazed down at the tumble of curls, watching them shake, followed by her shoulders doing the same. His heart expanded, and without stopping to think, he hunkered down beside her. He hooked his finger under her chin to lift her face up. By now, tears were streaming down her face, and she kept her eyes shut rather than look at him, her dark thick lashes clumped together, failing to hold the tears in. Pulling her up, he threw caution to the wind and engulfed her in a bear hug. Maybe he could just will her tears away. A little voice wondered what the hell he was doing.

  “I’m just … just … ” The words ended on a wail.

  “It’s okay, it’s okay.” Jonathon murmured the words to her, shocked by the feelings whirling in him caused by Pippa in his arms. How could she fit so well? Her head reached the crook of his neck, with her face turned inwards under his chin. A lean and fit body warmed his, curves pressed against his chest, and slim arms around his back. Smelling her hair, he caught the scent of fresh lavender despite the hours spent in the kitchen.

  “Jetlagged … and tired … and homesick … ” Pippa punctuated each word with a sniff, then buried her head deeper into his neck.

  A noise like thunder broke through Jonathon’s consciousness and the door to the suite swung open, with Rob coming through first, pulling a trolley. Jonathon cursed to himself as he pulled Pippa’s arms from around him and they took a step back from each other. An inaudible groan escaped Jonathon’s lips, as he realized how this must look to the staff. A glance at Pippa confirmed his fears, for guilt radiated from her pale face.

  Rob, on the other hand, went bright red. “Sorry, sir, sorry.” He muttered the words whilst chewing his lip.

  “Oh hi, Rob, you must have come to clear up?” Pippa visibly tried to pull herself together, scrabbling for a tissue in her pocket to wipe her eyes.

  “Yeah, Mr. Eagleton just phoned down and asked for some staff up here.”

  “I’ll give you a hand.”

  Jonathon cleared his throat to take control. “No, no Pippa, you’re exhausted from jetlag and the understandable stress of your first evening. You need a good night’s sleep.” He had been about to tell her to go to bed but he didn’t want to say anything that may be misconstrued; the situation was already awkward enough. “I’ll help here.”

  “Well, if you’re sure then.” The strain on Pippa’s face seemed to shift, and she looked very young all of a sudden. Jonathon nodded at her, endeavouring to keep his face blank. She looked so vulnerable and all he wanted right now was to protect her.

  “You were great tonight, the Stevensons waxed lyrical about your food, so don’t worry. I’m sure it’s only jetlag and perhaps you were a little overwhelmed after your first day working on the other side of the world.” He crooked an eyebrow, happy to see a small smile, albeit a weary one, appear on her face.

  Pippa nodded, and saying goodnight to them both, retired to her bedroom. The click on the door left Jonathon in no doubt the door was locked.

  “Pippa did extremely well tonight.” Jonathon worked hard to keep his voice level. Dammit, he, the new CEO, had been found in a totally compromising situation with one of his staff.

  “It was a pleasure working with her.” Rob kept his head down, clearing the table.

  “She was under a great deal of pressure. I think she ended up feeling a bit overwhelmed.” Jonathon watched Rob, wondering how much more he had to say. Rob stopped tidying, and straightened up to look at him, his gaze direct and open.

  “I like chef, she was great to work with tonight and I want to carry on working with her. The staff in her kitchen seem to be taking to her too. Anyway, there’s really no need to help me clear up, I’ll be out of here in a jiffy.”

  He nodded. He couldn’t do more now, for to say anything else would only draw attention to them. Pouring a shot of whisky from the decanter, he stepped through the double doors onto the balcony. How could he have let this happen? He had thought to avoid a compromising situation with Juliet, never thinking that it would be with Pippa instead.

  How would this look to all the staff tomorrow morning? They would think he was just another Mulberry. Staff morale flat lined at a record low. How would the employees feel now, thinking that yet another Jack-the-lad headed up the company? And if that wasn’t bad enough, there was still the small problem of Juliet. He took deep breaths, and focused on the positive.

  Rob seemed to have understood what Jonathon intimated, but even so. He was sure to tell his close friends what with both Jonathon and Pippa being new and in senior roles.


  Working in such a close environment made it hard enough to inspire staff loyalty without all this blowing
up in his face.

  Chapter Five

  Standing with her back against the door, Pippa felt as though she had hit rock bottom. Only two short hours ago, she had been on top of the world. She had risen to the challenge and cooked up a good impression, and had been congratulated on it. Perhaps it was the congratulatory champagne that had done it. She’d only had half a glass, but combine that alcohol with her jetlag, being homesick, nerves over a new job, home and boss and who could blame her emotions for running wild.

  To top it all off, the aftermath of her trick — her desire to get back at Jonathon, swiftly followed by disbelief that she had done it — had left her feeling flat. When he had barked the order to knock before entering their shared cabin, it had been the final straw.

  The floodgates had opened. He had been incredibly gentle with her, though, and in his arms, a feeling of calmness crept into her, the quiet before the storm. Her homesickness had transformed into a sense of belonging that she had never felt before. A sense that had started to morph and swirl deep within her, bringing all her nerve points to the points where her body touched his. Control over herself, her mind, her emotions all weakened and she would’ve melted into him, had Rob not entered when he did. Why?

  Sure, he was big, strong, and handsome, but she had been with similar men, none of whom had produced such a profound response in her. What would it be like to be kissed by him? A shiver ran through her as the image of Jonathon lowering his head to kiss her invaded her thoughts.

  Madness. This was a man she had met scarcely twenty-four hours ago.

  Thank God they had been interrupted. Who knows what would’ve happened? If he had felt the same — impossible to think — but just say he had. This was taking it to the extreme, sure, but how would she be feeling now after once more having sex with the boss? Especially as the boss seemed to think she had no problem with sleeping her way to the top.


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