Essays in Science

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by Albert Einstein

  As regards the mechanical nature of Lorentz’s ether, one might say of it, with a touch of humor, that immobility was the only mechanical property which Lorentz left it. It may be added that the whole difference which the special theory of relativity made in our conception of the ether lay in this, that it divested the ether of its last mechanical quality, namely immobility. How this is to be understood I will explain immediately.

  The Maxwell-Lorentz theory of the electro-magnetic field served as the model for the space-time theory and the kinematics of the special theory of relativity. Hence it satisfies the conditions of the special theory of relativity; but looked at from the standpoint of the latter, it takes on a new aspect. If C is a co-ordinate system in respect to which the Lorentzian ether is at rest, the Maxwell-Lorentz equations hold good first of all in regard to C. According to the special theory of relativity these same equations hold good in exactly the same sense in regard to any new co-ordinate system C, which is in uniform translatory motion with respect to C. Now comes the anxious question, Why should I distinguish the system C, which is physically perfectly equivalent to the systems C’, from the latter by assuming that the ether is at rest in respect to it? Such an asymmetry of the theoretical structure, to which there is no corresponding asymmetry in the system of empirical facts, is intolerable to the theorist. In my view the physical equivalence of C and C’ with the assumption that the ether is at rest in respect to C but in motion with respect to C’, though not absolutely wrong from a logical point of view, is nevertheless unsatisfactory.

  The most obvious line to adopt in the face of this situation seemed to be the following:—There is no such thing as the ether. The electro-magnetic fields are not states of a medium but independent realities, which cannot be reduced to terms of anything else and are bound to no substratum, any more than are the atoms of ponderable matter. This view is rendered the more natural by the fact that, according to Lorentz’s theory, electro-magnetic radiation carries impulse and energy like ponderable matter, and that matter and radiation, according to the special theory of relativity, are both of them only particular forms of distributed energy, inasmuch as ponderable matter loses its exceptional position and merely appears as a particular form of energy.

  In the meantime more exact reflection shows that this denial of the existence of the ether is not demanded by the restricted principle of relativity. We can assume the existence of an ether; but we must abstain from ascribing a definite state of motion to it, i.e., we must divest it by abstraction of the last mechanical characteristic which Lorentz left it. We shall see later on that this way of looking at it, the intellectual possibility of which I shall try to make clearer by a comparison that does not quite fit at all points, is justified by the results of the general theory of relativity.

  Consider waves on the surface of water. There are two quite different things about this phenomenon which may be described. One can trace the progressive changes which take place in the undulating surface where the water and the air meet. One can also—with the aid of small floating bodies, say—trace the progressive changes in the position of the individual particles. If there were in the nature of the case no such floating bodies to aid us in tracing the movement of the particles of liquid, if nothing at all could be observed in the whole procedure except the fleeting changes in the position of the space occupied by the water, we should have no ground for supposing that the water consists of particles. But we could none the less call it a medium.

  Something of the same sort confronts us in the electro-magnetic field. We may conceive the field as consisting of lines of force. If we try to think of these lines of force as something material in the ordinary sense of the word, there is a temptation to ascribe the dynamic phenomena involved to their motion, each single line being followed out through time. It is, however, well known that this way of looking at the matter leads to contradictions.

  Generalizing, we must say that we can conceive of extended physical objects to which the concept of motion cannot be applied. They must not be thought of as consisting of particles, whose course can be followed out separately through time. In the language of Minkowski this is expressed as follows:—Not every extended entity in the four-dimensional world can be regarded as composed of world-lines. The special principle of relativity forbids us to regard the ether as composed of particles the movements of which can be followed out through time, but the theory is not incompatible with the ether hypothesis as such. Only we must take care not to ascribe a state of motion to the ether.

  From the point of view of the special theory of relativity the ether hypothesis does certainly seem an empty one at first sight. In the equations of an electro-magnetic field, apart from the density of the electrical charge nothing appears except the strength of the field. The course of electro-magnetic events in a vacuum seems to be completely determined by that inner law, independently of other physical quantities. The electro-magnetic field seems to be the final irreducible reality, and it seems superfluous at first sight to postulate a homogeneous, isotropic etheric medium, of which these fields are to be considered as states.

  On the other hand, there is an important argument in favor of the hypothesis of the ether. To deny the existence of the ether means, in the last analysis, denying all physical properties to empty space. But such a view is inconsistent with the fundamental facts of mechanics. The mechanical behavior of a corporeal system floating freely in empty space depends not only on the relative positions (intervals) and velocities of its masses, but also on its state of rotation, which cannot be regarded physically speaking as a property belonging to the system as such. In order to be able to regard the rotation of a system at least formally as something real, Newton regarded space as objective. Since he regards his absolute space as a real thing, rotation with respect to an absolute space is also something real to him. Newton could equally well have called his absolute space “the ether”; the only thing that matters is that in addition to observable objects another imperceptible entity has to be regarded as real, in order for it to be possible to regard acceleration, or rotation, as something real.

  Mach did indeed try to avoid the necessity of postulating an imperceptible real entity, by substituting in mechanics a mean velocity with respect to the totality of masses in the world for acceleration with respect to absolute space. But inertial resistance with respect to the relative acceleration of distant masses presupposes direct action at a distance. Since the modern physicist does not consider himself entitled to assume that, this view brings him back to the ether, which has to act as the medium of inertial action. This conception of the ether to which Mach’s approach leads, differs in important respects from that of Newton, Fresnel and Lorentz. Mach’s ether not only conditions the behavior of inert masses but is also conditioned, as regards its state, by them.

  Mach’s notion finds its full development in the ether of the general theory of relativity. According to this theory the metrical properties of the space-time continuum in the neighborhood of separate space-time points are different and conjointly conditioned by matter existing outside the region in question. This spatio-temporal variability of the relations of scales and clocks to each other, or the knowledge that “empty space” is, physically speaking, neither homogeneous nor isotropic, which compels us to describe its state by means of ten functions, the gravitational potentials gμν, has no doubt finally disposed of the notion that space is physically empty. But this has also once more given the ether notion a definite content—though one very different from that of the ether of the mechanical wave-theory of light. The ether of the general theory of relativity is a medium which is itself free of all mechanical and kinematic properties, but helps to determine mechanical (and electro-magnetic) happenings.

  The radical novelty in the ether of the general theory of relativity as against the ether of Lorentz lies in this, that the state of the former at every point is determined by the laws of its relationship with matter and with the state of the ether a
t neighboring points expressed in the form of differential equations, whereas the state of Lorentz’s ether in the absence of electromagnetic fields is determined by nothing outside it and is the same everywhere. The ether of the general theory of relativity can be transformed intellectually into Lorentz’s through the substitution of constants for the spatial functions which describe its state, thus neglecting the causes conditioning the latter. One may therefore say that the ether of the general theory of relativity is derived through relativization from the ether of Lorentz.

  The part which the new ether is destined to play in the physical scheme of the future is still a matter of uncertainty. We know that it determines both material relations in the space-time continuum, e.g., the possible configurations of solid bodies, and also gravitational fields; but we do not know whether it plays a material part in the structure of the electric particles of which matter is made up. Nor do we know whether its structure only differs materially from that of Lorentz’s in the proximity of ponderable masses, whether, in fact, the geometry of spaces of cosmic extent is, taken as a whole, almost Euclidean. We can, however, maintain on the strength of the relativistic equations of gravitation that spaces of cosmic proportions must depart from Euclidean behavior if there is a positive mean density of matter, however small, in the Universe. In this case the Universe must necessarily form a closed space of finite size, this size being determined by the value of the mean density of matter.

  If we consider the gravitational field and the electro-magnetic field from the standpoint of the ether hypothesis, we find a notable fundamental difference between the two. No space and no portion of space without gravitational potentials; for these give it its metrical properties without which it is not thinkable at all. The existence of the gravitational field is directly bound up with the existence of space.

  On the other hand a portion of space without an electro-magnetic field is perfectly conceivable, hence the electro-magnetic field, in contrast to the gravitational field, seems in a sense to be connected with the ether only in a secondary way, inasmuch as the formal nature of the electro-magnetic field is by no means determined by the gravitational ether. In the present state of theory it looks as if the electromagnetic field, as compared with the gravitational field, were based on a completely new formal motive; as if nature, instead of endowing the gravitational ether with fields of the electro-magnetic type, might equally well have endowed it with fields of a quite different type, for example, fields with a scalar potential.

  Since according to our present-day notions the primary particles of matter are also, at bottom, nothing but condensations of the electro-magnetic field, our modern schema of the cosmos recognizes two realities which are conceptually quite independent of each other even though they may be causally connected, namely the gravitational ether and the electro-magnetic field, or—as one might call them—space and matter.

  It would, of course, be a great step forward if we succeeded in combining the gravitational field and the electro-magnetic field into a single structure. Only so could the era in theoretical physics inaugurated by Faraday and Clerk Maxwell be brought to a satisfactory close.

  The antithesis of ether and matter would then fade away, and the whole of physics would become a completely enclosed intellectual system, like geometry, kinematics and the theory of gravitation, through the general theory of relativity. An exceedingly brilliant attempt in this direction has been made by the mathematician H. Weyl; but I do not think that it will stand in the face of reality. Moreover, in thinking about the immediate future of theoretical physics we cannot unconditionally dismiss the possibility that the facts summarized in the quantum theory may set impassable limits to the field theory.

  We may sum up as follows: According to the general theory of relativity space is endowed with physical qualities; in this sense, therefore, an ether exists. In accordance with the general theory of relativity space without an ether is inconceivable. For in such a space there would not only be no propagation of light, but no possibility of the existence of scales and clocks, and therefore no spatio-temporal distances in the physical sense. But this ether must not be thought of as endowed with the properties characteristic of ponderable media, as composed of particles the motion of which can be followed; nor may the concept of motion be applied to it.

  Address at Columbia University, New York, January 15

  SCIENCE AS SOMETHING existing and complete is the most objective thing known to man. But science in the making, science as an end to be pursued, is as subjective and psychologically conditioned as any other branch of human endeavor—so much so that the question, What is the purpose and meaning of science? receives quite different answers at different times and from different sorts of people.

  It is, of course, universally agreed that science has to establish connections between the facts of experience, of such a kind that we can predict further occurrences from those already experienced. Indeed, according to the opinion of many positivists the completest possible accomplishment of this task is the only end of science.

  I do not believe, however, that so elementary an ideal could do much to kindle the investigator’s passion from which really great achievements have arisen. Behind the tireless efforts of the investigator there lurks a stronger, more mysterious drive: it is existence and reality that one wishes to comprehend. But one shrinks from the use of such words, for one soon gets into difficulties when one has to explain what is really meant by “reality” and by “comprehend” in such a general statement.

  When we strip the statement of its mystical elements we mean that we are seeking for the simplest possible system of thought which will bind together the observed facts. By the “simplest” system we do not mean the one which the student will have the least trouble in assimilating, but the one which contains the fewest possible mutually independent postulates or axioms; since the content of these logical, mutually independent axioms represents that remainder which is not comprehended.

  When a man is talking about scientific subjects, the little word “I” should play no part in his expositions. But when he is talking about the purposes and aims of science, he should be permitted to speak of himself; for a man experiences no aims and desires so immediately as his own. The special aim which I have constantly kept before me is logical unification in the field of physics. To start with, it disturbed me that electro-dynamics should pick out one state of motion in preference to others, without any experimental justification for this preferential treatment. Thus arose the special theory of relativity, which, moreover, welded together into comprehensible unities the electrical and magnetic fields, as well as mass and energy, or momentum and energy, as the case may be. Then out of the endeavor to understand inertia and gravitation as having a unified character there arose the general theory of relativity, which also avoided those implicit axioms which underlie our thinking when we use special co-ordinate systems in the process of formulating basic laws.

  At the present time it is particularly disturbing that the gravitational field and the electrical field should enter into the theory as mutually independent fundamental concepts. After many years of effort, however, an appropriate logical unification has been achieved—so I believe—through a new mathematical method, which I have invented together with my distinguished collaborator, Dr. W. Mayer.

  In the meantime there still remains outstanding an important problem of the same kind, which has often been proposed but has so far found no satisfactory solution—namely the explanation of atomic structure in terms of field theory. All of these endeavors are based on the belief that existence should have a completely harmonious structure. Today we have less ground than ever before for allowing ourselves to be forced away from this wonderful belief.

  A Biography of Albert Einstein

  Albert Einstein (1879–1955) is among modern history’s greatest and most influential minds. He authored more than 450 scholarly works during his lifetime, and his advancements in science—including the re
volutionary Theory of Relativity and E=mc2, which described for the first time the relationship between an object’s mass and its energy—have earned him renown as “the father of modern physics.”

  Born in Ulm, in southwest Germany, Einstein moved to Munich with his family as an infant. As a child, Einstein spoke so infrequently that his parents feared he had a learning disability. But despite difficulties with speech, he was consistently a top student and showed an early aptitude for mathematics and physics, which he later studied at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich after renouncing his German citizenship to avoid military service in 1896.

  After graduation, Einstein married his college girlfriend, Mileva Marić, and they had three children. He attended the University of Zurich for his doctorate and worked at the patent office in Bern, a post he left in 1908 for a teaching position at the University of Bern, followed by a number of professorships throughout Europe that ultimately led him back to Germany in 1914. By this time, Einstein had already become recognized throughout the world for his groundbreaking papers on special relativity, the photoelectric effect, and the relationship between energy and matter. He won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921.

  In 1933, Einstein escaped Nazi Germany and immigrated to the United States with his second wife, Elsa Löwenthal, whom he had married in 1919. He accepted a position at Princeton University in New Jersey, where he stayed for the remainder of his life. At Princeton, Einstein dedicated himself to finding a unified field theory and played a key role in America’s development of atomic weapons. He also campaigned for civil rights as a member of the NAACP and was an ardent supporter of Israel’s Labor Zionist Movement.

  Still, Einstein maintained a special affinity for his homeland. His connection to all things German and, in particular, to the scientific community in Berlin was probably the reason that throughout his years in America he so strongly valued his relationships with other German-speaking immigrants. He maintained a deep friendship with the founder of Philosophical Library, Dr. Dagobert D. Runes, who, like Einstein, was a humanist, a civil rights pioneer, and an admirer of Baruch Spinoza. Consequently, many of Albert Einstein’s works were published by Philosophical Library.


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