Finally Found

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Finally Found Page 17

by Nicole Andrews Moore

  “Momma,” she said gently. “Now, ask me how much money I have saved. Go ahead. Ask.” She smiled at her mother while she took her hand.

  Her mother smiled at her. “How much?”

  “I have just under $43,000.” She smiled widely as she watched her mother fanning herself and squealing. “And that is plenty. I have no overhead. Adam and I did a trade out. He is handling my advertising campaign. He already had business cards and catering menus made. The deposits I get at booking pay for all the food and drink. The rest is pure profit after I pay for my help.”

  “It sounds like you know what you’re doing,” her mother admitted.

  Nodding, she said, “That’s because I do.”

  “One question,” her mother asked. “Who’s Adam?”

  From the doorway, Cin responded. “You don’t mean…Adam Davenport?”

  Everyone in the room turned to look at her, but only Cammie knew the truth. She had gone to bed and bargained with the one guy who had ever broken her sister’s heart. At the moment, she found it impossible to even swallow.

  While everyone else in the family was busy talking and enjoying the meal, Cammie and Cin sat across the table from each other; and Cin was carefully avoiding eye contact. Cammie wanted more than anything for the meal to be over, for the relatives to leave, anything for her to steal a moment alone with her sister to explain. Of course, the longer she tried to figure out how to explain it, the harder it became.

  It wasn’t like she had planned any of this. She had been working a birthday party she didn’t want to be at in a hot pink bustier she didn’t want to wear. It wasn’t like she had chased after him. He had sought her out. He had started the conversation. He had even followed her out, designed this entire scheme to get away from Sam. She didn’t ask for any of this to happen.

  She knew what Cin would say. When they finally spoke, she was neither surprised nor disappointed. “We just helped each other out. It didn’t mean anything.”

  “Did you sleep with him?” Cin asked angrily. “You stayed with him for a week. I know how he is.” She paced angrily and pulled at her hair in frustration. “You look pretty miserable now,” she said smugly. “So, did he love you and leave you? Do you understand how I felt now?”

  At that moment, it was only Cin making her feel miserable. She had never meant to betray her sister. She couldn’t even really understand why it had happened. She was curious…yes, but there was more to it than all that. She had wanted him. There were so many parts of her that still did. It was really just her head standing in the way. Common sense and her analytical mind had always controlled her every action. Sleeping with him when she was all hot and bothered made sense. The more she did it, however, the less it did. She didn’t need to go back over there after the private dinner the other night. She knew that he was worried. She had hoped to pop in and surprise him, bring him some leftovers. Watch his face turn from concern to complete bliss because, in all honesty, she was so excited after the dinner that she didn’t know how to burn off all that energy so she could sleep.

  When she arrived at Adam’s and found him passed out with the phone in his hand, she simply stuck all the food in the fridge and curled up in his lap. Maybe some small part of her hoped he’d wake up like he had that night in the Hamptons, but mostly…she was happy to be close to him. She would just lay there for a little while and leave before he woke only he was so comfortable, so right that she never left. Worse, it scared her how much she wanted to do that again.

  So what could she tell her sister? There had to be some truth in there that would appease her. “Yes,” she said quietly. “I’m hurting.”

  Because she knew Cin would press the issue, would dig for details, she left the room, said her goodbyes, and went back to her cupboard.

  Adam walked in to the office a good fifteen minutes early. It was so quiet that he could have heard a pin drop. No one seemed to be working yet. That’s how it was with these jobs, especially coming back from a holiday. He would have to be seriously creative to inspire everyone to work hard for him the next few weeks in Sam’s absence. Sam ran the company by fear and respect, but he would manage through loyalty.

  Soon, he found himself itching for a break. He was having trouble concentrating. He was in foreign territory. All he wanted to do was call Cammie. This was the longest they had gone without talking since they had…started talking. That he missed her and not just the sex surprised no one more than it did him. He found himself walking down the hall. He thought he was going to buy a coffee from the shop on the ground floor, maybe a pastry, but instead, he ended up at Jake Ryan’s office.

  After knocking, Adam peeked his head in. “How are you this morning? Thought I’d make my rounds this morning…”

  “Well, Adam Davenport! What brings you here?” Jake asked as he shook his hand and clapped him on the shoulder. “I haven’t seen you in ages.”

  “I’ve been busy,” he explained.

  “Busy doing nothing, from what I hear,” Jake said with a laugh.

  Shaking his head, “You know, I save Haley and I still can’t catch a break from Sam.”

  Jake looked at him for a moment. “You aren’t just stopping by for a visit. I know you. What’s going on, Adam?”

  Sighing, Adam frowned at him. “This is rather…delicate. You do still specialize in delicate, right?”

  With a chuckle, Jake said, “I thought you would have learned about using a detective to handle your delicate issues from Sam.”

  “It doesn’t seem like it turned out too badly for Sam,” he commented. “He is, after all, now engaged to the woman of his dreams.” He smiled.

  “Sam and Haley? Good for them.” Jake leaned over the desk and folded his hands. “Now back to you. What do you want?”

  “I suppose being suspicious is part of your job, but…oh hell. I think I’ve made a real mess of things. I’m hoping you can help me fix it. See, there’s a girl.” He was going to continue but Jake sat back in his leather chair so hard that momentarily lifted the front wheels off the ground.

  “Why is it always a girl with you two? You do realize I used to catch criminals for a living, now I’m a glorified yenta.” He scowled. “So, whose life am I messing up this time?”

  “No, you are going to fix…” Adam argued.

  “Listen,” Jake said flying forward once more. “In my experience, there is little good that comes from spying on another person. Look at Haley.”

  “So, you want me to look at Haley who is now in a loving relationship with my brother. You want me to think that just because you may have inadvertently alerted that slime ball to her location that she is worse off than she was before. Because she isn’t. She is happier than she’s ever been. She has a family. And soon all this court unpleasantness will be over and she’ll have a life she loves and a man who adores her to share it with.”

  “Oh, so you’re one of those…the end justifies the means…guys. Yeah, I get it. But since I work for the company, and you pay me, and I really have no choice in the matter, let’s play. Who am I investigating? It’s probably better if I don’t know why.” He frowned as he picked up a pen, prepared to take notes.

  “I need to know who Cammie’s sister is,” Adam said slowly.

  “Sure. No problem…unless you count the fact that I don’t even know who Cammie is.” Jake sighed in exasperation. “So why don’t we start there.”

  “Okay, but this may take a minute to explain…” He reminded him.

  “Again with the explanations. Just let’s get on with it.” Then Jake pulled out a note pad and pushed the sticky notes to the side.

  He kept telling himself he was doing the right thing. He needed to know. How else would he be able to figure out how to fix things? Admitting he was such a man whore that he couldn’t remember her sister was never going to fix anything. He tried not to think about it much. He worked diligently until the end of the day on Cammie’s ad campaign.

  In his mind he hoped that if he could the m
ockups ready in the next day or so, she would have to come over to see them. Then he could charm her into staying, no trickery needed and no begging required. He thought about the other night when he wanted her to stay so badly. Well, maybe a little begging, but all for the common good.

  That’s why he called her when he walked into the loft. “Hey, doll,” he said when she picked up the phone.

  “Adam,” she replied. “What can I do for you?”

  “Well, it’s more what I can do for you. I had hoped we could maybe have dinner at my place, try out some of those new recipes you are considering for the wedding, or maybe something for one of the other parties you currently have booked. It would all be in the name of research of course. It’s not because I miss you and I want to see you or anything, so don’t go getting a big head and all.” He hoped she would sense that need he was struggling to balance out with ambivalence.

  “I can’t tonight. This is the last week before finals. I was crazy to take on the Whittier party and the office party.” He heard her sigh.

  “Then why did you do it?” He was genuinely curious.

  “I need the money. I need to build a reputation. And the office party is for your office, so I couldn’t very well turn that down.”

  “So we’ll be at the same parties two nights in a row. I think it’s a sign.” He smirked.

  “Oh yeah, what kind of sign?” She asked with a chuckle.

  “That you should spend the weekend with me.” He said it with supreme confidence.

  She laughed. “Really? That’s what it means?” She chuckled. “Fine. I’ll think about it. Gotta go.” Then she hung up.

  It was a maybe. Good enough. By Friday, he would make sure it was a ‘yes.’

  Adam had no idea just how long a workweek could be. He hadn’t worked five consecutive days in a very long time. It was the monotony of it all that really killed him. How did people do this? He had asked around the office under the guise of market research only to discover that most of these people weren’t working because it was their passion as much as they admitted it was a means to an end…survival. Still, there were aspects of the job they enjoyed. Morale had improved significantly since the Employee Appreciation Day and everyone seemed to be really looking forward to the holiday party. Although Sam had hired Cammie, it was left to Adam to plan the event with her. They had opted to do something different and a bit magical for the party. What had once been a boring executive café had been transformed.

  There were white lights and gauzy tulle. There was a kissing ball and beautiful evergreen wreaths decorated in silver, blue, and pearl. There were candles on decorated tables. There would soon be a buffet set up and a carving station. The desserts he had seen in the email were pretty incredible, too. For that night, because so many of the employees had children, they were even hosting a party down the hall. It was a combination of crafts and movies and snacks. The evening promised to be quite perfect. On paper. He hadn’t seen Cammie. They hadn’t spoken on the phone even. Every time he tried, she would rush him off and explain that she was working and busy.

  Now it was Friday. All he could think about was getting home, getting ready, going to the Whittier’s party and seeing Cammie. Mostly it was all about seeing Cammie. That’s why when he pulled into the parking garage and found her vehicle there, which wasn’t hard to do since it stuck out like the proverbial sore thumb, he found himself behaving in ways he hadn’t since high school. He stood in front of the elevator pushing the button like it was a game of Whack-A-Mole. He waited for the doors to open on his floor and bounded to his door. It was unlocked which both excited and frightened him.

  “Hey!” He yelled as he entered his loft. “Lock the door behind you. What if some crazy came in here?” His hands were waving about anxiously.

  She barely glanced up from the island where she was prepping hors d’oeuvres to respond. “It looks like one already has.” She smirked.

  “What if...,” His voice trailed off. She was laughing at him. Maybe he did seem ridiculous. This was a safe building. Still, a woman alone in an apartment in New York City…it wasn’t safe. Then he realized she was alone all the time. He considered for a moment that she might not be, that she might have company of the male persuasion that he was otherwise unaware of. He looked at her critically as he considered it. Then he remembered what a tight fit it was with both of them standing up in there. He couldn’t imagine if they had both wanted to lie down. He actually chuckled picturing it.

  “Okay,” he said calmly. “I’m glad you’re here. I’m going to go get changed. Is there anything I can do to help you out?” He wandered over and nuzzled her neck with his face.

  She tried to brush him away. “I am trying to work here. Quit it!” Yet even as she spoke she was laughing and smiling.

  “Just one minute,” he said quietly as he turned her to face him. Then he leaned down, slowly, deliberately, and intensely connected with her lips. There was a sizzling lip searing chemistry there, the same as always. Only this time, he was feeling for a response and he had it. She still wanted him. Satisfied, he released her and went to get ready.

  An hour later she had finished prepping and packing. As she stood near the door double checking everything, Adam started hefting some of her crates into his arms. She looked at him with a puzzled look on her face.

  “What?” He asked.

  “That’s what I was about to ask you. What are you doing?” She reached over to take the crates away, but he held her off.

  “Stop. We don’t have time to argue or mess around. Let’s go. The Whittiers can make or break you, trust me on this.” He scooted her out the door. “Now lock it,” he chided.

  She shot him an exasperated look as she turned the key. “Let’s go.” She headed to the elevator. He could already feel an argument coming on.

  “Let’s take my car,” he said confidently.

  She shook her head. “I have a better idea.” She smiled broadly. “Let’s take separate cars.”

  He studied her for a moment, considered it, and responded. “No.” Then to soften his response he added, “Doll, are you ashamed to be seen with me?” He smirked at her.

  “Yeah, that’s it,” she frowned. Then she added, “Only…I kind of am. Adam, I’m the caterer. I’m supposed to be there early. You are a guest. You probably, under normal circumstances, wouldn’t even arrive on time.”

  He wanted to argue that point. Really he did. Only when he opened his mouth to refute her claim, he couldn’t. She was right. Still, he decided to turn it into a bargaining position. “How about this…I’ll stay out of your hair at the party. I’ll leave you to do your job and wow the clients. And after, you come back here. We’ll spend time together.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “That sounds remarkably like a threat.”

  He looked surprised. “What makes you say that? I’m hurt.”

  Shaking her head she replied, “No, you’re obvious. And you are used to getting your way. And because I’m going to be super tired later, I just may take you up on it. So, here’s what I’m going to do.”

  He looked at her eagerly and smiled in anticipation. “Yes, doll?”

  She sighed. “I’m going to give you a counter offer.” The doors opened on the elevator and they walked directly to her car. “I’ll stay over, but know that in return I expect a bubble bath, a foot rub, and a neck massage.” She unlocked the trunk and Adam placed his crates within.

  Taking her supplies out of her arms, he then loaded the vehicle for her while she looked on. He knew she was waiting for a response. Honestly, he liked making her wait. He liked having her suffer some like he had been suffering for days. “Sure. Call me when you are on your way over and I’ll even get the bath water drawn. How’s that?”

  Her shoulders released. He had noticed how tense she had been. She needed the neck massage, and he didn’t mind rubbing her dainty feet, either. He watched as she even exhaled. Finally she nodded. Then with a smile, she hopped in the car and drove to the Whittie

  Really, the only thing memorable about the party…was the food. It was more of the same faces hanging out in the same places. When it was finally over, he was happy to go. Adam was made even happier by the realization that he wouldn’t be spending the night alone. So he went home and made his preparations and waited for his phone to ring. It rang earlier than he had anticipated.

  “Hey, doll. Heading over?” He asked while trying to hide his excitement.

  “Not tonight, I’m afraid,” she replied. “I have some fires to put out with Sam and Haley’s wedding. Luckily, it’s all online ordering and finding new distributors so I can do that even at this late hour.” She sighed.


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