Finally Found

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Finally Found Page 23

by Nicole Andrews Moore

  “Sounds perfect,” she admitted. Then she turned to go get ready for the day ahead.

  When they finally came together in the afternoon, Cammie was ready for a nap. She placed her dinner order with Adam and headed to bed. A few hours later, she woke to soft music playing and the aromas of dinner. For that, she would get up. She wandered hesitantly out to the living area and there he was, sitting on the couch, looking up potential movies on the cable guide.

  “Hey,” she said quietly.

  Adam hopped up from the sofa. “You’re awake!”

  They sat down to dinner, and compared stories about their day. Finally, Adam set his fork down. He looked at her and she knew she had better pay attention.

  “I know you have doubts, still,” he said. “I feel them.”

  Her head drooped some. “I had a plan. This is lovely, but I worry that somehow, I’m going to lose me, lose sight of my dreams. I worry that I’ll grow accustomed to the privileges and I’ll get lazy. I worry that you’ll encourage that and I’ll go along with it because it is easier. Though I’ve never taken the easy path, this one has so many variables to consider that I can’t even see where I’m going.”

  He reached across the table and held her hand. “I get all that. Don’t worry. You have had the opposite effect on me. I want to work to make you proud, to provide for us, and our child. I want us to work toward your goals together…five years at a time. Along the way, I will find myself. You don’t know how much you’ve already given me of my dream.”

  They sat down soon after to relax on the couch. Though she’d already had one nap, there was something so soothing about being in Adam’s arms that she struggled to not fall asleep. Finally, she decided to do something to stay awake.

  Cammie pulled one of Adam’s hands up to cup her breast; and the other she used to cup the side of her face. Bit by bit, she licked and sucked on his fingers until she could feel his erection poking into her side. Rolling off of him, she worked his belt, his button, and his zipper until his boxers were exposed. She pulled them down just enough for his cock to spring out before her eyes.

  She captured it, savoring how it felt in her hand. She licked from the base to the tip, and then sucked on the head. Soon she was rewarded with some pre-come and she happily lapped it up.

  “Come here,” he said in a husky voice. He hooked his hands under her arms to haul her up the length of him. Reaching under her skirt, he realized that she wasn’t wearing any panties. On the one hand, it was incredibly sexy. On the other… “Tell me you had panties on when you were shopping today,” he implored.

  Chuckling, she lifted her discarded panties from the floor. “Satisfied?” She asked with a playful smile.

  “Almost.” She had no idea how he had done it, but suddenly, she was on her back on the couch. He was between her legs, and finally he was in her once more. Immediately she decided this was the best part of pregnancy. The blood rushing to build this baby had already begun to make her super horny. He felt so warm and hard. He fit so perfectly. This was the man she would get to do this with forever. There was something so special and comforting about that.

  Soon she was having the most intense orgasm of her life. She cried out. She tightened impossibly around him. She knew he felt it because his thrusts became more intense. Then she felt it building again. Her eyes widened. It was the elusive second orgasm. He knew. How did he know?

  He rolled onto the floor dragging her with him. She had the top. He said the prettiest things. “Ride it out, doll. You can do it. I know you want this so bad.” He was kissing her, sucking on her breasts, playing with her nipples, and turning her on more ways than she could count. Then it happened. She’d heard of it, but never knew it really existed. How perfect that she was experiencing it with him. She whimpered and he took that as his cue to finally release. She could feel it…him shooting his seed into her. It was incredible. She lay on his chest completely spent.

  Adam played with her hair. “Doll, I am so glad we did this tonight. I have been wanting you, but not wanting to push it. I was afraid we might get so wrapped up in completing all the different tasks that we would lose sight of what was important, what this was all about…us.” He held her close. “I do love you, Cammie. I love you so much it makes me vulnerable in ways I’ve never been before.”

  Raising up on her hands so she could see his face. She decided to be vulnerable, too. “I love you, Adam. More than that…I trust you. And…I believe in us. But…after we get this wedding and honeymoon done…let’s slow down. Okay?”

  “Absolutely,” he agreed.

  The next day was incredibly busy between flying to The Keys and moving into the beach house. The day after that wasn’t much better with organizing the servers, picking up the cakes, making changes with the minister, and applying for marriage licenses. The day of the wedding arrived and the couples were eager to take their vows and relax.

  “Hey, where are you going?” Cammie asked as Adam walked out of the bedroom in a polo shirt and khakis.

  “Sam and I are going to go play a round of golf with you father while you ladies get ready. The hair and makeup teams should be here in about forty minutes. I ordered food for you. It should be delivered around 11am. I wanted you to be able to snack all morning.” He looked at her a moment as if to freeze this memory. “Tonight, I’ll make you my wife. Sunset.”

  “I’ll be the barefoot pregnant one on the beach. And I am wearing white because I am completely scandalous.” She chuckled.

  So the day passed as it should, painless, pleasant and fun. By the time, they all walked out to the beach to get married at sunset, they were relaxed and ready. Cammie had done an amazing job catering the affair. They married under a large floral arch. They walked down an aisle lined in flowers, seashells and candles. There was so much beauty and so much love that as the vows were exchanged, there wasn’t a dry eye to be found. Even the grooms looked a bit misty eyed.

  They dined on the beach by candlelight at a large round table. The servers carried out course after course. Everyone chatted and mingled like they had known each other forever. It couldn’t have been more perfect.

  The most memorable part of the entire experience for Cammie was a moment that wasn’t recorded on video. There were no pictures, not even with the phone. After everyone had retired for the night, Adam brought her down to the beach. She was still wearing her wedding dress, but her hair was down and Adam was still in his suit, minus the jacket. The sky was this deep gorgeous midnight blue absolutely covered by a smattering of stars. She was entranced by the scented air, and charmed by the intensity of his touch. Then he spoke.

  “Cammie, I know we already said our vows publicly, but I want to say some that are just for your ears.” He gazed into her eyes and she knew they were watering.

  “Stupid pregnancy hormones,” she muttered.

  He smiled and wiped away the tears. “Oh, Cammie, may the only tears you ever cry because of me be hormone induced. I’ll never make you sad. I vow to make every day happy. My goal is to help you achieve your goals, whether it be five or ten years at a time. I vow to be the best father for our child, the best husband, friend, and lover for you. To you, I give my whole heart. We’ll share one soul. We’ll live more than a lifetime in this one life.”

  Her eyes emptied completely. “I don’t know what to say. How do I top that?” She sniffled.

  “We’re a team now. We don’t top each other. Just tell me you love me and trust me. That is enough.” He kissed her hands.

  “I do. Every day I love you more. Day by day trust becomes such a part of us that I don’t even consider not trusting you. I know what an amazing, loving, giving, man you are. I’m so honored that you are mine, that we belong to each other, and that we get to share this life. I’ll make sure you never regret it.” She nestled into his neck.

  She tried to stifle it, but he felt her yawn. “To bed, doll,” he said.

  “And then what?” She asked sleepily.

  “Still so
me lingering doubts?” He asked. “From here…anything you want.”

  “Anything?” She smiled.

  Five years later…

  Adam stepped out of the car, walked around to the back seat and hauled Amelia out of the back seat. She giggled when she saw him. “Daddy, can we eat with Mommy today?” She asked.

  “That’s the plan,” he responded. They held hands as they walked toward the door. Amelia had her rituals. He prepared for the first one. Sure enough, they paused so she could read the sign. She couldn’t really read yet, but she knew certain words…like the sign.

  “Cammie’s Meals,” she said while pointing at the sign.

  “Yes, mommy’s café. Shall we see if Uncle Sam, Aunt Haley, and Elijah are here?” They walked in and were greeted immediately. Ah, the benefits of ownership.

  As they headed to the usual table, Amelia saw the rest of the family. She squealed and rushed to the table just as Cammie walked out of the kitchen. Her belly was popping and she was working on a serious waddle. Adam smiled as she walked directly into his arms.

  “I don’t think you’ve ever looked more beautiful,” he murmured into her hair. “So can you join us to eat?”

  Nodding, positively glowing from the compliment, she said, “Absolutely.”

  There were the usual kisses and hugs as everyone enjoyed their Sunday brunch together. “I’m so glad we do this,” Haley commented. She looked around the table before squeezing Sam’s hand.

  “What was that for?” He asked.

  “I look around and realize I have everything I ever wanted, ever needed. You made this happen.” She smiled. “You made me confront my past and gave me back my life.”

  A sniffle indicated that Cammie was crying. “Stupid pregnancy hormones,” she grumbled.

  “You know,” Adam said with his hand around her shoulders, “we all made out pretty well on this deal. I think we all found just what we needed, even if we didn’t know we were ready for it.”

  The waiter brought them mimosas and straight orange juice for the kids and Cammie. After everyone had their drink, he toasted them. “Here’s to five happy years and many many more.” Looking at Cammie he asked her, “So doll, what shall we work on next? We have a daughter, a son on the way, and your dream café. Now what?”

  “I recall that before the wedding, you promised that life would slow down. Let’s try that. Let’s slow down and enjoy every minute of it.” She smiled. “Unless there’s something you are dying for us to accomplish?”

  He shook his head and smiled. “With you in my life and our children, I’ve finally found everything I always wanted.”

  Nicki has lived in Charlotte, North Carolina with her children for the past eleven years and her husband for the past three years. Her journey has barely begun and she loves every minute of it. Every day of her life seems to bring new adventures, some bigger, better, shinier and prettier than others. She's still getting used to that new life smell she's experiencing, a combination of hope, love, and happiness. (The perfect scents to build a new life on...)

  For fun, she spends time with those she cares about, cooks, reads, writes, and especially lives to travel. The current travel goal: visit every Margaritaville. Two down! (Eleven to go?)

  In addition to writing on Suddenly Single Journey, Nicki is a contributor for Project Underblog. Her writing can also be found on Shine, where she is a Shine Parenting Guru and an award winning Yahoo! Contributor on YourWisdom as the relationship and dating expert. And she has been published by McClatchy News in their syndicated papers.

  Her books can be found on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and iTunes.

  And Smashwords:

  Check her out on Facebook.

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  Or email: [email protected]

  As always, I really couldn’t have done this without the support and encouragement I received from my family and friends.

  But I’d really like to thank a few people I’ve never met in person:

  JB McGee, you have been instrumental in my success. I would be nothing without your teachings.

  Summer, you opened up the market for me. Thank you for the book love. I am forever in your debt.

  Kris, thank you for introducing me to JB. Big big big hugs.




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