Battle Mage, The Caves of Time

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Battle Mage, The Caves of Time Page 29

by Donald Wigboldy

  Katya barely beat the wilder, while the latter looked like she would have preferred to remain in bed.

  "Why are we doing this so early?" Ashleen complained questioningly. "Won't the nomads be there later in the day also?"

  "We need to meet the remainder of the group the council assembled for this mission. After that we will still have a couple hours of travel most likely. I forgot to ask if the nomads had moved away from the marker that I left last fall. It is probable that they didn't remain at the same camp. They are nomads after all, though it was a good place for water. Staying in one place too long would be hard for food gathering. The animals would likely move on or get hunted out too quickly for their kinds of numbers."

  Serrena nodded adding, "If they don't farm crops, it is hard to be certain of what will be around to eat. I can't even imagine living like that."

  "I have heard that some of the nomads north of Windmeer might have started building a permanent settlement," Elzen stated for the table. "Maybe with the emperor dead, they think that they can finally settle down in a certain territory?"

  Sebastian commented, "All the nomad tribes date back to the people who had once settled these lands. Even after this many generations it is probably built in to them to create cities for better protection and the other kinds of security that it affords.

  "It would be hard to build up a merchant class or create things like textiles without some permanency."

  "Well, are we going to talk all morning or are we going to leave already?" Ashleen asked trying to sound like she had all the energy needed to be up earlier than her usual time. A yawn suddenly betrayed her and the wilder covered her mouth with the back of her hand.

  "Since you are so ready to get a move on," Sebastian chuckled at the little blond, "I guess that we can go if everyone's ready."

  Packs in hand the group arrived at about the time decided on with the high wizard. He was surprised to see a nearly empty courtyard behind the fire wizards' building. The courtyard had been set up with defenses similar to most other gates he had worked on throughout the guardian cities and schools. Towers and thick stone walls rose high enough that even the emperor's tallest creatures couldn't climb out of a killing corridor created where the portal would be manifested.

  Sebastian had set up this gate like the rest and knew it well from the many times leaving from Hala. He still used his own personal gates at the inn more than anyone knew. The wizards believed that this was the only gate in the city, but he knew how to protect his and the larger gate would draw the most attention if a wizard knew how to use a map to look for gates as well. He supposed that it was still possible to use them, but with the emperor dead and the empire in disarray, the owl doubted that there would be any new threats to the portals any time soon.

  One of the wizards sitting on a bench looked up at those approaching and his eyes opened a little wider in recognition. Sebastian hadn't gotten his name before, but the face looked familiar. The colors he wore identified him as an earth wizard, though he sat in the shadow of the fire wizard's keep.

  "Owl Sebastian, good morning," the man said standing up. Two other wizards turned hearing the greeting. They had been chatting with each other ignoring the entryway.

  "Good morning. Where is everyone? Shouldn't there be a group heading out to the plains portal?" he asked trying to be both cordial and staying on point at the same time.

  Looking a little confused, the wizard replied, "A contingent led by Falconi Ralto left yesterday afternoon to go there, I believe. Is that where you are headed?"

  It wasn't like every gate needed to be monitored explicitly or that reservations needed to be made, though perhaps one day it would be so; but Sebastian assumed that something would have been said about his going north through the gate. The name of the falconi being involved made him frown and might explain a bit in that regard however. He had never taken to Ralto and his breaking from the corps hadn't sat well with the falconi who had attained the new position serving the raven of Hala.

  "I thought Wizard Oltus was going to be in charge of the mission again."

  Shrugging at him the earth wizard answered, "I don't know. He led a rather large force of wizards, mages and soldiers to set up an advanced base, I think. I only overheard a little bit while they waited for the gate to be opened.

  "Do you still need us to open it for you?"

  The wizard looked uncertain of what to say or even how to address him in this situation.

  Sighing, Sebastian shook his head and said, "No, I'll do it. Door."

  The last word was said as he extended his hand and the large space between the walls lit up with a new portal in an instant. His jaw dropping open a bit in shock, the wizard wasn't the only one impressed by the ease of which a simple battle mage could do what few wizards could do alone so far. It was a new spell and very few seemed comfortable with the nature of the magic involved.

  He gestured for the others to pass through the gate. Ashleen stood beside him glancing at the side of his face questioningly. Assuming that she wondered if her power was needed to help him maintain the opening for their entire group, Sebastian neither asked for help nor said anything until the others had all passed through.

  "Come, Ashleen, I have a feeling that this wasn't an accident leaving us behind."

  She saw his frown and the intensity in his gaze that remained on the glowing gateway. Most wizards needed to maintain their attention to keep a portal open, but this wasn't the look of someone thinking upon the magic he was using now. No, she could tell that he was annoyed and waiting to see what was on the other side of his gate.

  Walking through the doorway together, Sebastian took her hand in his. He recovered faster than the wilder. His mind caught up to the senses blinded by the distance covered quickly. It was always worse on distant travels, while there was little adjustment to jumping between gates in the same city. Still the owl noted that every use of the gates seemed to reduce the time needed for him to recover. Ashleen had been with him on many of those trips, but he had still done more and could use the magic, while she could not.

  The sky above him looked about the same as it had been over Hala, though the clouds were in different places. It had been nearly clear, however, and the blue sky and early morning sunshine were close enough to be dismissed quickly.

  Moving north of the wall put them in grass already grown up to nearly knee height. The grasses hadn't likely grown that much as it had recovered from where it had gone dormant in preparation for the cold winter. Not every blade had survived intact, but as the sun heated the land and the rains watered the earth, the land had become green once more. It was even greener than when they had traveled here at the end of summer.

  To his surprise, the air felt warmer than it had in Hala which was feeling like spring was in full bloom. As Ashleen had said, warmer weather had finally arrived. It was almost like they had skipped from winter to early summer, he thought.

  Aside from the land and sky that he expected, men and women working to close down part of a camp were moving around only a few hundred feet ahead of them. A pairing of wizards along with a few battle mages and a handful of soldiers stood vigilant looking at those coming through the unexpected gate. Swords were drawn and magic was held ready.

  They were paranoid of an enemy using this magic against them, though this gate would be as unlikely a target as he could think of to use. It would buy an enemy nothing unless they knew the camp from Southwall was here.

  "Has Falconi Ralto ordered anyone north to visit the nomads yet?" he asked those with magic in front of him ignoring the fact that they looked ready to attack him.

  An air wizard took a step towards him and after a brief wait replied, "The camp is just finishing breakfast and was still preparing to move out. You are... Owl Sebastian?" he asked curiously. This wizard was unfamiliar to him. He neither knew the name nor the face he looked upon.

  "Yes, where are the leaders of this mission?" he demanded without sounding hostile, though it w
as a little harder than the mage wanted to admit. Falconi Ralto was good at triggering that anger in the younger battle mage and he feared what a man like that would do considering the tenuous relationship built between him and the nomads.

  The air wizard looked a little uncertain but pointed in the general direction of the camp. "Falconi Ralto and the others should be in the camp."

  Not waiting for approval or even for the others to stand down completely, Sebastian started forward. Those with him were slower to move, though Elzen looked ready enough immediately, but the younger mage also held back prepared to protect Serrena and the others just in case. Ashleen's hand was still in his, however, and the wilder seemed less worried. She stood beside the owl and knew as well as anyone that he was capable of protecting the both of them should anyone think to try and stop them.

  Tents were rolled up and set inside a wagon or were in the process of being struck. Smoke rose from a single campfire. He guessed the number of people in camp was likely around fifty, a number that was probably typically safe from attack by nomads, but this seemed like overkill. They were here to visit and help build a stronger relationship with five tribes of the arkhein. Having a force of fifty or more would show a lack of trust.

  He just hoped that the nomads hadn't sent scouts this far south to see so many supposed allied troops pushing towards their territory in this way.

  Spotting Ralto amidst a gathering of mages and wizards opposite the smoke coming from the fire, Sebastian took a breath and tried to settle himself into a calmer state. He didn't need to try and start a fight with this man, but he had a feeling that the change in timing was all the result of the falconi trying to push the former battle mage out of the equation. If Ralto was hoping to assert control of these negotiations, the owl worried about the end results.

  "Ah, Mister Trillon," the falconi greeted rudely dropping all titles from the younger man's name. He wasn't technically a battle mage of the corps any longer, but most referred to him as owl or falcon still. "Nice of you to join us."

  Frowning in spite of himself, Sebastian returned, "Good morning, falconi. You act like we are late. Why did you decide to change the time?"

  It came off accusatory, which it was, but he had meant to be more delicate in his approach and already felt anger towards the falconi despite his attempt at calm.

  Ralto played it off as surprise, but his voice couldn't help mocking the other mage, "I did? You sound like you think this was my idea. We simply chose to gather here to wait for you. You were the one who asked to wait from what I hear.

  "By coming yesterday afternoon, we are ready to move out already. If we were still gathering in the wizard's court, we would still likely be working on passing through portals. I guess it is easy enough for you and your gathering of... children?" he finished noticing those gathered at the owl's back.

  "I brought my team and a pair of diplomacy wizards. You have brought a small army. Are you fool enough to think that you'll intimidate the arkhein? We are supposed to befriend them, not act like we're here to fight them. Surely a man of your age should have the wisdom to understand that much," Sebastian retorted making the falconi frown in return. Ralto had never been one to hide his emotions at least around the younger mage.

  Taking a couple steps towards Sebastian as if to confront him physically, the falconi commented in annoyance, "What would a child like you know about diplomacy?" He gestured towards Ylena and Katya as he added, "You picked a couple pretty girls and think that they are diplomats? Who's the fool here, Sebastian?"

  His name was dripping with sarcasm from the older man's mouth. Before the owl could think of a good retort, he felt the soft touch of Ylena's fingers on his upper arm as the girl passed by him like a cloud of grace. She moved effortlessly and the gentle sway of her body was a seduction of the eyes without the use of magic. While her body might look fourteen, the diplomacy wizard carried herself like a mature woman.

  "Sebastian isn't letting his eyes, or other parts, be fooled into believing something that we aren't. While I might look rather young now, I have practiced magic for more than twenty years." Her voice was silky and smooth, even more than usual Sebastian thought. There was no magic in use as far as the mage could tell, but everyone within hearing was focused on the beautiful brunette wizard. "I have handled many delegations and trained my share of diplomat wizards in recent years, Falconi Ralto. While you may have maturity and the wisdom that comes with your years of leadership, sometimes we need to let others tend to the delicate matters that they are trained to handle.

  "Sebastian has a close rapport with the nomads and an invitation from the druids in particular from what I am told. It would be in the best interest of Southwall and us all to let him do what he can, while we act as proper emissaries to our new friends."

  A few heads were nodding without even noticing, but Ralto managed a frown before replying, "You could almost make me believe that you've trained for a long time, but I've spoken with Raven Daleyr as well as the wizards heading the guilds of Hala. They agreed with our plan."

  He gestured towards a man in the black robes of a diplomat wizard. His face was familiar and Sebastian was surprised to note that he knew the man from their time with the arkhein. Oltus was a little shorter than Sebastian with a lighter looking frame. His brown hair was tightly trimmed as was his goatee and mustache. He looked almost like a lord of a city was expected to appear, but the owl thought maybe that was part of why Oltus had a hard time winning over the leaders of the nomads. The wizard was exactly what the people of the plains envisioned when they thought of the enemy in Southwall.

  "Wizard Oltus is familiar with these savages and will be our liaison once more. As attractive as this girl might be, how can she do more than he?"

  Katya moved beside Sebastian holding back as the owl held his tongue. When the diplomat wizard had touched his arm; he knew what that message was supposed to contain, though neither word nor a glance was exchanged. He was willing to wait to see how Ylena would use her expertise to sway things in their favor and only interfere if they never did.

  "You were a student of White Hall, as I recall," the brunette noted holding Oltus' eyes. His face read calm enough, until his memory must have been jarred at the sight of this girl in front of him.

  "I was," he answered without a rise in tone, only his eyes betrayed confusion and only if someone had the insight to know what to look for deep inside.

  "You weren't the strongest or the quickest student, but you were consistent and solid enough. I wasn't there when you graduated though. I had already moved on by then. Perhaps you remember Ylena Werlon, an apprentice just a couple years older than you. I am pretty sure that you tried to dance with me a few times back then.

  "Some probably thought that you were an audacious novice to talk to an older girl, and one that was considered quite pretty, even if I have to say it. I would consider it a little bold only because you weren't a very good dancer, but I was willing to teach you since you were brave enough to ask me."

  This made the older looking wizard's eyes crinkle and he leaned forward as if Ylena was hard to see. With a start, Oltus' eyes opened wider and he asked, "You aren't her younger sister? While I don't wish to offend, Ylena Werlon has to be in her mid thirties and you can't be more than..."

  "I am guessing that I am physically about fourteen now, maybe thirteen," she stated with a small sigh. Sebastian guessed that it was intentionally staged by the wizard as was the shake of her head.

  "How is that possible?" Oltus countered starting to frown.

  Moving closer to the man addressing her, Ylena replied, "There was an... accident. I am not certain how much has been shared with Hala or how much I am allowed to say, but..." The girl leaned closer to the other wizard and lowered her voice. Without a hearing spell prepared, Sebastian couldn't hear what she said.

  It was short, but as the brunette settled onto her heels and stepped back, Oltus had a new look of comprehension to him. The diplomacy wizard turned to look a
t Ralto and stated, "Ylena has the training that they say. I will still take the lead, since I know the council of the arkhein; but she will be an excellent addition."

  Ralto frowned again looking at Ylena. She wore a brown skirt touching her knees and boots that matched reaching her calves. A simple red blouse and the pink gem peeking from just above completed an outfit that would tell no one that she was a wizard. Only the power radiating from her to those who could look for it would understand the magic she held.

  "It wasn't like I was going to make Sebastian send his little friends home... unless they mess up anyway. He can bring them, if he wants. Just don't get in my way," the falconi ordered casting his gaze on the other mage.

  "I would suggest that you don't get in mine," the owl replied without backing down an inch. His voice was calm, yet somehow it still held warning without him trying to be aggressive. "We don't need a military commander here. This will take subtlety and diplomacy."

  Ralto took another step towards the taller mage. "I can be diplomatic enough. I've handled my share of such things."

  "You receiving Garosh's surrender, when his forces were winning against you, had nothing to do with your skill at diplomacy," Sebastian countered and took a stride towards the falconi daring him to do more.

  "Gentlemen," Ylena said smoothly as the wizard delicately inserted herself between them. Her eyes glanced towards Sebastian with a little frown before turning her smile on the falconi. "Please allow Wizard Oltus and me to do what we do best. Sebastian will visit with the druids as planned and the falconi will do what is needed as well. We all have our talents, but nothing will get accomplished if they see you two fighting. We need to be on our best behavior, don't you think?"

  Feeling her magic in her words, the owl knew that she wasn't trying to cast her magic on him. Ylena knew better than to try with his runes in place. Ralto on the other hand was a much easier target. It made Sebastian want to frown though as he worried that the other mage might become angry when her spell let go.


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