Alien Prince's Pregnant Fake Fiancée (Celestial Mates)

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Alien Prince's Pregnant Fake Fiancée (Celestial Mates) Page 1

by Desiree Hunt

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Alien Prince’s Pregnant Fake Fiancée

  Desiree Hunt



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Mailing List

  Copyright © 2017 by Desiree Hunt

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum


  Volex needs a girlfriend, fast. His mother, tired of his scandalous behavior, has given him an ultimatum: Pick a bride at the ball she’s holding in his honor the next evening, or lose his privileges as a crown prince of Vertar forever.

  Volex has no intention of settling down, and especially not with one of the power-hungry princesses his mother has lined up. However, he also doesn’t want to lose his privileges. What he needs is a woman who can pose as his fiancée for a few days...and she needs to be convincing.

  Enter Celestial Mates! All he needs to do is get the infamous dating agency to find him that special someone to accompany him to the ball, and then he can beam her back home. It’s a perfect plan, except…

  He doesn’t expect the woman they pair him with to be so attractive.

  He doesn’t expect to fall in love.

  And he really doesn’t expect to get her pregnant.

  But Volex is not the only one in the kingdom who is dealing with the unexpected. The woman Celestial Mates has picked out likes her independence back on earth and isn’t so sure she wants to deal with an irresponsible prince. There’s also the matter of someone working in the shadows to bring Volex down.

  Volex is going to have to grow up fast to save himself, save the kingdom, and prove his love to the woman he now can’t imagine living without.

  Chapter 1

  Volex, Second Prince of Vertar

  “Mmmmm… a little to the left. Yes, that’s it. Take me deeper. I want to feel the back of your throat vibrating as you moan—”

  A shrill buzzing interrupts my dream, making my temples pound so hard that it feels like I’m growing a new set of horns. Didn’t I disable the alarms in my bedroom so I could avoid situations like this? Yes, I most certainly did, which means some idiot is trying to contact me.

  I growl. I don’t know who on Vertar has the balls to rouse the second prince from his slumber before the second sun has risen, but I’ll find them…later. Right now, I have more pressing things to attend to.

  Keeping my eyes shut, I swat at my bedside table and knock everything on it to the floor. The buzzing stops.

  That’s more like it. Smiling, I relax back into my Luminar feathered pillows as I sink back into my dream. Now, where was I?

  My dream lover admires the cobalt color of my massive shaft. I can’t blame her. Only royals have skin such a stunning shade of blue, and no other man’s length is as impressive as mine.

  “It’s so big,” she giggles. “I don’t know if I can fit it all in!”

  “That’s alright, sweetheart. I know it’s more than anything you’ve experienced before,” I respond with understanding. “Just take as much of it as you can.”

  Dream lover runs her forked tongue over her plump lips and reopens her mouth, but instead of a girly, breathy voice I hear my mother’s. “VOLEX!”

  Horror paralyzes me. This dream has turned into a nightmare!

  And it gets worse.

  Nightmare lover cackles as she slithers up between my legs. I try to push her off, but she digs her claws into my thighs. Her eyes blaze as she pulls her lips back in a snarl, commanding in my mother’s voice: “VOLEX! Cover yourself!”

  My eyes fly open and I spring into action—and no, not that kind of action. Frantically, I gather sheets and bundle them around me.

  “Good Horak, Volex.” There’s mother’s voice again, this time taking the name of one of the old gods in vain.

  My heart stops. I’m no longer dreaming, which means…

  I look up to see mother shaking her head as she peers down her upturned nose at me. Even as a hologram, she retains her royal stature. She looks so real that the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end as if she were breathing down it.

  I take a deep breath. Calm down! We aren’t actually in the same room—it just seems like we are since I can see all of her and she can see all of me.

  My grip on the bundle of sheets around my middle tightens. “Mom! What are you doing?” When a man doesn’t answer his holo-call, you try again later. You do not use your royal access code to override the entire system! What if I’d been doing more in here than just dreaming?

  Mother, of course, doesn’t care. “Oh, please. As if I haven’t seen it before. Who do you think made you?”

  “Do you kiss your subjects with that mouth?” I know I’m pushing it to talk to the queen in such a manner even if I am her son, but I can’t stop. This time, she’s gone too far.

  “I do, and they thank me for it,” she answers pointedly. “However, no one is thanking you.”

  Then, she starts pacing.

  Oh no. She’s going into lecture mode. I adjust my coverings as she follows the arc of my bed to keep myself hidden.

  “You are a high born,” she declares as if I need to be reminded of this fact. “If something happens to me and your brother, you will be king of Vertar.” She shudders at the thought.

  “You’re both healthy. It’s extremely unlikely I’ll ever get the throne,” I offer, trying to lift her spirits.

  Her expression remains dour.

  “And you don’t need to worry about me trying to take it by force, either,” I reassure. “I don’t want the responsibility.”

  She seems to consider this. “It’s not like you’d be able to plan a successful insurrection, anyway. It would require you to wake up before lunch.”

  Ouch, that was harsh. “Or maybe I’d make my move while you and brother were sleeping.”

  “No, you’d either be out partying, or too inebriated to function.” She sighs. “This is part of the problem, Volex. You have no ambition.”

  The woman was incredible. “D
o you want me to off you and my older brother? Will that make you happy?”

  “If you were successful, yes—but you wouldn’t be successful, and that is a problem.”

  I don’t see the problem. If someone was trying to off me, I’d want them to fail!

  Mother continues, “I didn’t want to see it at first, but the things they’ve been saying about you are true. King of Vertar is not a responsibility you’re ready for, and allowing someone unfit for that role to ascend the throne is not a risk I am willing to take. You will take on more responsibilities. You will behave in a way that is becoming of someone of your stature. Or, you will not be heir to this throne.” She stops pacing and glares at me. “Instead, you will be exiled from the royal family and stripped of all your titles, money, and privileges.”

  My jaw drops. “Mother!”

  She refuses to be swayed. “Enjoy calling me that for now because you might not get to for much longer.”

  I stand on the bed, shooting up so fast that my protective sheet slips. I scramble to catch it and once more hold it bunched before me. “Can’t we talk about this?”

  “The time for talk is done. It’s time for action. Tonight, a ball is being thrown in your honor. You will attend, and you will choose a life mate.”

  “A what? I’m not even eighty cycles old yet!”

  “If caring for one is not enough to hold your interest, then possibly caring for two—or more—will. You will marry. You will use that thing”—she wags her finger at where I have the sheet bundled before me—“that hangs between your legs for more than recreation. And, you will produce offspring. Your genetic code has been unlocked.”

  I squeeze my eyes shut in an attempt to banish the nightmarish images flooding my mind. Blue babies trying to grab me as they screech for god-knows-what. Distant female relatives crawling out of the woodwork to wrap those babies up in handmade blankets that scratched like hell and then wondering why said babies screamed louder. My own mother, cooking mushy monstrosities and asking me questions that could get me killed, like how they tasted.

  No. Dear God, no! I’m not ready for this! I don’t want offspring…ever!

  “I have someone!” I cry out before I’ve thought it through.

  “I’m not interested in one of your trollops, son.”

  “No! She’s a nice girl. She’s fantastic. We’ve just been taking it slow, getting to know each other without the pressure of…family.” There, that sounded acceptable, and maybe even mature. “Please, Mother, let us have more time.”

  “No. Your time is up. Bring your beloved to the ball tonight or you must choose another. I’d much rather gain a daughter than lose a son.”

  With those final words, she’s gone.

  I remain where I am in stunned silence, staring at the empty space her hologram had occupied moments before. Then again, maybe I shouldn’t be so surprised. Mother loved nothing more than disappearing after disrupting my life.

  Still, this was too much, even for her. Stripping me of my privileges unless I attend a…bridal ball? What eon did she think we were living in? I’m so out of it that someone could’ve tried to remove my head from my own body and I wouldn’t have noticed.

  And that’s exactly what happens.

  The feminine scream should’ve alerted me. It doesn’t. The only reason why the hurled shoe doesn’t beam me in the head is because the assailant’s throw goes wide. In fact, I don’t even turn to face the culprit until the shoe smacks the wall behind me.

  “Girlfriend?” The beautiful, voluptuous creature I picked up last night exclaims. She’s of the coastal peoples, famous for their coloration that captures the crest of a wave, and last night it was my tremendous pleasure to dive into her depths as many times as she would let me. Now, it looks like it would be her tremendous pleasure to drown me.

  I know I should reassure her, but mother’s terrifying threat looms over my still-intact head. Genetic code unlocked. That’s what she’d said.

  My heart hammers against my ribcage as I scan every inch of the naked woman. Her skin is still blue and green instead of indigo, and though it shimmers she isn’t glowing.

  Thank God. Though last night was a blur, I know I hadn’t taken any measures to prevent accidental pregnancy. And why would I? A man my age could look forward to many years of “service” before being called upon to do his duty to the kingdom.

  Unless, of course, the queen thought said man had nothing else to offer society…

  The woman’s green eyes flash as she draws back her arm and hurls her other shoe. I leap to the side, narrowly dodging it.

  Damn, her aim’s getting better. Time to step up my game. “Baby!” I smile shakily, holding out an open hand to remind her I’m unarmed. “Let’s talk about this.”

  Unfortunately she, like my mother, believes the time for talk is over. “Don’t ‘baby’ me!” she shouts as she looks around the room for something else to hurl at me.

  This isn’t good. I’m quite fond of some of the things in this room, and they might break if they’re thrown.

  “Why not? You didn’t mind me calling you ‘baby’ last night,” I tell her.

  “That was before I discovered you had a girlfriend! I’m not that kind of girl!”

  “Hey, I do not have a girlfriend! I’m not that kind of man.” Really, I’m not. I’ve never cheated on a woman. I’ve never even had a steady girlfriend.

  Alright, that sounds bad, but I’m not a cheat. I hate making women cry far too much to ever do a thing like that…and I really hate inciting them to throw things at me.

  Unfortunately, the woman isn’t convinced. “Why did you say you had a girlfriend, then?”

  I point at the empty space my mother had just vacated. “Did you not hear what that woman just said?”

  “That woman?” She raises her eyebrows. “You mean the queen?”

  “Yes, that woman who is also the queen.”

  “And your mother.”

  “Yes, that too,” I say, feeling a bit chastised. “She wants me to choose a Life Mate. Tonight. But I was thinking…if she believed I already had a serious girlfriend, I might be able to get her to postpone it—at least until I could talk some sense into her.”

  The woman frowns. “You talk some sense into her? I know you’re a prince, but how did you get me into your bed last night? I need to stop drinking so much.”

  Oh, was she really going to try to blame it on the alcohol? How cute. I was going to love reminding her of the real reason.

  “Come on, baby. You know why you came back to my room last night.”

  She crosses her arms over her chest. “Oh yeah?”

  “Oh yeah.” I grin and drop the sheet covering me.

  She could look away, but she doesn’t. Instead, her eyes go wide and her lashes flutter and her breath catches in her throat. Her lips tremble, then part. She slides her purple tongue between them. “Good God,” she whispers huskily.

  I walk towards her. Slowly. After all, it would be rude to do anything that would disturb her view. And they say I’m not a gentleman!

  “My eyes are up here, baby,” I inform her. As much as I love the attention, I don’t want to have a conversation with the top of her head.

  She blinks up at me, and those kissable lips tremble, still too dazzled to form words. Her chin only comes to my abdomen. Though I tower above her, she’s one of the tallest women I’ve been with. Supposedly giantesses live in the Tappari Mountains, but if the rumors are true even they don’t stand much taller than the woman before me.

  I’m not complaining. Women come in all shapes, sizes and colors, and all are beautiful. Still, I can’t help but wish I could sink my girth into a woman a bit more “royal sized.”

  I reach out and tuck a green lock of hair behind her ear. “So baby, what are you doing tonight?”

  She blinks as if coming out of a daze. “Work.”

  “Oh, I think we can do better than that.”


  I smile. “Come to
the ball with me.”


  No? How could she say no to a royal ball? “You’ll be my special guest.”

  “Then definitely no.”

  My mighty horn hangs heavily on my brow. This made no sense. The finest food would be served, the finest music would be heard, and one would only be able to mingle with the most influential creatures in the twelve kingdoms. Was she worried I’d abandon her?

  “I’ll dance with you all night,” I vow, “And well into the night.”

  She shivers, but still says, “No.”

  I can’t believe this! “Is it because you don’t have anything to wear? I’ll buy whatever dress you want.” That had to do it. Women loved nothing more than shopping.

  Incomprehensibly, she shakes her head. “Thank you for the offer, but I want no part in your harebrained scheme.”

  “What scheme?”

  She throws her hands in the air. “Are you for real?”

  “Of course. You know how real I am—”

  She rolls her eyes. “I’m talking about committing treason, not that!” She exclaims, pointing at my length. Her eyes momentarily lose focus as she takes it in a second time, but she recovers quickly. “Look, I like having a head on my body. No sex, no matter how great, is worth deceiving the queen.”

  “There’s no deception,” I cut in. “I like you, you like me—”

  Her eyes narrow.

  “You like the dirty things I do to you,” I amend, “and maybe you like them enough to get to know me better?”

  She shifts from side to side as if she were a scale weighting each option. “No, not really.”

  Oh no. I made her look away from my third horn too soon! I drop my voice an octave, hoping it will incite her to drop her gaze once more. “Are you sure?”

  The corner of her lip twitches. She takes a step back. “You’re kinda cute. I almost feel bad for ditching you like this.”

  “Bad enough to come to the ball with me?” I ask, stepping forward. Yes, I know I’m begging, but I’m desperate! I don’t know who this commoner is, but she’s better than a royal heiress—especially the kind of royal heiresses my dear mother would invite.


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