The Field of Blood: The Battle for Aleppo and the Remaking of the Medieval Middle East

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The Field of Blood: The Battle for Aleppo and the Remaking of the Medieval Middle East Page 25

by Nicholas Morton

Knights Hospitaller, 178–180, 183

  Knights Templar, 120, 170–171, 179–180, 183, 191, 195

  Krak des Chevaliers, fortress of, 50, 168, 178–179

  Latakia, port of, 15, 27, 33, 36, 38, 167

  Lebanon, Mount, 168

  Lebanon region, 14, 27, 150

  London, city of, 169

  Lou Lou, atabeg of Aleppo, 65, 70

  Louis VII, king of France, 175–176

  Mahmud, ruler of Aleppo, 62

  Mahmud II, Seljuk sultan, 92, 139, 161

  Malik Shah, Seljuk sultan, 22, 62–63

  Mamistra, city of, 22, 33

  Mamluks (Turkish slave soldiers), 30

  Manbij, town of, 134

  Manzikert, Battle of, 62

  Mardin, town of, 91, 102, 121, 141

  Marseilles, city of, 169

  Mary, mother of Jesus (New Testament), 1

  Mas‘ud, son of Sultan Mohammed, 139

  Matar, village of, 138

  Matthew of Edessa, Armenian historian and theologian, 39

  Mawdud, ruler of Mosul, Turkish commander, 57–61, 90–91

  Mayyafariqin, town, 88, 141

  Mazoir family, 100

  Melisende, queen of Jerusalem, daughter of Baldwin II, 79

  Mercurius, Saint, 25, 47

  Mohammed, Seljuk sultan, 57, 62, 65, 69, 74, 88, 91–92, 137–138, 142

  Mohammed al-Isfahani, leader of a rebellion in Harran, 35

  Montgisard, Battle of, 187

  Montreal, castle of, 171, 184

  Mosul, city of, 64–65, 86, 142, 161–162, 188

  Munqidh dynasty. See Banu Munqidh

  al-Muqaddasi, traveler and writer, 31

  al-Mustarshid, caliph, 139

  Nablus, council of, 120

  Nasr, brother of Sultan ibn Munqidh, 51

  Nazareth, town of, 154

  Nicaea, city of, 21, 23

  Nicholas, Saint, 1

  Nile delta, 5, 30, 77, 83

  Nizam al-Mulk, vizier to the Seljuk sultan Malik Shah, 62

  Nizari. See Assassins

  Noah (Old Testament), 80

  North Africa, 53

  Nur al-Din, ruler of Syria, 174–186, 194

  Orderic Vitalis, chronicler, 155

  Orontes River, 58, 167

  Paris, city of, 169

  Peter Bartholomew, first crusader, 25

  Peter the Hermit, first crusader, 19

  Pharos lighthouse, 180

  Pisa, city of, 29, 149, 169

  Pons, count of Tripoli, 113

  Qalat Jabar, town of, 35, 70, 125, 140, 174, 194

  Qaqun, settlement of, 148

  Qus, town of, 181

  Rafaniya, town of, 50

  Rahba, town of, 64, 70, 88–89, 142

  Rainald Mazoir, Antiochene nobleman, 110

  Ralph of Caen, chronicler of the First Crusade, 46

  Raqqa, town of, 35, 65

  Raymond of Poitiers, ruler of Antioch, 3, 176

  Raymond of Toulouse, count of Tripoli, 20, 25–27, 41

  Raymond III, count of Tripoli, 190–191

  Richard I, king of England, 193

  Richard of Salerno, father of Roger of Salerno, 95

  Ridwan, Turkish ruler of Aleppo, 33, 38–39, 52–55, 61, 63–65, 75, 141, 153, 155, 160

  Robert Fitz-Fulk, Antiochene nobleman, 116

  Robert Guiscard, Norman conqueror of southern Italy, 20, 33

  Robert of Saint Lo, Antiochene nobleman, 109–110

  Robert of Vieux-Pont, 101

  Roger of Salerno, ruler of Antioch, 66–68, 72, 94–96, 101–111, 113, 117

  Romanus IV Diogenes, Byzantine emperor, 62

  Rugia, town of, 68

  Sadaqa, father of Dubays, leader of the Banu Mazyad, 137–138, 142

  Safforie, castle of, 154, 190, 191

  Safwat al-Mulk, wife of Tughtakin, 87

  Saint-Evroult, Abbey of, 155

  Saint Peter, Church of (Antioch), 25, 75

  Saint Symeon, port of, 41, 167

  Saladin, sultan of Egypt, 184–193

  al-Salih, Nur al-Din’s son and heir, 186, 188–189

  Sanjar, brother of Sultan Mohammed, 138

  Saone, castle of, 100

  Sarmada. See Field of Blood, Battle of

  Saruj, town of, 127–128

  Sathanas, dragon, 1–5, 9

  Scandalion, fort of, 149

  Sea of Galilee. See Tiberias, Lake

  Second Crusade. See under Crusades

  Second Lateran Council, 109

  Seljuk, founder of the Seljuk dynasty, 61–62

  Shaizar, town of, 38, 40, 50–60, 67, 136

  Shams al-Dawla, son of Ilghazi, 124–125

  Shawar, Fatimid vizier, 180, 182–184

  Shirkuh, Nur al-Din’s commander, 181–185, 194–195

  Sicily/Sicilians, 181

  Sidon, port town, 29

  Silk Roads, 5, 30

  Silpius, Mount, 167

  Sinai Desert, 187

  Sokman, Turkmen commander, 35, 90, 127

  Stephen, count of Blois, First Crusade commander, 20, 24

  al-Sulami, Damascene scholar, 93

  Sultan ibn Munqidh, 50–60

  Sultan Shah, son of Ridwan of Aleppo, 70

  Taj al-Mulk Buri, son of Tughtakin, 85

  Tancred of Hauteville, ruler of Antioch

  actions in the County of Edessa and the Principality of Antioch, 28, 32–47, 50, 55–56, 58–59, 66, 94

  actions on Crusade, 20–23

  actions in the Kingdom of Jerusalem, 14, 18, 23, 28

  deeds and Christian teachings, 46–47

  Taranto, town of, 159

  Tarsus, city, 22, 33

  Taurus Mountains, 22

  Tbilisi, city of, 124

  Tell Danith, Battle of (1115), 68–69, 97, 107, 114, 179

  Tell Danith, Second Battle of (1119), 114–118, 125

  Temple, military order of. See Knights Templar

  Temple of the Lord (Dome of the Rock), 171

  Temple of Solomon (al-Aqsa Mosque), 171

  Third Crusade. See under Crusades

  Tiberias, Lake (Sea of Galilee), 85, 190

  Tiberias, town of, 14, 85, 90, 154, 190–192

  Tigris River, 4, 158

  Tikrit, city of, 185

  Timurtash, Ilghazi’s son, 136–137, 139–141

  Tinnis, town of, 181

  Tiridates III, king of Armenia, 131

  T’oros, ruler of Edessa, 23

  Tortosa, town of, 42, 167

  Transjordan region, 29

  Tripoli, County/city of, 167–168

  events preceding the Frankish siege, 15–16

  initial Frankish siege/conquest, 4, 27, 40–42, 50, 198

  relations with other Frankish states, 41–48, 66, 68, 84, 113–114, 121, 126, 145

  war/diplomacy with Turks/Fatimids, 40, 58, 149, 179, 183, 190, 192

  Tughril, Seljuk sultan, 62

  Tughtakin, Turkish ruler of Damascus

  career pre–First Crusade, 87–88

  internal affairs in Damascus and reputation, 88, 93–94

  war/diplomacy with the Fatimids, 84, 149, 152–153

  war/diplomacy with the Franks, 66, 84–85, 88, 90, 92–94, 96, 102, 112, 114, 116, 126, 134, 142, 145, 147–149, 152–154

  war/diplomacy with the Seljuk sultan/Turks, 66–71, 85–90, 102, 117, 142–143

  Turbessel, town of, 133

  Turcopoles, 110

  Turkmen, 37, 61, 65, 83, 90, 97, 101–107, 112–113, 124, 126–127, 134, 154, 173

  Tutush, brother of Seljuk sultan Malik Shah, 63, 87, 90, 160

  Tyre, city of, 148–154, 169–170, 198

  Umayyad dynasty, 31

  Urban II, pope, 19

  Usama ibn Munqidh, Arab nobleman and writer, 54, 56, 79, 108

  Venice, 29, 149–150, 169

  Walter the Chancellor, Antiochene chronicler, 107, 111

  William, archbishop of Tyre, chronicler, 183

  William Jordan, count
of Cerdanya, 41–43

  Yovhannes Kozern, Armenian hermit, 131

  Zangi, Turkish ruler of Syria, 160–163, 172, 174, 185, 186–187

  Zardana, town of, 39, 68, 98–99, 112, 124–126, 136




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