Chrysalis: The Box Set (A Steamy Romance): The Complete Story of Brie's Journey in One Volume!

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Chrysalis: The Box Set (A Steamy Romance): The Complete Story of Brie's Journey in One Volume! Page 9

by Mia Moore

  “, not right now.” She shook her head.

  Blonde's head swiveled to his friend at the bar. The beaky guy chuckled.

  Blondie looked at her again, his smile wide, showing small white teeth. “Please. This song's one of my favorites. Just one dance. It wouldn't kill ya.” He took a step around the table putting his hand on her shoulder.

  Her eyebrows drew together and she looked up at him. Slow, pointedly, her gaze dropped to his hand on her shoulder. What the hell!

  She glanced over at the beak. He was watching his friend with a smirk on his lips, eyes narrowed.

  This didn't feel right. That was the one thing that Carly had emphasized in the self defense classes. Trust your gut, your sixth sense.

  Her hand rose and she pushed his fingers off her shoulder. “No thanks.”

  His eyes flashed wide in shock. “What's your problem? I bought you a drink. The least you can do is—”

  “That'll be enough. Leave her alone.” The soldier towered over Blondie, his eyes chips of granite. The upraised, strong chin and mouth showed he was used to being obeyed.

  The stripes on the arm of his uniform showed he was some kind of sergeant. There were the three chevrons she saw in all the war movies, along with three curved stripes below.

  Blondie rolled his eyes and grunted before ambling back to his friend. The Beak held his hands up, rubbing his thumb along his fingertips, laughing.

  “May I join you for a drink? At least until those jerks find someone else to annoy?” His hand gripped the back of the chair across from her, leading up to a fullback's shoulders, filling his jacket out… nicely. His eyes were kind and laugh lines extended from the corners.

  There was no hinky feeling in her gut with this guy. She nodded 'yes'. She glanced at Blondie and his friend. Blondie scowled at her and handed some money to his friend.

  Her face became crimson and she looked down at the table as the soldier sat down next to her.

  “I'm Andy Johnson. May I buy you another glass of wine?”

  She glanced up into his dark grey eyes. “I'm Brie Morely. Sure. But let me buy. I think you kind of rescued me from those two.”

  He turned his head and raised his hand to get the waitress's attention. In profile, he had a rough masculine face under dark hair, parted at the side, cut short. A five o’clock shadow on his cheeks, and light streaks above his ears showed through.

  The waitress appeared, smiling, her heavily made up eyes flashing from Brie to the soldier.

  “I'll have another gin and tonic and please get a bottle of wine for the lady.” The waitress nodded and vanished.

  Brie's eyebrows rose as she stared at him. A bottle? Did he plan on getting her drunk and taking advantage of her? When he turned and smiled, she realized why he looked familiar.

  “Anyone ever tell you, you look like George Clooney?” She grinned, her eyes taking in the lined forehead, the shock of dark hair creeping down and the inky eyebrows and eyes.

  His head tilted back and he chuckled. “All the time but I'm better looking.”

  She blinked and shook her head while a smile formed on her lips. “Modest too.”

  “That's not one of my sins.” He sat back when the waitress appeared with the drinks.

  Brie slipped her hand in her purse, fumbling for her wallet but the waitress had pulled a vanishing act again.

  She looked at Andy and her mouth dropped, “Did you—”

  “Of course. There's no way a gentleman lets a lady pay. Call me old school but that's the way I like it.” He picked the bottle of wine up and topped her glass up.

  “And you always get what you like?”

  His eyes lifted and met hers. No answer, just a confident look on his face.

  “So why's a pretty lady like you sitting alone in a bar?” He shifted in his seat, leaning over the table.

  His knee brushed against hers.

  The look in his eyes, so intent yet warm was easy to like. Not only his words were flattering but everything about him showed his interest in her. She made no move to shift her leg to the side. The pleasant familiarity of his leg against hers was nice...

  “I'm actually waiting for a friend.”

  His smile drooped and his head tilted to the side.

  Her breath caught in her throat. “A girlfriend. Carly texted me. She's running late.”

  “Oh.” The smile returned to his lips. He had a boyish look from the lopsided grin to the dimple in his cheek.

  She took a long sip of the wine, watching him. Was it the wine or was he just easy to talk to? Almost like talking to Chris but this guy was anything but gay.

  “You're not from around here, are you? I recognize that accent. Midwest. Ohio?” His eyebrow arched and he grinned again.

  “Yeah. Good guess. How about you? You don't sound like a New Yorker.” She slipped the cell phone into her purse and leaned over to put it back on the floor.

  When she looked back at him, his eyes flitted up from her chest. Immediately there was a soft tug low in her tummy before her neck became hot.

  “Definitely not New Yorker. Opposite side of the country. Rosemount California. And before you ask, yes, I surf and no I was never big on the Beach Boys.”

  The song that was playing ended and another slow song started. He glanced over at the dance floor and she followed his gaze. It was half filled with couples swaying to the beat.

  “Would you like to dance? It's been a while for me.”

  This was way different than when Blondie accosted her. She nodded.

  God. He was so tall and straight, shoulders back, wide chest thrust out above a flat abdomen. The tug of his hand and look in his eyes showed he wasn't taking no for an answer.

  He led her to the dance floor and pulled her into his arm, still holding her hand while his feet caught the slow beat. The small of her back tingled hotly where he held her. The sharp clean masculine scent of his aftershave drifted into her nostrils.

  Her foot was slow following his lead and he gripped her hand tighter, pulling her closer to his body.

  She smiled and her eyes met his, blinking a few times. “I'm afraid I'm not much of a dancer. Two left feet.”

  “You're doing fine, Brie. Count to three with me and then I'm going to spin you to your right. One. Two. Three.”

  His arm rose and directed her body out and around. She ended with her chest against his, a small laugh bubbling from her throat.

  “That was pretty good, the way you did that. You're a good dancer.” Her eyes drifted from his, down to his lips and back up. Once more, there was a tug in her lower tummy that warmed the spot between her legs. What would it be like to kiss those lips?

  “Whoever told you that you had two left feet, didn't know how to lead. That twirl was pretty graceful” He lowered his head and his lips brushed the top of her head. “What perfume is that?”

  She smiled and looked up at him. “I don't remember the name. Something from Perry Ellis.” Her mind had gone blank from the kiss and way his lips lingered. Oh God, this was nice.

  She snuggled her body closer to his and his hand dropped hers. He held her tight, his hands warm on her back. His feet changed direction, turning her in tandem with his body and arms.

  She gasped. His thigh inserted itself between her legs for a moment. This time it wasn't a tug of pleasure low in her tummy. No. The tingle of lust in her crotch sparked hot.

  He continued turning her in the same move, his thigh lingering longer each time. Oh God, her panties were wet.

  Chris's words flashed in her head—'you need to get fucked.' She giggled and the next time his leg scissored between hers, she rubbed her pelvic bone against it. Oh fuck, his leg was so firm.

  He pulled her close and his hand left her back. With his thumb under her chin, he tilted her face up. For a second their eyes locked, the longing mirrored in each other. He bent lower and she watched his lips until they brushed against hers.

  It was like electricity, the tingling pull of his lips
on hers. Her hand rose to his neck and she pulled him harder onto her mouth.

  Only their upper bodies moved, swaying softly as they kissed. His tongue slipped past her lips and she met him eagerly with hers, giving all to the kiss.

  There was a hard pressure against her tummy, no mistaking what THAT was. Oh God, he was hard as a rock. She rolled her hips, pressing into him.

  The song ended and he pulled back. His dark eyes were soft and narrow watching her, his lips still parted.

  “Brie. Holy hell, that was nice.” His words came out in a whispered rush.

  “Oh yeah. Can we get out of here?” Her heart pounded, the blood racing through her body. her legs were weak and rubbery.

  “You bet.” He took her arm and threaded their way past the throng of couples clamoring to the dance floor. The song that came on was a popular one with a heady primal beat. They stopped at the table and she picked her purse from under it. He started to lead her to the door but she pulled on his arm. She scooped the bottle of wine in her hand.

  There was a line-up twenty feet long of people waiting to enter the bar. She spotted Carly with another girl from the class.

  “Brie!” Carly waved her hand above her head.

  “Carly! Sorry but I'm leaving.” Brie nodded her head to Andy, her feet flying in the high heels as she struggled to keep up.

  “HEY! You won!” Carly's words were barely audible as she stood next to Andy. He looked down the street, his arm raised to flag a taxi.

  Brie squeezed his hand and strained to the toes of her shoes. Her lips brushed the folds of his ear. “My place. Okay?”

  Chapter 15

  Andy held the door for her and hustled into the back seat of the cab.

  She leaned forward, inches from the face of the driver. “410 East 21st Street.” When she sat back, Andy's arms went around her. His hand cupped her face and he kissed her gently at first--the faintest of touches his lips brushing hers.

  His hand slipped lower, sliding down her neck, ever so slowly until it rested on her breast. He kissed her mouth and lowered, trailing kisses over her jaw and ear until his lips rested in the curve of her neck.

  Oh God! His hand rolling her breast, his mouth and tongue insistent on her neck was delicious. The spot between her legs pulsed with yearning.

  Her hand slipped down his coarse jacket and onto his lap. The thick hardness strained the wool of his pants. Her fingers clawed, grasping to curl around him.

  His hand rested on hers for a moment and he pulled hers away, placing it on his thigh.

  “Not yet.” He murmured into her skin.

  She licked his ear and sighed. “I want to.”

  “I know.” His hand slipped inside the deep neckline of her top, inside the lacy bra.

  Oh fuck. His fingers teased her nipple sending fresh jolts of pleasure straight to her crotch.

  Her head fell back against the back of the seat and her legs slowly spread apart. The skirt was tight and riding high. She looked into the rear view mirror beside the driver's head and their eyes met. A smile blossomed on his lips.

  Oh God, she was so horny, it was like an ache, blood flooding through her groin, panties wet with arousal. She glanced out the side window. How much farther? Why wasn't he touching her where she longed to be touched?

  Still, his hand teased her nipple. It was a raw heat there that seared down through her, making her even wetter.

  “Brie, so beautiful.” His head rose and he looked into her eyes.

  “I need you.” She reached for his hand, pulling it down and between her legs.

  His fingernail scratched the wet silk of her panties causing her to moan. “Not yet, sweetie. If I touch you there, you're going to come.” He kissed her ear. “I want to eat your pussy to make you come. Lick your wetness.”

  She gasped at the sudden flame of lust in her groin. His words, so raw and decadent. She never used these words, but yes, they were so right.

  “Then I'm going to fuck your cunt till you beg me to stop. You want that don't you, Brie?”

  “Ooo...” The shot of lust caused her to squirm in the seat. Her legs gaped wider.

  His fingers tapped against her pussy. “Tell me what you want, Brie.” Another tap, sending a shiver through her body.

  “Oh...” She breathed softly and her hips rolled.

  Another tap, harder this time.

  A jolt of lust, a small orgasm spread through her body. “Oh yeah. I need you to fuck me.”

  The cab swerved to the curb and stopped. Her gaze flew to the rear view mirror once more. The driver smiled and licked his lips. “That'll be fifteen dollars.”

  Andy's hand left her pussy and fished in his pocket. He handed a twenty to the man. “Keep the change.”

  “Thanks Mister. Have a nice night.” He plucked the bill from Andy's hand, throwing a knowing wink.

  Brie was a puddle of lust. It didn't matter that the cabbie knew what they had been doing or were about to do.

  Andy opened the door, got out and held her hand to help her out. She watched him as she slid over the seat and swung her legs out. His eyes followed her movements from her thighs to arms and cleavage. He was still hard, his crotch full.

  She led him to the steps of the brownstone. he looked up, his eyes wide and mouth parted. “You live here?”

  She nodded, searching in her purse for the key with trembling fingers.

  “Wow. Are you rich or something? I mean your clothes are nice but this place must be worth millions.”

  She held the key up and smiled. “I just have a room and my own bath. Just a roommate to an older gentleman.”

  His head pulled back and he looked at her, puzzlement written all over his face.

  “He's gay and we've become friends.” There was no need to tell him anymore. As for the bet, she was oh so ready to win it. She unlocked the door and stepped inside. The hall light was on but the kitchen and living room were dark. It was hard to tell if Chris was there or out with Michael.

  To be on the safe side, she held her finger to her lips and taking his hand led him to her bedroom.

  Chapter 16

  She stood in the centre of the room watching him close the door and turn to walk back to her. He stopped and turned the bedside lamp, stepping back to the door to flip the switch of the overhead light.

  Her heart was a fast staccato and she could hardly breathe, aching for more. He stepped back to her and kissed her lips, slowly rolling his tongue against hers.

  He pulled back and his fingers hooked in the bottom of her sweater, tugging it up. “Alone at last.”

  Oh God, she wanted him so bad, but there was just one thing she had to do before this went any farther.

  “Give me a few minutes to freshen up. I'll be back in a flash.” She took a step to the side but his hand gripped her wrist.

  “Don't. I want you now, the way you are.” His eyes were dark and intense holding her with his gaze.

  “But I won't be—”


  Her breath caught in her throat and she looked away. Rob had hardly ever gone down on her and only after she was fresh from the shower. He'd always made her feel that he was doing her a favor. Most of the time, he'd quit before she was even halfway to orgasm.

  “I love the taste and smell of a sexy woman. Don't masquerade it with perfumed soap. I want your essence.” He pulled her back and this time there was no hesitancy when he pulled her top off.

  She stood before him, clad only in her blue bra and the short leather skirt. He made her feel so small and vulnerable towering over her, his eyes following the movement of his fingers trailing over the edge of the bra.

  “So beautiful and lush.” His words were a soft murmur, his breathing slow and steady worshipping her with his eyes.

  His hands grazed over her arms and around to her back. There was a soft tug before he slid the straps of her bra over her arms. She bit her lower lip and looked away before raising her hands to cover herself. This was almost decadent standing th
ere exposed to his eyes.

  He pulled her hands away and placed them at her sides. His hands rose and his fingers teased the tips of her nipples. Oh God, her pussy ached for him.

  His fingers fumbled at the bottom of her skirt and then there was the soft snick of the zipper being lowered.

  She reached for his crotch, cupped her hand over the thick damp shaft straining to be free.

  He stepped back away from her, his fingers curled in the waistband of her skirt. He glanced at her eyes and pushed the skirt down.

  She gulped as it slid over her hips and fell to the floor. Next her panties were ripped off. Her legs trembled with a mixture of fear and lust.

  His eyes drifted over her body from the roundness of her tummy and down, lingering on her crotch. He gripped her arms and forced her to walk back until the edge of the bed was against her thighs.

  She looked up at him, her teeth working furiously on her lower lips. The sight of her shyness, mixed with a flavor of fear seemed to incite him further.

  He pushed down on her shoulders until her bottom was on the bed. She gasped as he continued pushing her back. Half of her body was positioned on the bed while her legs were bent, feet on the floor.

  He nudged her knee with his, spreading her legs and stepped between them.

  Her eyes were wide watching his face. Oh yeah, laying there on the bed as he devoured her with his eyes was wanton. The hooded look in his eyes showed his arousal.

  He bent and placed his index finger on her lips, pressing it between her teeth. It was salty and firm on her tongue. She closed her lips and swirled her tongue over it.

  Her eyes meeting his begged him to take her, her tongue a wet promise. He smiled and pulled his finger from her mouth, trailing it wetly down her chin and neck.

  She watched it go lower, between her breasts, over her naval and lower still until it parted the dark hair on her pubic bone. She gasped and tensed the muscles of her buttocks, forcing her pussy higher.

  He sank down to his knees, still fully dressed in his uniform coat and shirt. Her eyes fluttered for a moment and she moaned. The fact that she lay naked before him, an older, confident man who hadn't yet undressed added an element of eroticism.


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