Chrysalis: The Box Set (A Steamy Romance): The Complete Story of Brie's Journey in One Volume!

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Chrysalis: The Box Set (A Steamy Romance): The Complete Story of Brie's Journey in One Volume! Page 16

by Mia Moore

  Her hand dropped from the button next to the aluminum doors and they slid open silently.

  Brie’s eyes opened wide and her breath caught in her throat. Alex was standing there smiling at her.

  Chapter 3

  His dark eyes glanced at Rose and then back to Brie. “How is the orientation going? Learning all about everything?”

  Rose’s face colored as deep as the flower she’d been named for. “Um...Alex. We’re just about finished. You’re home early.”

  “Yes.” His arm extended, inviting them to leave the elevator.

  Brie’s shoulder brushed his hand as she stepped by him. He was dressed casually in dark pants and sweater, bare ankles showing above the leather of his boat shoes. How long had he been standing there? Had he heard everything that Rose had said?

  Rose led the way back to the kitchen. Her hand shook a bit when she reached for the notebook in the cabinet above the stove.

  Brie watched her with wide eyes. “Rose, do you think he heard—”

  “It doesn’t matter. Not to me at least. I’m leaving.” She tucked her hair back behind her ear and flipped the book to the last page, staring down at it, a frown on her face. “Here it is. The schedule I drew up for you.” She looked up at Brie and sighed. “Look it was my mistake, not yours. I’ve never said word one about what goes on here, not even to Herb. If Alex heard and is pissed, it’d be at me, not you.”

  Brie took the book from her hand and held it to her chest for a moment, her eyes wide watching Rose. “I’m sorry.”

  “Nothing to be sorry about. My bad, talking about the bosses.” Rose lifted her hand and scanned her watch. “Look Herb is picking me up in five minutes. Do you have any questions before I leave?”

  Brie gulped and her heart stopped. Oh my God. Five minutes! She had a million questions, not the least of which was what the hell had she gotten herself into! She took a deep breath and forced a smile. “If I have, don’t worry, I’ll ask Claire.”

  “Well then. I’m going to pop into the library, say my goodbyes to Claire and then I’m out of here.” She squeezed Brie’s shoulder on her way by. “It was nice meeting you. Good luck.”

  Brie was left holding the book as Rose disappeared through the archway. There didn’t seem to be any love lost between Alex and Rose, even though at the party Rose had said that she’d miss both Alex and Claire. What had happened a few minutes earlier seemed closer to the truth.

  She was on her own now and her mouth felt dry as dust. She set the book on the island and reached into a couple cabinets until she found a water glass. The refrigerator had a built in ice-maker and water spout. She held the glass as ice tinkled into it and turned on the water. The cold water felt good, easing her throat as she stood and relived the scene at the elevator.

  Maybe there’d been a personality clash between she and Alex for some time. She’d keep an open mind like Chris had advised. Besides which, Claire was nice and as Rose had mentioned, she probably wouldn’t have that much to do with Alex on a day to day basis.

  She could do this. She set the glass in the dishwasher and reached for the notebook again. Rose’s handwriting was small and rounded, organized and neat.


  She jumped and her hand went to her chest before she closed her eyes and breathed a sigh of relief.

  Claire stood in the archway, the fingers of one hand absently resting on her chin. There was a warm smile on her face as she stepped forward, close to Brie. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. Do you have any questions or did Rose cover everything?”

  Brie’s eyebrows rose as a thought popped into her head. The uniform. With all the stuff they’d covered, Rose had forgotten to place the order. “We didn’t call Bloomie’s for the uniforms. She was supposed to take my measurements and—”

  “I can do that.” Her blue eyes lit up and then her lips pursed. “There must be a measuring tape around her somewhere.” Raising one finger, she grinned. “I know. There’s a sewing kit in your bedroom. Once, Rose had to mend a seam for me before I went out. It’s probably tucked in the bottom drawer in the dresser, knowing Rose. So organized and tidy.”

  She crooked her finger and spun around, walking down the hall on her way to the room.

  Brie smiled and followed Claire’s thin waif-like figure. Probably Claire’s knowledge of a sewing tape measure only extended to her tailor draping it over her body, but she seemed as excited as a child being able to help with this.

  When she entered the bedroom, the bang of a drawer being shut caught her attention before Claire emerged from the walk-in closet, the tape measure dangling from her hand like a white snake.

  “When Eve took my measurements, I was wearing just my bra and panties. She’s the expert.” She stood watching Brie and her head tilted to the side. “Do you mind?”

  “Who’s Eve?”

  “Oh! Sorry. She does the alterations on my clothes. Sometimes she makes special outfits for me.” She waved the tape measure. “Ready?”

  Brie’s lips fell open and she froze for a moment. She needed to take off her clothes in front of Claire? Oh God. She took a breath, forcing a casual tone. “Sure.”

  Her fingers tugged at the hem of her sweater, rolling it up and over her head. As she pulled her arms from the soft cashmere, she glanced at Claire. The woman’s eyes were riveted to her bra. She looked away, trying not to notice. “Rose told me I don’t have to wear the uniform every day just at—”

  “You have magnificent breasts. Anyone ever tell you that?”

  Brie’s fingers paused, sliding the button on her pants through the loop. Her face felt warm when she glanced up at her employer. Claire’s small, white teeth pressed into her lower lip and her eyes were still on the bra. This was awkward. But there was something else as well. She took a deep breath and pulled her shoulders back. This wasn’t the first time that she’d been complimented on her bust. What had the sales lady at Bloomie’s said when she’d tried on bras there? ‘If ya’ got it flaunt it.’

  “Yes. I’ve been told that. My best asset...or should I say my breast asset.” A small giggle escaped her lips and she continued undoing the waistband of her pants, pushing them down and stepping out of them.

  “Cute. Now if you’re ready, I’ll take the measurement.” Claire stepped forward and the hand holding the end of the tape skimmed under Brie’s arm and around to her back. She reached with her other hand to pull it around, the thin tape sliding through delicate fingers.

  Her fingertips pinching the tape scraped against the lace covered cup until each hand met directly in the centre between the mounds of her flesh. “Oh my.” Claire inhaled deeply and her eyes flashed to meet Brie’s. “Forty-two inches? THAT is big. Not Dolly Parton big, but waaay more than I’ve got.”

  Her hands rose until they rested just above the cup, where the straps met the fullness of fabric. “Ah...Thirty eight.” The back of her hand brushed slowly against the soft plumpness swelling above the cup. “Very soft.”

  Brie’s breath caught in her throat as Claire’s hands lingered on her breasts. Her eyes darted to the side when Claire looked up into her face. There was a tingle of pleasure that stirred low in her tummy. The heat of Claire’s hands and the gentle insistence of her touch caused a gasp to escape Brie’s parted lips. Claire’s perfume was sweet and fresh drifting into her nostrils, while her eyes glittered.

  “You don’t mind me admiring you, do you, Brie? The human body is beautiful and yours, especially so.” Her fingers traced a line over the curve of her breast to the damp line of cleavage. “So innocent but womanly.”

  Brie’s heart pounded in her chest. Surely Claire could feel it, could feel the effect her caress was having. Her eyes darted to Claire’s face. From the small confident smile curling the corners of her moist lips, she knew what she was doing.

  Claire breathed a sigh and her hands, still holding the tape slid lower until they rested an inch or so above her naval. “Twenty-six inches.” Her eyes rose to meet Br
ie’s and a giggle escaped her lips. “I hope you’re remembering these numbers. I’ve no head for figures.” Another giggle erupted in her throat, bubbly, like champagne.

  Brie shivered when Claire’s hands grazed the swell of her hips, resting just under the ‘V’ of her panties. She gulped and closed her eyes when the knuckle of Claire’s hand pressed against her mons for a moment. Oh God, that was no accident.

  Claire bent lower and murmured, “Thirty-eight. An hour-glass figure, very feminine.” She remained stooped over but her face turned up to innocently look into Brie’s eyes. “Maybe we should measure the in-seam. We can order some dark pants as well as blouses while we’re at it.” She dropped to kneel before Brie, pressing the inside of her thigh. “Open up.” Her voice was a bright chirp.

  Brie’s leg slid to the side and she inhaled deeply. Immediately Claire’s fingers prodded the hollow between the edge of the panties and the smooth skin of her upper thigh. The back of Claire’s hand rested against the thin strip of her now damp, panties. Her other hand pulled the end of the tape to Brie’s heel. “Thirty inches.”

  She smiled up at Brie but made no move to rise to her feet. Her fingertips rolled over the elastic of Brie’s panties, pausing just above her mons once more. “Very pretty. The color is lovely.”

  Brie stood still as a statue, her lips loose while her breath hissed from her chest, looking down at Claire. Her eyes widened when Claire’s finger slipped lower, almost on the lace covering her now full bud of pleasure. Would she?

  “Am I interrupting something?”

  Brie’s hand rose to cover her chest and she stepped back, away from Claire, leaving her finger dangling in the air at Alex’s deep voice. His shoulder was propped against the doorway, arms casually crossed on his chest. There was a smile, bordering on smirk on his swarthy face, dark eyes narrow with mirth.

  Chapter 4

  “We were just doing Brie’s measurements for the uniforms.” Claire laughed and her necklace dangled low as she pushed herself to a standing position. “What did you think we were doing?”

  Brie reached for her sweater, holding it to her body, feeling her face go every shade of tomato. Oh God, to be a little turned on, curious to see how far Claire would take this and then for Alex to catch them!

  “I’ve a pretty good idea.” His hand thrust out, holding a silver wafer. “I was in the bedroom and your cell phone rang. It’s Liam. He’s in the neighborhood and wanted to stop by for a drink.”

  “Fabulous!” She scampered across the floor to take the phone from his hand.

  He cupped it with his other hand and whispered loudly. “What a coincidence, huh?”

  She grabbed the phone from him and left the room, a scowl forming on her face.

  Brie turned her back to Alex, still standing in the doorway and her eyes grew wide. Liam! He’d been nice at the party, kind of funny too. If she hadn’t run out of the pool room that night, who knew where it might have ended up?

  She looked over her shoulder conscious of eyes boring into her skin. Fuck. He just stood there sizing her up or something? She lifted the sweater and pulled it down over her head, scurrying to get her arms in and pull it down to cover herself.

  “You don’t have to get dressed on my account.” A chortle left his lips. “God, you’re wearing a bra and much skin showing as a bathing suit would show. Don’t get so tight-assed and modest. Not in this place.” He laughed and his footsteps sounded, walking down the hallway.

  She snatched the pants off the floor and thrust her foot into the pant leg, stumbling before catching her balance and huffing loudly. Fuck. Did he have to be such a smarmy smartass? A decent guy would have turned away, not make sarcastic comments about modesty and all that. SHE was the normal one in that situation, not him, with all the laissez-faire sexual stuff.

  She was just buttoning up the pants when Claire once more appeared in the doorway. She looked down at her fingers sliding the zipper up, and a rush of breath flared from her nostrils. THAT was another thing. This open door policy in her room had to stop. Her face grew warm when she thought of Claire on her knees, fingers lightly touching her, hell trying to seduce her.

  Was there something in the water in this place? Whoever came here left their morals in the lobby? She’d never thought of women when it came to sex. So what was with the tingling in her crotch at Claire’s suggestive touch and gazes?

  A touch on her shoulder startled her (Again!). She lifted her head and looked into Claire’s eyes. “I’m sorry about Alex. He can be a jerk sometimes.” Her hand rose and she stroked Brie’s hair, pulling it back from her cheek. “You have a beautiful body. I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable touching you.” Her fingers continued to stroke Brie’s hair.

  Brie looked away for a moment and then she looked into Claire’s eyes, felt the warmth and sensuality of her gaze. What was she supposed to say? Admit that she’d liked it, been curious? Her hand rose and she took Claire’s fingers in her own, letting their clasped hands fall to her side. “No. It was...” Her gaze fell to the floor.

  Claire’s other arm went around her shoulder and she drew her closer, till her chest nestled against Claire’s. Warm moist breath fluttered against her ear, and she shivered at the whispered words. “You should never be ashamed or self conscious about your body.” Her finger drifted over the back of Brie’s neck and higher, threading through her hair. “A woman’s touch, especially an older experienced woman like me, can teach you things about your body that will make you scream with pleasure. Would you like that? Alex isn’t part of that. Just between us girls.”

  Her tongue was hot on Brie’s ear, licking the fold and then the lobe. Brie’s knees became weak and a sigh panted warm between her lips. The rational side of her recoiled at the thought—being with another woman? That was her head. But the other part, her body tingled at the thought, her heart racing in her chest.

  She pulled back and looked into Claire’s deep blue eyes, saw the flecks of grey and the threads of ebony. The woman was older; faint laugh lines creased the skin at the corner of her eyes and along the sides of her mouth. But there was a quality about her that transcended age--a sophistication and sexy elegance that was hard to resist.

  Brie nodded her head. A shy smile spread on her lips while her face blushed pink.

  Claire’s fingers closed, fisting Brie’s hair in her palm and she pulled her closer. The kiss was soft, lips barely brushing against hers, words breathed against her skin. “Oh God, I can’t wait.”

  She pulled back and a wide grin lit her face with pure joy. “But first things first.” She squeezed Brie’s hand and her head drew even farther back, shoulders trembling with excitement. “Call me old fashioned, call me a match maker! Liam. He’ll be here shortly. He’s quite attracted to you but you mustn’t react. He’s a private investigator and let’s face it, the hunt is the thrilling part.”

  She pirouetted gracefully, her hand rising to fluff the hair on the back of her head, hip thrust out in the best Vamp Brie had ever seen. “You are a puzzle that he will lust, positively lust, to solve.”

  Brie’s eyes were wide but a laugh bubbled up in her throat. Claire was acting so sexy, yet funny. Could she ever flaunt her body, act mysterious and sexy all at the same time, like her?

  Claire’s finger rose and dangled in front of Brie’s face. “And you my darling. Remember I told you I could teach you about your body? Here’s lesson number one. A work-out for your kegels.”

  “My what?” Brie’s head shook from side to side thrusting forward. Claire’s enthusiasm and fun was contagious.

  “Kegels silly. Oh my God. Don’t tell me you don’t know what they are!” Her eyes rose to scan the ceiling above her head and she huffed a sigh, blowing a lock of hair from her forehead. “When you’re in the midst of peeing and you make yourself stop. It’s those muscles that control it. Try clenching your pelvic floor.” Her fingers pressed into her lower tummy and she scrunched her eyes tight.

  Brie giggled watchi
ng her. She tightened the muscle in her anus, feeling a tightening higher, her vaginal muscles. That had to be what Claire was talking about.

  One of Claire’s eyes opened and she grinned. “Feel it? Keep squeezing it tight and hold it.”

  Brie did as she was told. Her teeth ground together, she squeezed hard, concentrating on holding the muscles tight. Oh my God, it felt good. Her pussy was warm. She had to release it but immediately she tightened once more. Fuck! She was getting turned on!

  “Aha. I can see that you’re getting the point!” Claire’s hand rose and she stroked Brie’s cheek. “Now let’s play a little game. When Liam’s here, every time you look at him, I want you to squeeze that muscle.” Her hands clasped together in front of her face and she grinned, proud of herself for coming up with the idea.

  “Oh my God, Claire! I can’t do that. That exercise...well, it has an effect, if you know what I mean.” Brie’s eyes flashed from side to side and her teeth dug into her lower lip.

  “Exactly! Think of how alluring a woman is when her body’s all sexed up. Liam’s seen it and believe me it’ll drive him crazy—especially when you play hard to get.” She turned and started to walk away but stopped and looked over her shoulder. “Which won’t be hard because you’ll be serving and not really joining us.” Her gaze went from Brie’s feet to her head. “By the way, wear a dark skirt and white top if you have it. I’ll see you in the great room in ten minutes.”

  She flitted her fingers and vamp walked across the floor, in long strides, swinging her narrow hips. She stepped through and held the door, shutting it softly, but blowing a kiss before it was completely shut.

  Brie’s hands flew to her mouth covering the smile, and the burst of laughter that rumbled in the back of her mouth. Oh my God, Claire was funny! Sexy funny at that! Her hands left her mouth as she raced to open her suitcase. All this and she hadn’t even un-packed yet!


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