Chrysalis: The Box Set (A Steamy Romance): The Complete Story of Brie's Journey in One Volume!

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Chrysalis: The Box Set (A Steamy Romance): The Complete Story of Brie's Journey in One Volume! Page 22

by Mia Moore

  She ambled absently back to the small desk and flopped into the chair. Oh God, the timer at the bottom of the screen was still doing a countdown. Twenty minutes to get through forty two questions. She’d never do it. Some of the questions made no sense and the multiple choice answers all seemed the same. Which one to select?

  The clock was ticking. She picked answers at random. Hell, she’d have a shot even if she guessed. Next time, she’d do the exam in a library or someplace she couldn’t be interrupted.

  A bell dinged and the screen closed. Immediately the test result filled a new screen shot. Fifty four percent? Oh my God. Her first test in this course and she’d flunked it! Her shoulders slumped as she reached for the top of the screen to shut the laptop. This was Martha’s fault! If she hadn’t knocked on the door, talking about lawsuits, she may have had a chance at passing. After all, she was only six points from doing that.

  The ding of her cell phone sitting on the night stand caught her attention. She rose to her feet and picked it up. A text from Chris? Her stomach tightened. He was bound to ask her about the course. He’d be as disappointed as she felt. She opened the message and read:

  “How’s it going? Drop by after your cro magnum course and have a cup of tea with me. I want to hear about your studies. Finish reading The Old Man and the Sea yet?”

  She sighed and her fingers clicked the tiny buttons in a reply.

  “Not yet. Sure. Tea sounds great. See you at four.”

  Much as it’d be hard to see the disappointment in his eyes when she told him about the course, maybe he’d understand, especially when she told him all that had gone on with Martha. Hell, she’d even slagged Chris, making him sound like a looser writer, always looking for a project to fix. He’d probably be pissed when she told him that Martha called Brie, his latest project.


  The apartment was quiet when she left her bedroom to take the elevator to the street. It was overcast outside, with the potential for rain at any moment. She flagged a cab and rode to the other side of town in blessed silence. Freedom. Free from Martha’s accusations and Claire’s stony looks.

  As the cab made its way, traversing cars and buses the shadows of the tall buildings creating narrow tunnels of the streets, Brie’s jaw set. The pool company would show up later that day and then Claire would see. The stupid machine measuring the chlorine was broken--totally not her fault.

  Twenty minutes later and forty dollars lighter, she stepped from the cab to the sidewalk in front of the self defense building. She would picture Martha’s long nose and beady eyes on the punching bag when she kicked it. Just watch how well the class would go with that target.

  She entered the building and saw Carly’s friendly face look up from behind the tall counter.

  “Brie! How are you doing? Want to have lunch after class? If I recall, it’s your turn to buy, especially now with your new job and all.” She strode out from behind the counter and pulled Brie into a hug.

  “I’m not sure how much longer I’ll be working there.” Her eyes were sad gazing at the blond haired instructor. Carly and she had become friends and it was definitely a friend she needed right then.

  “What do you mean? You don’t like them?” Carly placed her arm over Brie’s shoulder and they walked through the door to the back gymnasium room.

  Brie’s stomach sunk lower and she bit her lip to stop the welling emotion from spilling over and becoming tears. “I like them but Claire’s friend, Dr. Whitney is a royal pain. She’s snobby and she doesn’t like me.” She tossed her gym bag on a bench, following up with her coat.

  Carly’s lips pulled to the side and her eyebrows became question marks. “But she’s just a friend. It’s the Baders who are paying you. I wouldn’t worry about it, if I were you.”

  Brie sighed and stepped over to the punching bad. She was early for class and the two women had the gym to themselves. “But that’s just it. She’s staying with them for a week and she and Claire are tight. Claire was nice before her friend showed up. It’s almost like she’s intimidated by her or something. Martha criticizes and Claire goes along with it.”

  She crouched down and her foot flashed out at the bag.

  “Good one! If she makes you this angry every class, we may have to get new bags.” Carly pulled the heavy leather bag back to a still and grinned at her. “You can do it Brie. It’s only a week. Just try to stay out of her way. Do more studying when you can.”

  Brie’s head fell back and she sighed gazing at the ceiling. “That’s another thing. I flunked my first test. Honestly, maybe I’m out of my league, trying to do schoolwork and work for them. I thought it would be a snap until Martha showed up. Now I’m not so sure.”

  The look on Carly’s face was worried, tinged with sadness. She hadn’t seen her in a week and here she was bitching about Martha. It wasn’t fair to Carly. “Hey, what’s new with you?”

  Carly’s smile lit up with face and her eyes sparkled. “Met a new guy. He’s a stock broker. He came to class last week and he’s taking me out on Saturday night.”

  Brie’s chest felt heavy hearing the news. The image of Liam’s dark eyes flashed in her mind. But with Martha’s arrival even that was complicated now. She’d been attracted to Liam but now she wasn’t too sure about him. He hadn’t called since Martha had snatched the phone from her and chatted him up.

  She forced a smile looking at Carly. “Oh yeah? What’s he look like? Does he have a brother?”

  For the next ten minutes she listened to Carly gush about Wayne. He was tall, blond and very successful and very very sexy. It was hard to maintain her enthusiasm listening to Carly. It seemed like everything she did was out of step with the world. If not for Martha, things could have been different.

  Chapter 15

  “What do you mean, you flunked the test? Did you do the reading? That’s not like you, Brie.” Chris leaned forward in his chair, scowling at her.

  Her gaze fell to the floor for a moment, standing at the counter in his kitchen. She’d expected him to be disappointed but this anger was totally out there. “It was Martha’s fault. She had me totally rattled just as I was about to take the test, talking about suing the Baders. It’s like she thought I’d sabotaged the pool or something, blaming me for everything.”

  “Slow down, Brie. I’ve known Martha for years and years. She can be abrupt and a little judgmental but overall, she’s fair. She’s got a soft spot for Claire and I have to like her for that. You must be mistaken.” Chris shook his head but his expression didn’t change.

  The low whistle of the kettle behind her stopped the words that threatened to spill from her lips. She turned and poured the steaming water into the mugs. It looked like Chris was taking Martha’s side. “Well, you may like her but I can’t say the same for her. She told me about your projects. She made me sound like I was just one more in a whole line of people you try to make-over.”

  She picked up the mug and walked over to the table to plop it down in front of him, spilling a few drops onto the surface, in the process. He sat back and sighed a deep breath through flared nostrils.

  “I don’t understand why you and Claire are so taken with her? She’s a bitch. A snobby, mean bitch.” Her teeth clamped together looking down at him. “Is that what I am to you Chris, the latest project? And your project isn’t doing too well at your cousin’s?”

  He looked up and his face was stern and serious. “You’re not a project Brie. You’re a young woman who needed a friend. That’s what I am. Your friend. I was kind to you and helped you get the job with Claire. Martha’s difficult, but then again, so is life. Maybe a dose of tough love is what you need. Not everything’s--”

  “Tough love? Is that what you call that bitch’s behavior? If that’s love, then count me out.” She slumped into the chair across from him. “I don’t think I’m cut out for this, Chris. Maybe I should quit before they fire me. If Martha’s around much longer, I’m sure that’s bound to happen.”

  He s
lapped his hand onto the table, causing the mug to splash tea out and onto his fingers. “Shit!” He jumped from his chair and scurried to the sink to put his hand under cold water. “Look Brie, it’s only five more days. Then you won’t see her for months probably. You can do it. You’re tougher than you give yourself credit for. If you run this time, the next time it get easier to do it again. You ran from Mumford, from an asshole husband instead of throwing him out.”

  She sat silently for a moment or two, recalling Rob’s parting remarks when she caught him in bed—in their bed—with that skank:

  “What the fuck you lookin’ at, bitch? Make yourself useful and put the groceries away. You can start dinner while you’re at it.”

  And what did she do? She scurried out of the apartment.

  She ran.

  She rose to her feet and walked over to him, placing her hand on his broad back. “Maybe you’re right. That does seem to be a pattern, doesn’t it? Running when the going gets tough. I’ll give it another try...for you.”

  Chapter 16

  When she got home that evening, Alex, Claire and Martha were having dinner in the kitchen. The counter was covered with cardboard take-out containers and a large paper bag, a Chinese symbol emblazing the front had fallen to the floor.

  All three were in terry robes and from the dampness of their hair it was obvious they’d been in the pool. Alex turned in his chair and smiled when he saw Brie. Claire and Martha were sitting close together, their heads almost touching, laughing at something.

  “Have you eaten yet, Brie? There’s plenty of food here, if you’d like some.” He rose to his feet and stepped to the counter, holding up a container that had barely been touched, almost filled to the brim with noodles and vegetables.

  “No. I’m fine thanks. I had dinner with Chris and Michael.” She stepped back to the doorway. Whatever joke Claire and Martha had been laughing at, felt like it might have been directed at her. But... “Did the pool people come today?” Even though it was obvious that they’d been swimming, she had to know.

  Martha stood up and eased over to the counter, taking the container from Alex. “The pool’s fine now. They weren’t sure what caused the problem, but they fixed it.” She rolled her eyes and walked back to the island to take a seat next to Claire.

  Brie’s breath caught in her chest watching the three of them. That was all the explanation she was getting? They’d fixed it? No mention of the machine that tested the water, being broken?

  The phone on the counter started to ring. She stepped over and picked it from its holder. “Bader Residence.”

  “Brie? It’s Liam. I’m glad I caught you. I tried earlier today and there was no answer.”

  She turned to face the wall, lowering her voice. “Hi Liam. No, I was out most of the day.”

  Alex brushed by her leaving the room. She glanced over at the island, where Claire and Martha had become quiet. In a few steps she was out of the kitchen, standing in the foyer near the elevator.

  “I’m sorry about the other night. I should have called you back after Martha hung up. I was so surprised at the time. She’s not in town that often and--”

  “That’s okay.” She had to get off the phone. Any minute Martha and Claire would be joining Alex in the Great Room. Besides, there was really nothing to say to Liam. He was coming to the party on Saturday night as a guest, while she’d only be the maid. They travelled in different circles.

  “No. It’s not okay. It was thoughtless and rude of me. I want to see you. When can we get together and have dinner? Name the time.” His voice was soft with a hint of pleading.

  Her eyes closed for a minute and she turned into the wall, away from Claire and Martha in case they wandered by. He was being so nice. The evening of the party he’d been fun. Maybe just maybe, they could get together and see where this went. But it would have to be before the party. Who knew what would happen that night?

  And if he WAS interested, how would that play out with him involved with Claire and Alex’s swinger parties? But she was getting the horse before the cart. “I can see you tomorrow afternoon for an hour or so. Maybe we can have a late lunch. I have to be back by four though.”

  “Great! I’ll pop by at two to pick you up. If the day is nice, we can brown bag lunch in Central Park near the lake.” The enthusiasm in his voice was contagious.

  “I haven’t been to Central Park yet! That would be fun.” And the best thing about that was, it was a safe date. Even if she was tempted to fall into his arms, there’d be people around. And absolutely NO kegel exercises.

  “I’m looking forward to it. Cross your fingers for a nice day. See you tomorrow.”

  She hung up and held the phone to her chest. It would be fun, seeing the sights with Liam and a wonderful way to see him outside of the atmosphere of the apartment. She turned and her eyes met Claire’s when she strolled by, the robe drifting along the floor. There was a hint of a smile on her face and she winked before disappearing into the Great room.

  It was more like the way Claire had been before Martha’s arrival. Maybe Chris was right. Just another five days and things would straighten out. Plus Liam had called to apologize. She walked into the kitchen, her back stiffening seeing Martha still at the island, sipping wine.

  As she set the phone back in its cradle, Martha let out a soft chuckle. “You can’t possibly think that Liam is interested in you, can you, Brie?”

  She turned and looked Martha straight in the eye. “He asked me out again, so yes, I do think he’s interested.”

  Martha shook her head and her eyes rolled to the ceiling for a moment. “Poor innocent. He’s a man, and extremely well connected. The only thing you can offer him is your body. You DO realize who he is don’t you?”

  Brie’s eyes narrowed and her heart beat hard in her chest. Martha had been drinking. Sober, she was nasty enough but drunk who knew what horror would spew from her? “He’s a nice guy. That’s all I need to know.”

  “Oh my God. He’s served in the Marines, was decorated and was an advisor to the CIA before he started his investigation company. His father served on the Supreme Court and Liam himself, is a lawyer. He’s probably the closest thing you’ll ever meet to a James Bond type guy. Of course you’d know who that was, wouldn’t you? You’re probably an expert on movies and TV shows.” The laugh that followed was hard and sharp. “A nice guy, ha!”

  Her fists balled tight at her side listening to Martha’s words. She took a deep breath and her voice was a hiss when she spoke. “Well, I know one more thing about Liam.”

  Martha’s eyebrow rose and she snorted. “Oh yeah? What’s that little girl?”

  “He called ME for a date. Not someone like you with all your education and class. He called me. Not you.” She forced a smile and walked out of the room.

  When she got to her bedroom, she almost collapsed onto the floor, her legs were shaking so badly. THAT was why Martha was so mean. She was jealous!

  She fell onto the bed, smiling up at the ceiling. Wow! She’d actually stood up to her. It might cost her the job but she’d hadn’t backed down.

  Chapter 17

  It was one thirty the next day when Brie finished brushing a marinade sauce over the roast beef she’d cook for the Bader’s dinner that night. She rinsed her hands and went into her bedroom to get changed for her lunch date with Liam.

  There was a knot in her gut as she slipped the loose blouse over her head. The morning at breakfast had gone well--no undercooked egg or further caustic remarks from Martha. Maybe too well. True, Martha hadn’t been nice, just barely polite in fact, but she hadn’t been overly critical for once. And considering that she knew that Brie was meeting Liam for a date, that was odd.

  Was it possible that Alex or Claire had spoken to her about her attitude? It was highly unlikely that Claire had said anything but who knew with Alex?

  Whatever. Instead of dwelling on Martha, she should be concentrating on what she was going to wear. She slipped the dark pants off and
wandered to the closet. A dress. The sun was shining and the temperature was in the mid seventies. It was spring, a time for new beginnings.

  Maybe the change in Martha’s behavior would be permanent and she’d manage to hang onto this job.

  She selected a silk indigo blue dress from the rack. Chris had been the one to turn her on to that color, even saying it was ‘her color’. The blue of her eyes seemed more intense next to the robe he’d lent her the first night she’d arrived in New York. Even her skin tone had seemed clearer, vibrant even. As a result, most of the dresses and outfits she’d selected on that first shopping trip with him were shades of blue.

  After slipping it over her head and shimmying her body into it she stepped to the full length mirror. The neckline was scooped, revealing a hint of cleavage under the soft folds of the fabric. Her fingers drew the gold belt through the loop and her eyebrows drew together in a frown that transformed into a smile. Had she lost weight?

  She grinned. There was one good thing about working for the Baders. She was eating less and what she DID eat was high protein and fresh.

  She straightened the fabric that hugged her hips and then flared over her legs. Yup, her figure was hourglass, even if there was slightly more sand in the lower section.

  The buzzer in the foyer next to the elevator sounded. Oh my God! He was early! She scampered to the dresser and misted her neck with perfume before hurrying out the door. When she got to the buzzer, the top of Liam’s head, his short dark curls met her eyes.

  “Hi Liam. Be down in a few seconds.” She raced back into the bedroom and grabbed her handbag. When she returned she smiled at his reflection in the small screen and stepped into the elevator. He looked happy, his lips curled in a boyish grin and eyes that were narrow with pleasure. Such dark eyes. Eyes that were like dark liquid chocolate, you could fall into and never want to leave.

  There was a flutter in her stomach when she stepped out of the elevator and saw him standing there. He was so tall, over six feet, that she felt small. He was wearing a dark green sports jacket and striped tie over a cream colored shirt. His pants were such a dark green as to appear black. He must have come from the office.


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