Chrysalis: The Box Set (A Steamy Romance): The Complete Story of Brie's Journey in One Volume!

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Chrysalis: The Box Set (A Steamy Romance): The Complete Story of Brie's Journey in One Volume! Page 30

by Mia Moore

  Claire began to chew her bottom lip. “Brie…”

  “Shhh… let me finish. Before Martha arrived, did you tell her about us?”

  “I tell her everything, Brie! She’s my oldest friend!”

  “And shortly after that, she shows up for an unannounced visit.”

  “I had consults, you ass!” Martha was leaning forward in her seat, her face twisted.

  “How was she on the phone when you told her?”

  Claire turned her head to Martha. “I was being silly, but if that’s what would make me happy, you were okay with it.”

  “And I meant every word, Claire.”

  “But Claire…” Claire turned back to Brie. “If she was so happy for you, why did she hate me on sight instead of welcoming me to your life?”

  “I don’t hate you, dearie, you’re beneath contempt, you ignorant low bred sow!”

  “Sounds kinda harsh and hate filled to me!” Alex said with a grin. When Martha began to rise again, he held up his hand. “Stand up and I’ll throw you out, Martha. I’m not kidding. She settled back in, her face reddening. “Just trying to get her side, Claire.” Looking to Brie, he said gently, “Now you were saying about being hated on sight?”

  She had been pinging her head back and forth between the others in the room during that exchange. “You wanted a friend you could teach and show all the things you know and do. You needed someone to mentor that you could grow to love.”

  Claire gave the tiniest of nods.

  Brie closed her eyes and said, “And I wanted and needed someone to show me too. Like Chris, but a girlfriend. Someone who would love me just as I am.”

  “Brie…” Claire’s voice cracked.

  “But Martha didn’t see me as an addition to your life, Claire. She saw me as a competitor.”

  “You filthy manipulative liar!” Martha bounced out of her seat. “If you want me out of here, Alex, you better call the cops!” She strode to Claire. “Honey, listen to me. This bitch is playing you! Show her the door, and let’s get past this, okay?”

  “I've got something to show!” said Alex.

  The three women turned to him.

  “So, Brie, you’ve concluded that by her behavior, Martha framed you for the theft of the tennis bracelet, right?”


  “Sounds like a case of she said/she said, huh, honey?” he said to Claire. “What do you think?”

  Claire hid her face in her hands. “I don’t knooowww…!”

  “Claire! How could you!” Martha tried to put her arm around the woman’s shoulders, but it was shrugged off and Claire stepped away.

  Dropping her hands, she said, “Brie’s making sense, Martha. You did hate her on sight!”

  “Can you blame me?” She knotted her hands. “You’re hurting me so badly right now!”

  “What goes around comes around, sweetheart,” said Alex. “Get a load of this.”

  He had turned his laptop around so everyone could see the screen. ‘When we were on our first vacay in Greece after moving in here, Claire, I had a security camera system installed.” He smiled. “It’s the same equipment that’s used in The White House, you know.” He clicked his mouse.

  On the screen was Martha entering the swimming pool area. She was wearing a bathing suit and carrying a bottle of laundry bleach. She knelt at the side of the pool and wetted the edge of her white towel with the bleach, dipped it into the water to dilute it and rubbed her face.

  She did it three times, stood and left the pool area.

  “Love my home videos,” he said, grinning. “Next scene!” He fiddled with his mouse.

  Claire turned to Martha, shaking her head in silence.


  “Here we go!” said Alex.

  The next shot was of their bedroom and Martha opening the jewelry box and removing the tennis bracelet.

  “I did some editing for brevity’s sake.” Alex clicked the mouse again to show Martha in Brie’s bedroom, stashing the bracelet in the night table.

  “Oh my God. I was right!” Brie’s voice was barely above a whisper.

  “Yep. Pretty much. You were framed, Brie.” He closed the laptop screen and stared at Martha. He pressed one of the buttons on the intercom beside the bar. “We’re ready for you, Tony.”

  “Yes sir.” Came a voice from the speaker. “On my way.”

  “That’s Tony Andrucci. He works for Liam. He’ll be seeing you out.”

  “Alex this is bullshit. I know you never liked me but...” A grin flared on Martha’s lips and she shook her head. “I see. Liam’s not the only one who’s been fucking the little tramp. Thought you only screwed your secretary Alex. You’re trying the domestics as well?” She turned to Claire. “I don’t hold your asshole husband’s accusations against you Claire. I told you long ago you shouldn’t have married him.”

  “Shut up Martha. That’s my husband you’re talking about. You were jealous when I married him. To think that for all these years, I’ve envied you. Envied the fact that you have children when I can’t. Envied your successful career when I’m just a housewife.” Claire’s face was set, her mouth straight and tight. She took a step closer to Alex and grasped his hand.

  The doorway to the Great Room opened and an enormous man, the size of a NFL halfback filled it. He was in his mid-30’s, brush cut hair and his face was impassive.

  “Luggage, Tony?” asked Alex.

  “Waiting in the cab, sir.”

  He turned to Martha. “Get out. You and your dirty mouth and rotten tricks. Do you honestly think with the valuables in this apartment, the number of people who come and go on a regular basis that I wouldn’t have set up video surveillance?” He pointed to the door.

  She turned to Claire. “Claire? I made a mistake! Thirty five years of friendship?” She pointed at Brie. “For that?”

  Claire scuttled back a few steps. “You’ve always been controlling, Martha, but this is sick.”

  The two women stared at each other for a moment. Drawing herself up ramrod straight, Martha said “You were always a bit of a loser Claire.” Her chin lifted and she spun on her heel, stomping out of the room.

  “Tony will be serving her written notice in the car to not contact us again,” said Alex.

  Brie’s eyes were wide watching him stride out from behind the bar. Alex knew? Why hadn’t he said anything before? How?

  “Alex. Why didn’t you say anything before? If you knew...” Brie took a step closer, her mouth gaping as she watched Alex.

  “Brie. I’m so sorry--”

  Brie cut Claire off, “Why the hell didn’t you say something earlier Alex? You let me go through all this SHIT and you KNEW?”

  His mouth transformed into that familiar smirk. “You left Brie. You ran away without sticking up for yourself. Why would I come forward to defend you, when you didn’t have the guts yourself? I’ve never liked Martha but she and Claire are friends.”

  “WERE friends. Past tense please.” Claire muttered, looking down at the floor.

  “That’s not right. You could have said something when I was here. Even about the pool and her skin.” Brie shook her head from side to side. What was WITH these people? Even Michael, a guy she’d initially disliked had flown to Munsford to defend her.

  “It wasn’t a big deal. YOU coming back here today IS a big deal. It was the right time for the truth to come out. You showed character. I admire that.” He crossed his arms. “As soon as you stood up, I had your back.” He turned his head to Claire. “I called Lenox Hill the day she arrived, honey. She didn’t have any consults scheduled.” Shaking his head, he said, “I don’t know what her problem is, but she’d been getting out of hand a little more every time she’d visit.”

  Claire turned and stepped closer to Brie. “I’m so sorry dear. I had no idea that Martha could be that mean. I’d love for you to come back here to work.” She placed her hand on Brie’s shoulder.

  “No. I’m afraid that’s not possible. Too much has
happened for me to come back.” Brie’s shoulders slumped. If only they’d given her a chance to tell her side of the story. If only Alex had said something earlier.

  “What will you do now Brie?” Alex came around the bar and joined Claire, standing at her side.

  “I don’t know. Get a job, an apartment. I’m not going back to Ohio.” The time for running was over. She liked New York. She had friends there. Chris, and Michael.

  “What about your school plans?” Claire voice was soft.

  “I guess that’ll have to wait until I get settled and can fit it in. I might be fifty when I graduate.” She made a wry face. The idea of continuing classes seemed ludicrous. She’d never be able to afford it.

  “But you plan to continue?” asked Alex.

  “Yes! Of course!”


  Brie clutched her hands together at her chest. “Because when I was with Chris, he… he opened up my mind! Just hanging with him, talking about books and stuff… it made the world… I don’t know, brighter or something! To be able to do that every day? And get paid for it?” She dropped her hands and began to pace. “All my life I had just gone from day to day, letting things happen to me. But since I got off that bus, I’ve learned that I get to happen to my life.” She looked to Claire. “To be able to mentor kids… I know what I’m going to do with my life no matter how long it takes me to get there!” It was going to be a hell of a slog now, yes, but she couldn’t wait to get started.

  Claire reached out and touched Brie’s arm. “Can we make up and still be friends?”

  “Of course!” Brie hugged her. “I still need that big sister!” The two women held each other.

  “Well, you sold me.” Alex reached into the inside of his jacket and pulled out a folded piece of paper. “We’d like to help you out with that. I had a feeling you’d be back. This is a check that will cover your tuition and living expenses until you’re done. Funny...It’s just about the same amount as that tennis bracelet cost.” His eyes were soft looking into hers and his smile friendly, no trace of a smirk.

  Brie’s breath caught in her throat. Her eyes filled with tears as she gazed at him. “I can’t accept this.” The check was still in Alex’s hand.

  “You’re not our employee anymore, Brie.” He looked over at Claire. “But I think all of us would benefit as friends, don’t you?”

  Claire snatched it from Alex’s hands and forced it into Brie’s. “Take it! If not for you, for me.”

  The tears in Claire’s eyes and her soft voice were getting to Brie. They were trying to do the right thing. She hugged Claire to her, stroking her back. “I can’t believe this is happening.”

  “Think of it like hitting the lottery,” said Alex.

  Claire kissed her cheek and grinned. “I think we all hit the lottery!” Her smile faded and her face became serious. “But what about Liam? He’s been calling, looking for you. I told him you quit.”

  It was like Claire reached into her chest and pulled her heart out.


  “I’ll call him.”

  Chapter 12

  When Brie entered Liam’s brownstone town house, she was struck by the stark difference from Claire and Alex’s. Whereas Claire’s home was up in the sky with a terrific view, Liam’s was three levels that shut out the city, the windows draped with dark curtains, the walls adorned with bookshelves. It bespoke a man who cherished his privacy, creating as oasis of quiet comfort in the midst of an urban hive.

  He led her through the living and dining room to a wide set of French doors. “It’s such a beautiful day, I thought we could sit outside and have a glass of wine, if you don’t mind?”

  A small wrought iron table with a glass top and two cushioned chairs sat on a brick platform. The backyard was a profusion of shrubbery set back against a high wooden fence. Again, a solitary outdoor space. She took a seat at the table and watched him walk back inside.

  Aside from slipping the pale blue tie off when they’d arrived, he was dressed for work, in the navy sports jacket and beige pants. He’d dropped everything as soon as she’d called, raced to Claire’s to pick her up.

  God, he looked good. The sight of his casual gait, his long legs and narrow hips only emphasizing the breadth of his shoulders caused a flutter low in her tummy. The last time she’d been with him had been hot. When he’d picked her up in the taxi earlier, he’d been beside himself with concern for her. Not angry that she’d disappeared for four days without even calling him.

  When he returned with a bottle of wine nestled in ice, the silver bucket gleaming, catching a ray of the sun overhead, two wine glasses in his other hand, his face was serious. He set the glasses on the table, poured wine and then took a seat next to her. “I still don’t understand why you didn’t call me after the blow-up over the tennis bracelet. I could have helped you clear that up. You could have stayed here.”

  Her heart warmed seeing the look in his eyes. It seemed he really did care about her. “I couldn’t. All I could think of at that moment was getting away, far away. Going home was the logical thing. But it was a mistake, I’ll grant you that.” She sighed. “People usually run away from a shitty home life, not back to one.”

  He laughed and took a sip of wine. “Remind me never to surprise you or make a pass. I can’t believe you knocked his teeth out.”

  “Me either. But it was almost instinctual, the way I reacted. But, that’s over. I’m back. I’m going to build a life here in New York.”

  He leaned closer to her and kissed her lips softly. “I’m just glad to have you here, with me. I didn’t know if I’d ever see you again. All Claire told me was that you’d quit. I should have known you’d go back to Ohio. But I also thought you were running from me. From getting involved.”

  She took a sip of wine and looked into his eyes. “No. I’m sorry I didn’t reach out to you or Chris. You’d both been kind to me.” She took a deep breath and shook her head as if to clear it. “I wasn’t thinking straight.”

  “Promise me you won’t ever do that, run, without speaking to me first.” He reached for her hand and brought it to his lips. “There’s so much about you, I don’t know. But I’d like to remedy that. Stay with me. You’re welcome here as long as you want. I don’t know why you feel you have to get an apartment and live on your own.”

  She settled lower into the chair, sitting back. His offer was tempting, especially the way he was looking at her in that moment. His eyes were dark pools she could fall into, his lips soft and kissable. “Things have moved fast between us, Liam. Let’s face it. We met at a sex party. Where else could it go than straight to the bedroom. I want to get to know you as well. That takes time and a bit of distance.”

  He held her hand in both of his, gazing into her eyes. “At least stay for a few days. I’ll take some time off work to help you find a place. I know you want to be close to the university. I’ve got friends who own property near there.”

  She could use a helping hand and the thought of staying there a few days was tempting. “Okay. I’ll stay until I find a place. Thanks, Liam.”

  His grin became evil, eyebrows bouncing up and down above glinting eyes. “If you put it like that, it may be a long time until we find the right apartment. Hell, I don’t want you to leave.”

  She grinned at his comical gesture. “You’re bad, you know that?”

  “I take it you’re tempted?” He kissed her hand and continued planting a trail of kisses up her arm, until his lips were almost on hers. “Say yes, Brie.” He edged closer and his lips brushed hers, parted as he whispered, “Please.”

  She could feel herself melting in the heat of his plea. Not just melting, but becoming warm, the spot between her legs responding hungrily. Her hand slid to the back of his neck pulling him forward, her lips hard and urgent, tongue darting to meet his. It was so good to be with him. A confident, handsome, and incredibly virile man. The fire they’d started back at Claire’s the night of the party ignited once more.

bsp; His hand slid from her back around to cup her breast, kneading and pawing at the fullness. A shiver of longing started in her chest, and rippled through her body, infusing her core till she was unable to continue the erotic dance of their tongues.

  “Oh God, Liam. I need...” Her whispered words caressed his lips.

  “Yeah. Me too baby.” He rose and took her hand, tugging her to her feet. Still holding her hand, he led her back through the dining and living room to the foot of the wide wooden steps.

  It was like she was in a dream, her footsteps soft on the stairs beside him, conscious only of the need deep inside--the need for his body, fulfillment.

  She entered a dark room, the massive expanse dominated by the white cover of the king sized bed. Bright sunlight of the outside world peeked through the edges of the heavy curtains on the windows, the only source of light.

  He stood before her, his lips on her forehead as he unbuttoned her blouse. It trailed down her arms, skimming past her hips to land behind her. There was a short tug on the binding of her bra, before it too, joined the blouse.

  His hands cupped the underside of her breasts, lifting them higher as he bent to kiss first the swell of one ivory orb and then the other. He rose and whispered into the hollow of her neck. “So beautiful.”

  In that moment she believed him. Standing naked above the waist, his eyes and mouth adoring her body, she knew it. Always before when men had admired her, there’d been a niggle of doubt. It was just lust that made them say that, the heat of the moment. But now, standing before Liam, all doubt was gone. She was Venus and Jezebel personified. The perfect woman to be loved, the perfect whore to be ravished. The realization contained power.

  Her hands tore at the buttons of his shirt, popping a couple which clicked on the wooden floor. Passion and need was an insatiable beast controlling her fingers. She slipped the belt of his pants through the buckle. Next the button and zipper, fast and loose.

  “Brie. Easy. We’ve got lots of time, all day and night.” Liam looked into her eyes, his hands raising to her shoulders.


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