The Callback

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The Callback Page 4

by Brandy L Rivers

  Stupid, maybe, but damn it, he spent all night thinking about her. Not dreaming because he barely slept. No, he couldn’t stop fantasizing about her.

  He couldn’t explain what had him so wrapped up in her, but he needed to find out.

  It had been a few years since he really wanted to explore the feeling a woman gave him, other than sexual attraction, which he explored often. Probably too often.

  Christ, Leona had been married for fifteen years. Nineteen years old when they got hitched. High school sweethearts. She hadn’t been with too many men, had she?

  Wow, that caught his attention. The women he typically went for got around. But then, he’d only tried a few relationships. In Hollywood, it was hard to maintain anything real because finding time to nurture a genuine connection wasn’t easy.

  And yet, he couldn’t resist coming out to meet her for breakfast. Normally, he didn’t make an effort for someone who wasn’t chasing after him. Maybe he was tired of being chased and wanted to do a little of his own.

  Either way, Leona had his full attention.

  She walked in wearing a sweat suit that hugged every gorgeous curve. Her dark hair was up in a messy knot, and there wasn’t a trace of makeup on her face. And she didn’t notice how several men watched her walk to the hostess.

  His phone vibrated, and he checked the message from Mona.

  Mona – She’s all yours.

  * * * *

  Examining the menu, Leona tried to settle on something. Nothing caught her attention, and honestly, she wasn’t all that hungry yet. However, Mona wanted to apologize for dragging her out, then disturbing the hornets’ nest.

  And Leona really didn’t want to be mad the entire trip. They had plans to see the sights and explore. Who knew, maybe she’d be inspired to write something different.

  Mona tugged her menu down and Leona looked up.

  She froze, trapped in Luke’s gaze. His warm smile was a punch in the gut. “Good morning, Leona.”

  “Shit,” she uttered.

  His brow cocked. “Think I’d let you get away so easy?”

  Half a laugh escaped. “Are you stalking me now?”

  He shook his head, a laugh on his lips. “No, but I asked Mona to help me dig myself out of the hole I tripped into.”

  “I’m gonna kill her,” she whispered, trying to figure out what kind of messed up trick this was. Mona set her up.

  Luke’s smile fell away as he peered into her eyes. “Not happy to see me?”

  The first thing to enter her head rolled off her tongue. “Did you go home with the lingerie model last night?”

  He sat up straighter, a strange, completely baffled look on his face. “A lingerie model?”

  “You know, supermodel skinny, perfect tits and ass, wearing something she’d probably call a dress but barely covered her assets.” That came out way shittier than she meant it. “Fuck,” she muttered. “Sorry, can’t figure out why you’re here and not in her bed.”

  He shook his head slowly, one side of his mouth lifting. “Tara isn’t a model. She’s a fame-hound. And yeah, I made the mistake of going home with her once, but that was a while ago. It’s not a mistake I plan on repeating. I ditched her and tracked down your friend so I could figure out the best way to get another chance. This was her idea.”

  Confused, she shook her head once. “Chance for what? Seriously, I can’t help you get a part in the movie. I don’t get a say. I’d be surprised if whoever is working on the project contacts me at all. Hell, I’m not even sure I’d get an invite to the premier. But whatever.” Seriously, shut up, Leona. She wanted to smack herself.

  His eyes narrowed as he leaned forward and lowered his voice. “Why so full of doubt? You walked in here like you owned the place, totally comfortable in your skin, and now you’re acting as if it’s not obvious you’re the only one I’m interested in.”

  “What?” She dropped her menu and sat back as she took a look around the restaurant. People were staring.

  She gripped the edge of the table, hard. “Why are you here, Luke? Is it because I’m not a sure thing?”

  His eyes locked on hers, his smile widening. “That might be part of it. But I told you, I’m intrigued. Give me a chance.”

  And she melted a little. “Fine. Okay. But really, you didn’t go home with Tara last night?”

  His eyes widened. “What gave you that impression?”

  “She seemed to know you intimately.”

  He shrugged. “Last night I went home alone. All I thought about was you.”

  “And how do you plan to get to know me?”

  “Have breakfast with me. We can go from there.”

  “Uh, what about Mona?”

  “She can join us if you want.” Though something told her he only offered to placate her, which went a long way to soothing her nerves. “It’s my understanding she’s still with Roach.”

  Shaking her head, she nodded at the menu. “Know what you want? This time it’s on me.”

  “I can get both ours,” he offered.

  Yeah, she knew that. “So can I, and I just offered. After our waitress takes our order, I’ll call Mona. Not to invite her, but to talk.”

  “Why after you order?”

  Glancing down, she lifted a shoulder. “This way you know I’m coming back to the table.”

  He looked up and smiled at the waitress who nearly walked through a table to get to him.

  After they ordered, Leona went outside, not sure if she should be thrilled with Mona or pissed. Mona’s heart was in the right place, but she needed to stop meddling.

  Outside, she found a shady spot and called Mona, who answered before the first ring ended. “Hey, Leona. Let me guess, you’re mad I’m skipping breakfast?”

  Sighing, she looked through the window at Luke, who kept his gaze on her. “Not completely. But seriously, stop interfering.”

  She giggled. “Okay, with Russell, you’re right. I shouldn’t have sent that picture. However, I only provided Luke an opportunity to show you what kind of man he is. And I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.”


  “Because he couldn’t get rid of the chick fast enough last night. He tracked me down to find out how to fix his mistake.”

  Leona groaned. “It wasn’t that big of a mistake.” Not on his part. Mostly hers. She jumped to too many conclusions.

  “Good, you’re coming around. Now go in there. Don’t keep him waiting. He did wake up early to come see you. I think he would have taken you home, or at least kept you up some of the night.”

  “Don’t, Mona. I’m going back in there, but I really doubt this goes anywhere.”

  “You never know.”

  The man was stupid famous. Everybody wanted him. And she was not ready for a man in her life. Especially one as busy as he was.

  “I’ll see you later?” Leona prompted.

  “Sure. Just don’t ditch him because you’re afraid where things could go.”

  Leona groaned. “I haven’t dated since I was a teenager. I don’t know how to do this. Especially not with a celebrity.”

  “He’s a man.”

  “A young man with a trail of paparazzi a mile long.” Leona sighed. “But fine. I’ll see what he’s like and he’ll get bored with me shortly.”

  “Not necessarily. He invited you back to the VIP section.”

  And Leona voiced the biggest fear. “What if he thinks I can somehow get him a part in the movie?”

  “Stop being so pessimistic. He’s not a rookie actor.”

  “Trying not to be. I’ll see you later.”

  “Have fun,” Mona sing-songed before hanging up.

  * * * *

  Luke couldn’t pull his eyes from Leona while she paced outside, talking to Mona. She was complicated. And part of her was drawn to him, even if she continued to push him away. At least she was giving him a chance.

  Whether it was hope, curiosity, or whatever, Luke was going to figure her out. No matter what
it took.

  The waitress hurried back with their coffee. “Are you with her?” she asked, glancing out the window.

  Luke grinned. “Want to be.”

  “If she’s not interested, why bother?”

  “She is, but she doesn’t want to be.” He watched as Leona walked back inside. “I plan to find out why and prove her wrong.”

  Shrugging, the waitress said, “Good luck.” She left the table.

  Leona made her way back and shook her head as she watched the waitress depart.

  Once again, Leona had her guard up. Well, he managed to bring it down briefly the night before, then promptly ruined it by opening his stupid mouth to ask something that only really mattered if this went somewhere.

  Right now, there was potential. And his curiosity knew no bounds.

  “Hey,” she said softly, sitting down and taking her cup between her hands.

  “Cold?” he asked.

  Biting her lip, she watched him a moment. “Nope, just trying to figure you out.”

  “I’ll make it easy. Spend the day with me. Show me the things that make you tick.”

  She dropped her head and let out a breath. “LA really isn’t my scene. Besides, I don’t know what’s out here.”

  “Do you like the ocean? Boats?”

  She lifted a shoulder. “I don’t mind them, but I’ve never really taken one out.”

  “Why don’t you come spend the day on the yacht with me? We can get away from LA and everyone else.”

  “A yacht?” A laugh bubbled up. “Of course you have a yacht.”

  Shaking his head, he lifted a shoulder. “A friend’s, but you’re welcome to join me.”

  “Who’s your friend? And how nervous should I be?”

  “Don’t be. We’ll be hanging out with Ryan King and a couple other people. I only need to send a text.”

  “Uh…” She glanced away.

  “Actors are people too. And Raven Star hates the media as much as Ryan does. I’m used to it, but I’ve been around it since I was a kid. The yacht makes it easy to ignore the world.”

  “All right. If you’re sure they won’t mind.”

  “They won’t.” He pulled his phone out and sent a quick text to Ryan. I’m bringing someone. That okay?

  Leona caught that full bottom lip between her teeth as her gaze skated away and locked on something outside.

  He took her hand. “Spend a day with us. Maybe then you’ll see we’re like everyone else.”

  “You are, but you live different lives than the rest of us.”

  “Just like your life isn’t exactly like anyone else’s,” he countered.

  Her shoulders dropped with her sigh. “You’re right. Sorry.”

  “Don’t be.”

  His phone buzzed with Ryan’s response. As long as it’s not Tara, bring anyone you want.

  Luke grinned. “You’re welcome aboard.”

  “I have to admit the last twenty-four hours have not gone as I expected.” She traced a finger over the rim of her glass, but a hint of a smile graced her lips.

  “Even the movie negotiations?”

  “Wasn’t as bad as I had imagined. Still, giving up control over my creation sucks.”

  “Then why did you?”

  She lifted a shoulder. “For more people to enjoy the story. And the hopeful side of me wants to believe it was a good choice. Wish I could shut up the voice of doubt. But the final cut will decide if I made a mistake.”

  “Not a mistake. The story is exciting. I’m sure the right people will get their hands on it.”

  “Hope so.”

  Breakfast came and she picked up a fork and smirked. “I’m hungry.” She ate like she enjoyed food, which made him smile. Too many of the women he’d dated were too concerned with what everyone else thought. Leona was skeptical, but she didn’t hold back. Refreshing, intriguing. Maybe he could crack her shell and learn more about the woman.

  Chapter 7

  Luke followed her up to her hotel room, and as much as she was tempted to argue, she didn’t. Though, she was worried about her name being splashed all over tabloids as the author trying to get ahead by dating a young, hot actor.

  Too much time with him, and she would wind up in a grocery store tabloid. She’d seen his face a million times when checking out. Not that she paid much attention to them, but she couldn’t miss his gorgeous smile, those smoldering eyes. And when his hair grew out, he had thick dark curls.

  Inside, she turned to Luke. “Let me get ready. I’ll be back in a second.”

  He nodded, even as he traced her body with his eyes. Damn, that made her feel sexy. She started to believe he may actually want her.

  Shutting herself in the bedroom, she changed into a bikini and a grabbed a wrap. She filled a messenger bag with a pair of jeans, T-shirt, and extra sandals. Then slipped on a pair of flip-flops, tossed the sunblock in the bag, and put her sunglasses on before stepping into the room.

  He turned and trailed his eyes over every inch of her. She stood there, defiantly, trying not to shrink under his stare. A little backbone could go a long way, as long as she held on to it.

  “God, you’re gorgeous,” he purred.

  Wait, what? “You’re kidding, right?”

  His eyes narrowed as he closed the distance. “Not in the slightest. Why don’t you believe me?”

  “The women you work with? I mean…” Glancing away, she tried to come up with anything logical, but had nothing.

  Then his mouth was beside her ear, his breath fanning her neck. “I’m not with the women I work with, Leona. I’m here, turned on by you. I’m so damned hard all I can think about is stripping you down, pushing you over the couch so I can show you how badly I want you.”

  Flushing, she gulped. No one had ever been so forward with her. She wrote it plenty, but her experience was limited to Russell, who wasn’t a bad lover by any means, but he wasn’t very adventurous. She’d been the instigator ninety percent of the time.

  Leona got lost in Luke’s heated gaze. His big hand wrapped around her waist and she bit her lip as he moved closer. “Do you really think you’re unattractive?”

  She shook her head. “No, but I don’t compare to the women you’re used to.”

  Shaking his head, he tugged her against him and dropped his mouth to hers in a slow-burning kiss that stole her breath. And yeah, he was hard, because of her.

  Falling into the kiss, she skated her hands up his chest, around his neck, and into his thick, short curls. He gripped her ass and deepened the kiss.

  Then he broke away, panting. “Got to go if we’re going. Otherwise, I’m going to move too damned fast to really enjoy you.”

  Closing her eyes, she breathed deeply. His scent and cologne mingled, fogging her brain. That kiss, how was she supposed to argue with that?

  “All right.” Didn’t even matter what she was agreeing to. They had no future. She lived across the country, and he was an actor in high demand. Neither had time for more than a fling.

  And like Mona said, she needed to start living. And maybe that was her problem. She wrote about people living life, but other than putting her stories out there, what had she really done just because she wanted to?

  He wants me.

  I want him.

  Doesn’t need to be anything more than a good time.

  No expectations, no strings, just fun.

  I can do this. I deserve it. Why the hell not?

  “How long are you in town for?” he asked, stepping back.

  She lifted a shoulder. “Why?”

  “Because I’ll chase if I have to.”

  A nervous laugh bubbled up. “You’d follow me?”

  “Yeah, until we figure out what this is.”

  Her brow pinched. “Not sure yet. I didn’t know how long I’d be here for negotiations.”

  “Then I have time.” He took her hand and pulled her toward the door. “You ready?”

  She didn’t have a response, so she nodded.

/>   * * * *

  Ryan’s going to say I lost my damned mind. Maybe I have.

  Whatever, Luke wasn’t ready to analyze shit. Every time he got near Leona, the craving got worse. He had every intention of sating the desire as many times as he could.

  For the moment, he wanted to get to know her. Figure out what made her smile. He wanted to see her lost in desire. Before the day was done, he hoped to get inside her. She was different. The desire wasn’t going to dissipate after only one kiss.

  Leona grew quieter with each passing moment.

  “What’s going through your head, Leona?”

  She let out a short laugh. “These homes are insane. I feel so out of place.”

  “Mine’s not so crazy. We’re driving past some of the more extravagant homes to the normal ones.”

  “Define normal,” she muttered.

  He glanced over. “You’ll see.”

  They pulled up to his modest two-bedroom house. And sure, he may have gone overboard on the entertainment system and the library. However, he had a feeling she’d like the library.

  She climbed out of the car before he had a chance to get out. He hurried to let them in.

  Inside, he turned to her. “So, tell me about life at home?”

  She glanced over. “I’m pretty boring. I go to the gym. Spend the rest of my time writing. And when I’m not, I’m reading, or hiking, maybe watching a movie.”

  “That sounds like a good life.”

  “Ninety percent of it is writing, which I love, but the actual writing is me in a chair, somewhere with my laptop.”

  “Now that you’re no longer married, you could travel anywhere, anytime, and still write on the go.”

  Leona sighed and stared out the window.

  “Do you want him back?” God, he hoped not. That would kill any chance he might have with her.

  Her eyes widened as she faced him. Then she shook her head with a sneer. “No. I wasted too many years trying to pull us back together, but I should have realized we grew apart for a reason.”

  That was pure relief. “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry.”


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