The Callback

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The Callback Page 14

by Brandy L Rivers

  “You’re right. But it’s going to feel really damned good when I wipe the rest of the doubt away.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Stop saying that. Just don’t push me away, and we’ll get through the time apart.”

  “No pushing you away.” She kissed him before leaning back. “We need to go.”

  “Someone will snap a photo of us together at the airport,” he warned.

  “I don’t care about that. Let them speculate.”

  “I’m going to kiss you goodbye. I want to burn myself into your memory so you don’t forget me.”

  “I couldn’t forget you, no matter what happens, Luke. That’s why this sucks. I want to believe you. I do. But I have a million scenarios playing through my head where this doesn’t work out.”

  “I’ll prove you wrong. We’ll be together. I won’t let you go.”

  She nodded. The conversation wasn’t as horrible as she believed. He seemed to take her hesitation well enough. And maybe, hopefully, he would surprise her.

  * * * *

  Luke desperately wanted to get through to her. She refused to believe she was everything to him. Her imagination was running wild, and to a degree he understood that. Sooner or later, she’d understand. She had to.

  Maybe it was stupid to expect a writer to believe words. He couldn’t blame her either.

  Her ex stole her hope. She needed proof. And he had an idea of how to prove himself.

  She was as broken about leaving as he was, but he had to go. He wanted to stay, he wanted the two weeks to stretch out forever, but she was convinced she needed to go back to her life, at least until he was done with this one project.

  Shit, one project. Would she expect the same every movie? That it could just end?

  He’d let her play this game exactly once. Next time, God, he hoped there was a next time, she would be his. No more questions, no more pretending, no more holding him away because some asshole shattered her heart.

  Luke would mend her, and next time, maybe she could stay with him wherever they were filming. He wanted her in his bed, in his life. Even just on the phone if she insisted on staying away. And sure, there would be times she would need to be elsewhere, and that was fine. But she had convinced herself she was ready to let him walk away and never call. That would have crushed her.

  He threw his two bags over his shoulder and grabbed her suitcase, heading for the doors. The driver would be there anytime.

  If only he’d planned better. He should have gone back to her space, made his presence there known. Of course, he hadn’t thought of that until the night before, while she lay in his arms, holding tight while sleeping.

  She reached for him in her sleep, she drew close, she held on. And while awake, her head worked in circles, finding all possible problems and feeding her doubt like it was candy.

  Leona joined him, staring out the window. “I’m going to miss you.”

  He knew that. Shit, he already missed her. From the moment she woke up, she was already distant.

  “Three months, that’s it. And I will call every day.”

  Another damned nod. He wanted her to acknowledge his devotion with words and knew she couldn’t.

  Hopefully, this was the only test she would throw at him. If this didn’t work, he wasn’t sure anything would.

  The SUV pulled up. Leona took her things and slipped out the door. Luke followed, locking up.

  Maybe he should have convinced his sister to drop by while Leona was there. Or immerse her in his world more by bringing her to hang out with more of his friends. He’d been greedy with her, though, hadn’t wanted to share with such a short time.

  She placed her backpack and suitcase in the car. His things followed, then he grabbed her hand and pulled her back before she could climb into the back seat. “I hate that defeated look in your eyes.”

  “I’m—damn it.” She dropped her head and he had to smile. She wasn’t apologizing. “I’m only trying to protect my heart from the worst possible outcome.”

  Pulling her tight, he whispered, “I’ll give you the best.”

  After squeezing him, she climbed into a seat. He took her hand when he joined her.

  The driver didn’t say a word. Instead, he drove to the airport, and Luke focused on finding a way to convince her this wasn’t over before she boarded the plane.

  In the meantime, he put his arm around her and pulled her against his side. He wanted a shred of hope in her eyes before they parted ways. Not that it would stop him from calling every single day while filming.

  Chapter 23

  A ruckus started the moment they climbed out of the SUV. Random people were constantly holding up their phones to take pictures. And Leona’s only problem was that this could sour what they shared.

  That was a lie. She was terrified that the pictures would force him to leave her behind, or he would somehow feel obligated to try to keep this going, even if it wasn’t working.

  Not that he gave her any reason to doubt they could make it through the time apart. No, that was her stupid head trying to tell her heart to shut up.

  By the time they checked their bags, she stopped noticing the nosy people.

  After they got through security, Luke pulled her toward a restaurant bar. “Have a drink with me. There’s still an hour before you get on that plane. And I don’t want you to go.”

  “Yeah, but you have your own plane to catch soon after that.”

  He licked his lips, one corner pulling up. “You could come with me. Stay in my room.”

  She took the seat he pulled out for her. His offer was tempting. And it wouldn’t be horrible. She could be busy writing while he was on set.

  But really, she needed to sort through the mess back home. There were things to do. Like sell her house, find a new one.

  “I can’t, Luke. I haven’t settled anything after the divorce. I need to get everything in order.”

  “Yeah, I did keep you away from doing that. I should be sorry, but I’m not.”

  A smile spread across her face. “I don’t regret a moment of our time together.”

  “No, but you still think I can let this end.”

  “I don’t know what I believe anymore. I believe that this could definitely work out, but I also see where things could fall apart. If we make it through this, I’ll come while you’re filming the next project.”

  He grinned. “That’s moving in the right direction.”

  She laughed. “You’re crazy.”

  Luke leaned in and whispered, “I love you, Leona. There was only ever one other girl I said that to. I meant it then, but this is more.”

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  “Don’t be. I want you to understand that I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t feel it.” He caressed her cheek and placed his forehead on her shoulder.

  She wanted to cry again, but promised herself to wait until she was perfectly alone to let out her emotions. Instead, she leaned into him. “Then I’ll see you in three months.”

  “You will.”

  The waiter cleared his throat. “What can I get you?”

  “Bourbon on ice, please,” Leona answered.

  “Same,” Luke added.

  Nodding, he walked away, seemingly unfazed by her company.

  “Promise me one thing,” he murmured.

  “What’s that?”

  “That you will keep the week after filming free.”

  “Sure. I won’t plan anything.” Easy promise.

  He snagged her phone, opened her calendar, and blocked out the whole week with his name across it. “I will be with you that week. All of it.”

  “I’m looking forward to it.”

  He kissed her then, stealing her breath. Much more and she would follow him anywhere. She didn’t want to be a clinger, didn’t want to say she didn’t care. It would be a lie anyway. She cared, too much.

  “Three months isn’t that long, especially with me calling every day.”

  And s
he gave in a little. “Even if you can’t call every day, I’ll leave that week blocked off.”

  “Unless there’s a damned good reason for me not to call, I will.”

  “I believe you.” Her voice cracked.

  Drinks were plunked down before them. “Enjoy,” the waiter growled before stomping away.

  A laugh escaped Leona. “Poor guy.”

  “Why?” Luke asked, casting a glare in the waiter’s direction.

  “He needs someone to make him feel the way we do.”

  A slow smile spread on his full lips as he met her gaze. “Is that so?”

  “Why else would he begrudge two people so clearly enjoying each other?”

  His lips turned up as he watched the waiter grumble at another couple. “You may be on to something. But I have so little time left with you, he’ll have to suffer through every ounce of my affection for you.”

  “Agreed.” She leaned back and gulped down the drink. She needed a little courage to get on the flight alone. Man, she didn’t want to let him go.

  “I’m going to miss you.” He drank down his alcohol and pulled her closer, wrapping his arm around her.

  “Have I mentioned how much I enjoyed the last two weeks?”

  “You showed me. I know you feel this.”

  She leaned her head against his shoulder. “I do. Better than anything I’ve ever felt.”

  He kissed her head. “Then believe me when I say this isn’t the end.”

  “I can’t wait for the three months to be over.” She threaded her fingers through his. Hope trickled in. In public, knowing people were snapping pictures, he still only paid attention to her.

  There was giggling at the next table and more snapshots on phones.

  First time in two weeks, besides at the hotel that they had to deal with that, and it wasn’t horrible. Though she could already imagine they were all over social media. Everyone probably wondering who the hell she was. She could almost laugh about that.

  After showing Luke her Instablast, which he had already checked, he told her to take a social media break. And really, she was all for that.

  She couldn’t keep that up long, though. Half her marketing was there. And they had agreed that neither confirming nor denying would be the best course. Mostly because she convinced him that if it ended, she wasn’t going to drag him through the mud. And if it didn’t, she didn’t want social media to affect them.

  And maybe she was overthinking it all. Maybe he was right. Maybe she should just go with her heart, but her failed marriage left her wary.

  Chapter 24

  Luke held tight to Leona. She finally admitted what they had was more than some fun. And yeah, two weeks wasn’t long, but damn, it felt real. He was hers, she was his.

  Three months had never seemed so long before. He wasn’t sure how he would make it that long without having her next to him. But if there was any chance he could keep her closer next time, it was worth it.

  He wanted the world to know she was his. But she nixed that, with the promise that if he came back to her, they would make it public.

  An hour passed with only one drink and lots of closeness that wasn’t close enough by a long shot.

  “Need to go,” she whispered.

  Standing, he pulled her to her feet. “Let me walk you to the gate.”

  Nodding, she moved closer, sliding her arm around his waist. He put his over her shoulder and they headed down the corridor.

  They were there too fast. Luke stopped and spun her toward him, engulfing her in a hug. Her breath hitched and his heart twisted, same with his stomach. “Already miss you.”

  “Miss you too.” She pressed her cheek to his and whispered, “Next time we won’t do this.”

  “Next time, I’m bringing you with me.”

  Laughing, she leaned back. “Thank you for showing me romance isn’t dead.”

  “Oh, we haven’t even scratched the surface of that. I can’t wait to come to you.”

  They called the first class and she leaned up to kiss him. “Got to go.”

  He wrapped his hand around the back of her neck and kissed her slowly, memorizing her taste. “Love you,” he whispered against her lips.

  “You too.” Blinking, she backed away, then hurried to the gate. She turned to wave as someone checked her ticket. The tears in her eyes nearly broke him.

  He mouthed the words, I love you, one more time as she disappeared.

  After a few moments, he walked to his own gate and dropped into a seat. His phone pinged and he pulled it out to find a text from Leona.

  Leona - Didn’t think this would be so hard. Three months, we can do this.

  A smile broke across his face.

  Luke - We are doing this, he replied.

  Leona - Can’t wait to see you again.

  Finally, she was willing to admit it could work. He wished he were there, holding her, kissing her, reinforcing the hope she had.

  Luke - Wish filming was already over. I’ll be there as soon as I can.

  Leona - Love you, Luke. Got to turn off my phone. Have a safe flight.

  Luke - Love you, stay safe.

  Raven joined him at the gate. “How’s Leona?”

  He handed over the phone, the text messages still on display. She smiled. “You two make a cute couple.”

  “Thanks. Wish she realized that. She’s worried I won’t come back for her after this movie.”

  “You’ll get through to her. I’ll make sure you call every day. You already said you would. And if she didn’t believe it would work, she wouldn’t have sent those messages.”

  “The texts help. I was stressing pretty bad before that.”

  Raven glanced down the corridor. “I saw you kiss her goodbye. I think you made every woman in the airport jealous.”

  He rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m not letting her forget me.”

  “Doubt that’s going to be an issue.”

  “You’ve left an impression on her,” Ryan stated as he plopped down beside him. “Raven and I tried to distract some of the people taking pictures of that kiss. You two were far too interesting for that to work.”

  Luke looked around the terminal. “She’s going to have to get used to that.”

  “She’s handling it better than I do so far,” Raven muttered.

  “That could change,” Luke whispered.

  Ryan groaned. “Damn, you’re going to be a bummer for the whole shoot, aren’t you?”

  “Nope, just going to be on the phone with her as much as I can.”

  “Thank God you have a separate room. I don’t want to hear the phone sex, and I imagine with what she writes…” He got a cocky grin. “Damn, maybe I do want to hear it.”

  “Skype, use Skype,” Raven offered. “Just make sure you have a secure password and your username is anything but your name. Make it private.”

  “Wait, who do you Skype?” Ryan asked.

  “No one,” Raven replied.

  “Who did you Skype?” Luke asked.

  “Never telling a soul.”

  “Someone from your mysterious past?” Luke prodded.

  “Oh, hell no,” she answered. “And I’ll leave it at that.”

  “Neither of us would share those details,” Luke promised. And he meant it. She guarded her past, and he always wondered why, but it would be a secret he would take to the grave if he ever learned.

  “Nothing worth mentioning back there.” Raven stared out the window. “At least we’re all sitting together. I’m nervous about this movie.”

  “Why?” Ryan asked.

  She looked at Ryan and smirked. “I have to get mostly naked with Luke.”

  “You get naked with me in the movie too,” Ryan pointed out.

  “Yeah, but it’s different with you.”

  Luke sat back with a laugh. “It’s not like you haven’t done those scenes before. And we only have a kiss in the movie. That’s it. Not nearly where you go with Ryan.”

  She lifted a shoul
der. “Just different.”

  He would never understand that. Raven was gorgeous, and if her no dating a co-star rule didn’t make complete sense to him, he may have dipped his toes into that water long ago.

  “How long is our flight?”

  “Too long.” Raven opened the top of her backpack. “I brought books to read.”

  “I plan to sleep most of it.” Ryan sat back. “Was up too late with Manny. He finally got Tara to go home with him when Da Vogue closed.”

  “Your brother doesn’t know what he’s getting into.”

  “Nope, and I told him she doesn’t get to hang with any of us. I know that’s the only reason she went home with him.”

  “Three months before he’ll get that chance. Maybe she’ll fall in love and change for the better.” Luke shrugged a shoulder. “Either way, I don’t want to be anywhere near her.”

  “Won’t have to worry about that in Italy.”

  * * * *

  Leona managed to compose herself as she walked down the tunnel to the plane, but the moment she took her seat she busted wide-open. Leona gripped her phone, holding onto his promise after promising herself she wouldn’t.

  So much she wished she had said or done differently the last few hours. Closing her eyes, she willed the tears back and just breathed in and out.

  Flying was not her favorite way to travel. She almost wished she rented a car and drove back, only if she did that, she probably would have stopped somewhere and just vegged out.

  Someone sat down next to her and she ventured a peak. A young woman with glasses held on to a well-worn copy of Midnight Daughter Legacy.

  Leona reached down to get her earbuds out and turned her phone to airplane before starting some music. If she could get through the flight without anyone asking a million questions, she’d be okay.

  And maybe if she wrote in a notebook, instead of a computer, no one would look over her shoulder to read it. Yeah, maybe.

  Then the girl squealed and bounced in her seat. “You’re Leona Shay!”

  Smiling, Leona nodded. “I am.”

  “Your books, your worlds, oh my God, I’m so enraptured in all of your stories.”


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