The Callback

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The Callback Page 22

by Brandy L Rivers

  “Thinking about moving to the West Coast?”

  “Maybe. I don’t know. We’re having a lot of fun, but I don’t think either of us is ready to say we want more,” Mona admitted.

  “But you can’t get enough of each other, so even if you don’t want to say it, you do.”

  “Yeah, but you know my track record. Too long side by side and things will get volatile.”

  “Maybe, maybe not. Things change.”

  “I don’t know that much about him still. We talk, but not about personal stuff.”

  “Maybe you should start by opening up to him. Can’t get to know someone unless you talk to them.”

  “We talk, just not about important things.”

  “You’re impossible.”

  “Well, kind of hard to talk when I decide his dick tastes better than my past rolling off my tongue.”

  “Well, thank you for that image. Really didn’t need it.”

  “Oh, like you can’t say you would rather fuck Luke than talk about deep, meaningful stuff?”

  “There is only one topic I tread carefully around, and that’s Russell. Mostly because I seriously don’t want to deal with him. Thankfully dumbass gave up after Allana’s birthday.”

  “I still can’t believe he was such a dick to Allana.”

  Leona laughed. “Yeah, well, she decided she didn’t need an uncle when my new boyfriend was a hundred times better.”

  “She said that?”

  “She did, and that was weird, but she has a point. Luke is that much better, maybe more.”

  “Good to hear. So, you still want to be in my room?” Mona asked.


  “You didn’t bring any toys, did you?”

  “No. Two days is nothing. I can live that long without Luke or being on the phone or whatever while I get myself off.”

  Mona giggled. “I love that you finally have a man who buys you sex toys.”

  “Oh, that man knows how to use them too. Holy shit, he’s good at that.”

  Mona laughed out loud. “Okay, let’s stop with that because I don’t need that image of you and your man in my head.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Anyway. You’re staying in the room with me, or I may be tempted to bail and go back to Hollywood. He’s nervous about this audition and going to the premiere without me. Like he expects the tabloids to blow up some fan trying to grope him or something.”

  “That wouldn’t bother you?”

  “I see it all the time. He politely brushes them off and points me out. I’m not worried about it. I’d need more than a picture that is taken with the intent to cause scandal to break my trust.”

  “You sure? After Russell, I wouldn’t blame you.”

  “Luke has some crazy fans. I get it.”

  “At least your stalker fans only stalk you on social media. Oh, and you’ve been sharing far more personal stuff than you had with Russell. Why is that?”

  “Both his publicist and he think that putting us out there more and more will make some of the crazy go down, but when his parents picked us up at the airport the flashing cameras blinded me. His mother had to catch me before I faceplanted.”

  “Not Luke?”

  “He did too, but I stumbled into his mother.”

  “Man, does that mean we’re going to have crazy photographers there at the hotel?”

  “Maybe. But they know he’ll be at the premiere, while I’m at a signing, and somehow, I doubt anyone is going to follow me. They’re going to follow him first, and considering I don’t know of any paparazzi out in Atlanta, I’d say we’re probably safe.”

  “Yeah, but some random, snap happy newb with a camera could take a picture, then offer it to the tabloids.”

  Leona rolled her eyes. “I’m not big on selfies, and only do them with fans who ask. So, I don’t think it will be an issue.”

  “Yeah, and it sucks. I just have to get all my model pictures without you,” Mona teased.

  Leona sat back and lifted a shoulder. “Luke is better than all those models.”

  A smirk lifted one corner of Mona’s mouth. “Maybe you should put him on a cover.”

  “I don’t know. How many actors do you know that are on covers?”

  She rolled her eyes. “None. Doesn’t mean he wouldn’t.”

  “Yeah, but I don’t want to resort to using my boyfriend for sales.”

  “And if you were dating a model it would be different.”

  Leona huffed, “Why would I date a model?”

  Her brow arched. “Why would you date an actor?”

  “What do you want me to say? Right now, I don’t need a new cover. Maybe later, sometime, but then people may believe he is that character and I really don’t want to go there either.”

  Mona laughed. “As long as the two of you know the truth, why does that even matter?”

  “He’s coming to the next signing. He wants to be there tomorrow, but he has to be at the premiere for his movie. And if I hadn’t agreed to this forever ago, I’d skip it.”

  “And I’m sure he would rather be with you.”

  “Yeah, but we have obligations. And neither of us is going to give up on our own endeavors. We can make this work with our schedules. And granted his is far busier than mine.”

  “But with the movie, you’ll be asked to go to more and more signings.”

  “Maybe, or I’ll become a laughing stock,” Leona pointed out.

  “Doubtful. Look at some of the other big movies that have come out and those authors have been asked to go everywhere.”

  Leona shook her head. “I need to write, not go to a million signings. A few a year is fine, but I don’t think I want a tour, or go to a dozen signings a year.”

  “You like to travel, though.”

  “Sometimes. But if I’m traveling I want good company, and to explore. I can’t do that if I’m stuck in a hotel for a signing.”

  “Yeah, I know. Hey, so, are we doing the before party tonight?”

  “Figured I would go see my friends and readers, then head back to my room.”

  Her brow arched. “You’re going to bail on the party?”

  “Most likely. Not immediately. I’ll play it by ear. Besides, I almost always bail early.”

  Mona shook her head. “I’m taking you to dinner. We can catch up.”

  “Sounds good. I’m going to call Luke real fast. Let him know I’ve landed.”

  “Of course.”

  Leona grabbed her phone and dialed.

  Luke answered, “Good flight?”

  “Got a lot of writing done.”

  He chuckled. “Yeah, I kept you from that too much this week, huh?”

  “I’m not complaining. I’ll tell you if I need to take some time to write.”

  “Good, because I will leave you alone when you need.”

  Laughing, she leaned against the door. “Yeah, you do.”

  “Barely.” He chuckled. “And I hate to do this, but Ryan and I are on our way to the yacht to decompress after the readings.”

  “How’d it go?”

  “Good, I think. But I won’t know until they call me.”

  “I hope you get it.”

  “Me too. I’ll call you later. And I know there’s a party for the authors and readers tonight.”

  “There is, but I never stay for the whole thing. I’m not doing anything different than any other signing.”

  “All right. And look, I do stay for the parties after premieres.”

  “Okay, and?”

  “And I hadn’t planned to leave early,” he answered slowly, hesitating.

  She laughed. “Don’t expect you to. Relax, go have fun, and think of me often. It’s what I’ll be doing tonight and tomorrow.”

  “You’re planning to leave before the after party ends to catch a plane back home?”

  “Yeah, so if you’re out late, maybe you can just pick me up on the way home. Unless you’re drunk, then I’ll call a Lyft.”

  “Not getting
drunk if I know I can have you as soon as I get you home,” he murmured.

  She laughed. “Okay, hey, we should go. Mona is taking me to dinner.”

  “What do I tell you for a signing? Is good luck appropriate?”

  “That works, thanks. And have fun.”

  “I’ll try, but without you, I don’t know.”

  “Aww, later, babe.” She clicked the phone off because she knew he could keep them going for hours.

  “God, you two are cute together.” Shaking her head, Mona glanced over. “I’m glad he makes you happy.”

  “More than happy.”

  Chapter 39

  The signing was crazy. Insane. So many new readers, some because of the movie being made, some because of Luke. Two hours in, it was going great. Leona smiled, and chatted, and refused any personal details, other than the fact she was very happy with Luke.

  She finished signing a book and took a picture with a reader, then wished them well. As Leona sat down, the next woman scowled at her. “You’re what Luke is into?”

  Leona’s brow arched. “I’m sorry, I’m not discussing anything personal. Are you interested in a book?”

  “You write shit. I just had to see you for myself. You’re nothing special. You’ll ruin a talented actor.”

  “Sorry you feel that way.” Leona managed a smile. “Now, if you’re not interested in a book, or discussing one of my series, I need to ask you to move along.” She glanced behind her at her readers.

  “Nope, these people aren’t here for you. They’re just here because you’re riding the coattails of Luke Chance.”

  Mona stood up. “You need to leave. Now.”

  The woman crossed her arms over her chest. “Make me!”

  Tanner, one of the models, a big man, who had always been very nice and genuine walked over. “Is there a problem? Should I grab the security?”

  Leona rubbed at her arm. “Look, I appreciate your opinion, but you really do need to leave. It would be better if you do it of your own accord.”

  “You’re a money grubbing slut,” she screeched.

  The model waved down the security guards. Two even bigger men walked over, and Leona was thankful there were some. She couldn’t remember ever seeing any at a book event.

  Leona smiled at the two guards. “Thank you. Would you please escort her out before she makes things ugly?”

  “Of course. Come on, please,” one stated.

  The woman shoved her table, knocking down one of the displays, and spat in Leona’s direction, but she managed to dodge in time.

  The security men each grabbed an arm and hauled her to the door.

  Tanner helped Mona set things back up. “You okay? What was that about?”

  Leona shook shrugged. “Apparently, she doesn’t like me with the man I’m with.”

  “Why?” he asked.

  “Jealousy?” Leona looked around at everyone staring and fought off the shudder. “I don’t know. Look, it’s over, she’s out. I don’t have to worry about her. And thank you.” She straightened some of the books before sitting down.

  He gave her a warm smile. “You’re welcome. I’ll be around if you have another issue.”

  She smiled. “Thanks, but I hope that’s not necessary.”

  “Me too,” Mona muttered. “I wanted to beat her ass.”

  “Please don’t. Really,” Leona whispered.

  “Yeah, yeah, I behaved.”

  The next woman shook her head. “Have to deal with that often?”

  “Haven’t yet, but I’m sure it won’t be the last time. Can’t please everyone.”

  “You have a positive attitude at least. Now, I need your new book.”

  Nodding, she pulled one off the stack. “Who am I signing it to?”

  * * * *

  Luke stood next to Ryan, wishing the premier was over, but they were still on the red carpet. He had too much energy, none of which he could expel. He thought about calling Leona, but she was probably still sitting at her table, talking to all kinds of adoring readers.

  The tenth reporter asked the same question he’d gotten all afternoon. “Where is Leona Shay? Have you two broken up?”

  He smiled. “She’s at a book signing in Atlanta, or she would be here with me. And if I weren’t here, I’d be there with her. We’re doing amazing, and I can’t wait to see her late tonight when she flies in.”

  “You’re both promoting new projects, correct? The rumor is the new book is based on your relationship with her.”

  He shook his head. “Her new book is a product of her imagination. She prefers to keep her private life private. Like any artist, her life experiences may inspire her, but it’s safe to say none of her work mimics real life.”

  The questions went on and on, and he answered everything at least three other times in the last hour. He’d never been so exhausted by the process before, but he was starting to understand her misgivings for being known as his girlfriend, instead of an independent author who happened to be brilliant.

  Finally, the cast was ushered inside with the guests. Ryan tipped his head to him. “That was so much worse than normal.”

  “Yeah. Why does her not being here equal us breaking up? Every damned one of them asked about it.”

  “Yeah, and that’s exactly why it’s better to appear single. No one asks me who I’m with because I’m not with anyone.”

  “Too late now. Besides, it’s not like you can keep something like that under wraps forever.”

  “You may be surprised.”

  Luke did a double take. “You hiding someone?”

  “Not lately.” Ryan chuckled. “Shh, maybe one day I’ll tell you.”

  His brow arched. “Right, sure.”

  Ryan shook his head. “Not as easy as you would hope. Trust me on that.”

  “Can’t imagine it would be.”

  Ryan nudged him. “You still coming out tonight?”

  “She’s insisting I go. I’ll probably leave in time to pick her up at the airport. I don’t plan on drinking. Hell, maybe I’ll leave early and wait at the airport.”

  “Damn, Luke, you got it bad.”

  “Was there any doubt?” Luke asked.

  “Nope. It’s good to see, in all honestly.”

  * * * *

  Leona was restless at the after party. She had a few more minutes before it was time to leave.

  Tanner sank down in a seat beside Leona. “So, Luke Chance, as in the movie star, is your man?”


  “And crazy chick was his fan?”

  “Apparently.” Leona blew out a breath. “Thanks for helping.”

  He chuckled. “What happened to your husband?”

  “Divorced. Before I ever met Luke.”

  “Did you meet because of the movie deal?”

  “Sort of, not exactly. They haven’t cast anyone yet either.”

  “You’re not offering details, are you?”

  “Nope. Sorry.”

  “I respect that. Mona says you’re leaving early to hop a plane to see him. I’m happy for you.”

  Leona smirked. “Why so chatty?” This was the longest she had talked to him.

  “Because you’re happy with someone. And it’s nice to be around someone in a similar situation. I’m waiting to go back to my woman, but I’m leaving in the morning to see her. I’m going to ask her to marry me.”

  A genuine smile spread across her face. “That’s exciting. Good luck.”

  “Do you think you’d say yes if he asked?”

  Her mouth popped open. “Sorry, shock. It’s been a few months. Great months, but I don’t know. I mean, he’s on the young side. I doubt he’s ready for that yet.”

  “You never know. You write some stories that move faster.”

  Her head tipped. “You a fan?”

  “I’ve read a few and loved every single one.”

  “Thank you.” And maybe she would use Tanner on a cover. He was an attractive man.

  Mona dropp
ed into the seat beside her. “We should go.”

  She turned to Tanner. “Good luck with your girl. It was a pleasure talking with you.”

  He dipped his head as she slipped out of her seat and followed Mona to the lobby. “His girl?”

  “He’s going to propose to his girlfriend.”

  “Wow, but not surprising he’s taken. That man is drool worthy.”

  She lifted a shoulder. “Yup. But Luke is hotter.”

  Mona laughed. “Yeah, I’ll give you that.” Sighing, she grinned. “So, have any idea when you’re coming back to New York?”

  “Nope. Not yet. I’ll figure that out sooner or later.”

  “Miss having you around as much. I have to drive forever to get to you when you are there.”

  “Not forever,” Leona teased. “And maybe we should both move out to LA. I mean, think of all the hot clients you could have there? As a personal trainer, you could help the stars get in shape.”

  “Been thinking about it.”

  Leona smiled. “Maybe we should. I’ll probably do some searching, if you want to get a place together.”

  “Please, like you’ll stay anywhere but with Luke.”

  “Maybe not. But when he’s not home, we could stay together.”

  “Like you wouldn’t travel with him now.”

  “Yeah, I may. We’ll see.”

  Chapter 40

  The club was a bad idea. Women kept coming up to him, asking to dance. Luke turned every one of them down. There were cameras in the club, and unfortunately, Roach didn’t work at Verge. Luke didn’t know any of the security guards.

  Then Manny and Tara showed up and he almost left.

  Ryan grabbed his arm. “Stay awhile. Two more hours until Leona lands. And Tara is happy with Manny. She’s not chasing celebs anymore.”

  He hoped, but she was sly. You never knew what she was planning, and that was why he felt stupid for his bad judgement. Apparently, he hadn’t been the only celebrity she had targeted over the years.

  Tara slid into the booth next to Luke and he stifled the groan before it could escape.

  Luke shot Ryan a look.

  Ryan lifted a shoulder. “Sorry, curved booth.”

  He would’ve rather been sandwiched between the two brothers. Luke nodded to Tara. “Good to see you with Manny.”


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