by Thomas H. Ward




  Another Jack Gunn Adventure Series



  Copyright © 2015. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic mechanical methods.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, and incidents are a product of the author's imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.
















  Over the past two years we have been in continuous battles to protect our way of life on Tocabaga. We are living in a utopia compared to other poor souls who weren’t so lucky. Maybe they didn’t plan for the collapse like we did, or maybe they wanted the government to take care of them.

  We dare not venture too far from Tocabaga because it’s a mean cruel world out there. The furthest we have ever traveled is about 120 miles north of here, on a hunting trip to Bushnell countryside. That’s where we met the Knights Templar for the first time. We had no idea that the Knights Templar still existed. I’ll never forget the date because things changed forever after that day. It was August 3, 2025.

  This is a strange story, but true. My small group of hunters happened to come upon the Knights Templar, at four in the morning, who were camped on the side of the road. An old man came up to me and asked if we could spare any food. I didn’t know it at the time, but he was Jack de Molay, the Grand Master of the old Knights Templar.

  We had never met before, but somehow he knew my name. Jack de Molay told me this bizarre story that God had sent me to protect his grandchildren, Adam and Emma. It was strange because my loyal guard dog, Adolf, was friendly to them and usually he does not take to strangers.

  Old man Jack asked me to take care of the kids until they were older. He wanted them to have, as he called it, a more or less normal life. Jack went to rest in his car, telling me he would advise more details later, after a short nap.

  Unfortunately he passed away in his sleep with my dog sitting next to him, who let out a howl noting his departure from this earth. We buried him on the roadside and the children ended up coming with me to Tocabaga, because according to Jack, it was God’s will.

  I had no choice but to follow his wish, and adopted twelve-year-old Adam and nine-year-old Emma. I’m a pushover when it comes to taking care of kids. I have already adopted six children. I took them off the streets of death and brought them to live with my family where they could grow up without fear. They would grow up like normal children with a caring family, and a community to help guide them. They’d never be hungry again. Without children there is no future for Tocabaga, or for the United States to survive.

  Young Adam de Molay has now become the Grand Master of the modern Templar Warriors. A new adventure is beginning. We are preparing to proceed on the Templars Quest.

  I can’t explain it, but I was compelled, or for lack of a better word, commanded to take up this journey, by a higher power.

  My name is Jack Gunn and these are my chronicles.

  The year is 2026 and we have survived over two years living on Tocabaga Island since the collapse of the government. I live here with my entire family. The real name of this island will not be disclosed, nor the location. Tocabaga is a clue as to our general location. It is a sanctuary where one can be safe from what is going on in the outside world. If you happen to come here, are of good character, and believe in Constitution, you are welcome to stay. The current population is 556 people. We help each other stay alive.

  I was elected Vice President and Director of Security on Tocabaga because no one else wanted the job, or maybe because I have the most experience in security matters. I won’t hesitate to terminate anyone who is a threat to our community.

  I am the oldest of three Brothers. We grew up fighting bullies and gang members in a tough neighborhood in south Chicago. My Dad, one of the most honest men I have known, always stressed tell the truth, and help each other. Never ever be a bully, never steal, and try to protect those who cannot protect themselves. I have always stood up for the people who could not defend themselves. I hate liars and bullies.

  Standing 6 feet tall at 180 pounds, I’m in great shape for my age and my body is honed by years of physical training. I keep in shape by lifting weights almost every day and running three miles, four times a week. I shave my head two times a week as it is cooler with no hair in the hot south. I sport a gray mustache and goatee that I keep well-trimmed and short. There is a two-inch scar on my forehead from a knife fight years ago.

  I spent four years in the Army as a Military Policeman, and became an expert in the use of handguns, rifles, shotguns, and in hand-to-hand combat. My legs have skin grafts from burns due to an explosion when I worked for the DOD (Department of Defense) doing security work for seven years. I always carry my Glock 17, and Black Bear Cold Steel fighting knife, no matter where I go.

  I love our country, freedom, my family, and friends. If anyone messes with my family, or friends, justice will be swift and painful. I have no use for anyone who breaks the law, cheats or steals. For the most part I follow the Ten Commandments, but also believe in The Code of Hammurabi, which is an eye for an eye. I fight to keep our Bill of Rights under the United States Constitution.

  Now, I am fighting alongside the Templar Warriors to find the lost treasure. We are following the clues of a holy relic named the ‘Sword of Jerusalem.’ The Arc of the Covenant, designed by God, and made by man, is one of the holy items we are seeking. Whoever finds the treasure could very well control the destiny of the United States.


  I’ll never forget what happened on September 14, 2025. That’s the day that Adam de Molay became the Grand Master of the new Templar Warriors. It’s the day that either Adam, God, or an Angle killed Adam’s uncle, Christian de Molay, using the Sword of Jerusalem. It was the weirdest and most supernatural event I have ever witnessed.

  Adam de Molay is a descendent of a long line of Templar Knights. His bloodline dates back to Jacques de Molay, who was the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar. Rumor has it that Jacques hid the treasure taken from Jerusalem. In 1314 the King of France had him burned at the stake for not revealing where the treasure was hidden. The King coveted the long lost Templars Treasure and searched for it in vain, all over Europe.

  As I was making final preparations for our long trip to search for the holy treasure, I thought back to that day. This is an account of what happened.

  On September 13, 2025, a man named Christian de Molay showed up, out of nowhere, at our gate which secures the entrance to the Tocabaga Bridge. There was an entourage of twenty four men with him and they were well armed. He wanted custody of Adam and Emma claiming to be their uncle. If he was their uncle then he was entitled to lawful custody. However, he also wanted the Sword of Jerusalem.

  After discussions with Adam, I believed Christian was a dangerous person who would do harm to Adam and use the holy sword to his advantage. I made a plan with my me
n, to terminate Christian the next day, if he wouldn’t listen to reason.

  Since Adam and Emma didn’t really know their uncle, and had only seen a picture of him, he was a stranger. Both children wanted to stay with my family as their real grandfather had wanted them to do.

  The next morning, September 14, 2025, I sat in the kitchen thinking about my plan to negotiate with Christian, or to terminate him, when Adam walked in and gave me a hug. “Grandpa, I don’t want you to get killed protecting me.”

  “Adam, don’t worry, I’m not gonna get killed. You’re part of my family. On Tocabaga we’re all family. The one thing I do know is how to protect my family. Besides, I think God is on our side.”

  “More than you may think, Grandpa.”

  My radio hissed. “Jack, you better come down to the gate. Christian de Molay is demanding to talk to you and Adam.”

  I checked my watch; it was only 10:30 am. “Ok, I’ll be right there.”

  Adam said, “Don’t go.”

  I replied, “You stay here with Adolf, and I’ll go talk to him.” I left the dog with Adam so it wouldn’t be a distraction during a possible gun battle.

  Twenty minutes later, taking my time, I approached the fence. Christian yelled, “Where the hell is Adam?”

  Peering through the wire mesh I said, “Calm down. Adam just woke up.”

  He grabbed the fence and shook it. “I told you, I’m not leaving here without Adam. We have to leave today!”

  “It’s not that easy. Adam and Emma don’t wanna leave here. We discussed it last night.”

  “Bring Adam here, right now! I wanna talk to him.”

  Looking directly into his eyes, I softly told him, “My friend, that’s not gonna happen.”

  Christian let out a yell and shook the fence like a mad man. Now I knew he was just another bully trying to get his way through intimidation.

  “Jack, I’m warning you! I’ll release fire and brimstone on you.”

  “Is that a threat?” I calmly asked, as I pulled out a smoke.

  “It’s a promise. If you don’t bring Adam here in 15 minutes then we’re going to have trouble.”

  “Look, I’m trying to reason with you. Your father wanted it this way. According to him, so did God. Besides, the kids are safe here.”

  Christian replied, “Here’s what I suggest. You keep Emma, and Adam comes with me. Does that sound fair?”

  I laughed in his face. “Christian, I know what you want. So cut the bullshit. If you think I’d let Adam and the sword go with you then you’re crazy.”

  Christian grabbed the fence again and shook it like a crazed gorilla. “You’re really pissing me off, Jack! If I get my hands on you, you’re dead meat. Open the damn gate! Come out and fight me like a man. No weapons, just good old hand-to-hand combat.”

  Blowing a white cloud of smoke in his face, he backed away from the fence and coughed. I asked, “Why in the hell should I fight you?”

  “You’re a coward, a chicken shit. You know I could beat your ass.”

  “You just don’t get it. This isn’t about you and me. It’s about the kids and perhaps the future of mankind.”

  Christian’s men were gathering behind him. They had their weapons in low ready position. They could kill me and maybe some of my men before they died.

  I was trying to buy some time until my men were all in position, at noon, to spring my trap. It was only 11:20 so I had to stall him as long as possible.

  Christian asked, “What do you mean the future of mankind?”

  “The way I see it, if you get hold of the treasure, then the future of mankind is at risk.”

  “How do you know about the treasure?”

  “Adam told me everything, including the fact that you tried to steal the sword and kill your brother. That’s why you were outcast from the Knights Templar.”

  “That’s a damn lie! He was killed by someone during a home breakin.”

  One of his men walked up and asked Christian, “Is that true?”

  “Yeah, he was killed when someone broke into his house, so shut the hell up.”

  I replied to the solider, “That’s not what Adam told me. Christian tried to steal the sword.”

  I heard a commotion behind me and turned to see Adam walking towards us wearing a white mantle with the crimson cross on it. The Sword of Jerusalem was strapped on his waist.

  I asked Adam, “What are you doing?” He looked at me but didn’t reply.

  Adam walked up to the fence peering at Christian. “I’ll give you the sword under the condition that Emma and I stay here.”

  Big Christian thought about it for a minute. “It’s a deal, if you tell me what the sword says.”

  “Ok, I agree.” Adam replied.

  I said, “Adam, wait don’t agree to that.”

  “I have to. Please open the gate.”

  I hesitated but nodded ok. Slowly I unlocked the gate and pushed it open. Adam stepped outside with me by his side. I flicked the safety off my M4 as we walked out into the danger zone. I was prepared to kill Christian on the spot.

  Adam walked by Christian and stepped up onto a foot high rock next to him. Christian and his men were watching his every move. Gazing at the Templar Warriors, he shouted in a firm voice, “My name is Adam de Molay! I’m the rightful heir to be the next Grand Master!”

  In one swift movement, he pulled the sword out of its scabbard, kissed the golden handle, and pointed it at the sky. Holding the blade high in the air, Adam shouted, “This is the Sword of Jerusalem! It holds the secrets to God’s Treasure!”

  The blade was glowing in the bright sun. It reflected the sunlight like a mirror. Christian’s soldiers all dropped to one knee. One warrior shouted, “Praise God!” They all repeated the words in unison and bowed their heads.

  Christian saw his men all drop to one knee and so did he, right in front of Adam, a couple of feet away. With Christian’s head slightly bowed I saw the sword reflect the sunlight over him.

  Quickly and unexpectedly the sword flashed a white blinding light as if it was hit by a lightning bolt. A strong gust of wind blew up at the same time. The odd thing was, there was no noise. It was dead silent. I had to glance away and close my eyes from the intense flash of light. It was so strong; I could only see white spots for a second or two as I was blinded by the brilliant flash.

  Opening my eyes, I looked up at Adam holding the sword high in the air. Blood was running down the blade. I realized what had just happened when I noticed Christian’s head on the ground. His body, slumped over, was pumping blood out of his open neck.

  Adam was still pointing the sword at the sky as crimson red ran down the shimmering blade, and he said, “Glory to God in the highest.”

  The soldiers keenly looked at Adam and all repeated, “Glory to God.” Then they all stood and bowed to him.

  I wondered what just happened. Was that an act of God? Did God move Adam’s arm to behead Christian? Was God actually using the sword to protect his treasure? Did Adam plan this all along? Supernatural forces were at work for sure.

  Adam kissed the handle, wiped the blood off on his white robe, and sheathed the blade. As Adam stepped down from the rock, he slumped to the ground. I jumped to help him back on his feet. He looked dazed and confused.

  I kept an eye on Christian’s men, not knowing what they would do. Then one man stepped forward towards Adam. Swiftly, I pointed my M4 at him.

  Holding his hands up he stopped and said, “Have no fear. My name is Captain George Baldwin, leader of these new Templar Warriors. We’re at your command, Adam de Molay. You have just proven that you’re the real Grand Master. The law states: ‘Whoever controls the sword shall be the Grand Master.’ We vow to follow your orders.”

  The warriors were dressed in all black, SWAT type, combat gear. Baldwin himself was a compelling figure; standing at a little over six feet tall. You could tell he was in the best of shape by the way he moved and stood. One thing made him stand out which was an ugly scare
that ran down the entire length of his left cheek.

  Now I knew things would never be the same. Adam had become Grand Master by the Power of the Sword. Now he had his own warriors to do God’s work.

  Adam said, “Thank you Captain Baldwin. I’ll need your help and support.”

  I stepped up and shook Baldwin’s hand. “I’m Jack Gunn, Director of Security for Tocabaga.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” George replied.

  I said, “Since Adam is under my protection, I need to know your intentions.”

  “I understand your concern. We’re Templar Warriors who do God’s work. It was clear to us that God terminated Christian by working his will through Adam. There is no doubt that Adam has the Power of the Sword and God is on his side.

  “As for my men, we were all once Marines before becoming enlightened by God. Most of us saw combat in the middle-east fighting ISIS. After that we decided to do the Lord’s work and became his warriors.”

  Knowing that Captain Baldwin was the commander of twenty-three combat hardened retired Marines made me feel more at ease.

  “Captain, Jack Gunn is my guardian, and you will receive your orders from him and me,” Adam advised.

  Baldwin nodded his head. “I understand.”

  Tommy, my son, came running over and saw Christian’s head on the ground. “Holy crap! What happened?” he asked.

  I replied, “I don’t know. Get some men over here and remove the body.”

  Tommy had a puzzled look on his face. He then signaled for a few men to remove the body. As they picked up the body Adam said, “May God bless his soul.”

  “Captain, please wait here with your men while I talk to Adam,” I said.

  I put my arm around Adam and we walked up the bridge. I asked, “What just happened?”

  Adam stopped walking and faced me. “God told me in a dream to take Christian the sword. He told me how to hold it. God told me not to fear for my life because he would protect me. When the bright light hit the sword, I lost control of my body. I don’t even know what happened.”


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