Witcheries in Paris

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Witcheries in Paris Page 4

by Leora C. Waldman

drop out of school for a semester to go to Paris to learn French, I was happy. Learning a new, foreign language is always a good thing, right? How could I know that a certain Luc Besson was the reason behind all this? Not the French movie director, no, but a college kid Nirupa had met online a couple of months ago. How do I know all of this? I have my spies to keep me informed. Nattily is one of them. I paid for her French school so she's always by Nirupa 's side keeping an eye on her, and providing me with a detailed report on my daughter's Parisian activities by the end of every single day.

  So, when Natty called me up tittering and weeping at the same time, I knew something was quite wrong.

  "Nirupa ate Raspberry."


  "She devoured the girl."

  "Hold on, Raspberry is a girl?" I screamed terrified, my blood running to my feet.

  "Yes, Raspberry..., Elisabeth Stuart."

  "Calm down Natty, tell me everything. Start from the beginning."

  After Natty told me the whole story I breathed a sigh of relief. If you understood how magic works you'd be relieved, too. You see, everything in the world of true magic is an illusion. But, then, isn't life an illusion in itself? Anyway, Ni didn't really eat Raspb..., Elisabeth. She only conditioned the girl into believing that she turned into a raspberry. Elisabeth's belief, on the other hand, accompanied by strong feelings of panic conditioned Luc and everybody else in thinking that they really saw her turn into a raspberry. In short, Elisabeth was still sitting there, invisible to the mortal eye, completely hypnotized, and slouching on her seat as Nirupa put on the crazy show. I can understand why Ni was so upset with Elisabeth. It's very normal to feel angry and miserable, when a boy cheats on you with one of your friends.

  What I don't get is why my only daughter behaved like a savage. She's changed so much. She used to be a sweet, intelligent, compassionate child who warded off a major evil, four years ago. She was wise way beyond her years and I remember feeling guilty that her magic abilities and prophetic responsibilities had deprived her of some of her innocent, carefree years. But now, apparently, she is making up for that boring time of responsibilities and obligations in the worst of fashions. I only hope she isn't getting into drugs.

  I'd have preferred Melissa - Nirupa's best friend - went along with her to Paris. Melissa is like a sister to Nirupa; they grew up together and she is the only one whom Nirupa listens nowadays, But, Melissa wanted to go to Japan and learn Japanese instead. She draws Manga and dragons all the time, and is becoming a pro in that crazy animation program called Maya or something.

  I could have sent Marco, who is my daughter's other best friend, but he wanted to go on a boat trip to discover the pathway to the under-earth Agartha. The kids are growing up and displaying their characters and talents. But, I have no clue what my daughter's talents are. She's a magician who doesn't like practicing, or training, or doing what's expected of her anymore. She doesn't like doing anything at all for that matter – except for mischief.

  After the Skype chat with Natty I decided to go to Paris myself. I've postponed the trip because I don't like planes and flying, but now that I'm thinking it, I'll need to go to Paris and bring Nirupa home, before she sends me her wedding invitation and I'm forced to go there anyway. Oh, dear God, I completely forgot what Natty told me; Luc is going to propose to my teenage kid. I need to go right now. No time for booking a plane ticket, though. I need to be there before tomorrow evening. Where's the ruby ring?


  "Maman don't make me do this. I saw it with my bare eyes how Nirupa ate Elisabeth. I'm telling you the kid is scary. I'm sure SHE turned Elisabeth into a raspberry. She's into something weird."

  "Oh, mon cher garçon, you don't get it do you? Your little sweetheart, Nirupa, is the answer to your father's and mine years of study, research and investigation. How can you be such an egoist?"

  "No, for as much as I love you, sweet maman, I won't do this anymore. First, Nirupa is younger then me. Do you have any idea how crazy this generation is...?"

  "Nonsense. I was only sixteen when I married your dad, seventeen when I had you. At the beginning I married him because he was a count, but later I came to love him. Where's the romance nowadays? What is it with this relentless fooling around and promiscuity? She's even a pretty girl."

  "Mother, you only loved Dad because he had money, a title, and silently consented to your lovers. Besides, with you by his side, Dad's hopes of reviving the lost power of his family rekindled.

  "Well, this may be partly true, but you should know that you have your obligations too. The ring the girl had on her finger on the day you first visited together on Skype was the magic ruby ring; I'm sure of it. And remember, that other night when the two of you were Skyping together, the night before she flew to Paris? I saw the painting on the wall behind her. Her Great Grand father with his inconspicuously red hair, his kingly attire, sword in hand and the book... I'm sure her family's got the Book of Shadow along with the ring, too. My dear boy, with her we're so close to the realization of the impossible. "

  As it has already happened before, mother won this time too. I promised her that I would do as she wished. I adore maman. She's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. She is very intelligent too. I always compare my dates to her, and they always lose. Even to this day, my mother has the exclusivity of my heart.

  When I first started internet dating Nirupa I never thought that it would turn in anything serious. Not for a single moment did I think that dating the kid would be exclusive for me. But maman insisted that I cajoled her into coming to Paris by all means. I thought it would be hard to make Nirupa leave her home and come to me, but as it turned out, it was easier than I thought. The kid was so much in love with me that she was more than willing to abandon everything and relocate to Paris. Her unrestrained enthusiasm made me feel guilty for a moment. I mean, I didn't do anything to make her fall like that. I didn't promise anything, I didn't do anything substantial. I didn't even cut my pinky finger off to show her ho much I care. Really, all joking aside, what did I do, except from saying sweet things – bags of air in my opinion – and flattering her? Is this generation really so shallow?

  My father is a retired count. His family's castle is situated near la ville de Compiègne, a heaven on earth surrounded by green pastures and the famous foret de Compiègne – the wild forest where his ancestors used to hunt for boars, and fight for the king of France. Papa doesn't engage in any of those activities anymore. Nowadays his only interest lies in observing wild bird species and focusing on gathering data on their habits and life. He is a very interesting man, thoroughly knowledgeable and one of the main patrons of the muse du Louvre. It was there where he met maman for the first time. She was the young and charmante guide of the Egyptian pavilion of the museum. She still works at the Louvre, but not as a guide anymore. She holds a very high and important position that I don't want to reveal here for personal reasons. Anyway, it was father who first told me the legend of the ring and the infamous Book of Shadows when I was just a little boy. I'm not going to tell you the legend here, because you can find it everywhere on the internet. If you're interested just goggle: The Book of Shadows and Atlantis legend. Easy. But, at the time, father left out an important detail; the legend is not a legend at all; it is, in fact, a very important part of our family history. It was maman who later told me the whole truth. Now, there is this ancient volume of scriptures guarded in the museum, which is never shown to any of the visitors, but to which maman has plain access. In one of the ancient scrolls it is contained an odd account of the legend of Princess Yona, which reveals more details about the mysterious myth. The first time maman came across the legend she thought she had found her personal Holy Grail. She believes Princess Yona and her second husband moved to France to lose their tracks. In France they established a very powerful secret society of sworn Protectors of Humankind, which was kept alive by the future generations of their bloodline. Dad's family descends from that bloodline. S
ince the day mother discovered the potential for our family to rule the earth and gain untold power, she has been relentless in her struggles to find the ring. Somehow, the possibility that a single family could own both the ring and the Book of Shadows, eluded her. But, when little Nirupa came into play, with her ring and her book, mother swore she'd get them both. Papa doesn't really care much about the promise of power and untold wealth, but he cannot oppose mom and her quest. That's why he doesn't have a choice but to support her.

  Now, you understand the reason why maman wants me to bring Nirupa home for the Christmas Ball that Mom is giving in our castle. She wants to find a way to steal the ring from the girl. If the ring comes with the Book of Shadows, all the better for Mom and her ambitions. As you know, I'll do anything to make mamam happy.

  French Patisseries and Christmas Ball

  I won't say who I am. I won't reveal myself to you. For now all you need to know is that I am "the narrator," thank you very much. I know things. My psychic awareness works even better. So, I might say, without anyone accusing me of being conceited, that I know almost everything that happens on Earth at any time. For example, I know for

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