Emma's Secret

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Emma's Secret Page 6

by A. P. Jensen

  Peter nodded and glanced at the invitation. “I don’t know the couple, Leo and Georgina, but their father is a client of ours. I like him.”

  “Me too. Maybe you can put in an appearance at the wedding and then find your baker chick. Maybe their bakery is making the cake for the reception,” Ben suggested.

  Peter’s mind leapt into overdrive. “I’ll call our client and find out if he knows who’s handling the desserts.”

  Derek winked and left, leaving Peter with a lot to think about. Could he get her back? Did he want her? Yes. His mind was set- he would find out why she broke up with him, fix it and all would be well again.


  Emma waved goodbye to the girls from the kitchen as they closed up the bakery for the day. When silence fell, she relaxed and turned on soothing instrumental music while she painstakingly created sugar orchids and roses for Georgina’s cake. It had been a long month filled with business, dress fittings, wedding gift shopping and an elaborate bachelorette party. Georgina was euphoric and Emma’s mouth curved into a smile as she painted the edges of a flower with plum.

  Anna said she had a cake emergency in Seattle and begged Emma to make the flowers for Georgina’s cake. Emma didn’t mind. She abandoned her paperwork yesterday and started making the flowers. Normally, Emma took care of the finances while Anna ran the kitchens, but Emma stepped in every now and then when she had a chance or they were shorthanded. She had an artistic hand when it came to designing wedding cakes and making the sugar flowers, which took time. As the sun began to set, Emma stepped back to survey her work. Georgina’s cake was a beautiful six-tier masterpiece with pearls at the base of each tier. Roses and orchids spilled from the top of the cake and twined around it in a vine of flowers that looked so real, she knew everyone wouldn’t believe they were edible. Strategically placed crystals winked at her and Emma flexed her cramped hands, grimly satisfied.


  Emma turned and saw Anna’s husband, Tommy. He was exotic looking with his Polynesian heritage and Emma wrapped an arm around his waist as he came up beside her. They both surveyed the wedding cake in awed silence for several minutes.

  “You did good,” Tommy said.

  “I know,” Emma sighed, exhausted.

  Tommy laughed. “I came to pick up Anna for dinner.”

  “She hasn’t come back yet.”

  He looked irritated for a moment and then focused on her. “How are you doing?”


  “I heard from Peter.”

  Emma tensed. “That’s nice.”

  “I didn’t tell him about the accident.”


  Tommy folded his arms across his chest. “I think you should tell him.”

  “Doesn’t matter now. We’re not together.”

  “Maybe if you told him, he’d understand-”

  Emma held up a hand. “Tommy, I love you, but I really don’t want to talk about him. It’s over.”

  Tommy opened his mouth, but the back door opened and Anna swept in. Relieved, Emma turned to her. Anna stopped dead when she caught sight of the cake. She covered her mouth with her hands and her eyes filled with tears.

  “Oh my God,” Anna said reverently.

  Emma took a bow. “Now, we just have to move it.”

  They all glanced at each other. It took them a half hour to get up the guts to move the monstrous cake and when the deed was done, Emma was officially ready to go home. Tommy and Anna tried to convince her to go to dinner with them, but she declined. She drove home, warmed up a frozen meal and managed a few bites before her stomach protested. She sat at the table in her kitchen and buried her face in her hands as tears pricked her eyes.

  It had been a month since she broke up with Peter and she was plagued with loneliness and grief. Nightmares of the night of the accident were relentless and the break up with Peter only added to her stress. She cringed every time she remembered the way he looked at her before he left. She knew she’d done the right thing, so why did she feel so empty?

  By the time they gathered in the church to walk down the aisle, Emma’s head pounded. Her face felt tight from forcing herself to smile. All she wanted to do was crawl into her bed and pull the covers over her head. Georgina and the other bridesmaids from the city were so full of nervous energy, Emma felt drained just by being around them.

  “Okay?” Anna asked with her arm linked through Tommy’s.

  “Yup,” Emma said a trifle too brightly and wrapped her hand around her escort’s arm.

  To avoid Anna’s suspicious frown, Emma looked around and saw Georgina whisper something to her father. They laughed and he kissed her on the forehead. Emma’s breathing hitched alarmingly and she faced forward. She straightened her spine and pasted a smile on her face when she felt like crying.

  The hand that held the bouquet trembled. Her escort patted her hand sympathetically as they walked down the aisle after Anna and Tommy who were so in tune with each other, even their steps were in sync. The faces of those sitting in the pews were blurry dots she didn’t try to focus on. She felt a burst of humor when she saw Leo waiting impatiently at the altar, looking past her for his bride. As Emma fell into line with the bridesmaids, Anna clutched her arm.

  “I didn’t know she invited him,” Anna hissed.

  “Who?” Emma whispered over the sound of the organ playing.


  Emma scanned the crowd. It was easy to spot him because he was the only one who hadn’t turned in their seat to watch Georgina come down the aisle. He dressed formally, as she imagined him at their own wedding. Even across the distance, his green eyes were piercing. When Emma looked away, Anna cursed beneath her breath. The other three bridesmaids from the city wrinkled their nose at Anna’s language.

  “I don’t know what he’s doing here,” Anna snapped.

  Emma swallowed. “It’s Georgina’s wedding. She can invite anyone she wants. We all grew up together.”

  Her control wavered. Sensing this, Anna clutched Emma’s left hand. She refused to show Ben how much seeing him upset her. Maybe he was here for Georgina and he would leave her alone. She hadn’t seen or heard from him since their encounter in the graveyard and she hoped he stayed away so she could keep her composure.

  The ceremony passed by in a blur and before she realized it, she was being escorted outside to smile and pose for pictures. She’d never felt less like pretending to be happy. Ben stood on the sidelines, watching her with an unreadable expression on his face. Even with all the bitterness and hurt between them, she knew he was thinking of what he envisioned for their wedding as well.

  Pandemonium reined as well wishers rushed to congratulate the newlyweds and people hopped into cars to get to the reception. In the crush, Emma lost sight of Tommy and Anna and was so focused on avoiding Ben that she didn’t sense the other danger until a hard hand clasped her own and pulled her through the crowd. Shock made her stumble and she stared at the dark figure beside her. She tried to pull away, but he was relentless.

  Peter led her to his convertible, deposited her into the passenger seat and closed the door before she could open her mouth to protest. He got into the driver’s side and without a word, followed the long line of cars to the reception hall. Emma couldn’t look at him. His anger filled the air. The month they’d been apart hadn’t dimmed his temper. What was he doing here?

  “You look beautiful,” he said quietly.

  “Thanks,” she said faintly. She’d be damned before she showed him how her heart bled.

  “I assume Ben is the guy with green eyes that couldn’t take his eyes off you?” Peter’s voice held no inflection.

  Emma jerked and glanced at him. Peter showed no reaction except for the slight tightening of his hands on the wheel.

  “Is he?” he pushed.

  “We’re not together, Peter. It’s none of your business.”

  “That’s debatable. Has he been bothering you?”

  “No. H
e’s keeping his distance like I asked him to and I’m going to tell you the same thing-”

  “When did you tell him?” Peter demanded.

  “The day before I broke up with you,” Emma snapped. She didn’t need this right now. She didn’t need both of her exes hounding her when she felt as if she could shatter at any moment.

  “So that’s why you were so angry, you jumped my bones.”

  Emma opened her mouth to deny it, but he shot her a glance which had her sitting back, fuming. “You didn’t seem to mind.”

  “I don’t mind you taking me to bed. I mind being used.”

  “I didn’t use you! I wanted you. I needed you!” Her voice cracked and when he reached for her, she huddled against the door. “Don’t.”

  He retracted his hand. “Emma, I don’t understand.”

  “You don’t have to. It’s over.”

  He shot her a dark look. “You still want me.”

  “So? You had your revenge.”

  He manipulated her into wanting him and walked out before her body came down from its climax. He showed her in no uncertain terms how little she mattered to him.

  “We need to talk.”

  “No. I have to go to this reception and smile and… What are you doing here? You weren’t invited. Don’t you dare ruin Georgina’s day,” Emma warned.

  “From the look on her face when she saw me, I’d say I enhanced it,” he said sardonically.

  “You’re an arrogant bastard. Leave me alone.”

  “We’re not finished, Emma.”

  “Yes, we are.”

  They pulled up to the reception hall and Emma got out before he could get around to her door. When she tried to walk off without him, he caught up to her and wrapped an arm around her waist. Her body reacted to his nearness and she remembered the feel of his warm skin beneath her fingers and her mouth watered. As if sensing her weakness, he leaned down and brushed his lips over the side of her neck.

  “Move away from me and I’ll embarrass the hell out of you. Got it?”

  “What do you think you’re doing?” she demanded.

  He tried to look innocent, but was far from pulling it off. “I thought you wanted us to be friends.”

  “I changed my mind!”

  Men drooled over his car while the bridesmaids from the city stared at him, open-mouthed. He led her into the hall and his grip warned her not to make a scene. She smiled at several locals who watched them avidly. Despite her inner turmoil, Emma had to stop to admire the reception hall. Tiny lights shone through sheer white and plum drapes like stars. Candles flickered everywhere and the aroma of roses was welcoming and seductive. People surrounded Georgina’s cake and Emma saw several people bend over to smell the flowers. Everyone mingled and talked as they looked for their assigned tables. Without pause, Peter led her to the head table where the wedding party sat. To her astonishment, Peter held out a hand to Georgina’s father.

  “Glad to see you could make it,” Georgina’s father said jovially.

  “Wouldn’t miss it,” Peter replied.

  As Georgina’s father turned to greet someone else, Emma felt her heart drop when she saw Peter’s name next to hers at the table. Emma turned and glared at Peter.

  “Georgina’s father is a client of mine,” he said.

  Anna and Tommy appeared and Emma turned to them gratefully. Anna looked at Peter as if he was scum and Peter returned her gaze blandly. One of the bridesmaids from the city nearly trampled on Emma’s feet in her haste to introduce herself to Peter. Emma whirled to face Tommy with an accusing look. He held his hands up when Anna and Emma advanced on him.

  “What is he doing here?” Anna demanded.

  Tommy backed away. “He never told me he was coming to the wedding. I have nothing to do with this.”

  “If he thinks he can just waltz back into your life, he can forget it,” Anna snapped.

  “Introducing Mr. and Mrs. Leo Peters!” the announcer said and everyone cheered and clapped.

  Georgina and Leo made their way to the table and Georgina broke away from Leo to introduce herself to Peter. He was all charm as he kissed her cheek and thanked her for allowing him a place at her table.

  “I’m honored,” Georgina cooed and fanned herself behind Peter’s back.

  Emma wanted to run out the door. When Peter held out her chair, she shot him a killing glance before she sat. He settled beside her and when his thigh brushed against hers, she turned her back on him and talked to Anna who sat on her other side. She saw Georgina frown, confused by her body language. Inwardly wanting to scream, Emma sat straight in her chair and tried to keep the smile on her face.

  In contrast to Emma’s tension, Peter chatted easily with everyone. Emma felt as brittle as glass. Anna leaned over every once in a while to shoot angry looks at Peter, which he ignored while Tommy shifted uneasily in his seat. Emma forced herself to eat so she didn’t have to talk to anyone. The restraint it took to keep herself in check resulted in a blinding headache.

  When everyone headed to the dance floor, Emma gratefully escaped while Peter was distracted by one of the bridesmaids who hung on his every word. Locals and classmates she hadn’t seen in years came up to hug and catch up. She began to relax and actually found herself relaxing a bit as she danced and teased Sam Belissimo. She turned away from him and came face to face with Ben.

  They stared at one another while the dance music played and the voices around them faded. Ben reached out a hand, eyes steady and pleading. Aside from Anna, Ben had been her best friend and confidant and now… For a moment, she was tempted to place her hand in his. Once upon a time they’d been lovers and she believed they were soul mates. Seeing their classmates and most of the town dancing and laughing tonight made her yearn for the good old days where her life had been simple and she thought she knew where her life was headed. Ben knew her inside and out and she thought she knew him but… It hurt her to turn away from him, but she did it and bumped into Peter.

  Before she could back away, Peter wrapped an arm around her and began to dance. She looked up and saw that his eyes were fixed over her shoulder on Ben.

  “There’s a lot you haven’t told me,” Peter observed.

  Emma tried to draw back, but Peter tightened his hold. He never looked down at her as he navigated his way through the other dancers. She honestly didn’t know what he was doing here, unless he wanted to throw it in her face how he was doing fine without her. She could see for herself that he looked just as handsome and untouchable as ever. When the song ended, Emma jerked away and left him standing on the dance floor.


  Emma stood outside with most of the wedding guests and waved while Georgina and Leo took off in their limo. Emma had never been more relieved to see a party end. She turned to Anna.

  “Get me out of here.”

  Anna opened her mouth to reply, but Peter beat her to it.

  “I’ll take you home.”

  “No,” Emma said without looking at him.

  Anna bristled. “You’ve been gone for a month. If she meant so much to you-”

  “He won’t leave until they have it out, Anna,” Tommy interjected.

  “He’s right,” Peter agreed.

  Anna put her hands on her hips, face reddening with anger. Emma knew she was about to blast Peter to bits with her Irish temper. Emma sighed and wrapped her arms around her friend so she wouldn’t cause a scene.

  “I can handle him,” she whispered in Anna’s ear.

  “You don’t have to-”

  “Yeah, I do. I’ll see you later.”

  Emma stalked to Peter’s car. When he opened the door for her, she got in, leaned back against the headrest and closed her eyes. He didn’t try to talk on the drive to her house. He parked in her driveway and when he turned off the car and got out, her heart sank. She wasn’t in the mood to fight. She stopped in front of her door and turned to face him.

  “Whatever you have to say to me, just say it,” she said.
  “Let’s go inside.”


  Thoughts of their last encounter colored her cheeks. If he made a move, she wasn’t sure she had the discipline to resist him and he knew it. She remembered the way he looked at her before he left and shivered.

  He leaned forward, dark eyes intense. “You don’t want your neighbors to hear what I have to say to you.”

  He was a stubborn jerk. She unlocked the door and tossed her things on the table before she plopped down on the couch. He remained standing. She clutched her hands together in her lap and waited.

  “Are you pregnant?”

  Emma’s head jerked up and her mouth dropped open. “What?”

  “Are you?”

  “No. Why?” she was totally bewildered.

  “You lost weight and I heard you tell Anna you don’t feel well. I thought if you were pregnant and I missed our anniversary, that would make you dump me.”

  Emma blew out a breath and saw how tense he was. “No, I’m not pregnant.”

  “If you were pregnant, you would tell me, right?”

  Emma hesitated for a second. “Yes.”

  “Good.” He took a deep breath. “I’ve done a lot of thinking over the past month. I apologize for… the way I reacted when you broke up with me. I wasn’t thinking straight.”

  Emma stared at him. She hadn’t expected this. Peter was so proud, so sure of himself. Right now, he looked uncomfortable and ill at ease.

  “You’re right. I took you for granted and I held back. The more attached I became to you, the more determined I was to show you how much I didn’t need you.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest and said nothing.

  “I forgot about our anniversary. I’ve rescheduled other dates and you never got angry, so I assumed you wouldn’t mind this time either. I took you for granted. I know that. I want to know why you broke up with me.”

  “I told you.”

  “No, you told me you needed someone present, that I didn’t care enough. I care about you, a lot. I can be here more often. I’ll make the time.”


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