Diary of the dead: The end has come (The diaries of the dead Book 1)

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Diary of the dead: The end has come (The diaries of the dead Book 1) Page 4

by Jack Kelly

  Rebecca and Ethan ran down the stairwell trying to get to the bottom as fast as they could. They got to the second last flight of stairs when all of a sudden a corpses ran up to them, jumping on Ethan he fell to the ground, he tried to stop it from bitting him. After a few seconds Ethan got his leg free and gave in a hard kick in the gut causing it to fly back off of him. The corpse got up off the ground all most straight away, Rebecca quickly lifted the gun that she got off of the guy who wanted to rape her and pointed in straight at the corpses head, she pulled the trigger and as she pulled the trigger, a second explosion went off and nearly shock her to the ground.

  "Come on" Ethan said getting off of the ground. They both ran down to the ground floor and they were just one door away from a hell storm outside. Ethan looked at Rebecca and "ready 1,2,3!!" and brushed through the door. The light from the sun lit up there eyes as the darkness from the stairwell left them.

  Rebecca looked around for the RV, thinking the worst that they abandoned them. They both ran into the car park and took cover between the cars. "Where the hell are they" Rebecca said trying to catch her breath. Ethan popped his head up and seen a long red RV that his granddad got him for his 18 birthday, "There it is" he said as he ran.

  Rebecca ran right behind him, shooting what ever wants to get them. Rebecca ran in front of Ethan and when she did a corpse ran out in front of them, reacting fast Rebecca lifted the gun up and fired it causing the corpse to go flying back.

  The ran to the door of the RV and were banging it to let them in. The door of the RV swung open and Ethan and Rebecca ran straight in.

  "Where are they" Rebecca said trying to catch her breath again, she thought that they could dead or one of the. "We can't wait here" Ethan said as he went to the steering wheel, "no we have to stay" Rebecca pleaded.

  Suddenly a voice came from behind her "OH miss Keogh don't worry" a woman said with a soft voice. Rebecca was flooded with fear and so was Ethan, Rebecca turned around to see who the voice belonged to, she was greeted by a woman who looked to be around 30, messy hair and smudged makeup over her face. "Their not dead" she said with a smile, then lifted her hand in to the air, Rebecca was frozen with fear, the woman let her hand go and BANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  Chapter 7


  Jack's eyes slowly cracked out, letting streams of light flow into them, he steered at the sealing for a few seconds and then once he realised what was happening he jumped up from the soft white clean bed.

  Jacks lower torso was still limp but his top half was wide awake. Panic started to set it and Jack jumped out of the bed and landed on the floor.

  Jack quickly jumped up off the floor and looked are to take in his surroundings.

  It looked to be an 80s hotel room, it had that olden look. It looks like no one has been here in years.

  Jack started to panic, he ran around the room in a panic. Jack ran to the door and tried to open it but it was locked, he tried desperately to open it, pulling on the door knob, kicking door, nothing was working.

  "Hello, anybody" Jack screamed out, Jack was still trying to get the door open but with no success.

  His breathing started to become heavy, "Hello, please somebody help me" he screamed out again.

  Jack backed away from the door, emotions ran through him. Jack grabbed the chair that was placed beside the bed, he lifted the chair up and through it at the window causing it shatter. He ran to the smashed window, trying not to stand on the glass he went to the window still and was about to jump out of it until he realised that it was covered in metal bars.

  Jack slowly backed away from the window, he backed away but suddenly tripped over something, causing him to fall on the ground.

  He was trying to gather his thoughts, breathing heavily. His breathing slowed and silence fell in the room.

  The room was in complete silence, so quite you could hear a pin drop. BANG BANG, the sound of the door being banged on echoed through Jacks ears.

  Just as the noise came, it soon went, leaving the room in silence once more.

  Jack looked at the door, frozen in fear he didn't want to get up. "House keeping" a woman's voice came from the other side of the door.

  The door opened, revealing a middle aged woman with makeup smudged along her face, her makeup was like that snapchat filter.

  "Well well Jack, disruption of hotel property is against the rules" the woman said as she walked over the bed a places a tray of food down. She walked past Jack who was still on the floor paralysed with fear. She picked up the chair that had been thrown at the window, and placed it beside Jack.

  "Now all your friends are checked in and are nice and comfy in there rooms" the woman said as she pasted Jack, "who the hell are you, where am I" Jack said, "you're in the hotel, enjoy your stay" the woman said and was about to turn to walk to the door, but suddenly Jack jumped up and ran for her. BANG. Jack fell to the ground unconscious after receiving a hard blow to his temple.

  :Rebecca and Ethan:

  "Ethan, Ethan, wake up!!" Rebecca screamed and shook Ethan awake. "Wake the fuck up" she lifted her hand up and smacked him wide awake.

  Ethan jumped up from the bed he laid on, "What the hell Becca, where the hell are we?" Ethan questioned, as he covered his face.

  "I don't know I woke up a minute ago" Rebecca said as she looked around the room, it looked like a cheap 1980s hotel room, a hotel that hasn't been used in years.

  Rebecca ran to the door of the room and pulled the door knob to try and get the door open, but with no luck it wouldn't open.

  "What the hell it won't open," Rebecca said as she started to panic; she kept trying to pull the door open.

  Ethan ran to the window and was about to smash it until he saw it was closed up with metal bars.

  What are we gonna do, we're trapped" Rebecca said with fear in her voice. Silence fell over the room and suddenly there came tapping came, as some gently rapping, rapping at the bedroom door. "Dinner time" a voice came from the other side of the door, "down the hall and to the left" the voice came again.

  The door the room opened, revealing a long dark corridor, carpeted with red and gold carpet, the walls were painted cream.

  "What do we do" Ethan questioned, "I think we should meet our host," Rebecca said as she began walking down the long Hallway.

  They walked to the end of the hallway and were met with another hallway, they walked to the end of that and were met with a big hotel dinning room, filled with round tables and chairs coated with white cloth, and in the centre of the room a woman sat.

  Rebecca and Ethan walked move to the woman, as they got closer to the woman they seen that see wasn't alone, there was a man with her, they began to become a big hesitant, maybe they should run in the other direction, Rebecca thought.

  As they got closer to the woman and the man they seen that the man wasn't a man but he was a corpse, tied down to the chair, with bits of flesh missing from his face.

  "Beautiful isn't he," the woman said hit a soft calm voice, "he's my husband, I never thought he'd taste so nice" the woman said again.

  "Who the hell are you" Rebecca demanded to know. "I'm the housekeeper, please have a seat" she said softly "Where are my friends" Rebecca asked again, "Don't worry their all checked in, now please have a seat I'll get you some food" the woman said as she got out of her chair and walked over to her dead husbands corpse, she picked up a carving knife and started cutting bits of flesh of off the corpses face, it kept moving trying to bit her, being cut up didn't effect it, it didn't seem to feel it.

  "How many pieces would you's like," the woman asked, "We don't want any of that shit, where the hell are my friends?" Rebecca asked again.

  "Are you sure, it's fresh, there alive so it makes them taste the best" the woman said with a crazy smile, she cut a piece of flesh and put it in her mouth.

  "Your insane, there not alive there dead and they'll kill you any chance they get," Rebecca said as she went over to the corpse, she picked up the carving knife.r />
  "If there alive how can they survive this" Rebecca took the knife to its throat and slit it from ear to ear.

  The woman jumped up out of her chair. "Can it survive this" Rebecca lifted the knife up and drove it through its skull causing it to go limp, she let the knife go.

  The woman ran over to Rebecca screaming "You stupid bitch" she slapped Rebecca cause her to fall on the floor.

  Ethan was about to punch the woman but suddenly she pulled out a gun at them and said "well now I need new fresh meat and you's look very tasty"

  :Craig and Lauren:

  Laurens eyes sprung open as if someone flicked a switch in her, she was gasping for air and with every breath she took the room became darker. Lauren jumped from the bed she was placed in causing her to fall to the ground, still gasping for air she searched around the room, her breaths became shorter and the room became blurrier. Lauren was on the verge passing out but then in the corner of her eye she seen a blue shine, the blue shine off of a blue inhaler, she ran for the inhaler. She grabbed it pulled it to her, she exhaled a light breath and inhaled with the inhaler gas flying into her lungs, each breath became a little easier, the room began to get brighter.

  Lauren sat on the ground trying to get catch her breath, breath after breath it became easier for her to breath. When she could finally breath normally she stood up, Lauren looked around the room she began to panic from not know where she was or where her friends where.

  Lauren ran to the door of the room and pulled and pushed the door to try and open in but with no luck, "Is anyone there" she screamed out. Lauren ran over to the window but was stopped in her tracks from a screaming voice "HELLO!!!" that came from another door in the room, "Craig is that you" she called out, she waited in silence for a reply, holding her breath in anxiety "yeah", she took a sigh of relief.

  Lauren ran to the door that Craig was behind, she pulled and pushed the door but it wouldn't open "can you open it from your side" Lauren asked "no" Craig responded "Okay step back" Lauren said. Lauren lifted her leg up and pushed it hard into the door, she lifted her leg again and kicked it even harder causing it to fly open.

  Lauren ran into the room that was the bathroom, to see Craig drenched in water from the bathtub where he was placed. "Oh my god are you okay" Lauren to Craig and helped him up "I'm fine but where the hell are we" Craig asked as he wiped the water from his face "I don't know, i just woke up."

  Lauren brought Craig out into the main room and through him on the bed, she went to the desk across the room and got him a towel to dry up. "What are we going to do" Craig asked as he wrapped the towel around his body "I don't know but we have to think of something."

  Lauren ran over to the window and peered out it, all she could see was trees and darkness. "Come on we have to get out of here" Lauren said as she ran to Craig and grabbed his arm and ran to the door, they both pushed on the door but it wouldn't budge "what are we gonna do?" Craig asked.

  Lauren lifted her leg up and kicked the door as hard as she could but it only put a dent in it, she tried again but still no luck, she kept trying but it wouldn't open "Help me" Lauren said to Craig , Craig lifted his leg up as well and they both kicked the door as hard as they could, they kicked it one more time and BANG the door flew open.

  "Come on" Lauren grabbed Craig's hand and ran down the long dark hallway, they kept running through a maze of never ending hallways, suddenly they came to a door they were happy to see EXIT printed on a big metal door, they were both ready to jump through the door, until they heard a voice come from down the hall, "Help me somebody", they wanted to ignore the voice and keep running but they couldn't, "we have to help him" Lauren said as she began to run down the hall.

  "Lauren what the hell are you doing" Craig questioned her but followed her down the hall. They ran to the middle of the hall where the voice was coming from, "Hello" Lauren called out "Oh my god is someone there".

  "Yes, now can you open the door" Lauren asked "No it's locked" "Okay well get back from the door"

  Lauren raised her leg up and slammed her foot on the middle of the door, "you just gonna stand there and look at me or are you gonna help" Lauren said to Craig. Craig raised his foot and they both kicked the door, one more they kicked it and it flew open revealing a told man with a scruffy looking beard, he looked about 20, "Come on" Lauren said as she ran back down the hall. Lauren ran as fast as she could followed by Craig and the man.

  They all got to the EXIT and were about burst through it but they stopped for a quick breath, "so what's your name" Craig asked "Jamie, my name is Jamie" he replied "Nice to meet you, I'm Craig this is Lauren." "We don't have time for introductions," Lauren said as she grabbed Craig's hand and ran into the stairwell. The light sensors turned on lighting up the dark stairwell, they ran down the stairs as fast as they could.

  They reached the bottom of the stairs but were stopped in there tracks by the sound of a woman screaming "Get back here". "RUN!!!" Jamie screamed as he burst through. Lauren and Craig both followed Brandon into the darkness.

  They ran into the carpark and they kept running as fast as they could. "Jamie, the RV over there" Lauren screamed as she pointed to the RV. Jamie was the first to reach the RV, he quickly opened it and suddenly a corpse jumped at Jamie causing him to fall on the concrete, the corpses bit into his throat causing blood to splather everywhere, Lauren and Craig stopped running and were frozen with shock, "Jamie!!!" Craig screamed "come on we have to go" Lauren said as she began to run. Craig began to run, catching up with Lauren they ran as fast as they could, not looking back, not stopping for a second. The muffled screams from Jamie filled the car park and suddenly silence.

  Lauren and Craig ran into the pitch black forest, not being able they still kept running, running into the unknown, running into possible death.

  Chapter 8

  :Rebecca and Ethan:

  Ethan was frozen in fear as a gun was being pointed directly at his face. Rebecca jumped up from ground and was ready to attack until she seen the gun, "what the hell do you want" Ethan asked "I want food, that's all I want" the woman said with a sinister grin. "You're fucking insane" Rebecca spat at her "and once I'm finished with you two I'll have your friends."

  "Wait there here" Rebecca asked with a worrying tone "you know Jack is very rude, breaking my windows and all but I toke care of him." Fear covered Rebecca and Ethan's face, "just let us go please" Ethan pleaded "Why should I, you ruined my dinner."

  The woman squared up to Rebecca and looked her dead in the eyes and said "you look very very tasty" Rebecca tried to holed her tears back as those words ran through her spine.

  The woman backed up, still looking her in the eyes, she lifted the gun in her had and struck Rebecca in her temple causing her to fall on the floor. Rebecca's vision was blurry, she could hear Ethan fighting with the woman and the BANG the sound of a gun rang through her ears.

  :Lauren and Craig:

  "Hurry" Craig shouted as he waited for Lauren to catch up with him "we have to stop" Lauren said trying to catch her breath, "we'll find a place to stop but now we need to run" Craig said as he grabbed Lauren's arm and pulled get through the trees.

  They started to run faster and faster as the adrenaline took over, Craig's foot hit a branch on the ground causing him to fall.

  "Lauren!!" Craig called out, Lauren turned around and ran up to him until she was stopped my a corpse that ran over to Craig. The corpse jumped on Craig and was trying to bit him but Craig was trying to block him "Lauren help me!!" Craig begged for help, Lauren was frozen in fear.

  Lauren over came her fear and ran to Craig, "hey!!" She called out to get the corpses attention, the corpse look up at her and Lauren kicked her foot into the corpse face causing it fall off of Craig, she put her hand out for Craig to grab "come on" she said as she pulled him up from the dirt. As the sounds of the dead came closer their feet moved faster and faster.

  They couldn't hear anything, the silence was thick in the air." Okay let's take a rest for a few
minutes" Craig said as he tried to get his breath back. Lauren dropped down on the ground and fell onto a tree to rest her leg "is this what are lives are now, just running" Lauren said as a tear fell from her eyes "we have to find the others, Jack was with us in the RV he must be in that place" Lauren jumped to her feet, she turned to the direction they came and was about to sprint forward but suddenly she Craig tugged her arm back "we can't just run back there it's not safe, we need a plan" Craig said as he let go of her arm " your right we need a plan."

  "Wait what's that" Lauren said as she seen something in the corner of her eye, she turned around to see what was a wooden structure, Lauren began walking forward to see what it was "Lauren what the hell are you doing" Craig said trying to catch up with her. She ignored him as the image became more recognizable.

  Lauren brushed the tree branches away to reveal an old hunting cabin. Lauren ran for the door followed my Craig, they both knocked on the old "knock knock" no answer, they slowly pushed the door open, revealing a large open room, fitted with a couch, a TV and a rug in the middle. Lauren walked in leaving Craig on the door step "Lauren what are you doing? You don't know who could be in there" Craig said as he went to pull her back outside "it doesn't look like anyone's been here in years" Lauren said dodging Craig's hand.

  Lauren walked over to the couch and jumped on it, she was ready to pass out from exhaustion. Craig plopped down on the couch right beside Lauren, "I have to ask you something, why does Jack hate you so much??" Lauren asked out of curiosity, "it was something I did a long time ago, something I wish I never did" Craig said getting up from the chair trying to burry the question, "I'm gonna look around" he said as he walked through a door at the far end of the room.

  Lauren sat on the chair alone, left with her thoughts. she started thinking about her sister, about how she was dead. Tears started falling from her eyes, she tried to stop but they just kept coming and coming, like a tsunami of grief. She kept wiping them away but they would just keep coming back.


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