25 The jumble of memories: Interviews with Joe Cotterill, Joyce Cotterill, Steve Metcalf and Estelle Horne.
26 The stench of cooking began to annoy him: Interview with Joe Cotterill.
27 Next his memory: Interview with Joyce Cotterill.
28 He’d tried to memorize the passage: Ibid.
29 The camp underwent more turmoil: Langdon Gilkey, Shantung Compound.
30 Amid that sordid and unedifying tussle: Interview with Steve Metcalf.
31 The cheery masquerade: Annie Buchan, BBC interview.
32 ‘One day he told me he couldn’t see the future’: Ibid.
33 He had begun to look over and across his life: Interview with Joe Cotterill.
34 Liddell was weakened still further: Ibid.
35 The internee who discovered Liddell gathered him up: Interview with Desmond Power, and information from Yvonne Finlay, whose husband Douglas carried EL.
36 In the beginning Liddell was advised: Interview with Joe Cotterill.
37 He also confessed to Cotterill’s fiancée: Jeannie Hills, BBC interview, not broadcast.
38 The seriousness of his illness: Annie Buchan archive. Also, interviews with Joe Cotterill and Joyce Cotterill.
39 The following Sunday: Norman Cliff, Courtyard of the Happy Way. Also, interview with Peter Bazire.
40 He then took tea: Interview with Joe Cotterill.
41 One Chefoo pupil saw him: Recollections of David Michell.
42 Early in the evening Liddell received his usual visitor: Interview with Joyce Cotterill.
43 His second stroke: Annie Buchan, BBC interview.
44 Buchan was the only witness: Ibid., and Annie Buchan archive.
45 Nature’s timing is sometimes impeccable: Interviews with Joyce Cotterill, Joe Cotterill, Steve Metcalf and Estelle Horne.
46 One of them secretly kept a pocket diary: Marcy Ditmanson (OMS Outreach Magazine, November/December 1988); passage read to me by Joyce Cotterill.
47 Without its older brother: Interview with Joe Cotterill.
48 The doctors … quickly found the cause: Ibid., and Annie Buchan, BBC interview, not broadcast.
49 Annie Buchan had one last duty: Ibid., and interview with Joyce Cotterill.
50 It was called ‘one of the most moving events’: Recollections of A. P. Cullen.
51 The ice storm had frozen the topsoil: Interview with Steve Metcalf.
52 Liddell’s rectangular casket: Ibid.
53 The construction was so fragile: Ibid., and also with Estelle Horne.
54 Metcalf knew the details of the day: Interview with Steve Metcalf.
55 Three weeks later a crate appeared: Interview with Joe Cotterill.
56 Florence and the children: Interviews with EL’s daughters.
57 A month before the shattering news reached her: BBC interview, not broadcast.
58 ‘It never crossed my mind’: Ibid.
59 The house began to fill with family: Interview with Patricia Liddell.
60 Florence said that even after the shock had left her: BBC interview, not broadcast.
61 The internees frantically brought out flags: Interviews with Mary Previte and Steve Metcalf.
62 The camp settled into a fresh routine: Ibid.
63 It was late October: Red Cross messages: Interviews with EL’s daughters.
64 After reading them in the camp, A. P. Cullen was convinced: Letter to Florence Liddell.
1 The daughter Eric Liddell never met: I travelled to Canada to interview Patricia, Heather and Maureen in August 2014.
2 D. P. Thomson, who had described his own life: Diaries of D. P. Thomson.
3 Annie Buchan was among those missionaries: BBC interviews, and my interview with Margaret Buchan, Annie’s niece.
4 Aubrey Grandon died in 1990: Interview with Doreen Grandon, Aubrey’s widow.
5 Harold Abrahams dwelt on his rival: M. Ryan, Running with Fire.
6 Liddell was the mentor: Interview with Steve Metcalf.
7 Eileen Soper remained a spinster: D. Hart Davis, Wildings.
8 Florence Liddell didn’t need a painting: Interviews with EL’s daughters, and BBC interview, not broadcast.
9 Button-holed by a pushy interviewer: The interviewer was R. E. Knowles of the Toronto Star, 9 July 1932 (see also 5 August 1932).
Aberdeen Journal (26 July 1924; 3 and 6 September 1939; 13 August 1940; 5 May 1945)
Appleton Post Crescent (11 July 1924)
Atlanta Constitution (12 July 1924)
Athletics News (14 July 1924)
Athletics Weekly (October 1934)
Bakersfield Californian (29 July 1937)
Baptist Times (7 and 14 September 2000)
Boca Raton News (14 January 1983)
Boston Daily Globe (4 March 1924; 22 and 26 April 1924; 7 May 1924; 5 June 1924; 11 July 1924; 5 June 1925; 12 May 1945)
Bridgeport Telegram (19 March 1928)
Brooklyn Daily Eagle (8 May 1928)
Chicago Tribune (5, 11, 12 and 20 July 1924)
Christian Science Monitor (15 April 1922; 29 June 1922; 12 July 1922; 11 July 1923; 2 August 1923; 23 July 1924; 10 January 1925; 19 March 1925; 26 August 1925; 7 December 1927)
Chronicle-Telegram (24 April 2005)
Church Times (11 November 1988)
Collier’s Weekly (5 May 1928; 23 April 1932)
Daily Chronicle (7, 22 and 23 July 1924)
Daily Express (22 and 28 July 1924; 11 June 2013)
Daily Graphic (27 May 1924)
Daily Herald (4 July 1923)
Daily Mail (27 December 1921; 5 February 1923; 14 March 1923; 2, 5, 6 and 24 July 1923; 7 August 1923; 27 October 1923; 31 May 1924; 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19, 21, 23, 27 and 28 July 1924; 4 and 9 August 1924; 14 January 1926; 16 February 1926; 13 March 1926; 26 July 1928; 21 January 1930; 17 July 1977; 3 February 1981; 31 March 1984; 7 May 1988; 4 June 1988; 15 August 2008)
Daily Mirror (13 August 1924; 7 August 2008)
Daily News (19 and 23 July 1924)
Daily Notes (10 March 1927)
Daily Record (12, 13, 20, 21, 23 and 24 June 1923; 12, 14, 22, 23, 24 and 25 July 1924; 16 September 2008)
Daily Sketch (23 July 1924)
Daily Telegraph (8, 9 and 30 July 1923; 6 and 7 August 1923; 12, 14, 22, 23, 24 and 25 July 1924; 3, 4, 8, 9, 15, 20, 25 and 29 June 1925; 11, 14, 20, 21, 22 and 31 July 1937)
Dorset Life (August 2008)
Dundee Courier (1 June 1925; 17, 18 and 26 July 1924; 21 May 1925; 31 January 1931; 1 and 2 September 1931; 21 December 1939; 11 January 1946; 13 March 1950)
Dunkirk Evening Observer (23 May 1928)
Edinburgh Evening Times (24 July 1924; 29 June 1925)
Evening Citizen (20 January 1924; 7 February 1924; 12 and 14 July 1924)
Evening Dispatch (21 July 1924)
Evening Independent (19 May 1924)
Evening News (27 May 1924; 5 June 1924)
Evening Standard (8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16 and 22 July 1924)
Evening Telegraph (30 July 1923)
Field (17 July 1924)
Football Post (1, 8 and 22 September 1924)
Game (1989)
Glasgow Herald (12, 14, 22, 23, 24 and 25 July 1924; 3 January 1992; 11 and 15 August 2007; 15 February 2008; 23 November 2009; 24 September 2011)
Gloucester Citizen (23 and 30 July 1923)
Gloucester Journal (4 August 1923)
Good Housekeeping (July 1923)
Guardian (28 May 1920; 22 May 1923; 4 May 1924; 17 July 1924; 3 August 1924; 4 January 1925; 4 and 26 February 1925; 7 April 1925; 7, 29 and 31 May 1925; 25 August 1925; 26, 28 and 29 March 1927; 9 April 1928; 14 May 1928; 16 August 1929; 6 June 1930; 2 December 1930; 4 August 1931; 1 September 1931; 7 October 1931; 27 July 1937; 2, 14 and 17 August 1937; 27 and 29 September 1937; 2 October 1937; 11 May 1945; 13 September 1960; 8 October 1981; 6 October 1990; 8 and 9 June 1991; 9 March 1998; 5 July 1999; 14 October 1999;
9 December 1999; 25 October 2003; 4 January 2012)
Hamilton Evening Journal (25 March 1927)
Hartford Courant (12 July 1924)
Herald Zeitung (1 July 1999)
Hi-Desert Star (2 December 2000)
Illustrated London News (31 May 1924)
Irish Times (12 and 19 July 1924)
Lancashire Evening Post (4 September 1939)
Le Athlétisme (May 1982; March 1983; May 1984)
Le Gaulois (7 January 1924; 25 April 1924; 10, 12 and 15 July 1924; 22 August 1984)
Le Populaince (21 January 1924)
Le Temps (13 July 1924)
Leader Magazine (26 May 1945)
Lebanon Daily News (31 March 1924)
Les Miroirs des Sports (5, 12 and 19 July 1924)
Life (October 1981)
Life of Faith (30 July 1924)
Lincoln Evening Journal (18 May 1928)
Lincoln State Journal (26 July 1924; 18 May 1928)
Literary Digest (26 July 1924; 2 and 30 August 1924)
London Gazette (21 October 1924)
Los Angeles Times (22 March 1924; 10 and 12 July 1924; 13 May 1928; 11 November 1945)
Manchester Evening News (24, 26 and 28 July 1924)
Modern Maturity (April–May 1983)
Modesto Bee (15 June 1934)
Morning Post (24 June 1924; 7, 11, 12 and 14 July 1924)
Motherwell Times (12 and 19 December 1924)
New Castle News (24 April 1924)
New Statesman (26 July 1924)
New York Herald Tribune (25 and 27 April 1924; 5 May 1924; 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13 and 14 July 1924)
New York Times (13 July 1924; 20 March 1927; 4, 8, 11, 12 and 13 July 1937; 2 July 2005)
News of the World (13, 20 and 27 July 1924)
North China Marine (May 1946)
North West Arkansas Times (29 July 1937)
Nottingham Evening Post (9 June 1924)
Observer (29 June 2008)
Olean Evening Times (26 April 1924)
Ottawa Journal (30 June 1939)
Outlook (22 July 1925; 14 August 1926)
Peterhead Congregational Church Magazine (Summer 2012; Autumn 2012; Christmas 2012; Summer 2013; Scottish Week Special, 2013; Autumn 2013; Christmas 2013; Easter 2014)
Referee (20, 21 and 28 July 1924)
San Bernardino Daily (12 and 18 July 1924; 24 November 1924)
Scotsman (11 March 1924; 14, 19 and 23 July 1924; 12 December 1925; 7 July 1930; 1 October 1931; 19 May 1945)
South China Morning Post (4 May 2008)
Southern Reporter (2 June 2012)
Sporting Chronicle (4 and 19 June 1924)
Sporting Life (9 and 11 July 1923; 30 May 1924; 23 June 1924; 10, 22 and 30 July 1924)
Sportsman (30 May 1924; 21 and 23 July 1924)
Stage (26 April 1924)
Straits Times (2 November 1931)
Sunday Chronicle (25 May 1924; 18 and 25 July 1924)
Sunday Mail (28 June 1925; 12 August 2007)
Sunday Post (31 May 1925; 28 June 1931)
Sunday Telegraph (27 August 2000)
Sunday Times (13 July 1924; 19 April 1925; 6 September 1925; 8 March 1981; 12 February 1989; 14 June 1992; 23 June 1996; 14 July 1996; 1 August 1999; 4 June 2000)
Time (14, 21 and 29 July 1924)
The Journal (12, 13 and 14 July 1924)
The Times (29 May 1922; 7 January 1923; 25 May 1923; 8 and 9 July 1923; 6 and 7 August 1923; 12, 14, 22 and 25 July 1924; 20 and 25 June 1925; 22 December 1930; 6 May 1931; 10 and 16 July 1931; 17 August 1931; 3, 9, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22 and 29 September 1931; 6 and 17 October 1931; 30 November 1931; 4 May 1932; 5 October 1933; 9, 11, 19 and 20 April 1934; 16 June 1934; 10, 11, 14, 20, 21, 22 and 31 July 1937; 10 and 26 August 1937; 1 April 1943; 7 July 1956; 23 July 1958; 13 September 1960; 20 May 1973; 16 January 1978; 2 and 3 April 1981; 6 March 1982; 13 May 1985; 9 January 1990; 30 October 1992; 4 January 1994; 28 April 2012)
Titusville Herald (19 July 1991)
Toronto Star (7 November 1923; 31 January 1924; 28 April 1924; 23 June 1924; 9, 15 and 28 July 1924; 9, 16 and 18 August 1924; 29 October 1924; 4 and 16 March 1925; 17 July 1925; 9 July 1932; 5 August 1932; 4 May 1945)
Washington Post (29 April 1924)
Western Gazette (21 July 1924)
Western Morning News (31 October 1939)
Winnipeg Evening Tribune (11 and 12 July 1924; 16 December 1924; 6 August 1925; 4 October 1940)
World Sports (January 1961)
Yorkshire Post (5 September 1939)
Abrahams, H., Sportsgraph (Young World, 1972)
Allen, F. L., Only Yesterday: An Informal History of the 1920s (Wiley, 1997)
Anon., The Olympics, From Athens to Athens (Weidenfeld, 2008)
Anon., What is the Oxford Group? (Oxford University Press, 1933)
Auden, W. H. and Isherwood, C., Journey to a War (Faber, 1939)
Begbie, H., Life Changers (Booksurge Publishing, 2009)
Benge, G. and Benge, J., Eric Liddell: Something Greater than God (YAM, 1998)
Broomhall, A. J., Hudson Taylor and China’s Open Century (Hodder, 1982)
Brown, G., Wartime Courage (Bloomsbury, 2008)
Bruce, J. W. G., Birds in the Fowlers’ Net (privately published, 1985)
Caughey, E., Eric Liddell: Gold Medal Missionary (Barbour Publishing, 2000)
Chang, I., The Rape of Nanking (Basic Books, 1997)
Chang, J. and Halliday, J., Mao: The Unknown Story (Knopf, 2005)
Chapman, J., Past and Present: National Identity and the British Historical Film (I. B. Tauris, 2005)
Craigh, W., The Fall of Japan (Dial Press, 1967)
Dobbs, B., Edwardians at Play (Pelham, 1973)
Dyreson, M., Making the American Team: Sport, Culture and the Olympic Experience (University of Illinois Press, 1997)
Feldon, M., Children of the Camps (Pen and Sword, 2011)
Fleming, P., News from Tartary (Cape, 1936)
Fleming, P., To Peking (Tauris Parke, 2009)
Gibson, M. R., An Intrepid Woman: The Odyssey of Dorothy McLorn (Matador, 2009)
Gilbert, M., Churchill: A Life (Heinemann, 1991)
Goldsmith, E., God Can Be Trusted (OM, 1984)
The Guide to Track and Field Literature, 1275–1968 (Athletics Arena, 1969)
Gunther, J., Inside Asia (Hamish Hamilton, 1939)
Gunther, J., Procession (Harper & Row, 1965)
Hanson, A. J., Expatriate Paris (Arcade, 2012)
Hulme, D. C., Tientsin (Iumix, 2002)
Jocelyn, E. and McEwan, A., The Long March (Constable, 2006)
Jones, E. S., The Christ of the Mount (Hodder, 1931)
Kerr, D. and Kuehn, J. (eds), A Century of Travels in China (Hong Kong University Press, 2007)
Landon, C., Classic Moments of Athletes (Moorland Publishing, 1982)
Lean, G., Frank Buchman: A Life (Constable, 1985)
Leck, G., The Japanese Internment of Allied Civilians in China and Hong Kong, 1941–45 (Shandy Press, 2006)
Lovesey, P., The Official History of the AAA (Guinness, 1979)
Lucas, J., 1930s (Harper Press, 1978)
Magnusson, S., The Flying Scotsman (Quartet, 1981)
Malcolm, K. T., We Signed Away Our Lives (InterVarsity Press, 1990)
Malies, J., Sporting Doubles (Robson, 1998)
Mead, R., Churchill’s Lions (Spellmount, 1997)
Meyer, H. A., Athletics by Members of the Achilles Club (Dent, 1955)
Morgan, T., FDR: A Biography (Grafton, 1981)
Nicholson, A., Among the Bohemians (Viking, 2002)
Osborne, F., Lilla’s Feast (Transworld, 2004)
Payton, J. and Spencer, B., Champions in the Making (Pelham, 1969)
Philip, R., Scottish Sporting Legends (Mainstream, 2012)
Philips, M. and Hadden, M., Behind Stone Walls and Barbed Wire (BMA, 1991)
Pugh, M., We Danced All Night: A Social History of Britain Betwe
en the Wars (Bodley Head, 2008)
Robler, J., Henry Luce: His Life, Times and Fortune (Macdonald, 1965)
Shearman, M., Athletics (publisher unknown, 1901)
Swift, Catherine, Men of Faith: Eric Liddell (Marshall Morgan and Scott, 1990)
Taylor, A. J. P., The Oxford History of England, 1914–1945 (Oxford University Press, 1965)
Taylor, D. J., On the Corinthian Spirit (Yellow Jersey, 2006)
Taylor, H., Early Years, Vol. 1 (CIM, 1911)
Taylor, J., The Struggle for Modern China (Harvard University Press, 2001)
Thompson, E. T. (ed.), Theodore White at Large (Pantheon, 1992)
Tuchman, B. W., Sand Against the Wind: Sitwell and the American Experience in China 1911–45 (Macmillan, 1970)
Tyrer, N., Stolen Childhoods (Weidenfeld, 2011)
Walker, C., A Legacy of Scots (Mainstream, 1988)
Watkins, P., Eric Liddell: Born to Run (JM Books, 1993)
Williamson, D., Chariots to China (Goodwill, 1991)
Wilson, J., Complete Surrender: A Biography of Eric Liddell (Monarch, 2012)
Witt, R., A Lifetime of Training for Just Ten Seconds (Bloomsbury, 2012)
Wotherspoon, I., The Scots and China (CreateSpace, 2013)
Wright, G., Olympic Greats (Queen Anne Press, 1980)
Ziegler, P., King Edward VIII (Collins, 1990)
Sporting Witness (BBC World Service, 2011); The Real Chariots of Fire (ITV1, 2012); The Flying Scotsman (BBC, 1984); BBC Radio Tweed: Interview with Jenny Liddell; I Knew Eric Liddell (drama, BBC, 1954); Stories from History: Eric Liddell (BBC, 1956); The Story of Eric Liddell, Olympic Champion, Man of Courage (DVD, Day of Discovery, 2011).
The page references in this index correspond to the printed edition from which this ebook was created. To find a specific word or phrase from the index, please use the search feature of your ebook reader.
Abrahams, Harold 8, 10, 11i, 55–6, 74, 79, 83, 90, 91, 94, 107, 113, 115, 119, 275, 285
and EHL 56–7, 315
and Olympic uniform 66
and Paris Olympics 56–7
200m 85–6
wins 100m 83–4, 85–6
on donations 147
Achilles Club 76
Alec Nelson, AAA on 146
Alice in Wonderland (school play), EHL as Dormouse 39
All Sports Illustrated Weekly 72, 146
Amateur Athletic Association
For the Glory Page 41