personality/faith 271–3, 276–7
gives Metcalf shoes 291–2
prayer hour 242
preaching 3, 8
Weihsien children on 265
working for others 240–3
teaching sports 266–7
dies in Weihsien hospital 295
grave 300i, 304–5
mourning/funeral 297–300
daughters visit Weifang monument 313
faith/personality 39, 40–1, 42–3, 151–2, 159–60, 178–9, 217–18, 224–8, 321–2
Discipleship 226–8, 272, 284, 295
Disciplines of the Christian Life 226, 321
and ‘Be Still My Soul’ 196, 284, 294, 298, 307
and Sermon on the Mount 151–2, 227–8, 272, 298
and Sunday races 9, 64, 66–73, 74, 77, 90, 268–9
‘baton of forgiveness’ 315–16
impressions of 8
and young people 7–8
on education 179
legacy 313–17
monument, Weifang 4, 14–15
writing; anthologizing 225–6
see also in Weihsien POW camp
Liddell, Ernest (EHL’s brother) 39, 160
volunteers for army 207
Liddell, Florence 200–1
early life 160–9, 161i
on EHL 163–4
teaching Sunday School 160–1
with EHL in Toronto 166i
nursing training 162, 166–7
marries EHL 167–9
wedding photos 168–9i
LMS separation from EHL 180–1, 194, 204
reunited on UK furlough 207–8
Liverpool convoy attacked 208–9
and family return from furlough 210
pregnant 1941 213
takes children to Toronto 217–19, 219– 20
home, Toronto 302i
wartime contact with EHL 224
letters 278–80, 280i, 296i, 305–6, 313
and daughters, portrait 223–4, 223i, 310
and EHL’s death 300–3
after EHL’s death 318–20
and Chariots of Fire 319
and Pathé Paris 400m film 320
marries Murray Hall 1951 319
daughters’ memories 317
see also MacKenzie, Florence Jean
Liddell, Heather 310, 311i, 170
and EHL death 301
LMS separation from EHL 204
sail for Canada 219–20
on EHL death 313
Liddell, James Dunlop (JDL, EHL’s father) 29–40
dedication 151–2
marries Mary 31i
at EHL’s ordination 30i
with baby EHL 33i
in Siaochang 33–40
in Tientsin 32–3
reunited at Peitaiho 134–6, 136i
visits UK 36–7, 39–40
on local conditions 132–3
in Scotland recuperating stroke 152–3
LMS compulsorily retires 157
marriage as partnership 159–60
photography 151
death 158, 278
Liddell, Jenny (Janet, EHL’s sister) 36, 47, 129, 162
as child 34i
married to Charles Somerville 207
spared boarding school 39–40
Liddell, Mary (EHL’s mother) 29–40
at EHL’s ordination 30i
marries JDL 31i
health 35
marriage as partnership 159–60
death 278
Liddell, Maureen 220, 279
as child with sisters, 311i
mourners speak of 297, 310–11
on EHL 309, 310–13
Liddell, Patricia 170, 254–5, 279, 310, 311i
LMS separation from EHL 204
to Canada 219–20
and EHL’s death 301, 313
Liddell, Ria (Rob’s wife) 124, 134, 136i
Liddell, Rob (EHL’s brother) 32, 46
as child 34i, 37i
at Eltham College 37i, 37–40, 42
sports champion 39
leaves for Shanghai 124
rebuilding Siaochang hospital 148
Siaochang journey 180, 182–8
arrival 188, 189i
report on river journey 180–8
son born 1930 170
remains in UK 208
Life of Faith, on EHL and Sundays 71
Literary Digest 113
Livingstone, Dr Henry 10
Loch Lomond 29
London Evening News 104
London Missionary Society (LMS) 35, 36, 41, 132–4, 152, 153, 155, 234
and EHL separation from family 180–1, 204, 205–6
compulsorily retires James Liddell 157
EHL’s letters from Siaochang 196, 201–4
expects EHL in Canada 229
forbids Florence to travel to Siaochang 180–1
ignores war hazards 217, 218
redistributes missionaries 213
urges EHL to transfer to Siaochang 171–2
vetting marriage partners 165
Long March 175
Lord’s Day Observance Society 70
Lowe, Douglas 56, 60–1, 81, 83, 108, 113, 115, 147
Luce, Henry 7
Lungyan, missionaries killed 153
Lynn, Vera, ‘There’ll Always Be An England’ 220
MacKenzie, Agnes 160
MacKenzie, Florence Jean see Liddell, Florence
MacKenzie, Hugh 160, 161, 224
Mackintosh, Charles Rennie 10
Mallin, Harry 102
Manchuria, taken by Japan 1931 174
Mao Zedong 131, 174, 175
Marco Polo Bridge 176
Marinellis, Alex 270
Marshall, Arthur 61, 77, 81, 94, 100, 115
Martin, George R. R., Game of Thrones 173
Mary, Queen, buys Soper RA picture 125
Masefield, John 126
massage, and athletics 23, 28
May Fourth Movement 131
McEwan Hall, Edinburgh 105–6
McKerchar, Eric Liddell 124, 210i
McKerchar, Tom 274, 310
as coach 19–29, 40–3, 61, 68, 113, 121, 124, 148, 150
and family 210i
and EHL 22i, 26, 28–9, 40–3, 57
400m preparation 74–5, 77–8, 79, 81
death 210
McKinley, William 103
Metcalf, Steve 267i
EHL gives shoes 291–2
on EHL 266–9, 304–5
EHL’s funeral 298, 299
EHL’s ‘baton of forgiveness’ 315–16
EHL’s last race 286, 287
Miranda, Carmen 252
and Boxer Rebellion 29, 31–3, 34
extremist 259–60
repatriation prospects fail 228–9
sent to camps 229
targeted by nationalist bandits 153–5, 156–7
see also Weihsien camp; specific people
Moakley, Jack, on EHL 88, 92
Moderne [hotel] Place de la Republique 66
Mongolia, JDL missionary in 29–32
Montana, Joe 285
Moore, Henry, Adam and Eve 256
Morningside Congregational Church 40–1
Morton, Thomas, Speed the Plough 70
Mount Fuji 220
Muhammad Ali 12
Munich Agreement 198, 205
music and athletics 21
Mussabini, Sam 22, 74, 78, 86, 91, 94, 96
Muybridge, Eadweard James 23
Japanese atrocities 180
National Government 173
Nationalist guerrillas, and Weihsien escapees 281
Nelson, Alec 23, 56, 60–1, 114
New York Herald Tribune 97
New York Times 12, 102, 147, 203, 173
news/misinformation, Weihsien 251–3
News of the World 75
Nitta Maru, Florence and chi
ldren sail for Canada 219–20, 311
Noel-Baker, Philip 61, 77, 81, 109, 114, 115
on 146–7
North Berwick 62
North China Championships 155
Number Two Middle School, Weifang 6
nuns, in Weihsien 238–9
Nurmi, Paavo 89, 107, 109, 150, 275
Olympic games
and nationalism 107–8
London 1908 68
Paris 1900 101–2
Stockholm 1912 61, 104
Olympic games 1924, Paris 1–2
400m 88–96, 96i
Pathé newsreel 92–6, 112–13, 320
Abrahams and 56–7
atmosphere 79–80, 82, 102–3
conditions at 64–73
EHL and 53, 74–103
hostilities 102–3
marathon 90
opening ceremony 82–3
Orwell, George, Boys’ Weeklies 130
Osborn, Harold 89–90
Overseas Missionary Fellowship 315
Oxford Group 50
EHL and 156
Oxford History of England 121–2
Oxford Matriculation Exams, Weihsien 275
Paddock, Charley 86, 120
Paisley, EHL preaches 122
Paris Olympic games 1924 see Olympic games 1924
Pau-tong-fu British mission 32
Paxton 29
Pearl Harbor raid 218, 221–2
peasant homes, Siaochang 191–2
Peate, Ted 45–6
Peitaiho 204, 206
Cullen and Scarlett attacked 154–5
Liddell family at 134–6, 136i
MacKenzies’ holiday 162
Peking Chronicle 251, 253
Peking 5
diplomatic compound, Boxer siege 32
Japan captures 179
protests 135
Peltzer, Otto 258
and EHL 151
promoting German athletics 149–51
People’s Hospital, Weifang 6
Peterhead 134
photography, sequential/slow-motion 23
physiotherapy, and athletics 23
Pickford, Mary 85, 129
Pindaric ode for EHL 105
Pope Pius XII, declares priests & nuns Vatican citizens 264–5
Powderhall stadium 23, 24, 55, 78, 310
EHL’s preparation at 26–9, 40–3
Prinstein, Myer and Sunday Olympics heats 68
Qing dynasty 130
Red Army 174
Long March 175
Red Cross
EHL’s letters via 296i, 305–6, 313
food parcels 2, 282–3, 286, 290–1
messages 234
Reddin, Mary see Liddell, Mary
Reuters 101
Rice, Grantland
on Paris 400m 97–8
on sports showmen 111
Richards, Viv 12
Ritola, Ville 89
Robinson, Sir Harry Perry 103
Roman Catholic priests & nuns released 264–5
Roosevelt, Franklin D. 221, 222, 227, 251, 252
Royal Horticultural Show 13
rugby union, EHL and 57–9
Sabbatarians, and Sunday Olympics heats 67–73
Salvation Army band, Weihsien 273, 294, 304
Sam Mussabini, AAA on 146
Sassoon, Siegfried 65
Sassoon, Sir Philip 65
Scanlan, Father Patrick 281
and black market 260–5
on misinformation 251
Scarlett, Eric
at Anglo-Chinese College 138–9
killed at Peitaiho 154–5
Schlegel, Katharina von, ‘Be Still My Soul’ 196, 284, 294, 298, 307
Scholz, Jackson 84, 86, 94
Scotland, rugby union 57–9
Scots Kirk, Rue Bayard, EHL preaches 110
Scotsman, The 51, 59–60, 86, 100
Scott, Mary
on nationality irrelevant 291
on sight of B-24 Liberator 303
on sports 274
on Weihsien 238, 241, 243
Scott, Sir Walter 10
Scottish AAA Championships 1925 42, 78, 128, 155
Scottish Congregational Church, EHL confirmed 40
Scottish Congregational College 111
Scottish FA Cup 19
Scottish League Championship 19
Scottish National Portrait Gallery 310
Scout/Guide movement, Weihsien 275
Seaforth Highlanders, Thomson in 48–9
Sermon on the Mount 151–2, 227–8, 272, 298
Shackleton, Ernest 50
Shandong Province 14, 229, 310
Versailles Treaty hands to Japan 131
Weifang/Weihsien 1–8
see also Weihsien camp
dissidents killed by KMT 173–4
foreign police fire into crowd 132
Japan attacks 174–5
Japanese atrocities 179
JDL and Mary marry 29–31
Shaw, George Bernard
Androcles and the Lion 274
St Joan 129
Shekichen, missionaries killed 153
Siaochang 115
area as war zone 189–93, 196–7
Boxers and 34
Buchan on 141–4
EHL arrival 188–93
EHL’s & RL’s rail & river journey 180–8
EHL’s country evangelism 194–204
JDL family in 33–40
Japanese anti-British moves 198–200
LMS urges EHL transfer to 171–2
mission/hospital 189–90, 191
Japanese and 189–90
treats all alike 203
missionaries leave for Tientsin 211–12
unrest, LMS staff leave 148
Sibelius, Jean, Finlandia 196
Sick, Max, How to Become a Great Athlete 27–8, 150
Singapore, surrender 228
Sino-Japanese War 1894 176
Smith, Adam 10
Smithson, Forrest and Sunday Olympics heats 68–9
Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists see Boxer Rebellion
Soong Mei-ling 173
Soper, Eileen 77, 124–8, 159
EHL and 62–3, 63i
EHL portrait 125–6, 126i, 309–10, 316–17
verse to EHL 126–8
Soper, George 62, 124–5
South Manchurian Railway Celebrations 148–9
Spencer, Emerson ‘Bud’ 147, 148
Spenser, Edmund 198
Sporting Life, on EHL and Sundays 71
sportsmen, income potential 111–12
sportswear 1920s 21
SS Athenia, torpedoed 205
St Giles Cathedral 106
Stade Pershing, Paris 69
Stagg, Amos Alonzo 84–5, 92
Stallard, Henry 56, 60–1, 83, 115, 275
EHL on 107–9
Stamford Bridge 285
AAA Championships 1923 54–5, 56–8
US vs UK exhibition 119–21
Stein, Gertrude 80
Stenroos, Albin 89
Stevenson, Robert Louis 10
Stirling 29
Stockholm 1912 Olympic Games 61, 104
Stoke, triangular international 59–60
Stranks, Joyce 266, 273, 295
Streets Betting Act 1909 20
Studd, C. T., Heart of Africa Mission 45–6
Student, on EHL 55
Sun Tzu 178
Sun Yat-sen 130, 173
Sunday Chronicle 85
Sunday sports, EHL and 64, 66–73, 74, 77, 90, 268–9
Sutherland-Leveson-Gower, George 5th Duke 64
Swiss consul, and medicine for Weihsien 288–9
symphony orchestra, Weihsien 273
Ta Chiao, inn-owner 188
Talifu earthquake 130
Tatler 65
Taylor, A. J. P. 21
on UK, religious decline 121–4
Taylor, Coard 79,
84, 86–8, 92, 95, 96i, 107
Taylor, Herbert Hudson 260
Taylor, J. Hudson 260
Taylor, Mary 260
Tehchow, Liddells reach 183
theatre, Weihsien 274
Thomas, Edward 126
Thomson, Bobby 284, 285
Thomson, David Patrick (DP) 152, 161, 204, 205
and EHL 44–8, 45i, 49–53, 59, 109–10, 121–4, 128–30
depression 49–50
early life 48–9
on EHL 155, 164–5, 314
Thomson, Jamie 49
Thorpe, Jim 104
Tientsin 3
Anglo-Chinese College 115, 121
temporary closure 132
Cullen and Scarlett attacked 154–5
foreign concessions 136–7
James Liddell family in 32–3
Japan and
attacks 177
closes off foreign Concessions 222
missionaries and regulations 225
restricts country evangelism 221
takes 180
Min Yuan stadium 145–6
wealth and poverty 140–1
Tientsin Times, photo debacle 145
Tientsin Union Church 138
Tilden, Bill 111, 112
Time magazine 7, 172
Times, The 56, 102, 103, 132, 137, 153, 156, 169–70
Tipton, Laurence, escapes from Weihsien 281–2, 288
Liddell home 302i
United Church Office 224
traders, Weifang 6
Treaty of Tientsin 1860 32
Treaty of Versailles 131
Tsangchow 152, 183
Tung-chau American mission 32
Tunney, Gene 112
Tweedmouth, Lord 65
Union Church, Tientsin 160, 167
Literary and Social Guild 159
Union Free Church 44
United Kingdom
religious decline 121–4
wartime, EHL’s furlough 204–8
University of Pennsylvania motto 77, 107
Usher Hall, EHL meeting overflows 128
Vanity Fair 72
Verhoeven, Father Leonard, Weihsien camp plan 233i
warlords, CPC & KMT unite against 173
Washington, Booker T. 227
‘Way the World Wags’ 72–3
Webb, Beatrice, dissents 106
Webster, Tom, cartoon 12–13
Weifang 4–8
EHL monument, daughters visit 313
museum 14–15
Weihsien POW camp 1–4, 5, 6–8
conditions 230–49
commandant 237–8
accommodation 237
internees repair 239
daily life 243–9
guards & tenko 244–5
library 273
music 273–4
sports 253–4, 254i, 255–9, 268–9, 274
work organization 239–40
escapees 281–2
food 246–8, 282
black market/smuggling 249, 260–4, 281–2
Red Cross parcels 282–3
hospital 240, 292–5, 293i
backgrounds 236–7
health 275–7
modern survivors 310
reunions 314–15, 316
self management 238
For the Glory Page 43