Fate (Naughty Bits Book 1)

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Fate (Naughty Bits Book 1) Page 2

by Lea Hart

  Following her directions, he laid down and let her examine his knee. As her hands started moving over his skin, he gritted his teeth. God damn, her touch felt amazing. Closing his eyes, he began calculating an air-drop of a RIB from a C-130 because doing advanced math was the only thing that was going keep his mind out of the gutter.

  “Breathe, Chad; I’m not going to torture you and promise to handle you gently.”

  “I don’t mind if you get rough. Soft or hard, I’ll take what I can get.” When she snorted and lifted her hand away, he looked up. “Did I just say that out loud?”

  “Yes, and I’m going to assume that it was incompletely innocuous, and any hidden sexual innuendos were simply a misunderstanding.”

  “All right. If you buy it, then that’s what I’m selling.” Taking a deep breath, he crossed his arms over his chest and sealed his mouth shut. Best not to let anything else escape.

  He’d never been a subtle man and today wasn’t going to change that. He spoke plainly and said what was on his mind, and it had always worked in the environments he’d been in. Willa, however, was a whole new environment, and he should probably start filtering what he said so he didn’t scare her away. “I promise not to give you any trouble.”

  “That’s helpful to know, though I wasn’t really expecting any.”

  “Good, because I plan on being your best patient.” She nodded in response and her ponytail brushed against his leg, giving him more pleasure than he was ready for and a lot of dirty ideas.

  Ideas that involved him fisting her hair as he drove himself in and out of her tight heat.

  Immediately drunk with desire, he realized it had ahold of him as every feeling in his body was about the primal irresistible urge to mate. Sitting up abruptly, he moved away from her hands and swallowed loudly.

  “Did I hurt you?”

  Feeling like a grade-A asshole, he responded, “No, just a twinge.” It was a lie, of course, but she didn’t need to know that he was a damn animal ready to imprint himself on her skin.

  Letting out a breath, she grinned. “I try not to torture my patients on the first day, but I guess I’m making an exception in your case.”

  He watched her lift a folder and then write some notes. As far as he could tell, this whole thing was going to be torture. The kind he looked forward to. “Do whatever you feel is necessary.”

  “I usually do,” she said with a grin.

  “I look forward to it.” Their eyes locked and the energy that passed between them suggested whatever they had in front of them was going to be not only hot as hell but damn fun.

  Something he’d never had before.

  Seemed Willa Foret was not only going to help him get cleared for active duty but quite possibly be the thing he’d been searching for.


  Willa sat on her couch and stared at the mountain of folders she’d brought home and wondered if she was ever going to get a handle on the endless amount of forms that Uncle Sam required. Lifting Chad’s chart off the pile, she glanced at the notes she’d made and knew he had a great chance of being cleared for active duty within a matter of weeks.

  Going through the pages of his medical history, she noted the many injuries he’d sustained over the years, and thought he was a lot like Humpty Dumpty. He’d been put back together over and over again, and this latest knee surgery was probably the easiest thing he’d faced in his ten years on the boats.

  Setting the folder down, she picked up another and started checking off the endless boxes and found her mind wandering immediately back to Chad and how attractive she found him. Big, bad warriors had never been her thing, but that might be changing.

  He’d certainly been flirty during their session, and it had left her with a bubbly excited feeling that had lasted all afternoon. Maybe that was just his way, though, and there was no reason that his behavior indicated any real interest.

  Tempering her excitement, she decided not to make more of it than there was. For all she knew, he acted that way with every woman he came into contact with. Best thing she could do was be cool and make sure she kept her professional manners in place.

  Going back to the forms, she started checking off boxes and then heard a knock on the door. Moving the file back to the stack, she stood and hoped it wasn’t someone selling something. Unless it was Girl Scout cookies. Those girls were always welcome at her door.

  Looking through the peephole, she saw a blue T-shirt and wondered if it was Chad. Pulling her sweater closed, she opened the door and grinned. “Chad, do you moonlight as a pizza delivery man?”

  Holding up the box, he nodded. “I do for you and thought we could have dinner together.”

  Stepping back, she swung the door open and watched him breeze in. “I can’t say no to hot pizza, so come on in.”

  He gave her a wink as he set the box down on the counter. “Feel free to give me the full list of things you can’t resist, so I can get started on them right away.”

  Laughing, she reminded herself not to take his flirting personally. “I’ll be keeping that list to myself until I know you can be trusted.”

  “Oh, honey, you can more than trust me.”

  “Said no man who could be…ever.” Walking past him into her tiny kitchen, she noticed he was freshly showered. His hair was wet, and his soapy man smell filled her lungs as she swooned silently.

  So much for resisting and ignoring.

  Giving herself a ten-second stern lecture, she pulled open the cupboard. “Have a seat, and I’ll grab some plates.” She watched him walk around the island and slowly lower himself onto a stool. “How is your knee?”

  “It’s great, and I plan on following your orders, so I can not only make you happy but make a full recovery.”

  “Very proud of you.”

  “Anything to put a smile on your face,” he replied, giving her a devilish grin.

  “I can’t tell if you’re the best-behaved man or one looking for trouble.”

  “If you’re trouble, then it’s exactly what I’m looking for.”

  Squaring her shoulders, she decided to give him some sass back and see how he coped with it. “I think you might be a big talker and couldn’t handle my trouble on your best day.”

  Slapping the counter, he let out a snort. “I can handle whenever you’ve got.” He leaned forward and crooked his finger, motioning her closer.

  Sniffing, she shook her head. “I learned long ago not to get close to a gator, and you, sir, remind me of the hungry ones in the Atchafalaya Swamp.”

  “Babe, I’m no gator.”


  He crossed his arms and raised his eyebrow. “Absolutely, because when I get a hold of you, I plan on taking a hundred bites and not just one or two.”

  Leaning back against the counter, she studied him and tried to decide if he meant it or was just saying outrageous shit to get a reaction. When she couldn’t decide either way, she turned around and grabbed two plates. Sliding them across the counter, she gave him a smile. “Is this a regular thing with all your new neighbors?”

  Frowning, he shook his head. “No!”

  Nodding, she pushed a stack of napkins over. “Just trying to figure out what’s going on.”

  He sat back and crossed his arms. “I haven’t had too many thoughts today that don’t include you, and I’m here to find out what that means. I brought you dinner, so we could spend time together and get to know one another.” He unfolded his arms and moved his hand between them. “Nothing like this has ever happened to me, and so I don’t plan on going anywhere until I can understand it.”


  “I know it’s crazy, but I’m okay with that.”

  Not knowing how to respond, she turned around and opened the fridge. “Would you like a beer, wine, or a soda?”

  “I’ll have a beer, please.”

  She noticed the smile that accompanied his response and wondered if maybe he had a crazy that would fit hers. She handed him a
beer and then filled a glass with wine and took a sip. The bubbly feeling was back, and she had no idea what to do. A man had never stated his intentions so clearly, and she was well outside her comfort zone. She walked around and took her own seat and felt the heat from Chad’s leg pressing against hers.

  She watched him turn and knew instantly what it felt like to be prey. His beautiful brown eyes were focused, his body was on alert, and if she wasn’t mistaken, he had her in his sights. “I think…”

  He pressed his mouth to hers, and her words disappeared as their lips met. His large hands held hers as her heart thudded loudly against her chest. Giving in, she fell into the kiss.

  It wasn’t chaste.

  It wasn’t innocent either.

  But it felt honest and mind-blowing. His mouth devoured hers, and she followed the pleasure they were both chasing. A moan vibrated through her body, and his hands tightened.


  One kiss and he had her completely under his control.

  Whatever he asked, she’d probably give.

  Pulling back, she felt her heart race as his head rested against hers. “Well…”

  “Just the beginning,” he said quietly.

  “Oh, Lawd, what in the world is going to happen?”

  “Us,” he replied as he sat up. “Nothing we can do to stop this, so maybe we just hang on and pray we survive.”

  She moved her hair off her shoulder and let out a breath. “I’m not sure…”

  “Time to eat,” he said as he opened the pizza box and slid a piece of pizza onto her plate.

  “You just cranked up the heat to a ten, and I’m not sure what to do.”

  “Best advice I have is to get yourself ready because I’m not backing down.” He took her hand and ran his finger over her skin. “You’ve got me all kinds of crazy and I don’t know if I could throttle back even if I wanted to.”

  “Chad, you’re handsome as all get out, but give me five minutes to get to know you.” Moving her hand away, she picked an olive off her slice. “I’m not even sure if I can be dating a patient. I haven’t read through the five-hundred-page manual, but I’m pretty sure it’s not okay.”

  “Then I’ll work with someone else because there’s no way we can ignore the wave of attraction that’s happening between us.”

  “Are you sure?’

  “Why would we want to?”


  Taking her hand, he laced their fingers together. “I’ve never met anyone that I’ve been this instantly attracted to, and there will be no ignoring, disregarding or anything else that doesn’t allow us to see what this is.” Pivoting his body, she was enveloped in his heat as his hard thighs pressed against hers. His scent once again surrounded her, and she firmed her hands in her lap, so she wouldn’t grab his T-shirt and pull him closer. “Why me?”

  “Because,” he mumbled as he slid his hand around the back of her neck, “you’re not a choice.”

  Parting her lips to respond, he took full advantage and sealed his mouth over hers, stealing her words along with her breath. His tongue tangled with hers and she was swept away again with pleasure as he devoured her like a starving man.



  Completely irresistible.

  Chad was a man that couldn’t be denied.

  His tongue slid against hers, and his hold tightened as her hands moved to his shirt. Nipping his lower lip, she heard him growl in response as intense sensations rocked her body. Knowing she was playing with a flame that could consume her, she moved her mouth away and sucked in a deep breath.

  “I told you,” he mumbled as he rested his head against hers.

  “That you did.” Moving back, she covered her mouth with her fingers and studied his heated gaze. “I haven’t known you twenty-four hours; how is this possible?”

  “Time has nothing to do with this.”

  Lifting her glass of wine, she took a gulp and slid her eyes over. “My brain just exploded.”

  “Seems fair since I lost mine when you smiled at me.”

  Pushing her hand into his shoulder, she shook her head. “Not possible.’

  “Yeah, it damn well is.” He pressed a chaste kiss to her head and sat back. “Now, stop your seducin’, woman, and let me eat my pizza.”

  “All I can do is try,” she replied with a laugh as she lifted her pizza. A man who she didn’t know existed yesterday might very well turn her world upside down.

  What in the world was going on?


  Chad sat on Willa’s couch and watched her move a mountain of files. “Got to love the Navy; there’s never a shortage of paperwork.”

  “I should send you home, so I can get back to it.”

  He patted the couch and gave her a smile. “Why would you want to do that?”

  “Because those forms are not going to fill themselves out and I shouldn’t fall too far behind.”

  “There will always be paperwork and taking a night off isn’t going to change that.” Seeing her guilty gaze bounce between him and the files, he prayed he’d win the battle. Taking her hand, he tugged on it gently until she collapsed next to him. Wrapping his arm around her shoulder, he pulled her close and inhaled her cinnamon scent. “Let’s watch a movie and make out.”

  “If this is your laid-back approach, I’d hate to see a full-on assault.”

  “I’m trying to be relaxed, but it’s damn near impossible. You’ve knocked me on my ass, and I’m not going to pretend otherwise. So, yeah, I’m coming in hot and have no plans to hold back until I get my fill.”

  “And how long will that take?”

  He moved her closer and shrugged. “Hard to say, but if I were you, I wouldn’t make any plans for the next year or so.”

  Throwing her head back, she laughed. “T’es trop grand pour tes culottes.”

  “I’m guessing that doesn’t mean, I agree.”

  “It translates roughly to: you’re too big for your pants.”


  “Cajun French, my family is from Lafayette, Louisiana and I come from a long line of crazy Cajuns.”

  He grabbed the remote control off the table and nodded. “Always wanted spice in my life, so I guess you’re the answer to my prayers.”

  “Bete comme tout.”

  “I agree, we are lucky.” Flicking on the TV, he selected the Netflix icon and knew she didn’t need to know how damn serious he was. Something like that could make her think he was half out of his mind and since she probably just called him crazy, he didn’t plan on confirming her suspicions. Best he kept it under wraps until their fourth or fifth date if he could.

  By then, she’d hopefully have fallen for him, so any little crazy flags could be ignored. “Action, Comedy or a series?”

  She snatched the remote out of his hand and hit a couple of buttons. “Series.”

  “Perfect, that way we have to watch every episode together.” He gave her a wink and then grinned. “Having a series together is like going steady.” He leaned closer and read the title. “Versailles?”

  “Yes.” She ran her eyes over him slowly and then shook her head. “I’m deciding if I should add a psych eval to your file.”

  “Not necessary since you’re the source of my crazy. Unless you want to explain that kiss to a Navy doc, I’d keep it to myself.”

  She let out a loud laugh and took his hand. “Fair enough.” She hit the button, and an episode started. “Get ready to enjoy battles, deception, palace intrigue, and carnal pleasures.”

  “Any chance of making out while we watch it?”

  “Possible, but not guaranteed.”

  Settling in, he nodded. “Can’t ask for more than that.”

  When she dropped the remote and leaned her head against his shoulder, he figured his chances were better than fifty-fifty and planned on winning more than a few kisses.

  Talk about winning; he should go out and buy a lottery ticket the way his luck was going
. The goodbye kiss they’d started ten minutes ago had morphed into a hot-ass make out session against the wall.

  Caging her, he felt her squirm and knew she wanted to get as close as she could. Using his foot, he moved her legs apart and lifted her, settling himself between her thighs. He wanted her to know what she did to him and with his hips nestled into hers, and his solid erection pressing hard against her core, that message was made clear. “The flame we light in one another is never going to be extinguished.”

  She tilted her neck, murmuring a quiet agreement as he ran his tongue against her soft skin. No one had ever felt as good in his arms as Willa, and the way she arched her back suggested she might feel the same way.

  Rocking his hips made her moan, and the sound triggered a primal need to satisfy. He ground his cock into her pelvis and took possession of her mouth, licking her lips and devouring her mouth.

  Heat wound through his body as she surrendered to the thrust and plunder of his tongue. Continuing his assault with his hips, she rotated against him as the scent of their desire filled the air.

  “Ride me, babe.” He tightened his hold and made sure the swivel of his hips was hitting her clit. “Take what you need.” Her head fell back, and he saw that she was close. Moving his mouth to her neck, he took a nip, and she exploded in his arms.

  Fucking poetry watching her ride the orgasm he’d given her.

  When had making out and dry humping become so hot?

  He continued to move against her, bringing her down slowly. Grinding his teeth, he felt her heat against his shorts and knew he was going home with blue balls.

  Not his favorite thing, but certainly the right thing. No way was he going to scare the girl off, and there was a good chance he would if they took it further.

  Seeing her eyes open slowly, he bit back a groan of satisfaction. Willa’s smoky gray eyes were dilated, and her full mouth was swollen from his kisses. He’d given that to her and couldn’t wait to do it again. He tilted his head and pressed a soft kiss against her lips. “You are perfect.”


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