Bride Interrupted

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Bride Interrupted Page 6

by Taylor Anne

  Now to figure out the man still standing in front of her. She had no idea how to handle him. He was burning with rage. Anger rolled off him. He could be brutal when needed. But Kayla had seen glimpses of a softer side of him. It was there, although he hid it well.

  This man just saved her life. Or in the least, saved her from Craig’s brutal wrath. Kayla wanted to reach out to him, but wasn’t sure what his reaction would be. She stared into his dark eyes. Eyes deep with anger that slowly turned to tenderness. He brushed his fingers down her cheek. Her eyes closed at his gentle touch.

  “Fuck. Come here, fireball.” The nickname he pinned on her was starting to sound like a sweet term of endearment. He pulled her into his embrace and hugged her tight against him. “God, when I saw him on top of you, I lost it. Totally fucking lost it.” He sighed heavily. Then he held her at arm’s length. “Did he hurt you?”

  Kayla locked her eyes on him. “Tonight, no.” She rubbed her hands up and down her arms. “You asked me once who hurt me. It was Craig. He always had a temper. He attacked me one time. It was bad. ER, ICU. When I got out of the hospital, it took me one second to kick his ass out of my life, but it took months to get myself together and strong enough to face the world again.”

  “Shit.” Colton looked around into the night.

  “What are you looking for?”

  “The fucker, so I can beat the shit out of him again.”

  Kayla had to physically restrain Colton from bolting and chasing after Craig. The rage in him was released in the mist in his eyes, in his ragged breathing.

  “Leave it. He’s gone. And he’s not worth the effort.” Images of Colton and Andrea popped into her head. The anger he portrayed minutes earlier could lead anyone to believe he was capable of killing someone. But the compassion in his voice, and his touch, convinced her he would never hurt a woman. No matter how badly she betrayed him.

  “Kayla. You…” He sighed. He took her by the arm and led her to the storage room several feet away from the bar. Inside there were crates of alcohol, boxes of paper products, and plastic cups. Colton’s desk was full of papers and receipts. Colton backed her up until the metal pressed against the backs of her thighs. She surveyed the room and then looked at Colton.

  She wanted him to kiss her. Instead, he held her away from him. Dark eyes kept her captive. He lifted his hand, cradling her chin and rubbing his thumb across her bottom lip. She slipped her tongue out just enough to moisten the soft skin, allowing his thumb to run more smoothly, sending tingles through her body. She was high on adrenaline and the heat from Colton’s touch. He let out a groan then sucked in a sharp breath.

  Kayla put her hands on his waist and tugged him closer. The heat from his body coursed into hers, running through her veins. His hands circled her neck. The skin behind her ears tingled when his fingers caressed her there. She closed her eyes and leaned her head back, exposing her neck. His breath teased her sensitive skin. His tongue stroked her, sending shivers down her spine. She moaned softly.

  Someone was pounding on the front door. “Hey boss.”

  Colton froze. “What?” he yelled at the intruder. He shook his head and took a step away from Kayla. Without his touch, she was alone. He ran a hand through his hair and walked to open the door. “What, Mags?”

  “Ahh.” She peeked inside. Maggie’s smile said she was sorry for the interruption. Kayla smiled back at her. “Nothing important. Just saying goodnight. My relief is here. Later.” She backed away from the door, shutting it as she left.

  Colton stood staring at the wall. His breathing was still ragged. Rage or lust? Whatever, the moment was lost. Back to business. Kayla took a moment to really look at the inside of the building. She had only been out there briefly to help stock the bar and never paid attention to detail. Now she could see potential.

  “Do you realize with very few renovations, this could be the bridal suite? Or hell, it could be expanded, and it would be the perfect location for a ceremony. It’s partially hidden by trees.”

  “Stop it. We are not discussing business.” He turned stormy eyes on her. “Hell, maybe now is a good time to talk. We can start with the fact that I am the boss around here while Earl is out. What I say goes.” His voice echoed in the small room.

  “What do you mean? I’ve not tried taking away your position as boss.” Kayla wanted his touch back. She wanted to wipe the furrow from his brow. He casually leaned against a crate of whiskey. Smooth, just like his voice. “Trust me, I had enough of being in charge in New Orleans.”

  How did this go from him beating the shit out of her ex, to them almost falling on top of the desk in a heated passion, to him standing there wanting to talk business? She shook her head.

  “You want to change too much.”

  The man was infuriating. If only he would give it up. Good thing for both of them, it was not her nature to let things go. “I do not want to take over here, but yes, I do want change.” She advanced on him with each sentence she spoke. “And you are hell-bent on derailing me. Maybe you are the one sabotaging my wedding business just so you can run me off. You think I will tuck my tail and head back to New Orleans?”

  “Wait. You’ve got this all wrong.” He held up a hand in his defense.

  “I don’t think so. It makes sense.” The closer she got to him, the more he backed up to the door. Before she realized it, they were standing outside, under the stars and moon.

  “Stop, Kayla.”

  “You are experienced in the whole dead fiancée thing.” She was taunting him beyond what was right. She didn’t care. She’d had enough.

  “Oh hell no. Kayla, you need to stop.” He grabbed her upper arms, but that didn’t stop the words from flowing from her mouth.

  “You got back at Sawyer. Now you’re trying to get at me so you can have Grandpa’s business all to yourself.” She only said these words to antagonize him. She knew the truth in her heart. The man shut himself off from ever letting his heart feel again. Right or wrong, Kayla was going to open his eyes.

  “Is that what you think? Sawyer got into your head?” He pinned her against the backside wall. The bar sat down the way from the building. Blackness covered the area all around them. They were in an alcove of some sort. Palm trees surrounded the back of the storage building. It was totally private, especially that time of night.

  The sand under her feet was soft, but not as soft as it was closer to the water. Less traffic up by the storage room allowed a light splattering of grass to cover the ground. Waves crashed against the shore, one after another, like the beating of her heart.

  “Sawyer’s an asshole. It’s you who has gotten in my head.” Kayla stood on her toes and kissed him on the lips until he stopped clenching his teeth. He relaxed only slightly. She increased the intensity until his body gave in.

  He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. She breathed a sigh of relief, which he captured by his kiss. After a long, drawn-out, soul-searching connection, Kayla leaned back. Still held in his embrace, she looked deep into his eyes. “We will work the business out. As for you killing your fiancée, I don’t believe it. I had a long talk with Sergeant Miller. And Grandpa.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Because you are too blind to see what’s right in front of you.” Now that he wasn’t fuming with rage, she put her hands on his waist and tugged him closer.

  He tilted his head, and his brow wrinkled in confusion. “What has Sawyer told you?”

  Kayla groaned and threw her hands up in the air. “Forget it.” She started to walk away. She was trying to seduce the man, and he was totally blind. He wouldn’t understand if she stripped naked right in front of him.

  “Stop.” Colton’s hard, whiskey voice halted her from taking another step. She turned back around to face him. He was advancing towards her, a glint in his eyes. “You think this whole seduction thing you’re trying is going to work?”

  She looked at him. Gone was all of the anger and rage. Instead, there was
the Colton she wanted to know more. Eyes filled with mischief. Taunting her, teasing her.

  “Well…” There was nothing she could say.

  “My God, Kayla. You’ve gotten to me from the day you walked behind the bar and made that damn pretty drink.” He pulled her in. His kiss was hot and possessive. When he broke contact, he led her by the hand to the cover of the palm trees.

  The moonlight poured over him, enhancing his features. “Colton,” she breathed.

  He shook his head and whispered, “Shhh. We’ve done enough talking.” His hands roamed over her body, taking in her curves and the spots that had a little too much volume. She didn’t care. His touch was magic. And it was finally hers.

  He pulled his shirt over his head and laid it on the sand. Then he followed her down. She looked around. Although they were out of sight, if someone passed by, they could see them.

  “It’s okay. It’s a quiet night.” He covered her body with his. His rough jeans rubbed against her bare thighs, pressing them deeper into the gritty sand, sending sensations coursing through her. His kisses were full of power, possession, compassion, and so much more. He sucked her breasts through the thin fabric of her sundress. He untied the spaghetti straps and let them free. Her nipples peaked for his touch in the night air.

  She needed his touch more than she thought possible. Not only for her own pleasure, but she wanted to tear down the walls that had shut off his heart. She wanted to show him love. Her fingers sought out his belt, undoing the buckle and releasing the leather from his faded blue jeans. She worked on the button and zipper until the denim opened. She reached inside and gripped him.

  “Oh God, baby.” He rolled off her, and leaned back, allowing her full access. She tugged and pulled at his jeans until they were down, freeing his penis. She lowered her head and took him in her mouth. His satisfied groan was all the encouragement she needed. While she took care of him, he toyed with her breasts. Touching, teasing.

  She pulled back long enough to slip her panties off and straddle him. His hands helped guide her on top of him. When their bodies joined, he inhaled and released his breath on a soft groan. Hearing his sounds of satisfaction stroked Kayla’s excitement. Then he reached behind her and pulled her hair. Hard. She sucked in an excited breath. A fire ignited deep down where she hadn’t felt anything in a long time. He sipped at her mouth, catching her bottom lip between his teeth. Then he plunged his tongue inside. The kiss turned demanding. She rode him into the moonlight until they both came hard.

  She pulled off him. He leaned over her spent body. “You okay?”

  She nodded lazily. Her eyes opened wide when she his fingers entered her. “Ohh.” She inhaled a deep breath, releasing it slowly into the night. Her nostrils burned as the scent of sex mixed with the salty tang of the air. An aphrodisiac in itself. The breeze from the ocean tingled when it blew over her heated body. The only sounds she heard were the booming of music from somewhere down the beach, the waves crashing into the night, and Colton’s soft whispers in her ear.

  Her hips moved to match the rhythm of his hand. His eyes never left hers as she cried out, “Colton. Oh yes.”

  An awed expression lit his face. He towered over her, entered her, and they climaxed together in the darkness of the night.

  “Maggie, I’m so excited about your wedding. It’s been a crunch moving it up to next week, but we did it.” Kayla hugged the college-aged waitress.

  “Thank you. I hated asking you to rush this, but Alec couldn’t pass up the opportunity to take the job in St. Marteen. I can’t believe we will be moving in less than a month.” Colton walked up to them, and Maggie gave him an excited hug. “Thanks, boss, for allowing us to have the wedding here at the deli bar. I’ve always wanted a beach wedding. And Kayla’s dream is coming true.”

  “Whoa. I only agreed to your wedding, not her entire list of clients.” He pulled out of Mags’ embrace, wrapped an arm around Kayla, and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. “That is still being discussed.”

  “Yeah, but I know now what has to be done to convince you.” Kayla deepened the kiss before pushing him away. She winked at him and said, “Back to work, boss,” then she began filling sandwich orders.

  Between the lunch crowd and the evening rush, Kayla and Colton made a quick visit to the nursing home.

  “Grandpa, you look so good today. I haven’t seen a smile like that on your face in quite some time.” She kissed him on the cheek. “And you’re wearing cologne. What’s up with that?”

  Standing next to the window, Colton laughed. “You mean Earl didn’t tell you he’s had his eye on that little lady two units over? Conveniently, right next door to where Earl will be moving next week.”

  Kayla wanted Grandpa to be well enough to move back to his house, but his leg paralysis was too much of a challenge for him to live alone. She was thankful when the nursing home had an opening in their Assisted Living facility, on the same grounds as where they were now. Grandpa would still get the medical care he needed, but would be able to live as independently as his impaired body would allow.

  “No, he didn’t tell me that. She’s the woman who’s been here the last few times I’ve come. Nice. I like her.”

  Earl grumbled under his breath. “Enough about me. Looks like you two are hitting it off.”

  Kayla looked at Colton. “Yes and no, Grandpa. He is still an overbearing, stubborn male who will not see reason in turning the bar into a wedding venue.”

  “And she is still infuriating and pushy.”

  “But we are working on the details,” Kayla said, walking to stand next to Colton.

  “Good. And the investigation of the brides, how is that going?” Grandpa kept up with the current news and voiced his concern over Kayla’s involvement with the cases.

  “Still no definite leads. Promise I will keep you updated, Grandpa.”

  He nailed both Kayla and Colton with a pair of hard, yet concerned, eyes. “You do that.”

  Sunday afternoon, Kayla strolled from taking a refreshing dip in the ocean up to her beach house. She opened the screen door, and a small package dropped, landing at her feet. Her heart plummeted. Several weeks had passed since the last package had been delivered. She groaned. This could only mean one thing. There was another victim. She clenched her teeth together. It annoyed and angered her that she was involved with these crimes.

  Setting down her beach bag, she unwrapped the gift and opened the small jewelry box. She unfolded the yellow note, “Life with new meaning, life shared as one. Promise each other to have and to hold.”

  A sick feeling drummed in the pit of her stomach as she pulled the engagement ring from the box. She gasped. Tears filled her eyes. She cradled the ring in her hand, not wanting to believe what was coming.

  Kayla picked her phone up and dialed, waiting impatiently until the caller answered on the second ring. “Alec, where is Mags?”

  “She is at the bar helping Colton stock for the week.” His voice was too cheerful. Of course, he was supposed to get married in one week, begin a new life, new job, with his new wife.

  “When was the last time you talked to her?”

  “Several hours ago, why?”

  “Hang up and call her. Then call me back.” Her voice cracked as she barked out instructions.

  “What’s wrong?” A hint of fear colored his tone

  “Just do it. I’m calling Colton.” She disconnected the call and immediately dialed Colton. No answer. She ended the call and tried again. Voicemail. “Shit.”

  Alec called her back to say he had no luck in contacting his fiancée. Kayla paced the floor, trying several more times to connect with Colton and Maggie. Finally, she dialed another number. As soon as the man’s voice answered, she bombarded him. “Sergeant Miller, I think there’s been another victim. When I got home there was a present. It’s… I know whose ring it is.”

  “Whoa. Slow down, missy. Back up and give me details.”

  Kayla inhaled a deep breath and related t
he incident to him. “I’m going to the bar. Meet me there.”

  “Kayla, no wait…” She hung up on him and headed out the door. She jumped on the golf cart. She pulled up just as Alec, Sergeant, and Detective Sawyer were arriving.

  The back door to the bar was open. Kayla peeked inside, but didn’t see anyone. “Colton. Maggie,” she called out. No answer.

  A loud thud sounded from the storage building. Everyone turned their attention to the small wooden structure. Sawyer and Miller had their guns drawn. Kayla eyed the pistols and shivered at the sun glinting off the dark metal. More scuffling noises came from inside. The door creaked. A foot jutted out, stopping the door from shutting. Kayla’s heart quickened.

  The tennis shoe foot swung the door open all the way. Colton stepped out, carrying Maggie in his arms. Kayla screamed. Alec’s wail filled the air around them.

  Kayla couldn’t take her eyes off the man walking out. Blood smeared his face. His white t-shirt and khaki shorts were streaked red and brown. Sand clung to the wetness. Sweat dripped from his dark hair, down the chiseled features of his face.

  In his arms lay Maggie’s limp body. Her arm dangled by her side, flopping with every step Colton took. Colton looked bad, Mags looked – well, barely alive. Beaten and bloody.

  Alec stepped towards her, but the sergeant put a restraining hand on him. “Hold up.” Tears streamed down the young man’s face.

  Sawyer’s snarky, condescending voice penetrated the area. “I had my suspicions it was you. Once wasn’t enough.” He aimed his gun at Colton.

  Colton looked at Kayla. His eyes begged her not to listen to Sawyer. All she could do was stare. She didn’t know what her expression relayed to him, but he cringed as if she slapped him.

  He turned hard eyes on Sawyer. “Fuck you. I didn’t do this.” He took another step forward. Maggie gasped for every breath. Kayla wanted to help her, but didn’t know how. “Get an ambulance here. Now,” Colton roared.


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