Mind and Flesh

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Mind and Flesh Page 15

by 8Loki

  “Right. As if I would believe anything you say. As if you were even able to genuinely feel remorse for your actions.”

  “Honest, man! We are dicks.” He looks at his partner. “Tell him, buddy, tell him that we will never do it again.”

  “Yeah, fuckface. Release us and we will be docile as lambs. Just free me, and I will show you how gentle I am.” His voice sounds extremely menacing.

  “Calm down pal, play nice and don’t get him angry!” quickly interjects the other one.

  “Did you even realize that you would not just have sex with your victims, but also damage them, possibly for the rest of their lives? The burden that each and every one of us… Of them… Has to bear… Just so you could have your dick inside of them for a few minutes?”

  Just talking about what these people did and the consequences make me angry.

  “We’re sorry, honest!” he pleads.

  “You are what is wrong with humanity,” I continue. “Sexual and power desire. It escapes control, as if we were mere animals acting on behalf of our instincts only. Doing anything we can to get laid.”

  I then proceed to cut the tape around the lower part of their buttocks and belly. When I taped them I did not bother pulling their pants back on, therefore only a layer of tape is protecting this very vulnerable area. I am not very cautious and end up tearing some skin here and there as their bodies get tense in response.

  “Fuck, man, no, stop it!”

  I removed enough to see the crack of their ass and their dicks hanging loose. Seeing their penis so retracted and small, I smile. They are definitively not excited. I think about my own penis, is it hard? Mmm no, not at all. I am very excited to hurt them, but it does not translate into sexual arousal.

  I go back to the table and pick up a long and thin screwdriver.

  “What the fuck are you gonna do, man?”

  I kneel down on the most aggressive of the two rapists, blocking his legs between mine.

  “Motherfucker, get off me!”

  “People like you need to be neutered,” I calmly reply.

  I then violently stab his penis and testicles several times. He screams. A scream so desperate, so savage, that I freeze into place.

  Blood starts gushing out from the mashed testicles at an impressive rate.

  He cries. The pigs are grunting.

  His face looks extremely tense. His eyes are closed and tears flow on his cheeks. He wails between his clenched teeth.

  All of a sudden, it is difficult not to feel pity for him. I feel extremely bad for what I just did.

  No… I can’t let empathy get to me right now. They fucking raped me. I am entitled to deliver justice on them. I have the right to make them suffer in return. To break them. And of course, as a bonus that would prevent them from doing that to someone ever again.


  I twitch and drop the screwdriver. The fucker startled me. His body is moving upwards despite the tape and rope hindering his movements. Some of the tape is tearing off. He looks scary.

  I punch him in the face with as much strength as possible.

  “AAAH!” I let out.

  Shit. My hand hurts.

  He falls backwards. He is breathing heavily, with his eyes closed.

  I look at my fist and contemplate the bruise.

  I touch it with my other hand and feel the pain for a few seconds.

  I get up. He is bleeding out from his genitals. I pick up the screwdriver again, and get closer to the second man.

  “Shit, man, no, please I beg of you,” he cries. “Please don’t. Please let me go. Please. I will be good now. I promise. Please let me go. Please…” His voice fades as he cries.

  “Did you respect your victims pleading you? No. So shut up.”

  I kneel on him and block his legs with mine.


  I hit him with the screwdriver and pierce his testicles. His face contorts. He screams in pain and despair. Then I rise my arm again for more. Fucking take this. Feel the suffering. Feel my wrath. I stab. Again. And again.

  He passes out. His face is livid and his eyes are blank.

  They are both motionless, although still breathing.

  I feel tired. Out of breath. Out of energy.

  I listen to the pigs grunting for a minute, then I get up.

  I go to my machine, drop the screwdriver and drive the table closer to the two rapists and the pens. Then I lock the wheels of the table. I drag the rapists closer to the pens. It leaves a trail of blood. The one that is still conscious looks at me and mumbles with difficulty “What… what are you doing motherfucker…” He looks in a really bad shape. I only need him to survive at least a few more minutes.

  “Don’t die just yet please,” I coldly reply.

  I look at the two pens with a sow in each. Their ears are erect and pointing backwards. They are arching their back. I treated them with hormones so they would be in heat. These swines received a much better treatment than the special pig that I left to suffer in his own shit.

  I pick up a neuro-helmet and put it on the head of the first rapist that I tortured. “What the fuck is this?” he comments while unable to do take it off.

  “Do you regret what you did?” I ask him.

  “Fuck no,” he replies with a smile. “Whatever happens to me now… It was worth it. We all get old and die… I lived the life I wanted with no tomorrow, no regret, only fun…”

  Wow. I am baffled by his answer. So is that why he is such a monster? Because he only lived to enjoy life, and never gave a second thought on his impact on others and his future?

  I will activate the pain receptors of that fucker, all at the same time. I put on the second neuro-helmet, think of my sister climbing in the tree and the hanging numbers. I design the program. And execute it.

  His eyes widen in surprise and in pain. He screams. I trigger the program again. Another scream, but lower, shorter, as if he had no energy left to scream anymore. His eyes go upwards, giving me a blank stare. Sweat is running down his temples.

  “I hope you are enjoying what you deserve.”

  I take off my neuro-helmet then put it on the head of the closest sow. The pig does not give me any trouble as I manipulate it. Thankfully, because the neuro-helmet does not fit the head of the pig and I have to move its ears to allow the helmet to rest on its skull correctly. The exact positioning does not matter, as long as it is a few centimeters from the brain, and that the neuro-helmet and the head are not moving relative to each other.

  I check the screen of my machine. Having used the machine directly connected to myself for a while, I feel limited when using the old-school display. I review the data I previously asked the machine to display.

  Of course, the number of neurons in a swine is billions lower than in humans. I already saw that during my previous experiment on the lone pig. I can’t just transfer completely from the man to the swine, I have to trim a lot and hope it will be enough to keep consciousness and senses. This is really a shot in the dark. The brains are too different for me to predict the outcome. However, if it fails it won’t be a big loss. Just a revenge too soft for me to savor it.

  I take the neuro-helmet off the rapist and put it on my head to iron out the details and decide what to trim before launching the program. I then set it in motion and put it back on the head of the human.

  Neurological patterns are applied to the human, and the sow. It suddenly falls to its side and its legs shake in every direction as it squeals.

  “Calm down. Stop moving.”

  Just like when I previously tried this experiment, the pig listens to me, recognizing human speech. It seems to have worked. I take the neuro-helmet off the head of the pig. There should now be two minds belonging to the rapist, one inside of the sow but without the full extent of his brain, and the original one still in his natural body. Hopefully he is fully conscious in both species and in full panic as he realizes that there
is something wrong with his body.

  I turn back to face the original.

  “Try to move your head.”

  He looks at me but remains motionless.

  I put my hand to his neck and check his pulse. His heart is beating. He is breathing, even if very faintly now. He is still alive. I take the neuro-helmet off his head as well.

  As expected, he cannot move anymore. I programmed the machine to overstimulate neurons related to a specific area, the ventral part of the pons. The overstimulated neurons were triggered to die, and thus are now unable to relay signals from the forebrain to the cerebellum. As a consequence, he is now trapped in his own mind, unable to access motor control of his body. He can only think and not act. The complete opposite of how he used to be.

  The sow starts trying to get back on its feet, and keeps squealing. It looks in complete distress. I guess that this former human now understands the horrible predicament I put him in. I look at it and grin when its eyes meet mine.

  I place a neuro-helmet on the second rapist. He opens his eyes and starts moving as I manipulate him. He lowers his eyes and sees the pool of blood between his legs. “No! No! My balls! My dick! Please stop this!”

  “Do you regret what you did?”

  “Yes… Yes… I am… sorry… I am an animal, you are right,” he cries. “I should have controlled myself. I should have left those girls alone. I am a piece of shit.” Unlike the other one, he seems sincere… And I can’t help being affected by his plea. The other guy was so aggressive that he would only trigger my own anger and hate. I still hate this one, but… I am satisfied by his punishment. And his reaction. I managed to break through his pride and belittle him.

  “Glad to hear you say that,” I reply. “I guess I will end this torment for you. However your buddy will not be so lucky.”

  “Will you… kill me?”

  “Yes. Would you prefer to suffer some more?”

  “No… No… I can’t take it anymore. And you fucking destroyed my junk. There is no point of living for me anymore.”

  “Or perhaps you could learn to live without being a pig.”

  “Would you… would you still go on living, like this? Without your dick?”

  Well, technically I did go on living without my penis. When I was in my wife’s body. Although, he has a point. When I was in my original crippled body, I gave up on it. I did not want to keep living in those conditions. I was not strong enough to bear with it.

  “Ok,” I finally tell him. “I will kill you now.”

  “Thank you…” he whispers.

  “Don’t fucking thank me. You are scum. You do not deserve to live. I am doing the world a service, not you. And getting my revenge.”

  I put on the second neuro-helmet as he watches me quizzically. “Did we rape your wife or something?”

  “Goodbye,” I let out as I proceed to kill his neuronal activity. His eyes remain open, just like the other one. I check his pulse. His heartbeat has ceased. I take off both neuronal helmets and drop them on the table.

  In the pen, the rapist inside a sow body is finally up on its legs. Its eyes reveal extreme fear. It keeps looking at its own feet, then moves them, then looks at the feet again. It seems that he realized that he is a pig.

  I get back to the original human one and place him in a position that faces the pen. I move him freely just like a human doll. He is completely at my mercy, unable to change his expression or lift a finger. Since he is not even able to move his eyes, I afflicted him with the total form of locked-in syndrome.

  “This, is you,” I announce him while pointing at the sow and making sure that my finger is visible in his field of view. The sow raises its head and looks at me pointing at it. It then notices its human form under my arm. And it rams the metal bars of the pen while squealing in panic. He must have been shocked to see himself. Does he think that he can forcefully enter back in his body?

  After all, his brain has lost some neuronal capacity since the transfer, so I am not sure if his thoughts are crystal clear or completely messed up. Not that the knowledge of suddenly being a pig would not drive a human mind insane in the first place.

  Lost in my train of thoughts, I realize that I have not finished talking to the rapist. After all, for his suffering to be even stronger, it would be better that the impotent human realizes what he is about to witness.

  “Since I have affected your brain with my machine, you must be aware that I have power over brains. Well, what I also did, I transferred your mind into that sow in heat. So whatever that pig goes through, it is in fact what you, your mind duplicated in that body, is going through as well. Oh by the way, in case you did not know, sows are female.”

  It is time for the next part of the show. I move towards the pens on the other side of the aisle. Two boars are quietly eating there. I open the pen and decide which one is the most massive. I then push it out of its pen, and guide it towards the pen where the sow is. As I open the gate, the sow tries to exit but I kick it back inside while I let the boar in.

  The boar grunts and goes to the end of the pen, maybe exploring for food. It then goes back to the sow immobile against a wall. The boar sniffs the sow. After a few moments of hesitation, it then decides to climb it. The sow suddenly gets very agitated and tries to avoid being humped. It squeals in panic and tries to escape against the metal bar, resulting in knocking its head against it. The boar profits from the lucky opportunity, and proceeds to successfully mount the sow and penetrate it.

  “You used to rape women,” I tell the dazed sow.” Now you are the one getting raped by a pig. How does it fucking feel?”

  The boar replies by grunting and the sow by squealing.

  I look at the human rapist. Still immobile as a lifeless mannequin. His smashed genitals look like a blob of hair and blood. The flow seems to have stopped. I wonder what is going on in his head. Watching himself get raped by a pig. Oh, he probably does not even care since it is not happening to himself. The one inside of the sow must care, though.

  After a minute or two, the boar suddenly moves slightly backwards and some kind of a long thin fleshy corkscrew exits the vagina of the sow. The boar then falls on its side and stops moving, exhausted.

  The sow also remains motionless, as if in a state of shock. Its eyes are facing forward and seem unfocused.

  “I hope you had fun on the receiving end,” I say cheerily.

  My revenge is complete. Sweet, sweet revenge. I feel liberated, the jubilation of my objective being accomplished and those two guys I hate getting what they deserved. Neutered with great prejudice, then raped.

  I feel tired. And sad. While their lives are ending, mine keeps going, in that body I hate, in that world I hate.

  I place a neuro-helmet on my head, and with the second one I proceed to stop neuronal activity on each of the four animals. Even the two boars, as I have no further use for them. Once I will have buried all the bodies together and taken my machine away from this place, I do not want to take the risk to come back to feed them.

  Now that those four pigs are brain dead, I walk closer to the one lying alone in its pen.

  “Did you enjoy what you saw?” I ask it.

  It grunts at me.

  “I am surprised that you didn’t eat. You were quite the glutton before.”

  No answer.

  “Well, I can’t say it was a pleasure to have you as a colleague. Bye, now.”

  I hold my breath and open the den. As I put the neuro-helmet on the pig’s head, it does not try to escape. It knows what is coming, but he would rather die than escape and live in the body of a pig. Although that would have been a good fit for him.

  I send the signal to delete his consciousness.

  Satisfied, I open the pen and drag the body outside. There is a hole I already dug yesterday, I throw the pig in it.

  I get back to the barn and grab a boar.

  Shit. Too heavy. I pull but it does not come.

  I look at the immobile rapist that is s
till alive. I feel embarrassed to struggle in front of him, and that I might appear weak despite being in full power over him.

  I need to dispose of him first. I grab his feet and drag him outside, to the hole.

  “Hey asshole… I hope you enjoy this as well.”

  I push him in the hole, and he falls face first next to the body of the pig.

  I think it would be even better if he was seeing the sky while I burry him, so I position his face to look up.

  I get back to the pigs. With some efforts, I manage to get both sows into the hole. I drop them on the rapist.

  I then drag the cadaver of his friend, and place it alongside him. I make them hold hands, and place the head of the dead one as if it was looking directly at the live one. The look so cute together. They shared everything in life, it is only fitting that they also share death. Fucking assholes.

  Now, what can I do with the two massive boars? I can’t move their bodies.

  I look at the table with all my tools and equipment. The saw. The fucking saw. I need to reduce the size of the bodies, just like with my wife… Shit.

  I pick up the saw and get closer to one of the pigs. I place it on his huge belly, and proceed to cut it open.

  His hide is tough. I need to insist with a lot of strength. I am sweating.

  Suddenly, I feel a disturbing crack of the tissue as a big wound opens up. Internal organs come splashing out.

  I instantly drop the saw and vomit on my shoes. Ew, that is so fucking gross. I vomit again until I have nothing left in my stomach.

  “hhh…. hhhh…”

  Fucking hell. I pick up a basin lying in a corner, and push intestines in it while my own organs want to exit my body through my throat and join their pig counterparts.


  I vomit gastric acid. My throat burns.

  I bring the basin to the hole and proceed to empty its contents on the two rapists. I travel back and do it again. And again.

  I then open up the second pig with the saw. His organs also come splashing out, but I am numb. I barely feel anything anymore. Tears are deforming my vision.


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