Strong Reflection: Book 2 of the Dark Series Trilogy

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Strong Reflection: Book 2 of the Dark Series Trilogy Page 18

by Mckoy, Cate

  He thought about the times he had come inside Ashley. With the exception of losing his virginity, he had never had unprotected sex with anyone. Yet, with Ashley, it hadn’t even crossed his mind to protect himself. True he was privy to her medical status but he didn’t protect himself against pregnancy. Kyle wondered at that as he pulled Ashley tighter into his arms, seeing her smile turn to a frown.

  Ashley settled against him more fully before giving a sigh and her smile returned. Kyle knew on a gut level that Ashley was meant to be his. He still berated himself for wasting so many years ignoring what his mind, body and soul were telling him from the beginning. He would waste no more time. He needed to speak with Jack about his plan. But first he wanted to wake his woman.


  Ashley felt toasty warm and safe. Safe was something she never felt while sleeping. She was in that wonderfully euphoric world between sleep and wakefulness. Suddenly she felt tongue strokes against her clit. Her eyes sprang open to find Kyle between her legs lapping at her pussy.

  Her body was already in the state prelude to climaxing. Ashley arched into his mouth as her knees gripped his head, holding him against her. “Ah, ah, Kyle.”

  Within seconds his quick flicking tongue had her coming. Swiftly, before her body could stop it’s convulsing in pleasure Kyle slipped his long hard dick into her hotness. One stroke had him buried to the hilt. He paused looking into her desire glazed eyes as her vaginal walls fluctuated around his penis. He lowered his chest to hers, kissing her with open eyes. “Morning, Babydoll.”

  “This is the best wake—Oooh, oh, yes,” Ashley gasped as he began a slow fluid thrusting. “Best wake up ever!” She finished as she caught her breath and began to move in tandem with Kyle.

  He joined their hands and his slow stroking began to build that falling-in-mid-air feeling. He put their hands against the mattress while he swirled and stroked, never picking up speed, using a slow rhythmic rocking to appease them.

  When he felt her walls begin to tighten again his hands squeezed hers and he took her mouth, stealing her breath. She started to come. He released her from their kiss and stared into her eyes as he started to spill his seed into her. While their bodies released an orgasm to one another’s and her hard nipples rubbed against his chest and his hands still clutching hers, Kyle asked the question in his heart. “Ashley, will you marry me? I love you.”

  With her body still trembling from her orgasm, Ashley didn’t think she could get any more pleasant feelings rushing through her, but, at Kyle’s words pure pleasure engulfed her entire being. Tears sprang to her eyes, a smile trembled on her lips as she simply answered, “Yes, Kyle. I love you.”


  “So you guys are just basically doing errands for the wedding today?” Ashley asked as she tucked into a big breakfast of scrambled eggs, toast, bacon, grits, applesauce and hash-browns.

  “Yes.” Catlyn looked on as her former partner continued to shovel food into her mouth like she hadn’t eaten in days. Teasingly she said, “Worked up an appetite hon?”

  Ashley laughed out loud, winking, “In the bed, in the shower on the floor—“

  Catlyn laughed holding up a hand palm out, “W-T-M-I.”

  Ashley scraped her plate clean before carrying it to the sink to rinse. “So, do you want me to come with? I am not sure what Kyle has planned but he’s shut up in Jack’s study again.”

  “Those two are up to something, not sure what though. But, you’re welcome to come with me and Jack. I could use a woman’s opinion. When I start talking details of the wedding reception Jack gets that shoot-me-now look I can’t stand.”

  “And here I thought you loved everything about me!” Jack said from the doorway, crossing over to take Catlyn in his arms. Kyle followed behind going to Ashley.

  “I love every single part of you except your inability to hide the fact that I lost you when it comes to shopping and parties.”

  “Catlyn, that’s women stuff. I am a hundred percent tuned in to the important stuff.”

  Catlyn stepped out of Jack’s embrace, crossing her arms against her chest. Before Kyle could give his friend a warning look against the impending trouble he was about to make for himself Catlyn questioned, “So, you don’t think our wedding and the reception is important?”

  “Of course I do, just not the planning part.” Jack answered matter-of-factly.

  “Uh, we are going to go wait in the car for you guys.” Kyle slipped in before Catlyn could respond to Jack’s in the dog house answer.


  The two couples were out and about doing the left over, last minute errands for the wedding reception and having a good time. The men got along great as did the women and as a whole group everyone just seem to click with everyone else. They spent most of the morning laughing.

  “So, except for picking up the rings I think we’ve finished everything on the list.” Catlyn stated while checking off items on a piece of paper.

  “Where are the rings?” Ashley asked, leaning forward from the backseat to take the list from Catlyn’shand.

  “Jay’s Jewelry at the Galleria.” Catlyn happily named the upscale jewelry store.

  Ashley tapped Jack’s shoulder, “Great taste Jack, fancy.”

  Jack gave Ashley a quick glance in the rearview mirror. “I wanted nothing but the best for Catlyn. I picked the store, Catlyn picked the rings.”

  “He picked my engagement ring and matching earrings he gave me on Valentine’s Day all by himself.” Catlyn smiled, waving her left hand.

  “They’re beautiful Jack.” Kyle noted Ashley’s voice was a little wistful. He was glad he had asked Jack to help him arrange their next stop.


  “They’re gorgeous Catlyn.” The women were looking at the rings off to the side. Jack put his wallet in his pocket and accepted the receipt. Kyle was having a whispered conversation with one of the sales people.

  The women turned towards the door to walk out but Jack put a hand on each of their shoulders, “This way ladies, we’re not done.”

  Ashley looked up to see Kyle next to one of the counters. The salesman had put out several trays of engagement rings. Kyle held his hand out. “Come on Babydoll and pick your ring.”

  Ashley gasped in surprise. She looked at Jack and Catlyn who were smiling happily for her.

  “You mean pick out an engagement ring now? You already gave me such a beautiful ring.”

  “You meant it when you said yes didn’t you?” Kyle laughed.

  “Of course I did!”

  “Then come and pick your ring baby.” At his words Ashley almost skipped to Kyle at the counter, grabbing his hand she hugged him to her. “The family Claddagh ring is my I–love-you-Ashley ring to you and the engagement ring is we-are-getting-married ring.”

  Ashley listened as she looked at the tray of rings. They all were so beautiful. It would be hard to choose.

  Kyle watched as Ashley’s eyes roamed over the trays of rings. The rings were priced on the high end, some very intricate, some with huge diamonds and others more subtle. There were diamonds mixed with sapphires and some paired with rubies and emeralds.

  Kyle knew the very second Ashley had chosen. Her eyes had appreciated all the rings set before her but she lit up from the inside at a simple solitaire, Marquise cut, 4 carat ring, its band made of linked smaller diamonds with gold in between. Before she could reach for it Kyle removed it from the tray and slipped it easily on her ring finger. “Are you sure Babydoll?”

  Ashley looked up from admiring the ring on her finger, eyes sparkling and with a dazzling smile she answered, “Oh, yes, Kyle. This is the one. This is my ring. Thank you.” She reached up to kiss him.

  When they parted Ashley whooped, jumped up and down, and waving her hand to show Jack and Catlyn. Kyle laughed as he reached for his wallet. One again he couldn’t help but wonder at the amazing differences between Ashley and Bunny. Kyle knew that if he had been here with Bunny he’d be paying for the most expensiv
e ring in the store rather than a ring, though expensive, spoke to his bride-to-be’s heart and not her greed.


  The couples were on the Newburgh waterfront in the Rainbows on the Hudson restaurant celebrating Kyle’s and Ashley’s engagement. Jack cleared his throat and raised his glass to the couple sitting across from him and Catlyn. “Well, I’d like to make a toast to you guys. We wish you all the happiness in the world. And we are so glad that you two finally caught a clue!”

  The small group laughed before acknowledging the heartfelt but teasing words. After they enjoyed their dinner they were headed back to the house, the men to a meeting with a potential client for Jack’s security firm and the women to pick a movie to go to see while the men were busy.

  To enjoy the balmy day they had chose to park at one of the upper parking lots and walk down to the waterfront. So while Jack was paying the bill, Kyle was getting the car. The two women were walking out of the restaurant, trailing along the deck, admiring Ashley’s ring again and talking about Jack picking up Catlyn’s mother from the airport the next day.

  “Jack says he doesn’t want me to take the ride to JFK to get mom. It’s ridiculous, cute and frustrating all at the same time how protective he is of me and the baby.”

  At Mackenzie’s silence after her comment Catlyn looked over at her. Mackenzie’s face was frozen in an intense frown. Catlyn was startled by Mackenzie’s abrupt movement. Ignoring the 6 steps she ran to the edge of the deck and jumped the railing, shouting over her shoulder, “It’s him Catlyn!” Then she took off at top speed.

  Afraid for her, Catlyn turned back towards the door. “Jack! Help, Jack!”

  Jack appeared immediately beside Catlyn. “Honey, what’s wrong?”

  Before Catlyn could answer their attention was caught by a loud screech of tires. They looked up in time to see Mackenzie rolling smoothly across the hood of a car that almost hit her. Undeterred by her near miss she took off running. “Jack help her!”

  Not needing any details, responding to the stress in Catlyn’s voice, Jack too took the fastest route, bypassing the steps and jumping the railing to go after Mackenzie.

  As Catlyn took the stairs and rounded the deck, Kyle pulled up in the car, “Where’s Ashley and Jack?”

  Kyle had started to get out of the car but Catlyn waved him back inside, getting in the front passenger seat. Pointing towards their partners running in the distance, she said, “That way.”

  With an economy of movements Kyle got back in the car and headed towards Jack and Ashley. He could see Jack closing in on Ashley and someone even further in the distance. Ignoring the one way arrows and the wrong way signs Kyle entered the gravel road that ran parallel to the waterfront on one side and train tracks on the other. Kyle swerved around a couple of cars with blaring horns and angrily gesturing drivers.

  Kyle ignored everything around him. His heart pounding in fear for Ashley he pressed the accelerator. Gravel tinged and pinged against the hub caps and his speed picked up. Even though he was driving well above the speed limit Kyle knew he wasn’t going to catch the running trio before the road ran out and continued into a trail. As he neared the trail-head Kyle watched Ashley jump the train tracks still in pursuit of the unknown man. He could tell she was closing in on the man. Jack was hard on their tail.

  Kyle slammed on the brakes coming to a skidding stop at the beginning of the trail. He got out and started after the trio. His training had him looking back at Catlyn to make sure she was ok. He watched her get out of the car and started to run too. Guiltily he slowed his pace so she could catch him. He grabbed her hand to keep her with him. Their pace was much slower than the other three but he could keep them in sight.

  He looked ahead and watched Ashley make a flying leap at the man she chased. They both went down. Surprising speed had the two on their feet and facing off, surprising on the man’s part not Ashley’s, Kyle had seen Ashley’s speed many times before.

  Kyle’s heart almost stopped when the man went at Ashley. He saw Jack was almost upon the fighting duo. Fear had him forcing a little more speed from Catlyn.

  Suddenly Jack froze and didn’t interfere. Confused and a little angry Kyle wondered why Jack didn’t pull the man away from Ashley. He just stood there watching some man attack his fiancée. His gripped tightened on Catlyn’s hand as he sped up again to reach them.

  Just when Kyle would have went at the guy hard, Catlyn pulled on his hand. “No Kyle! Look!”

  Kyle flung Catlyn’s hand away and went forward. He heard Catlyn say, “Jack!”

  Jack turned and stopped Kyle pushing him back with strong hands against his chest.

  Furious now, Kyle went at Jack. “What the fuck are you doing?”

  Jack ducked Kyle’s fist flying at him, swung Kyle using his own momentum and put him in a restraining hold. Kyle saw red. “What the fuck is wrong with you? Help her man!”

  Kyle broke Jack’s hold but now Catlyn was holding him back. Kyle was reluctant to fight any woman but certainly not one he knew was pregnant. He suspiciously glared at Catlyn. She knew he wouldn’t touch her in that way. “Catlyn move!”

  Her hands gently cupped his cheeks and she got in his face, connecting their eyes. “Kyle, look at them with the eyes of Director Strong and not with the eyes of the man in love.”

  Giving Catlyn one last look Kyle took a deep breath and looked at Ashley. She had just blocked a fist to her face. Kyle put a hand to Catlyn’s shoulder, pregnant or not she was getting out of his way. Jack was there. He pulled Kyle’s hand off Catlyn’s shoulder. “Stop being an ass man and look at them not just your woman.”

  Kyle threw Jack a glare before he switched his scrutiny back to the fighting couple. The man who was about 20-23 years of age was tall, several inches taller than Ashley, putting him somewhere in the 6-2 vicinity. He was very physically fit. He was in the middle of a backflip away from Ashley. Like mirrored images the two landed perfectly on their feet turned and stepped into each other simultaneously.

  It suddenly struck Kyle. They were doing identical moves. They threw the same punches, used the same blocks. They were so in sync with each other their fists came crashing together after they had attempted the same move.

  “Ten.” The man shouted out. He and Ashley arced into another ready stance and tried another attack. They came clashing together. He blocked her and she blocked him, identically. They pushed each other back and Ashley said, “Four”.

  They both went into spinning back-kicks. Their feet hit together and they both spun out and quickly did a running drop-kick. Their feet slammed into the others, the force sending them both back, Ashley into a back cartwheel and the young man into a no-hands back-flip. Quickly they faced off again.

  The man said, “Three”. Their hands flashed simultaneously. Blocking and striking.

  Ashley, “One,” they switched stances and did a series of rapid hand motions that were often used to fend off a knife attack.

  The man, “Seven”, their motions sped up, doubling the speed they hand been using, yet the two still did identical moves.

  Frantically, Ashley shouted, “Two.” Again the pair did exact moves that had their fists clashing together and their arms crossed against each other in the same counter move.

  The battling pair froze wide-eyed. Still holding their crossed arms against each other, chests heaving, Ashley spoke hesitatingly, “J-J-Jared?”

  A loving wonder filled the man’s eyes as he lowered their arms and slowly took Ashley in his arms. Shaking hands cupped her cheeks, his thumbs wiping at her fast falling tears, “Yes, little-one, it’s me!”

  Ashley cried out as though in pain and crumpled against the man’s chest and his arms tightened on Ashley. He soothingly stroked her hair, whispering gently in her ear. “It’s ok little-one! I’m here. I’m right here! I’ll never leave you!”

  His words seem to both console and devastate Ashley. Her crying was heart wrenching to hear. She cried out again and pulled Jared close to her. A
shley lost her legs. Jared easily caught her in his arms, cuddling her to him as she went into a faint. He turned to the 3 stunned people watching him.


  Jared took in the different expressions. The one most in common with all 3 was concern. So they were friends not foes, “I think we need to get her indoors.” His gray eyes scanned the two men and one woman. The tall man with piercing blue eyes moved towards him. “I’ll take her.”

  At the man’s motion to take his small burden, Jared did a half turn, giving the guy his shoulder. “No, thanks, I’ll keep her with me.”

  The man seemed to grow several inches taller right in front of Jared. The guy was big and tall, well-muscled and look ready to take his head off. Jared hid a small smile. He was probably her boyfriend. Jared readied himself and held on tighter to his precious cargo as the man flexed and stepped closer.


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