New World Order: 666 - The Mark of the Beast (Vol. 1)

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New World Order: 666 - The Mark of the Beast (Vol. 1) Page 2

by W. R. Benton

  “I love you!” she yelled as she moved toward the front door, purse and keys in hand.

  “I love you, too!” he yelled back and then added, “Be safe on the way to work.”

  He finished his coffee and moved to his computer. Each morning he visited a social media site where he met his friends and exchanged information, told jokes and exchanged lies. Most were old military men like him, and a few even served in the Air Force as he had. Two or three had served with him in Thailand, Vietnam, or Guam, and he'd known them for years.

  Since he was a retired E-8, most of his friends called him “Top” for top sergeant. While they mainly gathered to joke and clown around, lately there had been some serious conversations about the New World Order Conspiracy and if it was real or not.

  “Mornin' all!” he typed, then pushed the enter key and waited. He took a sip of his hot coffee.

  “Hey, Top!” Wilson replied quickly.

  “Where is everyone this morning?” James asked.

  “I don't know. Maybe Homeland Security picked them all up.”

  James typed a “LOL.”

  Only it was possible. As veterans they often spoke their minds and to hell with who didn't like it. That's why James liked and trusted them, because they were loyal Americans who had served their nation when many others had not. They didn't look like heroes, but they were exactly the kind of men who once made America great.

  An hour later, Bill Blake came online and said, “Thomas and Jerry were both picked up for questioning by Homeland Security. Seems Tom made some comments about the President being a weak dick Muslim and they took it personal. You know how Thomas is when he gets pissed. He meant nothing and was blowing off steam.”

  “This isn't the first time.” He reminded them that Tom had been picked up before for posting images of the President dressed as a rag-head, with a camel, and a desert tent in the background. It was what the President was doing to the camel that got him in trouble. They'd warned him, slapped his wrist and he'd returned home pissed. A day later and he was back doing it again, but this time posting the President as an overweight drag queen.

  “I think all of this is part of the New World Order.” Blake said.

  “Oh? How's that?” James asked, and then laughed.

  “We are so weak now as a nation all it would take is one hard puff and we'd fall over. Look, men are dressing like women, and women like men, and our society is so corrupt and full of evil, all ya have to do is read the Bible to know we're in the end of times. Sodom and Gomorrah had nothing on us. We have adults acting like kids because they were never raised, they just grew up. No one has respect for authority, and no one even has self-respect, with piercing and self mutilation the norm. The norm!”

  “Not my problem.” James replied.

  “The President is considering letting the United Nations come in to disarm all American citizens. He claims once the weapons are gone, the deaths from guns will have to go down.”

  “I see two problems there.” James typed, “One, the American people will never give up their guns. Two, most of the murders done today are not done by law abiding citizens, but thugs. You have to be some kind of special liberal stupid to believe criminals will obey gun laws. Oh, at times Tom might find Sally in bed with his best friend and kill 'em both, but you know what I mean.”

  “On the news today he was saying if the guns were not handed over to the UN, he'd declare martial law and they'd take them from us.”

  “How'd the military react, or do you know?”

  “The Generals, except for a few, agreed with him.”

  “Of course, they're all damned yes men. Hell, they can't think on their own.” James took another drink of his coffee.

  “Consider this; They now legally listen to and record our phone calls, they scan our mail to keep track of who sent it and who it is addressed to as well. They often hack our computers, but for what, images of Mary and Frank's wedding? Cell phones are easy for them to hack and so is our computer usage online. How many drones fly over our heads or vans are parked on our street watching our homes?”

  “I don't think it's that bad.” James said, and then went into the kitchen for more coffee. He returned a couple of minutes later.

  “Damn it, James, it is that bad. The younger generations are dumber than a box of horse turds and that's the college graduates I'm talking about. I'd be surprised if many Masters level graduates can even read at the senior high school level. NSA claims they're looking for terrorists, but according to the news they've not caught a one, not a one, with all this invasion of privacy bullshit.” Blake said.

  “Not my problem.” James typed.

  “Nothing seems to be your problem today, old buddy.” Wilson typed.

  “It is your problem, my friend, and mine too.” Blake typed and then added quickly, “Our society is purposely being made stupid. The NWO is doing this on purpose, just like bringing in the millions of illegal aliens and the refugees. They want our economy to go tits up and for the United States to fall, and hard, too. One by one they want the economies of the world to collapse so they can take over. With the Liberals in charge, our economy is doomed, because we'll fall and soon, too. Hell, they've been spending money we don't have for fifty years. But the NWO, they like us doing this stuff.”

  “What is this and who is they?”

  “The rich, James, the super elite rich from around the world. I read they want to brainwash all of us, set up a world currency, one religion, no guns, no resistance, and to kill off millions of folks that are dangerous to the state, or may have serious medical problems. The mentally ill will be gassed to death or used for medical experiments. I read they want to plant chips in each of us, so they can control us, monitor our thoughts, and track us with a GPS.”

  “Hell, it sounds like Hitler and his Third Reich. LOL.” James said.

  “Some Christians are calling the chips the mark of the beast, so it's a serious issue, if it's true.” Wilson typed.

  “I just don't see it, LOL.” James replied.

  “Not funny, man, they are calling it the Fourth Reich. This Reich will not be on a national level, but a world level. It would operate the same way as Hitler ran his Reich, with concentration camps, mass gassing, public executions and so on. Hell, why do you think FEMA is making camps all over the United States? Huh? Do ya reckon they spend all the money just for hurricanes?”

  “You're forgetting all the hunters and veterans we have out there with guns. No, I ain't falling for no NWO conspiracy yet. I just don't see it happening. Do you really think the squirrel of a man we currently have as President has the balls to call the UN in to disarm us? He's only got a few months left and then he's history, and bad history at that. I don't think he could scratch his own ass if he started with his hands in his back pockets.”

  “It's not his call, James, but the NWO. The President, when elected, was worth almost one million dollars, and he had no solid source of income, not a thing, before being elected. Now, almost eight years later, he's worth over twelve million bucks. How'd he make that money legally?”

  “He was a college professor, or so I heard.” James replied.

  “No college professor is making enough to have a million dollars in the bank and I don't give a damn who they are or what college they teach. The man taught Constitutional law and he's broken it more times than any President in history. Probably more than all the other Presidents combined.” Blake replied. “Hell, I thought Grant was dishonest and his administration corrupt, but this President makes him look like a boy scout.”

  Wilson typed, “Remember a couple of elections back when it looked like retired General Wiseman would win the election? He had all the electoral votes; even the Liberals liked the man, but he lost to Goings, who was under investigation for keeping classified information in her home and on her private email server. Goings should have gone to prison, but she was the hand picked one to be our President by the NWO. Suddenly, as the President, all the FBI charges agai
nst her were dropped, and nothing was ever said about her or her email again. I really don't think our votes mean shit and the NWO selects our leaders.”

  “Look at all the deaths too. Some of the world’s richest men and women have been found dead. Some were ruled suicides, others murder, but why? I think they weren't playing by the rules of the NWO or they've pissed them off in some way. Hell, Mims was killed just last night, but why?”

  James chuckled, took a sip of his coffee and said, “Wilson, my man, you're reading too many action books and I think you're way off with your thinking. Are you trying to tell me the NWO has hit-men?”

  “It's possible. These men and women are billionaires and can call the shots. Nothing, and I mean nothing, goes on in the world without their approval.”

  James laughed and typed, “Bullshit.”

  “James, you're wrong, good buddy. The NWO even financed the protesters and looters at all the public speaking events General Wiseman had. Those folks didn't just show up on their own. They were paid big money to raise hell and attack the General's policy on sending illegal aliens and refugees back home. If you remember, not one American flag was carried by the protesters, but plenty of Mexican and Mussy flags. They looted towns, causing millions in damages, blocked traffic on highways, and just raised hell in general. Even the blacks turned against him and blocked traffic in and out of a number of large cities in protest.”

  “Let any sumbitches try to block me on the freeway and you'll have a mass burial. I don't play that shit.” James typed, and then chuckled.

  “Pull your head out of your ass and you'll see it all around you. Kids are learning less about religion and few attend church, history has been rewritten and is no longer taught as it really happened, it's getting hard to tell the men from the women, and we're a nation of wussies. Hell, most Americans today are obese and lay on their asses all day doing nothing. Racial tensions are higher now than when Martin Luther King was marching in the 1960's. More and more Americans are getting used to the government taking care of them and that's just for starters. Under the current President, race relations have been moved back 60 years or more.” Blake said.

  Wilson said, “I see black folks protesting the killing of one of their own and demanding the policeman who killed him to be locked up. The man killed had shot at the officer twice, hitting his cruiser door both times. Hell, like anyone else the cop shot back. They wanted to know why the cop shot to kill and not just maim? Why didn't he use a taser or pepper spray? Now, I may be a black man, but even I don't understand that line of thinking. I'll bet you the NWO is behind all this racial unrest too.”

  “Just some lazy folks who think they can sue for some big money and come out on top.” James typed.

  “Well, the current generation is a lazy bunch and that's obvious. But, don't ya see, it's the old adage of divide and conquer. The NWO wants all the minorities in this country at each others throats.” Wilson said.

  “Interesting discussion, but I need to run some errands. Will you be online later?” James asked.

  “Maybe. As a retired detective, maybe I can pull some strings and get the Homeland Security folks to release Thomas and Jerry. Hell, they're not criminals.” Wilson said.

  “LOL, one day they'll do too much and end up in jail for a spell. I'm actually surprised they've not been sued for slander.” James said.

  “Or ended up in a concentration camp.” Blake typed.

  Half a world away, in Frankfurt, Germany, a man sat in a dark office at the very top of a huge industrial complex, with only his desk lamp on. It was cold outside, with the skies overcast and the threat of snow in the air. The man picked up his phone, dialed a number and then said, “Begin phase three, immediately.”


  Wilson looked at the desk Sergeant and asked, “What do you mean they're not locked up? Are they here, in this building?”

  “I have no record of them being arrested, no warrants are on file for either, and no reason we'd pick them up. I can guarantee you, they're not in jail here.”

  “Run a computer check and see if the Feds have anything on them. They're both retired military men, so it's not likely they've broken any laws.”

  “I'll do it this time, bro, but keep in mind, this ain't Wilson's police force, okay?” the black Sergeant said, and then laughed.

  Minutes later he glanced from the screen and said, “They're clear, and the Feds don't want them either. Maybe they went out for a while. There's no reason any agency would want either of those guys. Oh, and they're not listed on the No Fly List either, so they're clean.” The Sergeant then laughed.

  Just then, Donna walked in from lunch and Wilson said, “How are you doing today?”

  “I'm fine, Frank, and how is Julia?”

  “Doing well, and the doctor said the baby is due any day now.”

  “You just watch and make sure that pretty daughter of yours doesn't try to do too much.”

  “I will, and say hi to James when you see him tonight.”

  “I'll do that and after the baby is born, well, maybe y'all can come by the house for supper one night.”

  “I'll tell her, and look forward to it.” Wilson said and then added to the desk Sergeant, “Thanks for the help, Sarge, but those guys are my war buddies.”

  “Not a problem, but if the Lieutenant catches me doing this for you, he'll have my ass.” the Sergeant said, and then gave a big smile.

  Wilson walked outside, gave thought to his two friends and then started walking to his car. He'd just entered the parking lot when he saw two men being loaded into a van. One was Jerry, he was sure of it, but his face was black and blue with bruises.

  Before he could approach the van, it sped away and was lost from view.

  Now, the desk Sergeant either lied to me or had no idea Jerry and Thomas were in the building. If no one has a warrant for either, why have they been taken? Who took them? he thought as he started his car and placed it into gear.

  He glanced at his watch, 1312 hours, and then relaxed. His wife, Nancy worked as a nurse at a local hospital and his daughter Julia had mom's car for the day. Seems his daughter's car was in the shop, so Wilson had to pick up Nancy at the hospital, but that was hours from now.

  I need to talk with the wives of both guys to see how the arrests went down and take it from there, he thought and drove to Jerry's house first.

  Jerry and his wife lived in a nice middle class neighborhood, with fairly new homes, and well maintained yards. Jerry's yard always looked good, because it was his pride and joy, along with his 18 foot flag pole, which had both a United States and Texas flag mounted. He pulled into the driveway and parked behind the 1965 Ford Mustang his buddy was rebuilding.

  He walked to the door and rang the doorbell.

  A few short minutes later the door opened and Wilson could see that Joan had been crying.

  “Oh, Frank, come in, please. Some men showed early this morning and took Jerry away.”

  “That's why I'm here. Did the men say they had a warrant or what did they say to him?”

  “No, no, they showed me no warrant, but said they had one. Please, sit on the sofa. I'm worried to death over Jerry.”

  Wilson took a seat, met her wet eyes and said, “Tell me what you know and remember about this morning. No detail is too small.”

  “They were dressed in cheap three piece suits, like you'd buy at a department store, and all three were big men. They told him they had a federal warrant for his arrest for threatening the President of the United States, but still didn't show the papers. He gets hot online at times, but I know he'd never threaten anyone. He has been speaking out against the NWO and lately he'd been getting some strange calls and even a few threats. Jerry doesn't take threats well and stayed armed even in the house.

  It was a little after four this morning when the doorbell rang. I thought something had happened to one of our kids, who all live out of state, so I rushed to the door. When I opened it, three men rushed into the house
and handcuffed Tom. They showed me no search warrant, warrant for his arrest, or any paperwork. The only words spoken by them was to him and they said they had a federal warrant for his arrest, supposedly for threatening the President of the United States. How can that be, if they didn't show me the papers?”

  “Well, by not showing the papers, the arrest was illegal. What did these men call each other, or do you remember?”

  “Uh, some kind of military code. I only remember one man called Agent Poppa Whiskey. One of the men asked, 'Agent Poppa Whiskey, where is the suspect to be placed in the van?'”

  “Did you see any badges or name tags, anything like that?”

  “I was half asleep and they all wore badges on their belts, to the left of the buckles. I remember seeing an eye in a triangle, with a world globe behind it, but I was never shown one. They rushed in, took Tom, and then left. I'm worried about him, Frank.”

  “I'm looking for them now. I hope to have him home in time for supper with you.” He gave an ill felt smile as he stood.

  “I do have a license number for the white van and it's NWO666, Texas state plate.” she said as she handed him a scrap of paper.

  “The 666 comes from Revelation 13 in the Bible. If I remember correctly 666 is a human number that is connected with the mark of the beast.”

  “I opened my Bible right after they left, and it reads, 'No one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.'” “I think that's Revelation 13:17,18, right?”

  “I don't know, Frank, and I didn't write any of this down. The NWO scared me as much as the sixes did.”

  “Let me know if you hear anything about Tom, okay? I don't care the time of day or night, you call me, understood?”

  “I will, and I hope I get him back safe. He's a good man, Frank.”

  “I know, and I knew him before you, remember?” he replied, stood and added, “I have to speak with Tom's wife, too, and see how she is doing with all of this.”


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