New World Order: 666 - The Mark of the Beast (Vol. 1)

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New World Order: 666 - The Mark of the Beast (Vol. 1) Page 9

by W. R. Benton

  “Razorback, nice bar-be-cue, and have a good flight back.”

  “Roger that, Eyes 1, and remember, you call and we haul. Razorback out.”

  The man on the ground dialed a number into his cell phone and then said, “Roast beef.”

  “Copy, Roast Beef.”

  He placed his phone in his pocket and waited for the flames to die down. If no fire trucks showed, he'd go down later and look for bodies. Right now he pulled out a flask, took a long drink, and then smiled. He'd just earned an easy $500,000.

  On a hill opposite of the lodge, Agent X32, was watching the Combat Controller through the scope of his sniper rifle. He was in a prone position, with the bi-pod on the front of his rifle to assist him in keeping the weapon still as he sighted in his target.

  On the other hill, the man was thinking of the things he could buy for his family with the money just earned and decided to call his wife and have her ready to go out for supper later. He was dialing the number when the phone slipped from his hand. He bent over to pick it up when the tree he'd been leaning against took a rifle round, sending bark in all directions. He heard no shot. Knowing he'd just been shot at, he began running, knowing a moving target in a forest full of trees is almost impossible to hit. He moved into the protective cover of dense pines and oaks, and at times he'd hear a round strike a tree.

  His forearms were scratched and bleeding, but he knew that was nothing compared to a bullet so he took the pain without thought. At times he fell or stumbled, falling to the ground, and when he came to a small stream, he ran through it without thought. By the time he could see his car, he was bleeding from multiple scrapes and gouges from his run.

  He ran until he reached his car.

  Opening his trunk he threw his gear in, along with his rifle, checked the safety on his .45 auto and unlocked the door. He moved behind the steering wheel, put his seat-belt on and turned the ignition. There came a split-second in his mind when he knew he was a dead man. His world abruptly exploded into lambent flames and austere pain, and then he knew nothing.

  The sniper heard the shattering explosion and waited until he saw the oily black red flames of the bomb and gas from the cars fuel tank rolling into each other. He chuckled, because he'd wired the car before he'd even gotten into position. He'd been with the organization for over ten years, and he always killed his target, always, but not always with a rifle. He stood and then moved toward his horses.

  In Frankfurt, in a darkened room with a map of the world projected on one complete wall, the Boss was sitting at a table. Twelve other men and women sat at the table, with most sipping expensive cognac, and listening to a presentation by a young man dressed in a high-priced suit. The man talking ran the intelligence section for the New World Order.

  “The Russians, Chinese, and Americans are being very resistant to the implementation of the NWO policies. Our largest problem is with the Americans, since they now have a weak Vice President who will run the show for almost a year. However, we are making some progress bringing him into the fold and his price is one billion dollars, which as we all know is small change. We must get him to enforce the martial law throughout the land and start taking guns away.

  There are enough registered guns in American for each person to have 2.5 weapons. That, ladies and gentlemen, is a force larger than any organized army in the world. Then, consider the millions of hunters, veterans, and others that keep small arms for home protection. I suspect there are even more older weapons, still in excellent shape, that have been in families for years and they are not even registered. The registration of firearms is relatively new in the United States, and their resistance to turning over their guns is high. Many Americans, especially those over 40, have a cowboy mentality and it's a dangerous attitude for us to face. It is my opinion they will not give up their weapons without a fight.”

  The Boss interrupted and said, “We expect a fight, especially in America, but it means little to us. Collecting guns and fighting those determined to keep them will be a job for the UN. The UN is on our payroll, so let's have them act in a few days. The time has never been better for implementing the New World Order, so let’s make this happen. If a redneck or cowboy gives us trouble, kill him or her. I want the American NSA system to start working harder too, because the director has been bought and paid for, to start rounding up those who speak out against our plans, the UN, gun confiscation or raising hell over what is happening. I want all phone calls, social media, and letters monitored.”

  The young man said, “That has started, sir, yesterday, as a matter of fact. Those arrested are having chips implanted before they are released. If they refuse to take the chip, they will disappear and end up in a mass grave. However, on a more serious note, intelligence indicates ISIS is about to detonate another dirty bomb on American soil.”

  “By God, that we cannot allow. They'll turn the whole country into a place we'll not be able to live in for hundreds of years. I want us to detonate our own dirty bombs, within 12 hours, and do so in four of the largest cities under ISIS control. Have them informed, afterwards, if they use one more nuclear bomb of any sort on the United States, NWO will have all ISIS leaders drawn and quartered. This crap must stop. Have the UN declare that they've uncovered evidence that ISIS detonated the dirty bomb in the US and I want death and total destruction to hit ISIS. Use Russian bombers, American B-52s, and carpet bomb the whole area! They've been more of a pain in the ass than a help to us, other than reducing the world's Arab population.”

  “Yes, sir, it shall be done. One last note of interest. Since combat started between the US and United Nations, the American people seemed to have put their differences aside and joined together, if nothing else spiritually, to resist our efforts. The state militias are well armed, patrolling their states, and even the good ole boys and cowboys have joined in this action. The US has limited its strikes against us to ground troops only and the commander of the UN forces informed me if the aircraft are brought into the fight, he may last at most two days.”

  “Good, because once the US massacres the UN troops, we'll have legal grounds to attack with all our might, again. Here the United States requested UN assistance to confiscate arms and then they attack us. It makes them look bad. Tell the current President his requested billion dollars will be granted, if he wipes out the UN. If he disagrees or wants more money, eliminate him, but make it look like an accident.”

  “Yes, sir. The weather folks wanted to remind everyone the area around Washington, D. C. is radioactive and will be long after we are all long dead. The winds in that part of the United States can be unpredictable, but our best estimate is one million died from the initial blast, with an additional estimated two million dead from radiation poisoning. Many Senators and Congressmen and women, were killed too, so there are some changes taking place in the states too.”

  The Boss asked, “Are they still refusing to comply with martial law?”

  “Yes, sir, and it's supported by their military. The military refuses to support the confiscation of weapons, because gun ownership is a second amendment right in their Constitution. Seems when all military members of their services join, officer and enlisted, the oath states they'd defend their Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. The United Nations is foreign and the President is domestic, sir.”

  “Contact the Joint Chiefs of Staff and tell them if they don't do something about all of this gun bullshit, we'll replace all of them with men and women who will act as instructed. I can't believe they can't act and order their troops to do as instructed.”

  “The individual American soldier, sailor, airman, or Marine is not required to follow unlawful orders and they're even taught how to decline such orders legally. As I stated with the start of day one of our pushing the establishment of our New World Order, the United States of America will be the most difficult country to bring into line. They, as I said earlier, have a different mentality and as a nation are a strong people.”

; “Get the liberals on the bandwagon and pay them what you must so we can use the influence of their people now, as the United Nations attacks them. Play on how they don't want the US turned into a wasteland with zillions of dead babies laying around or some other bullshit story. We cannot use the FEMA facilities as gulags, start mass killings, or rape Americas resources, until those fools give up their guns. I don't understand how they think, because normal folks would be afraid to be invaded. I get the impression from you that the Americans might even enjoy it.”

  “They will never give up their guns, Boss, never. I will try and do my best to make it happen, but they are a stubborn bunch. I suspect we'll have to take the arms from each house, one by one.”

  “We are way off track here in this conversation. You see to what you have been told to do and report to me privately as each step is started and accomplished. This meeting is over.” The Boss stood and walked from the room.


  James and the small convoy drove straight through to the Ozark Mountains without stopping, except for gas and one roadblock. Ben was very anxious, and worried that his being with the group would get them all killed. James kept telling him the NWO had no idea where he was, because without the chip, they couldn't know. Only Ben knew the organization had a long reach and knew things no one else knew. They'd had to hide Frank once, when a roadblock checked them looking for the man. Since he was wanted for killing the President, they used the GPS and CB radio in the van to avoid most roadblocks.

  At the roadblock, they'd hidden Frank in the upper shelves and placed canned goods and boxes in front of his body. Of course, the cops hadn't moved the dry goods or canned goods and he was not discovered. While the police searched, since all those fleeing Houston were armed, they were prepared to start fighting at any moment. In their collective minds the United States had gone to hell, and those working in law enforcement were just enforcers of those with money. Corruption had progressed to the point in politics that the average American was disgusted.

  James and the rest knew it was just a matter of time before a full blown civil war would erupt. The people were tired of being abused by politicians that treated their voters like so many blind sheep. The voting system was rigged, those in government were dishonest, and Americans were fed up. James figured it'd be Liberals against Conservatives and the positive side was most liberals didn't own a gun, whereas Republicans usually owned a couple or more.

  The land James owned was south of Rolla, Missouri on Route 63 South, at a small town named Vida. They turned right at Vida and drove down a macadam road. A few miles later they turned on the gravel road and continued until they ran into a fenced in area with a gate. James unlocked the gate, let everyone in and then locked the gate again. Off their right, as they drove toward the cave, the remains of an old cabin stood, and no trespassing signs were posted frequently. They passed the house, went down a hill and stopped right in front of a small stream. Vehicle engines were turned off and James yelled, “The cave is to the right, oh, maybe 200 feet.”

  All walked to the cave and it was much larger than imagined by most of them. The RV would have been able to drive in the thing, except trees blocked the approach.

  “There are a number of reasons I came here. First, in the event of a dirty bomb, the only protection against radiation sickness is shielding, and there is almost 500 feet of dirt and rock from the cave to the top soil. Second, it is impossible to freeze to death in a cave, because the temp stays pretty close to 68 degrees all year round. Third, while the locals know of this place and it's listed on all USGS maps, few would think of looking for a group from Houston here. Missouri has thousands of caves, so that helps. Later today, we'll drive into town and get new phones, and destroy the old ones. With our old phones, we can be traced right to here, if we make or take a call. So, no talking or accepting calls on your old phones.”

  “Once the camper is unloaded and everything moved to the inside of the cave, I'll park the camper in the old barn beside the ancient cabin on the hill. I know with the doors of the barn closed, no one will know it's there. The Jeep and motorcycle we can hide here. The cycle can actually be parked inside this place. The Jeep we'll cover with some camouflage netting I use to duck hunt. My concern with all the hiding is to keep the place empty in the event the NWO has access to satellite images.”

  “They have access to anything the UN has, and satellites are used when needed. I'm sure they'll have men and women working around the clock looking satellite images over. They'll come to understand some folks will go into hiding. They will mark all known spots, so they can check them.” Ben said.

  James grinned and said, “Now, I have solar panels on the top of my camper for power, gas generators, as well as a battery powered radio and television. To conserve power, we'll listen to the radio at noon, then the TV at 6 pm each day. At some point this next week, we'll remove the solar panels from the RV and rig them up outside, for use in here. I'm not sure if we'll be able to pick up many radio stations underground like this, so we'll have to check. We also need to cover the front of this cave to help avoid detection. I have a chainsaw with me, so we can cut and place logs across the front, leaving just enough of an opening to come and go. Eventually we'll make a swinging door.”

  “What about a bathroom or place to wash?” Carol asked.

  “For the first day or two, move out about 100 feet to do your business, and wash in the stream at the bottom of this road. Eventually, we'll build outhouses and a shower room of some sort. While in town today, I'll look for a 55 gallon drum we can use to fill with water and then modify into a shower. Things will be a little primitive for a while, but we can all do it.”

  Four hours later James, Dick, and Blake, along with Donna and Nancy pulled into the parking lot of a huge department store in Rolla. They loaded up on non-scented bleach to treat water, batteries of all sizes, a lot of different sources of protein, including 100 pounds of dried beans and cases of peanut butter. Cases of shells were purchased for pistols, shotguns, and rifles. Hacksaws were purchased, arrows for compound bows, and camouflage makeup as well. A dozen individual first aid kits went in the cart along with two cases wide sanitary napkin pads used by women. The pads worked well to slow the flow of blood from a gunshot wound.

  Camouflage colored tarps were thrown in the cart, along with portable shovels, toilet paper, large containers of salt and pepper were added, and two cases of non-scented bars of soap. Lighters, matches, and even flint and steel kits went in the basket.

  Of course, James picked up 8 cases of beer and 10 quarts of whiskey. No, the hard alcohol was not for a party, but to be used as a painkiller, once the medications Nancy had were gone. The beer would be consumed on special days or after an especially difficult day. It was the only luxury item purchased.

  Nancy had been in the medical supplies section of the store and picked up cases of medications to treat a variety of minor illnesses from diarrhea to tooth pain. She loaded her cart with rubbing alcohol, cases of multi-vitamins, vitamin C, and repair kits for glasses. As a nurse practitioner, she wrote out prescriptions for James, Blake, Dick, and Donna. She had them get 90 day supplies of antibiotics, painkillers, sleeping pills, Xanax, and other drugs she thought she might need. Over the next week, she'd write more scripts, so she could stockpile the drugs for any emergency.

  In the outdoors section of the store, two plastic fifty-five gallon drums were taken along with various types of tubing, clamps and rope. Full size shovels were also purchased, along with nails and a complete tool box full of tools, including a hammer.

  Once back at the cave and the supplies stored, James sawed the barrels off most of the shotguns, issued ammo, face paint, and other gear. He then said, “From tonight on, we'll have guards and everyone will pull guard duty, women included. I figure one hour shifts, since we have so many people, and that should be easy on all concerned. Now, if I catch you sleeping on guard, the first time you will be warned, but the second time you'll be banished from
the cave and the group. Any questions?”


  “Carol, I'd suggest you start teaching your children now. It will keep them and you busy and doing something productive. Over the years, they'll learn a little from each of us, which will improve their knowledge.” James said, glanced at Nancy, smiled, and continued, “Didn't you want to say a few words?”

  “If you start to get ill or suffer an injury, come and see me then, and don't wait until later when it has turned more serious. Most illnesses and injuries are easy to treat if we get to them early enough. Now, while this looks like a prolonged camping trip, try to stay clean by bathing at least every other day, change your clothing often, and keep your hands and feet healthy. Hands will collect splinters, small cuts, and torn nails; take care of them by using your individual first aid kits. Feet need to be cared for too, and that means clean socks each day, and if they get wet, change your socks as soon as you can. Keep your feet dry or they'll start to crack and bleed on you. If any doubt about an injury or illness see me.”

  Dick asked, “What about security?”

  James grinned and said, “As a retired security policeman, I'll run security and we'll have a guard on the high ground, right above this cave 24/7. From the top, all approaches to the cave can be seen and it's in a wooded area, too. The guard will carry a telephone and will be able, maybe, to report anyone coming to visit.”

  “Maybe?” Frank asked.

  “Yep, maybe, because I'm not sure how well the phones will receive signals in here. If they do poorly, we'll have to rig up a warning of some sort.”

  “We'll come up with something.” Frank said, but then asked, “How were things in town? Did people seem concerned about all the changes going on now?”


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