New World Order: 666 - The Mark of the Beast (Vol. 1)

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New World Order: 666 - The Mark of the Beast (Vol. 1) Page 11

by W. R. Benton

  “The threat has been terminated.”

  “You sure?”

  “Positive; now strip those two men of anything you can find. Bring their watches, guns, packs, and all but the clothing they're wearing or the bodies.”

  “Copy, and will do.” James said, and the line went dead.

  Once back at the cave, Frank and Joda went through the gear and supplies. They discovered two sets of NVGs with extra batteries, and three more doses of self-injecting morphine. Thomas no longer needed it; he'd died minutes before the last sniper. Six MRE self-heating rations, two 9 mm hand guns and two Russian sniper rifles, with one day and night scope, the other had been destroyed, and four magazines of ammo for each rifle. Small binoculars, and some other small items each man liked to carry, such as pocket knife, chewing tobacco, and so on, were found too. Neither man had any identification and each carried close to a thousand dollars.

  James waited a bit and then said, “We need to move again, but we're lucky, because we're in the Mark Twain National Forest. Tomorrow, Frank and I will scout the area and look for another cave or spot to make a home.”

  “Why move, honey? This place is nice.”

  “It's obvious the Feds, knowing of my land here, figured this is where we'd be. So, we need to go where they won't expect us. Now they have lost two snipers, they'll soon send more men and we don't want to be here.”

  “It's time for the evening news.” Frank said, and then turned the television on.

  “Our top two stories tonight, the US treasury to remove 'In God We Trust” from all American currency. The removal is the result of a joint lawsuit filed by the organizations, Atheists Have Rights Too and the American Civil Rights for Muslims. The Supreme Court voted the words do in fact violate the separation of religion and government. Christian organizations, especially our nations Southern Baptists are angered by the ruling.”

  The camera traveled to the other reporter sitting at the desk and moved in for a close up shot as she said, “Federal Health authorities are confused by the increase in the number of Plague victims since the first victim died ten days ago. In the ten days since his death, 2,000 others have died. The Black Plague, long thought eradicated, has suddenly become a major health concern. Not to mention 276 new cases of Ebola, and almost a thousand Zika victims. Homeland security is involved to determine if this is not an act of terrorism.”

  “Breaking news! Just minutes ago, it was announced the United States military defeated the United Nations teams sent here to take guns from gun owners. The President of the United States is to speak to our nation in a few seconds. Lee Johnson is currently on the scene in Los Angeles, where the temporary White House is located, and covering this item. Lee, what can you tell us about the President and his speech?”

  “Confidential sources close to the President tell us he is requesting many more UN troops and is determined to confiscate all guns from Americans. This action is, of course, illegal with the Second Amendment of the Constitution guaranteeing the right of every American to keep and bear arms. He has also —”

  The camera zoomed in on the new President of the United States as he walked to the podium. He removed his speech from his coat, cleared his throat, and said, “My fellow Americans, we are facing times of increased gun violence across the nation, and this cannot be allowed to continue. Therefore, I have once again asked the UN to provide me with enough troops to disarm all Americans. I have asked the United States Military Services to release any and all members of our military who will not follow my orders. My orders to our services will be to place those who refuse to follow my orders in FEMA camps for their own protection, to guard these camps and to assist the UN in collecting weapons. Those who resist will go to our camps and their families will join them. Individual states who fail to obey my martial law decree will see their Governor and other elected officials sent to FEMA camps as well. Individuals who fail to follow my orders, fail to enact martial law, and those who refuse to surrender their guns will be identified as criminal felons. My goal is to follow the New World Order and take America to places and new levels it has never achieved before. This cannot be done in a criminal environment where every mentally disturbed veteran can buy a gun, and they are all dealing with serious PTSD issues, or where wannabee cowboys can arm themselves in just a few minutes. Along with taking guns, I have passed a new law that makes the selling of any gun, by anyone, a very serious offense that carries the death penalty. As of this minute, guns will no longer be made in the United States. I will not answer any questions at this time. Thank you.” The President of the United States walked from the room.

  “John, it's clear the President can collect guns, as part of martial law, but once the state of emergency is over, the guns will have to be returned to their owners. It's difficult to see the need for martial law, but there have been some violent riots in some of our larger cities. This is Lee Johnson, on special assignment with the President. Back to our studio.”

  “Thank you Lee, and I now take you live to our Governor, who will comment on the President's speech.”

  “Missourians, the great state of Missouri has activated the National Guard, our Reserve units, and our state militia. I feel the President is out of bounds by declaring martial law and is clearly, as well as intentionally, violating the second amendment to the United States Constitution, the same document he swore to defend. Therefore, I am soliciting impeachment proceeding against him at this moment. In the event he will not accept an impeachment ruling, the State of Missouri, along with many Southern States, will once again secede from the Union. As of this morning, we had 30 more states willing to leave the Union as well. Those states that did not join us are primarily Liberal states and are not really welcome to be a part of us. We find the New World Order to be dangerous, powerful, and not something the state of Missouri or the United States would find in her best interests to be involved with. I will not answer any questions at this time. Save your questions for tomorrow's press briefing; thank you.”

  The camera man followed the governor and his bodyguards out of the building. Cameras were clicking and video cameras were moving to the best positions for lighting in the early evening darkness. The group climbed into a black SUV.

  The driver turned the ignition and the starter was heard turning, then came a huge explosion as hundreds of pounds of conventional C-4, placed under fertilizer and flour, exploded. Additionally, items in the trunk included nuts, bolts, and over a hundred pounds of nails placed loosely on top of the explosives. The occupants of the SUV died instantly. The top of the vehicle, as well as the trunk, where the FBI agent had place the explosives, blew high into the sky, twisting and turning as they moved upward. Over forty bystanders were seriously injured and eighteen killed. The United States was starting to look like Arab countries, where car bombings were a daily occurrence.

  “John, we have our camera man down and I . . . I think . . . I think he's dead. Back to you.”

  John gave a fake smile and said, “We'll keep you updated on that assassination as soon as more information becomes available. I repeat, the governor of Missouri, the honorable John Hains, was assassinated just moments ago by a car bomb. Join us later tonight for our 10 pm newscast and we'll provide you with the latest up to date information on his horrible killing.”

  The camera switched to a woman reporter in the studio who said, “The stock market closed today after taking its biggest loss since the great crash of the 1930's. Worldwide, other markets dropped too, and financial experts feel the loss is due to people not trusting their governments and fluctuating currency exchanges. There has been a huge rush to sell stocks, with very few buying them. The Asian Stock market fell to its lowest level in recorded history. Economists claim if the markets continue to drop and stay that way, we will soon enter a great Depression.”

  The camera switched to the male anchor who said, “The FBI and CIA have both stated that Joda May and Ben Hall are believed to be traveling together. Both May and Hall are
suspected conspirators in the assassination of the President of the United States one month ago. Take a look at both of these images and if you see either man, you are requested to call the FBI or CIA at the numbers showing on your screen. Currently, there are large rewards offered for either man. These men are considered armed and dangerous, so do not approach them. We'll take a short commercial break and will be right back to bring you the latest weather.”

  James turned the radio off and then said, “Shit, what a mess.”


  In Frankfurt, the boss was in another dark room, being briefed by his senior man in intelligence. So far, he wasn't impressed at all.

  Finally, the briefer asked, “Any questions, sir?”

  “Yes, I do have a few. Are you telling me that two FBI snipers were killed by some over aged men with beer bellies?”

  “No, sir, because a ballistics check of the bullets used to kill both snipers were determined to have been fired by Ben Hall's government issued sniper rifle. He has turned rogue, sir.”

  “I don't care what he has turned into, I want the man dead! Do you understand me? Or the next time you brief me, we will have a death —yours. Bring the force of the NWO down on his head.”

  “Uh, yes, sir.”

  “I also want to know when we'll start killing Christians. I gave the order last week and you just told me it cannot be done. It can and will be done, understand me. I want it started as soon as this meeting is finished.”

  “How can we kill them in the United States without revealing our true goal, sir?”

  “Our one true goal is to establish a global government, with one currency, one religion, and one ruler. Some have or will call our ruler the anti-Christ, but any person with a brain does not believe in God or the fact he was killed and rose again. Once dead, we stay that way. I want the killings to start in America, or they will soon start in Germany. Understood?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Good; now get out of my sight and next time I want to hear some results, or you'll be giving your last briefing to anyone. Make things happen, my friend.” the boss said as he stood, put his coat on and then donned his hat.

  Once the room was empty, the man pulled his cell, dialed a number and said, “Begin operation Bratwurst.”

  “Begin operation Bratwurst? Are you sure?”

  “Ordered by the boss.”

  “Mein Gott. Auf Wiedersehen.”

  Thousands of miles from Frankfurt, near the small town of Enid, Oklahoma, the phone rang.


  “How many Christians do you have in your FEMA camp, Colonel?”

  “Approximately five thousand, General.”

  “We want you to offer the chip to them once more. If they refuse, kill them.”

  “Kill all that refuse, sir?”

  “You heard me correctly, sir, kill them. We want them all dead by dawn.”

  “And, what do I do with the bodies?”

  “Bring in a bulldozer or backhoe and make a long trench. Bury them in the trench.”

  “I see, sir. Yes, while I want to go on record as being against this, because it violates the Constitution, the job will be done.”

  “I understand Colonel, and I promise this is the last time you will ever have to do this for us.”

  “Thank you, sir. I didn't become a soldier to kill civilians.”

  “I'll see you are taken care of immediately, Colonel. Contact me when the killing is finished.” The voice said, but thought, Right after the executions, you'll be a dead man.

  “Yes, sir. Goodbye.”

  Over the next few hours, the Christians were told to take the chip or die this day. Out of five thousand, four changed their minds. While the interviews were being done, a trench, six feet deep and a hundred yards long was dug near the camp. The bulldozer then parked behind the barracks, the driver knowing the hole would need filling at the end of the day.

  A machine gun was placed in front of the trench, ammo cans were stacked, and three new gun

  barrels were placed on a poncho. All the enlisted men knew, as they guarded the prisoners, was their guests were criminals. The guards had no idea the only crimes they'd committed was not getting the chip implanted because they were Christians and felt it was the sign of the devil.

  Calling his men together, the Colonel said, “I have been ordered to kill the prisoners. Each was found guilty earlier of acts against America and sentenced to death. We will lead them out in groups of 100 and use the machine gun on them. Others will be led to showers, the doors locked, and the exhaust fumes from our trucks will be sent by plastic pipes. Our work will be hard and long, because all five thousand need to be dead by morning.”

  One young Sergeant said, “Sir, you mean to stand there and tell me almost 5,000 people have been given fair trials for crimes against this nation, and I've heard nothing about it on the news? I'm not, with all due respect sir, calling you a liar, but I don't find your order legal. I have sworn to obey the Constitution, as you have, and I feel their rights have been violated. Have these folks been denied due process?”

  “Uh, I have no idea of the legal classification of any of these people. The documents I have read say they're all convicted of heinous crimes against the government.”

  “Colonel, I think you damned sure need to know before you start murdering our fellow Americans. I cannot believe for one second that these women or children are involved with grievous crimes. I, sir, refuse to kill my own people, because some day, I'll have to stand in front of the Lord, my God, and explain my actions. I feel, Colonel, your orders are illegal.”

  “I refuse too, sir.” a young Lieutenant said and moved to stand beside the Sergeant.

  Then, one by one, others moved until four men remained.

  Giving a loud sigh, the Colonel said, “I guess you have a valid point, Sergeant, so instead of killing these folks, we'll turn them loose. Only, I suggest all of you gather up your families and go into hiding. I told the General I didn't like the idea of killing these people just because they're Christians. To be honest, I can't do this to my own people. Just like you though, if I'm caught, I'll be shot.”

  “Where do we release them?” the Sergeant asked.

  “Take them east, Chicago or even New York, and turn them loose and leave tonight. I think they can hide better in a large city. Those that do not want to go, can leave here by foot. You men can either go with the Sergeant or change into civilian clothing and leave. Remember, if they catch you it's likely you'll be shot for deserting, but the orders we received to kill are not lawful. Or that's my opinion.”

  “You heard him, men, let's get all the trucks loaded and get ready to move.”

  The Colonel started to walk away when he said, “Give each released family a case of MREs to feed them for a while. Good luck to each of you.”

  The Colonel went back to his office, pulled out a bottle of Scotch and poured three fingers worth in his glass. As prisoners walked by his building he heard them talking and laughing, which confirmed in his heart he'd done the right thing.

  He sipped his whiskey as he waited until early the next morning when his phone rang.

  “Hello, this is the Commander speaking.”

  “Has your mission been completed, Colonel?”

  “Oh, yes, hours ago.”

  “So, all 5,000 are dead?”

  “No, I didn't kill a soul. See, as I gave thought to your orders, I realized they were not lawful, so they are not binding to me. Besides, I had a message from my Supreme Commander and he told me to not listen to your orders.”

  “Who in the hell is this Supreme Commander?”

  “God, my lost friend, God. One day you'll have to explain your actions to him.”

  “There is no God and you, sir, are a dead man.”

  “You're wrong in both cases for right now. Have a good day, and I'll pray for you and your salvation.”

  The phone went dead. The Colonel loaded a case of grenades, carbines, ammo and all so
rts of other military gear in his SUV. His wife had died years back of cancer, so he had no reason to return home. They had no living children, their two beautiful baby girls had died as infants, which still bothered him at times. He had some cousins down in Missouri and he'd head down that way to hide out.

  He then spent a good hour pouring gasoline all over the FEMA structures and as they burned, he started the bulldozer. Once the dozer was moving, he knocked down the fence, and ran over it, then pushing it into the flames, rendering it useless.

  He'd then climbed into his car and drove south.

  Out on the main freeway, he spotted a military convoy heading north, most likely to his old assignment. They'd not find much now, but blackened soil where a FEMA camp once stood. He prayed he wasn't stopped, because he'd go to jail or be killed for what weapons he had alone. Jail wasn't an option; his country needed him, and he didn't want to kill an innocent policeman or woman.

  They'll not find much when they get there, he thought and then chuckled. I just hope my cousins remember me, because I've not seen them in years. Times are fixing to turn really rough, I think.

  He drove straight through, stopping only for gas in a small Oklahoma town near the Missouri border. His camouflage uniform caused a bit of a stir, but he found it great that some people still appreciated his dedication to keeping America strong and protected. He left there smiling and waving at the old man who followed him to his car. The old man was a Vietnam veteran and as far as the Colonel was concerned, old vets like him were what made our country great.

  In between exits, at one point there was a roadblock, and he heard his heart pumping loudly in his chest. There was no way to turn around, so he was caught in traffic. The police were checking driver’s licenses, looking in cars, and checking for drunks. He'd sobered up since he left the camp, so he waited his turn, hoping he didn't have to use the cocked pistol beside him, covered with a blanket.

  “Can I see your driver’s license, sir?” a state trooper asked.

  “Sure, give me a second.” He pulled out his military id and his driver’s license.


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