New World Order: 666 - The Mark of the Beast (Vol. 1)

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New World Order: 666 - The Mark of the Beast (Vol. 1) Page 20

by W. R. Benton

  “I agree.” Ben said, and few seconds later Frank and the rest of the men agreed.

  “I don't think I was born a fighter,” Nancy said, “but I'm sure my medical skills will be needed. So, I'm staying.”

  Donna hesitated, but finally said, “I'm sorry, James and all of you, but I'm no warrior.”

  “Neither am I.” Carol Hall said.

  “I'll leave.” April said.

  “Me too.” Joan said and then added, “This is as rough as I've ever lived, and I don't like it.”

  Donna began to cry and said, “I . . . I'm just . . . not used to . . . this stuff.”

  James moved to her, kissed her, and said, “This, baby, has been easy. Usually in a war there are few of the comforts we have here. Every man here has served in the service, so we know what to expect, and right now this is a good life. I suggest, come morning, you take the mobile-home and go back to Texas. I don't suspect you'll be bothered now, not in Texas, and those damned Texicans will never surrender.” He used Texicans instead of Texans to tease his Lubbock born wife.

  She squeezed his hand and said, “I love you, James. I don't know what I did that made God send you into my life, but I'd do it again if I could.”

  “When you leave, Carol,” Ben said, “make sure the kids never forget who their daddy is, okay?”

  Soon the women were crying and the men were heard trying to reassure them, while Gator sat by the fire, watching. He had no one, not really, not since his wife had passed on. All the emotion going on around him watered his eyes and for a minute or two, he felt his heart breaking for these couples. Each and every one of them was a damned fine person.

  Frank, wanting to end the emotional roller-coaster asked, “Hey old timer, ya going back with the women?”

  “Who in the hell ya callin' an old timer? Me?”

  “You're the oldest one here, ain't ya?”

  “By God, I've half a mind to get up and lay a whoppin' on yer ass. Ya can tell 'em at the hospital an old timer done beat yer butt, but good.”

  “I'm teasing you, Gator. But, you've not said anything important yet.”

  “I'm thinkin', which ya young studs rarely do. Now that we're under the CSA, the abortions will end, except for special cases. I get sad every single time I think of the millions of babies that died under the flag of the United States of America. We committed genocide, no other way around it, and I pray God will forgive us for not stopping it.”

  “Abortions were legal.” Nancy said.

  “Does legal make it right? At one time ownin' slaves was legal too, but we all know that was wrong. In the 1800's it was legal for a white man to kill black folks, Injuns, and Mexicans all day long, and he was breaking no laws. We all know murder, of anyone, is wrong. The sad part is, the Democrats were the power behind all of these social illnesses. Now, a little girl has to get permission to take an aspirin given by her school nurse, with a note from a doctor, but that same little girl can go see a doctor after school and have an abortion without telling anyone. It's so wrong.”

  “I didn't say it was right, I said it was legal.”

  “I hear'd ya. My wife told me, oh, maybe a year before we married that she'd had an abortion when she was only 16. I never held that against her, because it was her daddy's idea, and she was just a kid when it happened. I discovered after we were married I didn't need to hold it against her, because she was hard enough on herself. She'd cry at times over the loss of that baby and there wasn't a damned thing I could do for her.”

  “Some women suffer and others don't at all.” Nancy said, while growing uncomfortable discussing this with Gator, only she didn't know why.

  The old man's eyes clearly showed pain when he said, “Just before my wife's last breath, she prayed and asked God to forgive her for killing her first child. Now, ain't that one hell of a note? Think of the millions of doctors, lawyers and other intelligent folks those abortions killed. Lots of women used to say, 'Don't tell me what to do with my body.' Seems they forgot the fetus is not their body, but a separate body and of a unique individual. The only difference between an abortion and murder is the age of the victim, and one is legal. Killing is killing, in my eyes.”


  James, not liking the conversation but against abortions, finally said, “Once home, each of you will need to call us so we don't worry about you. Do not pick up any strangers and use some common sense. Openly carry your guns; we're the CSA now, and I know carrying guns is legal. I have no idea how food prices are, cost of power and utilities, or anything in Texas right now. Donna, I suggest later tonight you call your momma and get an idea of what you'll be facing.”

  “I think by taking turns driving, you can make it home without stopping, except for gas, and expect a good twenty to thirty dollars a gallon.”

  “I expect that.”

  “Then once in Houston, fill the tanks up again, because the flow of gas may stop or the prices may go even higher.”

  “Now,” said Ben, “I suspect tonight after supper, we can all have a few beers. It may be months, or years, before we all see each other again.”

  And some of us may be dead was thought by all, but said by none.

  The next morning, the mobile home was idling as the women loaded their bags and took a seat. Most of the gear and equipment stayed behind for those left to do the fighting. Tears were flowing on both sides as Donna kissed James and then made her way to the driver's seat. She then closed the door and drove away.

  The men slowly made their way back to camp.

  “I think,” Joda said, “we need to let the authorities know we're here.”

  “No, I disagree, because if we do that, they might put us on a list, or in some damned computer, and who knows who'll get a copy.”

  “The world is falling apart all around us, and you suggest we do what?”

  “Park our asses and wait. The damned Yankee Liberals will get at least this far with their invasion. Remember, we're just a few miles, 103 miles exactly, from Saint Louis. It's a fairly Liberal city too, so they'll be here soon. They'll want to take Fort Leonard Wood, if nothing else. I feel, the fewer folks that know about us, the better.”

  “If you think it's safer.”

  Nancy said, “Even our enemies aren't thinking like themselves. When we found Ben, he was a mental mess, with the chip monitoring his body and mind. The New World Order doesn't care about anyone but their leader. All the rest of us are expendable.”

  James said, “I'll bet if you told the average person about the NWO, they'd think you're crazy, because they trust our government to protect them. What they don't realize is our politicians have sold out to the highest bidder. Hell, the last one that refused to sell out was Kennedy and you know what happened to him, only it wasn't Lee Harvey Oswald that killed him, he was the scapegoat. He was killed by an NWO sniper.”

  “That's pretty heavy thinking.” Gator said.

  “The NWO is patient and they've been around since the early 1700's influencing history in many ways. At first, everyone thought the NWO was actually the Masons, except that isn't true. If they can wait this long, they'll do what it takes when they finally do grab for keeps.” Ben said, and then meeting the eyes of Frank, he added, “Keep your sniper rifle close, brother, because I suspect when the UN comes, it'll leave a lot of pretty little blue helmets with bloody holes in them.”

  That evening over a supper fire with darkness falling over the land, Gator said, “Oh, shit. Look to the east.”

  All heads turned to look in that direction and at times small dim flashes of light were seen. Some of the lights were brighter than others.

  “The shit has hit the stump! Turn on the TV and let’s get an update.”

  The TV was switched on and a serious looking anchor man was in the local station. He read a bit and then his eyes met the camera.

  “If you've just joined us, the war between the United States and the Conservative States of America has started. Approximately two hours ago, the US launche
d a UN amphibious assault across the Mississippi River, landing on the shores of Saint Louis, and met little resistance. Our Marines and Army have been rushed to the river, just as word of an airborne invasion west of the city has been reported. Initial reports have the paratroopers landing as far west as the Gasconade River, in central Missouri. I take you now to Lynn Combs, who is on the scene in Saint Louis. Lynn?”

  A black woman wearing a helmet and flack vest popped on the TV screen, “Howard, I'm standing less than a half a block from current fighting and it is gruesome. Initial reports by our military stated that we have experienced a little over 1,500 deaths and the enemy at least double that. However, the military released a statement saying, and I quote, 'Tanks and troops led by CSA commander General Thomas A. Jackson, have pierced the Union lines in a bold move. His thrust was from Iowa into Illinois, and his last report stated he's just south of Chicago. He reports resistance is stiff, but the enemy is withdrawing to the big windy city.' End of quote. The General was ordered across the river from where he'd been staging, minutes after the report of a Union invasion being attempted. As usual, when performing an amphibious landing, our Marines led the way. They are also spearheading the attack on Chicago. I repeat, both the Conservative States of America and the UN led United States military have attempted amphibious landings, with the UN on our soil, but still within a block of the Mississippi River. CSA forces are in the middle of Illinois, grouping for an attack on the Windy City. This is Lynn Combs for Channel 9, 'for all your latest news.'”

  “Medical centers are reporting hospitals are overflowing with wounded in our city and the Saint Louis Mayor has his hands full, using school gyms and other city facilities as makeshift hospitals. There has been a call for all types of blood, and you can give blood at any one of the medical centers around town.”

  The camera switched to a man standing at the main gate at Fort Leonard Wood.

  “This is breaking news, with Howard Miles. Authorities at Fort Leonard Wood just announced they are under heavy attack by UN paratroopers. While you can obviously see the attack was not made on the main gate, officials tell us they are being attacked on the east and south sides of this huge training center. If you listen, you can clearly hear the pop of small arms fire and the boom of cannons.”

  The camera panned to the east, and since it was dark, flashes from explosions were clearly seen. After a few seconds the camera returned to the reporter.

  “Authorities at the base claim that UN paratroopers are scattered all over the Ozark Mountains, in Missouri and Arkansas. If you see them, you are urged to call your local law enforcement agency. We have reports of attacks at the university in Rolla, a report of an attack on the police station in Cuba, the takeover of a hospital in Bourbon, and witnesses have seen large groups of men wearing blue helmets throughout the Southern part of the state. Again, paratroopers are reportedly scattered throughout the Missouri and Arkansas Ozark Mountains. Call the police, if you see any troops with blue helmets. This is Howard Miles, reporting. Back to you in the studio, John.”

  “The Governor of Missouri just moments ago declared an emergency and has initiated martial law in the state until this invasion is beaten back. Off and on all day, this martial law decree will be reported by the Emergency Broadcasting Center on your televisions and radios. This is not a test. The Conservative States of America have been invaded by the United States. Please stay tuned to WXXB, Channel 9, 'for all your latest news.'”

  When a commercial came on, the TV was turned off.

  “Damn,” said James, “what a mess.”

  “Hush, I hear something!” Joda said just above a whisper as he raised the coffee pot and poured the contents on their fire.


  Frau Thierse remained on the sofa when she heard the front door open. She'd placed the images from the United States in an envelope and left it on the table beside his recliner. She was on her third bottle of wine and feeling no pain. Beside her, under a newspaper, her husband's 9mm lay with a shell in the chamber ready to fire. The safety was off.

  “Good evening, my dear.” he said as he tossed his briefcase on an overstuffed leather chair and then moved to his recliner. He pulled a thin blanket up and around his waist.

  “Good evening, and how was your day?” she asked as she met his eyes.

  She is mad, he thought, but said, “It was work, just another day at work.” He picked up the mail and began going through it. Seeing the envelope, he picked it up and the images fell out. He saw it was photos of him and Adolpha, and his heart skipped a few beats. No wonder she's pissed, oh damn!

  “Explain the images.”

  “T . . . they must have used a graphics program to, uh, change the head on the man.”

  She raised the pistol and said, “No, you are lying. See, they can change the head on the man, but that is your penis in the photograph. Do you think after all these years, I'd not recognize that small issue? I have her address, too.”

  “Put the gun down. This is not worth going to prison over.”

  “I'll keep the gun and as for going to prison, that will never happen. See, I have a reservation with the devil and he's going to provide me a place to stay. Goodbye, you —”

  The Boss fired his pistol through the thin blanket on his lap, saw the bullet strike his wife in the center of the chest, and the wall behind her was instantly splattered with blood, as the bullet continued on to strike his bookcase.

  She gave a loud moan when the bullet struck her, jerked the trigger on her pistol, and smiled as the bullet struck him in the chest, as well.

  He felt the bullet punch a hole through his chest and his pain was severe. He was surprised his wife was still standing. He knew he had to put her down or she'd kill him, if she hadn't already. Pulling his pistol out from under the blanket, he fired twice, both bullets hitting her hard. The first bullet hit her low, about an inch below her belly button, while the last bullet struck her in the face, blowing shards of bone out the back of her skull and splattering the wall with gore, blood, and brain tissue. She fell like she'd run into a clothesline.

  As his wife jerked and trembled, her body shutting down, he bandaged himself as well as he could and then moved to his car. As soon as he started the engine, he drove to Adolpha's home, knowing she'd help him.

  She lived close, less than 10 kilometers away, but by the time he got there, he was weak from blood loss. He parked his car, walked to her front door and rang the doorbell. As he waited for a response his world turned from light to gray, and then slowly changed from gray to black. He knew no more.

  Hearing a slight noise, the Boss opened his eyes to find himself on a stretcher, mounted to the wall of a Jet aircraft, because he heard the engines. Raising his head, he looked around and said, “Wasser?”

  “Oh, good, you've come around. Here, is some water, but just a little for right now.” she gave him a few sips from a paper cup. “You've been shot, and you're currently on your way to a hospital in England, where I have an important meeting with the NWO.”

  “Why am I not in Frankfurt? They have hospitals there, too.” he asked, his mind dazed by his injury.

  “The police were looking for you and the charge was murder, but it was never publicized on the television or in the newspapers. They found your wife dead, shot three times. They easily checked the ballistics and the bullets that took her life were fired from your service pistol. I found the pistol on you when I answered my door. A badly burned man with a dental chart identical to yours was found with a single gunshot to his head. He also set a timer on a bomb in his car and it went off, blowing him to pieces. You are officially listed as dead.”

  “She had photos of you and I having sex, but how is that possible?”

  Adolpha laughed and said, “It's good she didn't see the movie, I think.”

  “Movie? Have you lost your mind?”

  “I'm a woman who likes watching myself pleasing men. When I make love to a man in my bed, I have cameras installed that tak
e photographs from different locations, and angles. Later when I'm alone, I watch them to enjoy the faces of my lovers, as well as all the hot action. You, my lover, were one of the best and as soon as you heal, I will bring a big smile to your face again. I suspect someone on my staff, maybe the butler or my driver sold the images. Since the US sent the images to your wife, perhaps the images were sold to the CIA. I will have both men removed and eliminated.”

  “What am I to do now?”

  “Your name has changed and you are now Paul Runkle, with a complete history behind your name. Your other information remains the same, except you are a retired German General, of the Air Force. In the UK, you will be hospitalized and when discharged, you will be well provided for. The NWO considers you too important to eliminate, so you'll be provided a solid cover. Your job with us will continue as usual, once you are strong again.”

  “What of my reputation and my children?”

  “You and your wife were buried two days ago, side by side in your family cemetery. Your children, all of them, have lawyers and are busy fighting over your estate. I find them colder than a hired killer. The television news released that criminals broke into your home, killed you and your wife, but not before you killed both of them. The penitentiary provided us with two men, who we simply shot and then dumped in your home. The police know the difference, but a little money helped them to forget. Everything in life comes with a cost.”

  “Why all that trouble and expense for me?”

  “You, General Runkle, are to be the new leader of the North American Union, NAU, once finalized. I will run the European Union so we'll be working close together at times, very, very close, if I get my way.” She then gave a sexy laugh. Meeting his eyes, she added, “I am glad the NWO has need of you, because I have need of you as well. I think once you are out of the hospital, you need a sexy woman to spend some time with you. I think a visit from me will help you heal faster.”


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