The Mermaid Trials

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The Mermaid Trials Page 10

by Cameron Drake

  “Okay. Let’s do this.”

  Thankfully, I still had the rope in my hands. If I had dropped it, it might be a mile below us by now. The trench was that deep.

  I shivered, the chilly water sinking deep into my flesh. The water got colder for every foot you dropped. Or perhaps it was fear. It was probably a combination of both.

  I wrapped the net tightly around my waist, tying it firmly. I held the rope out and felt someone take it. I vaguely saw Dane wrap the rope around Starla first. Then he took the other end.

  “All set?”



  “Come on then.”

  I started swimming, forcing myself to go slow. I could still feel the direction we had come from and swam in the opposite direction. We swam in total silence and near-total darkness. I felt myself pick up speed and slowed again.

  We heard a Mer scream somewhere behind us. I paused, turning my head.

  “Should we go back?”

  “It sounded far . . .” Starla’s voice sounded so reedy and thin. She was afraid, I knew it. How could she not be?

  I chewed my lip.

  “It’s not a rescue mission, Katriana.”

  I opened my mouth to argue then thought better of it. Dane’s gravelly voice spoke the truth. And Starla was trying to be brave. The truth was that we all wanted out of the trench and we wanted out now.

  It was not a good place.

  It was dangerous.

  It felt like . . . an endless grave.

  It was forbidden to enter it under normal circumstances. The only Mers who dared enter it were thrill-seekers and outlaws, foolish and desperate Mers who needed to be beyond the reach of the Royals.

  And us, of course. But we hadn’t had a choice in the matter.

  I felt a current rising on my right. It was just below us. That most likely meant we were near the center of the trench, and far lower than we should be. I guided us up quickly, but not before Starla got sucked into it.

  She screamed as the rope around my waist was yanked backward. I gripped it with my hands, working my tail furiously.

  “Back and up!”

  “Got it!”

  Dane and I thrashed our tails with all our might, but to no avail. The current was too strong. We didn’t give up though. We couldn’t. This would not just make us lose the race. We could easily lose our lives.

  If we got sucked into that current, they would never find us again.

  “Cut the rope!”

  “No, Starla!”


  I was relieved at how quickly and furiously Dane had answered. The truth was, without his strength, the two of us would have been pulled into the current, beyond all hope of rescue.

  Even Annaruth, the High Priestess of the Northern Sea herself, could not hope to save us.

  “Swim harder!”

  “Use your arms!”

  I let go of the rope, praying that the knot at my waist would hold. With all of my limbs working, I finally felt myself gain some ground. Dane must have done so as well because suddenly, Starla was tumbling into me.

  “Oh, thank Triton!”

  I was laughing breathlessly as I hugged her. Dane’s thick arms wrapped around us both, instantly making me warmer. We stayed there like that for a short while, catching our breath.

  “Let’s get out of here. We must be near the end, or close to it.”

  “We are, look!”

  Starla’s thin arm pointed ahead and just above us. We could see! The edge of the trench was visible as well as a glowing sphere marking the end of the race. We’d done it!

  We swam quickly, holding hands this time. I was proud of their speed. Even exhausted, they were well above average. Any one of us would be an excellent messenger, even little Starla, once she got a bit bigger.

  In the end, we didn’t finish first or last. But we did finish together. Apparently, that had been the purpose of the test. Problem solving. Teamwork. Since I had won the short races and Dane had won several of the strength and agility events, we were declared the winners of the day with Dane in first place, me in second, and Starla in third.

  Tonight, there would not be a banquet with Royals and nobility.

  But there would be a feast for all competitors.

  And we were the guests of honor.

  Chapter 16

  I stepped out of Annaruth’s tent with Starla. It had once again been set up to prepare and dress us. The entire camp had been transformed while we were inside. Gaily colored lanterns hung high, strung between tents all over the campgrounds. The smell of magically cooking food was everywhere.

  We smiled at each other. We were wearing Annaruth’s clothing again. Not gowns this time, but brightly-colored party frocks, clothes she had told us we could keep. I could hardly believe it. My short dress was the deep turquoise of warm tropical waters and Starla’s was a dark green that complemented her hair. The dresses were fun, frivolous, and youthful. I’d never worn anything like mine.

  When Annaruth first collected us from the finish line, Starla had been in awe of the High Priestess. I couldn’t blame her for that. I had felt the same sense of wonder when we’d first met. But Annaruth was so warm and kind, she quickly set Starla at ease.


  “Where’s Dane?”

  I shrugged, pretending not to care. Dane had hugged us both after we’d crossed the finish line. But then he’d immediately gone back to sulking as others came up to congratulate us. He’d also declined to be dressed for the party.

  In fact, he’d looked flat-out horrified when we were told of the celebration. I’d been relieved, if not completely overjoyed about it. Once again, I had a target on my back. But I was far too tired to go scavenging, and as usual, my stomach was growling in hunger. The announcement was made right after the short ceremony in the arena where we were awarded matching gold medals adorned with sparkling blue gems.

  Real gold and real gems. Even if we weren’t assigned positions in the Royal Elite, we would be set for a long time. We were rich!

  I was ecstatic to wear the Royal colors at last. My father would be proud, or at least I told myself that. A deep satisfaction settled in my chest. It was enough to revive my spirits after our ordeal in the dark.

  For years, those same colors might have symbolized the life that taunted me, forever out of reach. I’d watched my stepmother open invitations from the Royal court, even wearing those colors herself as the widow of a Royal Messenger. As the child of an Elite, my sister was treated to special privileges. Privileges I had been denied.

  I’d been eternally on the outside. But now, that life was once again within reach. I would no longer be an unwanted orphan, cast off like an old tire or a pair of human shoes.

  For some reason, the ocean was full of tires and shoes.

  I’d be important. No longer a piece of flotsam, tossed on the waves of life. At long last, I would matter. I frowned. I knew that was wrong thinking. I already did matter, if only to Beazel and Lila. And I had made real friends here. They didn’t care about me because I swam fast or had done well in the Trials so far.

  They just liked me for me.

  I sighed. I really did need to talk to Dane. But first, there was something even more important to take care of. Food. My stomach rumbled, gaining my attention in an instant.

  “Let’s get something to eat.” I nudged Starla with my elbow. “Don’t forget to stash some. Beazel loves lobster. He’ll even eat the shells.”

  She laughed as I pretended to think about it.

  “Actually, stuff anything in your bag. Even if it’s still moving.”

  Starla was still giggling as we made our way into the party.

  “Ohh, this is so good.” I moaned as I chewed another crab leg, sucking the meat from the legs. It was cooked, and not still twitching, unlike most of the food I’d eaten in my lifetime. There was even a yellow land-fruit to be squeezed onto the food. It was so tart that it literally puckered my mouth,
but in a strangely wonderful way.

  Limons, they were called. I found myself fascinated by them. Apparently, they actually grew high above the ground on trees!

  “We’d better run back to the tent.” I was feeling guilty about my familiar. He’d been banished from camp, allowed only to hide in our tent or leave the site entirely.

  According to Annaruth, he made the other competitors nervous.

  “I’ll do it. You talk to him.”


  Starla jerked her head to the side, indicating a lone figure perched on some rocks that overlooked the camp. I hadn’t seen him there. I wondered how long he had been sitting there alone.

  Dane was sitting alone and watching us from just beyond the glow of the lanterns. He was sitting on a natural outcropping that formed a ledge, his tail twitching pensively. I noticed he was wearing a hooded tunic again, concealing his hair and much of his face from view.

  But I would have known his face anywhere. Even just from seeing a sliver of it. I could see the shape of his full lips. The curve of his strong jaw. The angle of his broad shoulders.


  I gulped, realizing I might be in deeper than I’d imagined. I was more nervous to talk to this Mer than I was to participate in the trials!

  It was absurd! He might be handsome and brave and kind, but that was no reason to be afraid of him. Actually . . . it felt more like tiny minnows were swimming in my stomach than actual fear.

  I squared my shoulders and swam through the crowd. He looked up as I came closer but didn’t say anything. I sat down next to him. The view of the party from here wasn’t bad, truth be told.

  “Sitting by yourself?”

  He smirked.

  “Not anymore.”

  I rolled my eyes, noticing the goblet in his hand.

  “Did you eat?”

  He shook his head swiftly.

  “I’d rather enjoy the fruits of the vine.”

  I frowned, realizing he sounded a bit odd. A little less restrained. People got like that at parties when they had too much fermented juice.

  “Human wine?”

  “Yes. Have some.”

  He offered me his goblet.

  “I’m okay. How many of those have you had?”

  He shrugged and went back to ignoring me. We sat in silence for a long time, staring out at the party. I was about to give up and leave when he finally spoke.

  “Nice dress.”


  He took a deep swallow from his covered goblet.

  “Not as nice as the other night, but more appropriate for a party like this.”

  I suddenly felt shy, almost as if I’d done something wrong. There was something in his voice that said the dress was nice, but I was not.


  “You must be eating all of this up. This” —he gestured grandly— “shark shit.”

  I stared at him. He was angry with me. But why? I decided it was time to stand up for myself. I turned on the ledge, facing him squarely.

  “First of all, I had no choice in coming here. Even if I hadn’t wanted to be a Messenger—”

  “A Spark!” He cut me off with a sneer. “Don’t lie to yourself.”

  “Fine, a Spark. That is what I want. It’s what I’ve always wanted. But this stuff?” I ran my hand over my dress. “This stuff never mattered to me. I had one dress a year. A uniform. I never complained!”

  He was staring at me, an aching look in his eyes. I felt a twisting feeling in my chest.

  “As for the Trials, I am not enjoying them! I was almost killed! Not just once either. I was almost killed over and over again! My friends were almost killed! Or at least, I thought I had friends here! The only thing I am enjoying is the food!”

  I pushed off from my seat, ready to swim as far as I could go. The tears had started, and I didn’t want him to see. Crying under water was actually incredibly conspicuous, due to the differing saline content. I would shortly be sitting in a cloud of tiny pale tear bubbles.

  And I couldn’t bear for him to see me like that.

  Don’t pity me. Hate me, ignore me, but please don’t pity me.

  A hand closed over my shoulder, stopping me. I turned to see Dane looming over me. He was close. He moved even closer.

  The first of the tear bubbles floated between us. His eyes were on my lips. Mine drifted down, settling on his firm lips. And then he was kissing me.

  His hands were warm on my shoulders. I could feel heat coming off him, soothing me. And the little minnows inside my stomach were now officially doing somersaults.

  I sighed as he lifted his head.

  “What was that?”

  The corner of his lip curled up.

  “Haven’t you ever been kissed before?”

  I shook my head, still in shock. It was a good shock, but I was still reeling.


  “Yes, really.”

  “I am glad to be the first.”

  I arched a brow at him, my senses starting to return.

  “Well, if you think a kiss is going to make up for acting like a jellyfish all day, you are sorely mistaken.”

  He ran his hand through his hair.

  “Look . . . I’m sorry, Tri. I just didn’t want you to change. I like you the way you are.”

  I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. It was a nice enough sentiment, but I did want to change. Not who I was, but outwardly. My position. My job. My future. I wanted a new life, a better life.

  But when he said he liked me . . . well, that had pretty much made up for everything else.

  “Well, I suppose I can forgive you.”

  He laughed.

  “Good. Come on, let’s get something to eat before it’s all gone.”

  I made a face at him.

  “Don’t worry, Starla already took a bunch of food to our tent. You’ll have to fight Beazel for it though!”

  Dane nodded solemnly.

  “I think I can take him.”

  I was laughing as we rejoined the party, feeling lighter than sea foam.

  Chapter 17

  I yawned and stretched, staring dreamily at the pitched ceiling of the tent. Mers had often lived in caves before the past few centuries, other than the Royals and Elite. Now, magic and two-legger methods were used to build dwellings, making them more affordable. Often, they were disguised to look like natural formations from above, but the insides were quite deliberate.

  My childhood home was mostly built of wood scavenged from shipwrecks and abandoned docks. My stepmother’s palace had been artfully constructed in stone, with wood, mud, and reeds used to build the servants’ housing. But I think I liked this cloth tent most of all. It was simple and clean. I knew it was temporary, but being here felt like a new beginning.

  And today felt new all over again.

  My first kiss.

  I could almost see a banner hanging from above. I hadn’t expected the kiss, and I had no idea how to go about repeating it, but it had been nice. Really nice.

  Dane had said he liked me. He’d said some awful things first, true. But he had apologized for them later.

  I magnanimously decided to forgive him. To let bygones be bygones. But when the tent flap opened and my half-sister stepped through, all of my good feelings disappeared.

  I hadn’t seen her since the Trials began. It wasn’t all that surprising, considering there were several thousand young Mer here. But it suddenly occurred to me that she’d been avoiding me.

  She sneered in greeting when she saw me.

  She swaggered over to the cot next to mine and started inspecting my armor.

  “Where’d you get this stuff, anyway?”

  I snatched my precious armor out of her hands, tossing it onto my bed behind me.

  “Nice to see you too, Thalia.”

  “Oh please, like you would notice anyone who wasn’t winning.”


  “Yeah. You and your little winners’ circle.”r />
  I blinked at her. She sounded . . . jealous. What in Triton was she talking about? Besides, she was the one who’d spent a lifetime ignoring me.

  “What do you want?”

  “I was just checking up on you. We are family, after all. Oh, and I wanted to let you know that you aren’t the only Mer interested in Dane. All the girls are. It takes more than a Royal Uniform to interest a real Merman. So watch your back, sister dear.”

  Dane? She knew Dane?

  “I thought you were only interested in Royalty.”

  “Maybe I’ve changed my mind. Besides, he’s sure to become an Elite.”

  “Well, I’m sure you will be very happy together.”

  “Maybe. If you stay out of the way.”

  “He’s just a friend.”

  It felt like a lie as I said it. And it was just my luck that he and Starla stepped through the open tent flap at that exact moment. Of course, Thalia hadn’t bothered to shut it behind her after coming in.

  “Oh, that’s fascinating. Hi, Dane.”

  He nodded at her curtly as she left, fixing me with a hard stare. I felt myself bristle for another fight. And then I saw the wrapped package in his hands.

  “Oh, Triton, is that breakfast?”

  He nodded again as I swam over. I impulsively gave him a hug, wrapping my arms around him to cover my unease. He stiffened for a moment before relaxing. By the time I pulled back, he was smiling wryly.

  “You are my absolute favorite Merman!”

  Starla and Beazil looked a bit put out so I wagged a finger at them.

  “I said Merman!”

  I took the package from Dane and sat back on my cot. It was lobster tails and roe! I almost moaned in pleasure.

  “This is a big breakfast!”

  They sat across from me, digging into their own meals. Beazil even got his own, which Starla fed to him between bites of her food.

  “We’re going to need it. There are two trials today.”

  My eyes were wide.

  “Do you know what they are?”

  Starla shook her head but Dane said nothing. He just frowned, staring at the sandy floor of the tent. He did know, but he didn’t want to say. That was odd.

  “Dane? Do you know what it is?”


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