Fields of Wrath

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Fields of Wrath Page 71

by Mickey Zucker Reichert

  That raised a sudden flurry of questions. “Is it true what the Renshai claim about you? That the Ragnarok has already occurred and your interference saved mankind? That you married Freya?” Once, Valr Magnus would have dismissed the whole thing as Renshai mythology, but Colbey’s ability, his knowledge, his instant comings and goings, his incursions into others’ minds proved at least some of the Renshai’s claims were truth.

  Colbey yawned and stretched, then patted the horse still standing calmly at his side. “Let’s just say I don’t take kindly to exaggeration.” He mounted, smiling. “And I like to keep most of my achievements to myself.”

  Is he saying he’s done even more than what the Renshai claim? Magnus drew breath to ask. But, before he could speak, the immortal Renshai and his horse had vanished as if they had never been.

  With a sigh of his own, Valr Magnus headed back toward his army, prepared to pick up as many pieces as possible. And start again.



  Aerean (AIR-ee-an): Minister of Internal Affairs

  Aranal (Ar-an-ALL): a former king (deceased)

  Aron (AHR-inn): the current Sage

  Arturo (Ahr-TOOR-oh): a prince; second child of Griff and Matrinka

  Barrindar (BAA-rinn-dar): a prince; first child of Griff and Xoraida

  Calitha (Kuh-LEE-thuh): a princess; second child of Griff and Xoraida

  Chaveeshia (Sha-VEE-shuh): Minister of Local Affairs

  Davian (DAY-vee-in): Prime Minister

  Eldorin (Ell-DOOR-in): a princess; third child of Griff and Xoraida

  Franstaine (FRAN-stayn): Minister of Household Affairs; in-law uncle of Helana

  Galastad (GAL-uh-stad): highest ranking infantry officer; a captain of the army

  Griff (GRIFF): the king

  Halika (Huh-LEE-kuh): a princess; third child of Griff and Matrinka

  Helana (Hell-AHN-uh): Griff’s mother; Petrostan’s wife

  Ivana Shorith’na Cha-tella Tir Hya’sellirian Albar (Ee-VAH-nah): a princess; half-elfin, only child of Griff and Tem’aree’ay (see Outworlders)

  Jhirban (JEER-bonn): captain of the flagship Seven (deceased)

  Kohleran (KOLL-er-inn): a previous king of Béarn (deceased); Matrinka’s grandfather

  Lazwald (LAHZ-wald): a guardsman

  Marisole (MAA-rih-soll): a princess; first child of Griff and Matrinka; the bard’s heir

  Matrinka (Ma-TRINK-uh): the queen; Griff’s senior wife; mother of Marisole, Arturo, and Halika

  Morhane (MOOR-hahn): an ancient king who usurped the throne from his twin brother, Valar

  Myrenex (My-RINN-ix): a former king (deceased)

  Petrostan (Peh-TROSS-tin): King Kohleran’s youngest son; Griff’s father (deceased)

  Richar (REE-shar): Minister of Foreign Affairs

  Ruther (RUH-ther): a guardsman

  The Sage: chronicler and keeper of Béarn’s history and tomes

  Saxanar (SAX-uh-nar): Minister of Courtroom Procedure and Affairs

  Seiryn (SAYR-inn): captain of the guards

  Sterrane (Stir-RAYN): best-known ancient king (deceased)

  Talamaine (TAL-uh-mayn): Matrinka’s father (deceased)

  Valar (VAY-lar): Morhane’s twin borther; Sterrane’s father; a previous king murdered during his reign

  Walfron (WALL-fron): supervisor of the kitchen staff

  Xanranis (Zan-RAN-iss): Sterrane’s son; a former king (deceased)

  Xoraida (Zor-AY-duh): Griff’s junior wife (third); mother of Barrindar, Calitha, and Eldorin

  Yvalane (IV-uh-layn): Kohleran’s father; a previous king (deceased)

  Zapara (Zuh-PAR-uh): a guard

  Zaysharn (ZAY-sharn): Overseer of the Caretakers of Livestock, Gardens, and Food

  Zelshia (ZELL-shuh): a head maid

  Zoenya (Zoh-ENN-yuh): a previous queen (deceased)


  Alquantae (Al-KWAN-tay): a knight

  Arduwyn (AR-dwinn): a legendary archer and friend of King Sterrane (deceased)

  Arner (ARR-ner): Perry’s father

  Avra (AHV-rah): a street tough

  Braison (BRAY-son): a knight

  Callan (CAL-in): a captain of palace guards

  Edwin (ED-winn): a knight; the armsman

  Esatoric (ee-sah-TOR-ik): a knight

  Eshwin (ESH-winn): a horse breeder; Tirro’s neighbor

  Frendon (FRENN-dinn): interrupted battle between Kevral and Valr Magnus by jumping from a tree (deceased)

  Garvin (GAR-vinn): a knight

  Georan (JOR-inn): brother to Harveki; uncle to Frendon

  Hansah (HAN-suh): ranking lieutenant over infantry and regular cavalry

  Harritin (HARR-ih-tinn): a knight

  Harveki (Harr-VECK-ee): father of Frendon; brother of Georan (deceased)

  Humbert (HUM-bert): crown prince; Humfreet’s son

  Humfreet (HUM-freet): the king

  Jakrusan (Jah-KROO-sinn): a knight

  Kedrin (KEH-drinn): captain of the knights; Ra-khir’s father

  Khirwith (KEER-with): Ra-khir’s stepfather (deceased)

  Lakamorn (LACK-uh-morn): a knight

  Mandell (Man-DELL): a palace guard

  Netan (NAYT-en): a palace guard

  Oridan (OR-ih-den): Shavasiay’s father

  Parmille (Par-MEEL): a street tough

  Perry (PEH-ree): a spokesman for the Paradisians

  Ra-khir (Rah-KEER): a knight; Kedrin’s son; father of Saviar and Calistin (see Renshai)

  Ramytan (RAM-ih-tinn): Kedrin’s father (deceased)

  Rayvonn (RAY-vonn): a soldier

  Shavasiay (Shah-VASS-ee-ay): a knight

  Thessilus (THESS-ih-luss): a knight

  Tirro (TEER-oh): a farmer; Eshwin’s neighbor

  Treysind (TRAY-sind): an orphan (deceased)

  Vincelin (VINN-sell-in): a knight


  Alenna (A-LENN-uh): Prince Leondis’ wife; mother of second Severin

  Boshkin (BAHSH-kinn): Prince Leondis’ steward and adviser

  Cenna (SEH-nuh): an ancient queen (deceased)

  Chethid (CHETH-id): one of three lieutenants

  Cymion (KIGH-mee-on): the king

  Daizar (DIGH-zahr): Minister of Visiting Dignitaries

  Darian (DAYR-ee-an): one of three lieutenants

  Darris (DAYR-iss): the bard; Linndar’s son; blood father of Marisole, Arturo, and Halika (see Béarnides)

  DeShane (Dih-SHAYN): a captain of the guards

  Eudora (Yoo-DOOR-uh): the late queen; Severin and Leondis’ mother (deceased)

  Harlton (HAR-all-ton): a captain of the guards

  Horatiannon (Hor-ay-shee-AH-nun): an ancient king (deceased)

  Jahiran (Jah-HEER-in): the first Bard (deceased); initiated the bardic curse

  Javonzir (Juh-VON-zeer): the king’s cousin and adviser

  Larrin (LARR-inn): a captain of the guards

  Leondis (Lee-ON-diss): the crown prince; second son of Cymion and Eudora

  Linndar (LINN-dar): a previous bard; Darris’ mother (deceased)

  Mar Lon (MAR-LONN): a previous bard in the age of King Sterrane (deceased)

  Markanyin (Marr-KANN-yinn): the general of the army

  Nellkoris (Nell-KORR-iss): one of three lieutenants

  Severin (SEV-rinn): first son of Cymion and Eudora; previous heir to the throne (deceased)

  Severin (SEV-rinn): Leondis’ son; named for his deceased uncle


  Alvida (Al-VEE-duh): a young woman

  Arsvid (ARS-vid): a man

  Ashavir (AH-shuh-veer): a boy

  Asmiri (Az-MEER-ee): a guardian of Prince Barrindar

  Calistin the Bol
d (Kuh-LEES-tinn): Colbey’s father (deceased)

  Calistin Ra-khirsson (Kuh-LEES-tinn): youngest son of Ra-khir and Kevral

  Colbey Calistinsson (KULL-bay): legendary immortal Renshai now living among the gods

  Elbirine (Ell-burr-EE-neh): a guardian of Princess Halika; trained with Kevral

  Episte Rachesson (Ep-PISS-teh): an orphan raised by Colbey; later killed by Colbey after being driven mad by chaos

  Erlse (EARL-seh): a man

  Gareth Lasirsson (GARR-ith): tested the worthiness of Ra-khir and Tae to sire Renshai; Kristel’s father

  Gunnhar (GUN-her): a guardian of Arturo (deceased)

  Kevralyn Balmirsdatter (KEV-ruh-linn): Kevralyn Tainharsdatter’s namesake (deceased)

  Kevralyn Tainharsdatter (KEV-ruh-linn): aka Kevral; Ra-khir’s wife; mother of Saviar, Subikahn, and Calistin (deceased)

  Kwavirse (Kwah-VEER-seh): a man

  Kristel Garethsdatter (KRISS-tal): a previous guardian of Queen Matrinka

  Kyndig (KAWN-dee): another name for Colbey Calistinsson; “Skilled One”

  Kyntiri (Kawn-TEER-ee): a torke of Saviar and Subikahn

  Mitrian Santagithisdatter (MIH-tree-in): foremother of the tribe of Tannin; Santagithi’s daughter (deceased)

  Modrey (MOH-dray): forefather of the tribe of Modrey (deceased)

  Navali (Nuh-VAWL-ee): a torke

  Nirvina (Ner-VEE-nah): a torke of Saviar

  Nisse Nelsdatter (NEE-sah): a previous guardian of Queen Matrinka

  Pseubicon (Soo-bih-kahn): an ancient Renshai; half-barbarian by blood (deceased)

  Rache Garnsson (RACK-ee): forefather of the tribe of Rache; son of Mitrian (deceased)

  Rache Kallmirsson (RACK-ee): Rache Garnsson’s namesake; Episte’s father (deceased)

  Ranilda Battlemad (Ran-HEEL-duh): Colbey’s mother (deceased)

  Rantire Ulfinsdatter (Ran-TEER-ee): Griff’s bodyguard in Darris’ absence; a dedicated guardian

  Raska “Ravn” Colbeysson (RASS-kuh; RAY-vinn): only son of Colbey and Freya

  Saviar Ra-khirsson (SAV-ee-ahr): first son of Ra-khir and Kevral; Subikahn’s twin

  Sitari (Sih-TARR-ee): Calistin’s secret crush (deceased)

  Subikahn Taesson (SOO-bih-kahn): only son of Tae and Kevral; Saviar’s twin

  Sylva (SILL-vuh): foremother of the tribe of Rache; an Erythanian; daughter of Arduwyn (deceased)

  Tainhar (TAYN-har): Kevral’s father (deceased)

  Talamir Edminsson (TAL-uh-meer): a torke of Subikahn and his lover

  Tanvard (TAN-vayrd): a man

  Tarah Randilsdatter (TAIR-uh): foremother of the tribe of Modrey; sister of Tannin (deceased)

  Tannin Randilsson (TAN-inn): forefather of the tribe of Tannin; Tarah’s brother; Mitrian’s husband (deceased)

  Thialnir Thrudazisson (Thee-AHL-neer): the chieftain

  Trygg (TRIG): a guardian of Arturo (deceased)

  Tygbiar (TIG-beer): a man; veteran warrior

  Valira (Vuh-LEER-uh): a young woman


  Herwin (HER-winn): King Griff’s stepfather

  Mitrian (MIH-tree-inn): Santagithi’s daughter (see Renshai) (deceased)

  Santagithi (San-TAG-ih-thigh): legendary general for whom the town was named; main strategist of the Great War (deceased)

  Sutton (SUTT-inn): general of the army; current leader

  Mages of Myrcidë

  Arinosta (Air-in-OSS-tah): an elderly woman

  Archille (Arr-KEE-lee): a man

  Blenford (BLENN-ford): a man

  Chestinar (CHESS-tin-ahr): a sickly man

  Chymmerlee (KIM-er-lee): a young woman; youngest of the mages

  Dilphin (DILL-fin): a man

  Eldebar (ELL-dih-bar): older man

  Giddion (GID-ee-inn): a middle-aged man

  Hevnard (HEV-nard): a middle-aged man

  Janecos (JAN-ih-kohs): a middle-aged woman

  Jeremilan (Jerr-ih-MY-lan): the leader; oldest of the mages

  Lycros (LIGH-krohs): a man

  Netheron (NEH-ther-on): middle-aged man

  Paultan (PAUL-tinn): a man

  Roby (ROH-bee): an elder

  Shadimar (SHAD-ih-mar): legendary Eastern Wizard who returned King Sterrane to his throne (deceased)


  Burnold (Burn-OLD): the blacksmith

  Karruno (Kuh-ROON-oh): a farmer

  Oscore (OSS-ker): the bartender


  Darby (DAR-bee): Ra-khir’s squire

  Emmer (EM-er): Darby’s father; Tiega’s husband (deceased)

  Keva (KEY-vuh): Darby’s younger sister

  Tiega (Tee-AY-guh): Darby’s mother

  Tiego (Tee-AY-goh): Tiega’s father (deceased)

  Other Westlanders

  Howall (HOW-ell): Sheatonian; the guardsman (deceased)

  Khalen (KAY-linn): New Lovénian; a fabric-seller

  Lenn (LENN): Dunforder; owner and barkeeper of only inn

  Nat (NAT): a highwayman

  The Savage: New Lovénian; a brawly (deceased)


  Alneezah (Al-NEE-zah): a castle maid

  Alsrusett (Al-RUSS-it): one of Weile Kahn’s bodyguards (with Daxan)

  Chayl (SHAYL): a follower of Weile Kahn; commander of Nighthawk sector

  Curdeis (KER-tuss): Weile Kahn’s brother (deceased)

  Daxan (DICK-sunn): one of Weile Kahn’s bodyguards (with Alsrusett)

  Halcone (Hell-KAHN): high general of the Eastern armies

  Jeffrin (JEFF-rinn): an informant working for Weile Kahn

  Kinya (KEN-yah): a long-time member of Weile Kahn’s organization

  Leightar (LAY-tar): a follower of Weile Kahn

  Midonner (May-DONN-er): previous king of Stalmize; high king of the Eastlands (deceased)

  Nacoma (Nah-KAH-mah): a follower of Weile Kahn

  Saydee (SAY-dee): a server at the Dancing Dog

  Shavoor (Shah-VOOR): an informant working for Weile Kahn

  Shaxcharal (SHACKS-krawl): the last king of LaZar

  Tae Kahn (TIGH KAHN): the king of Stalmize; high king of the Eastlands; Weile Kahn’s only son

  Tisharo (Tuh-SHAR-oh): a con man working for Weile Kahn

  Usyris (Yoo-SIGH-russ): a follower of Weile Kahn; commander of Sparrowhawk sector

  Weile Kahn (WAY-lee KAHN): Tae’s father; father of organized crime


  Alsmir (ALS-meer): AERI; captain of Aerin’s infantry

  Andvari (And-VARR-ee): NORDMIRIAN; warrior and diplomat

  Avard (AV-ahrd): AERI; a bartender in Aerin

  Elgar (ELL-gar): ERDAI; general of Erd’s army

  Erik Leifsson (EH-rik): NORDMIRIAN; captain of the Sea Dragon, a warship

  Geirrodr (Gay-EER-odd): GILSHNI; captain of the Silver Serpent

  Griselda (Gree-ZELL-duh): AERI; a server in the tavern in Aerin

  Mundilnarvi (Munn-dill-NAR-vee): NORDMIRIAN; Einherjar killed in the war against the Renshai

  Olvaerr (OHL-eh-vayr): NORDMIRIAN; Valr Kirin’s son (deceased)

  Olvirn (OHL-eh-veern): AERI; captain of Aerin’s cavalry

  Sivaird (SEE-vayrd): AERI; captain of Aerin’s archers

  Tyrion (TEER-ee-on): ASCAI; an inner court guard of Pudar

  Valr Kirin (Vawl-KEER-inn): NORDMIRIAN; an ancient enemy of Colbey’s; Rache Kallmirsson’s blood brother (deceased)

  Valr Magnus (Vawl-MAG-nuss): AERI; general of Aerin’s army; the best swordsman in the North

  Verdondi Eriksson (Ver-DONN-dee): NORDMIRIAN; Erik’s son


  Bobbin (BOB-inn): Mistri’s pet human

  Dillion (DILL-ee-yon): an alsona (deceased)

nbsp; Firuz (Fa-ROOZ): one of the Kjempemagiska (deceased)

  Fallon (FOUL-in): a general of the alsona

  Floralyn (FLOOR-a-linn): a Kjempemagiska; Mistri’s aunt and Hortens’ sister

  Hortens (HOHR-tense): a Kjempemagiska; Mistri’s mother

  Jaxon (JACKS-onn): an alsona (deceased)

  Kalka (KOWL-kah): a general of the alsona (deceased)

  Kentt (KENT): a Kjempemagiska; Mistri’s father

  Mistri (MISS-tree): a Kjempemagiska child


  Arak’bar Tulamii Dhor (AHR-ok-bar Too-LAHM-ee-igh ZHOOR): eldest of the elves; aka He Who Has Forgotten His Name; aka Captain

  Arith’tinir Khy-loh’Shinaris Bal-ishi Sjörmann’taé Or (ARR-ith-tin-eer KIGH-loh-shin-ahr-iss Bal-EE-shee Syorr-mahn-TIGH Orr): Captain’s given name

  Captain: the common name for Arak’bar Tulamii Dhor

  Chan’rék’ril (Shawn-RAYK-rill): an artistic elf

  Dh’arlo’mé’aftris’ter Te’meer Braylth’ryn Amareth Fel-Krin (ZHAR-loh-may-aff-triss-ter Te-MEER Brawl-THRINN Ah-MAR-eth Fell-krinn): former leader of the svartalf (deceased)

  El-brinith (El-BRINN-ith): an elf with a good feel for magic

  Khy’barreth Y’vrintae Shabeerah El-borin Morbonos (Kigh-BAYR-eth eev-RINN-tigh Shah-BEER-ah ELL-boor-in Moor-BOH-nos): a brain-damaged elf

  Tem’aree’ay Donnev’ra Amal-yah Krish-anda Mal-satorian (Teh-MAR-ee-ay Donn-EV-er-a Ah-MAL-yah Kreesh-AND-ah Mahl-sah-TOR-ee-an); an elfin healer; King Griff’s junior wife (second)


  Clydin (KLY-dinn): Darby’s chestnut gelding

  Frost Reaver: Colbey’s white stallion

  Imorelda (Ih-moor-ELL-dah): Tae’s silver tabby cat

  Mior (Mee-ORR): Matrinka’s calico cat (deceased)

  Silver Warrior: Ra-khir’s white stallion

  Snow Stormer: Kedrin’s white stallion, replacement for the previous horse of the same name



  Aegir (AHJ-eer): Northern god of the sea; killed at the Ragnarok (deceased)

  Alfheim (ALF-highm): the world of elves; destroyed during the Ragnarok

  Asgard (AHSS-gard): the world of the gods

  Baldur (BALL-der): Northern god of beauty and gentleness who rose from the dead after the Ragnarok

  Beyla (BAY-lah): Frey’s human servant; wife of Byggvir

  The Bifrost Bridge (BEE-frost): the bridge between Asgard and man’s world


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