Gabrielle's Discipline (Bridal Discipline Book 3)

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Gabrielle's Discipline (Bridal Discipline Book 3) Page 18

by Angel, Golden

  After all, they would be returning to London in a week and he didn't fool himself into thinking their lives would be so easy there. That was, after all, why he'd been so determined to build a firm foundation for their marriage before their honeymoon ended. He could only hope it was strong enough to weather the stresses of the ton and the rest of the Season, otherwise they'd have to start all over again afterwards.


  The carriage ride back to London was much more pleasant than the ride from London, even though both journeys were filled with anxiety. During the former, Gabrielle had been bereft, angry, and lonely... she'd felt like she was being exiled and sent away from the only security she had. She'd wanted nothing more than to return to London and Dunbury House.

  Now, she would be happy to stay away from Dunbury House, and she was torn between a desire to stay in the country and her excitement about returning to London. She was eager to see Arabella and Eleanor, part of her thrilled to the thought of returning to the social scene with its entertaining gossip, the music, and the glamour... but she'd also truly enjoyed the slower pace of the country and the dreamlike days with just her and Felix.

  After her ill-advised attempt to punish him, and her subsequent spanking and punishment with the ginger root, the days had passed far too quickly. They'd spent all their time together, whether at the creek with the children or in the house playing other kinds of games, and Gabrielle found herself dreading being apart from him. Even though she knew they couldn't spend every minute of every day together for the rest of their lives, and that he might very well become annoying if they attempted it, at this moment it sounded like a very reassuring prospect.

  Going to the city meant risking losing his attentions... it meant facing her stepmother and seeing whether or not she still had an effect on Felix... it meant that the tenuous bond between her and her husband was finally going to be tested. And Gabrielle wasn't feeling very secure in its strength. After all, it was such a fragile bond. One that had only sprung up after she'd decided to turn his head and make the best of their marriage. He'd still never said that he loved her, although she believed that he did care for her now.

  But would it be enough to hold him to her side when presented with other options?

  Her thoughts and anxieties marred what was an otherwise enjoyable journey. Felix sat next to her, holding her hand or tucking her under his arm to nap. They talked about the house they were going to. The Marquess of Dunbury had found it and written a description. The address wasn't far from the Duke of Manchester's house in Mayfair, and it pleased Gabrielle that Arabella would be so close by.

  Of course, it wasn't very far from Dunbury House either and she was less sure how she felt about that.

  "Will your parents be staying in London for the rest of the Season, or will they go home?" Gabrielle asked, as the thought occurred to her. Rather surprising that it hadn't before, but she had been rather distracted after all.

  "I'm not sure," Felix said, his hand stroking down her arm. She snuggled closer to him. Since he was leaning back against the side of the carriage, she was already halfway on top of him, her head resting in the comfortable nook between his shoulder and chest, her hand on his stomach. "I'm sure my mother will want to stay and my father won't. They didn't say anything in their last letter to me, did mother say anything to you?"

  "No, just that she looked forward to seeing me again." A sentiment that Gabrielle reciprocated, although she had to admit that it had been rather nice to be with just Felix the past few weeks. She hadn't expected to feel so loathe to give that up.


  The house was perfect. Small, but well outfitted, tastefully decorated, and just on the outskirts of Mayfair. The neighbors were a mix of gentry and wealthy businessmen and their families, all of whom were curiously watching from their windows as Felix and Gabrielle arrived. The hustle and bustle made it clear that they were the new occupants, and he was sure the neighbors were watching and making their own judgments.

  Felix smiled as he helped his wife step down from the carriage, graceful even though she was obviously exhausted by their travel. The short naps she'd taken during the ride hadn't been very comfortable and she'd come awake with a start every time.

  "Welcome to our home for the Season," he said, scooping her up in his arms as she squealed in happy alarm.

  "Felix! What are you doing?" she asked, laughing as he mounted the stairs. The front door opened to reveal Mr. Taylor, his thin face even more severe than usual and Felix suspected that the somber man was fighting his own smile.

  "It's traditional to carry the bride through the front door of her first home," he replied, giving her a rakish grin. "And, as this is our first place of residence together..."

  "Oh..." The wonder in her voice made him look at her expression. She was staring at the house with tears glimmering in her eyes, obviously touched by the gesture. Felix cradled her closer as he maneuvered his way into the house, stopping just inside the entrance so that they could take in the view together.

  To the right was a parlor, perfect for entertaining, and to the left was a musical room with a piano clearly visible from the doorway. Just ahead were stairs and a hallway leading to the other rooms.

  "We should go exploring together," Felix murmured, reluctantly letting her slide from his arms. While part of him wanted to take her straight to the bedroom and lock themselves in, shutting out the world until they absolutely had to face it, they really should familiarize themselves with their home for the next month. Besides, from the way Gabrielle's head was swiveling around, she doubtless wanted to become better acquainted with the house.

  They went into the parlor first, so that Gabrielle could coo over the decorations, her happy expression making it impossible for Felix not to kiss her. Which was so enjoyable that he repeated it in the musical room, the billiard room, the dining room, the kitchen (where their dinner was already being prepared), on the stairs, in each of the three guest rooms, and in their bedroom. That last kiss began to turn into something else entirely, which left Felix cursing when Taylor knocked on the door to inform them that Viscount and Viscountess Hood had arrived for a visit.

  "Oh no!"

  As frustrated and annoyed as Felix was at the interruption, he couldn't help but find Gabrielle's frantic panic completely enchanting. She was attractively flushed, her hair disheveled as she pushed her fingers through it, trying to create a semblance of order, her dress half hanging off of her -

  "Felix! Help!"

  Sighing, he complied, assisting her with putting her dress and hair in order. Maybe later he'd spank her for making him wait. Not a real spanking, of course, but ever since the explosive aftermath of her punishment a week ago, he'd included some kind of sexual torment in every single coupling, with satisfying results for both of them. Gabrielle was excited by sexual pain and his dominance, and he was happy to indulge them both. Eventually, he planned to take her last virginity and make her wholly his, although he was slowly working his way up to that. Already she could take three fingers in that tight little hole without wincing, moaning with passion the entire time.

  "Felix, come on!" his wife hissed at him.

  Sighing, he trotted dutifully behind her, out the door and down the hall to the stairs, his erection flagging as he heard his mother's gushing tones drifting up the stairwell as she excitedly chattered to his father.

  "Such a charming little parlor! I just love the little figurines on the mantle, aren't they dear?"

  A masculine grunt of response.

  "Oh tosh, dear, I think they're lovely."

  "Mother? Papa?" The excitement and joy in Gabrielle's voice washed away any resentment Felix had been feeling. He couldn't help but smile indulgently as his parents greeted Gabrielle, his mother fussing over her and calling for tea because she thought Gabrielle looked tired and in need of nourishment. Their greetings to him were just as affectionate, if not as effusive.

  Gabrielle practically glowed at his mother's attentio
ns, with the strangest expression on her face... it wasn't quite happiness or surprise, but more like a puppy who had been expecting to be kicked, but had been rewarded with a treat instead. They were going to need to work on her expectations from people, although he supposed that experience would probably cure her of some of her anxieties. After all, his parents were going to be just as delighted every time they saw her.

  In fact, his mother insisted on Gabrielle sitting beside her on the small couch, while his father took up one of the armchairs. Felix preferred to stand after having been in the carriage all day, and leaned against the mantle near his father - the one holding the figurines his mother liked. They were rather charming; little blue and white animals made out of fine china. Maybe he'd see if he could find her one as a present. Or just buy it from the house's owner.

  Plying them with questions about the estate and the remainder of their honeymoon, both of his parents beamed at him when Gabrielle began to chatter, telling them all about his efforts to care for her and entertain her. His mother's approving gaze made him smirk. Had she thought he wouldn't be able to handle himself in her absence? Granted, he'd stumbled a few times, but overall things had gone off swimmingly, and Gabrielle didn't mention any of those times.

  In fact, her happiness practically flowed out of her like a fountain, making the room seem even brighter than it had before.

  "Well that sounds lovely, dear, I'm glad my son took such good care of you," his mother said, giving him another approving look.

  "I do have my occasional uses," he said dryly, making his father chuckle.

  "Limited though they can be," his mother said with a playful sniff, before turning her attention back to Gabrielle. "Well, I know you two will need a couple of days to settle in, but I would love for you to come over for tea the day after tomorrow and meet some of my friends. I'm just dying to finally be able to show off my new daughter."

  "Of course, I'd love to meet your friends," his wife said, only a tiny bit of anxiousness flickering across her face.

  "They're going to love you," his mother said, crowing with delight and inadvertently reassuring Gabrielle. "I've told them all about you and they're just in alt to meet the woman who finally tamed one of my sons."

  Felix's father leaned towards him. "I'll be at the White's that afternoon, if you want to come join me," he murmured, underneath the chatter of the two females, with a fairly pained expression on his face.

  Somehow, Felix immediately knew that there was no way his father would be able to pry his mother out of London before the end of the Season. Not now that she was well entrenched and had a daughter-in-law to show off. He should really get his father a good bottle of brandy or something as an apology.

  His parents stayed for dinner that evening, their very presence revitalizing Gabrielle, who no longer looked as worn from traveling. He sincerely hoped she maintained that energy after they left. Still, as they ate, he couldn't help but frown inwardly a bit. Gabrielle still seemed so surprised and pleased by his parents' presence, he couldn't help but feel that it made Cordelia's absence all the more conspicuous.

  She'd known what day Felix and Gabrielle were going to arrive. While it might be presumptuous for friends to appear on the doorstep on the day of arrival, family certainly didn't fall under the same category. Yet, his wife didn't seem upset by Cordelia's absence, just thrilled by his parents.

  Felix set aside those thoughts in favor of paying attention to the conversation, leaving them for further contemplation when there wasn't company demanding his attention.


  "It was so lovely to see your mother again - and your father too," Gabrielle said as Felix nimbly undid the laces on her corset. The warmth that had suffused her all evening lingered, making her feel almost buoyant, like she was bubbling over with contentment. "I truly did miss them."

  "I did as well," Felix said, pressing a kiss to her collarbone and making her shiver. She felt more than heard his sigh. "However, I would prefer not to talk about my parents right now. Not while I'm doing this to you."

  His hand closed over her breast, squeezing almost harshly and making her gasp as excitement sizzled through her, straight down to her core. Gabrielle didn't know why she loved it when he made her tender parts hurt, but she did. It wasn't that he was cruel about it, although he could be very calculated, and she sensed he only did it because she wanted him to... at first she'd felt rather shocked and a bit ashamed by her responses, but Felix had taken too much delight in them for her to sustain either of those reactions for long.

  They both liked it when he did perverse, sadistic things to her body. Things that she was sure her stepmother would never indulge in. Cordelia and the Marquess liked to make love in all sorts of locations, but her stepmother would never be able to give Felix what he obviously liked. Gabrielle could and would.

  Not that he would abuse that. The one time he'd done something that had been too much for her - spanking her pussy after making her orgasm with his mouth, which had been far too painful on that sensitized flesh - he'd immediately stopped and apologized. Gabrielle had been worried that he'd be disappointed, worried that she wouldn't be able to fulfill his needs, but if anything he seemed more concerned that she wouldn't want to be so debauched with him again. When she told him that she could try again, if he wanted, he'd shaken his head and said it was only pleasurable for him if it was pleasurable for her.

  Strange, how a man who could spank her bottom raw when she needed punishment would be so tender and concerned over one slap that had made her cry out in pain during their play. She supposed it was the difference between intentional and unintentional pain; one which he meant to cause and one which he didn't.

  Her husband was an inveterate control fanatic.

  Fingers pinched her nipples, definitely harshly, and Gabrielle hissed as her back arched, her head falling back and giving him access to her neck. She clung to his broad shoulders as his teeth scraped over the delicate skin of her throat, his tongue licking at her pulse. Her body throbbed.

  "More," she begged, her voice a whimper, because she'd discovered that he liked to hear her plead, liked to hear her say anything.

  Felix groaned, pressing against her, moving her back towards the bed as he stripped her down, his hands roughly caressing every part of her that he bared.

  "More, please Felix."

  His mouth moved down her body, bending her backwards, one hand in her hair to hold her securely.

  It hurt. It made her muscles ache. And yet she thrilled to his control over her as his mouth closed around one tightly budded nipple, his teeth sinking in and making her cry out.

  When he let it release with a pop and spun her around to face the bed, pushing her down so that her hands were resting on the mattress, making her bend over in front of him, she let out a little whimper.

  "Felix, please..."

  "You made me wait earlier." His hands slid down her sides, tracing her natural hourglass curves, making her skin tingle in their wake. When they reached her buttocks, he squeezed roughly, digging his fingers into the soft flesh.

  "Your parents were here!"

  "No excuses, sweetheart," he said in that silky, dark voice that he used when he wanted to play with her. When he wanted to do decadent and dissolute things to her body. That voice that never failed to make her cream when she heard it. "You made me wait."


  She let out a muffled moan as his hand smacked against her splayed pussy. Unlike the last time, she hadn't just orgasmed... unlike the last time, this didn't hurt too much. It hurt just right. It hurt beautifully.

  The hand that was still resting on her bottom paused in its strokes, waiting. She blushed and dropped her head, lifting her hips up and wiggling slightly, silently asking for more. Too embarrassed this time to voice the words.

  His dark chuckle made her nipples pucker even more. The one that he'd sucked on felt cooler than the other in the open air, even more sensitive, and she wished that he had treated them mor
e equitably... and yet loved the imbalance at the same time.


  The sound was wet, muted by her arousal.

  "You're such a naughty girl, sweetheart."


  "Such a perfectly dirty girl, aren't you?"


  Gabrielle whimpered, her hips bucking. Her pleasure bud felt like it was swollen to four times its normal size, aching and throbbing. Needing more stimulation to reach her peak.

  "Please, Felix, more."


  "You'll let me do anything I want to, wouldn't you sweetheart?"


  "Yes!" Right now, she didn't care what he might want to do to her, she just wanted the sweet release she knew he would give her... whatever he desired to do to get her there, she was game for.

  Wet fingers circled her anus and then plunged in, making her shudder and buck. Ever since he'd plugged her with the ginger root, she'd felt like that whole area was more sensitive. More pleasurable. The stretch burned as his fingers moved, but part of her wished for the ginger again. Wished for the burn that lingered and sparked.

  The fullness made her empty womanhood ache in envy as her nipples grazed the mattress. She moaned as Felix pumped his fingers back and forth, stretching her, filling her, sending her closer to orgasm but not allowing her to crest over.

  Then the blunt head of his cock nudged against the entrance to her body, underneath her fingers, and Gabrielle pushed back. Pleasure slid through her as she was filled, her anus clenching around his fingers as his cock thrust deeper. His free hand held her hip, holding her in place as he withdrew and then shoved back in, hard and fast.

  Gabrielle moaned.


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