The Reckoning (Legacy of the King's Pirates)

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The Reckoning (Legacy of the King's Pirates) Page 34

by Marylu Tyndall

  "But surely Bloodmoon would have told everyone it wasn't you."

  "Nay, he and his entire crew sank to the depths in a storm a week later." He shook his head, frowning. "Providential for me. Not so much for him."

  Finally overcome by the excitement, Morgan's head grew light. She stumbled, and Rowan helped her to sit on the grassy knoll and knelt beside her, elbows on his knees. "Rowan, I thought you were gone. You scared me to death."

  He brushed a lock of hair from her face. "'Twas you who scared me to death! I thought I'd never see you again."

  Blackbeard leapt into her lap, nudging her with his head and uttering a happy merowww. "Blackbeard!" Scooping up the cat, Morgan nestled him close, tears filling her eyes. "You kept him. I can't believe you kept him."

  "He was all I had left of you. Him and this." Rowan produced the amulet from his pocket. The ruby winked at her in the sunlight as if they shared a grand secret. Hadn't she just held it in 2015? She reached for it like an old friend.

  "Ah, ah, ah." Rowan snagged it back and dropped it in his pocket. "Do you take me for a fool, Lady Minx? I forbid you to touch it ever again. In truth, though it was my mother's, I fear I must rid myself of the dastardly thing post haste."

  She touched his arm. "No. You can't. You must save it. Give it to your son with a message."

  "A message?" He rubbed his jaw, but then his eyes widened with a twinkle. "Son?"

  "Yes. I'll tell you later." She lowered her lashes, suddenly shy.

  He brushed a curl from her forehead. "Alack, so you did go back to your time?"

  Closing her eyes beneath his caress, she leaned into his palm and nodded.

  "But here you are. How?"

  "A long story." She gazed up at him, rubbed the stubble on his jaw then gripped his arm as if to reassure herself he was real. Strong and firm, like always. The scar across his cheek had healed and faded, along with the wounds on his chest she could see through his flapping shirt. His baldric and pistols were missing, as was the sword at his side, but a long knife was housed tightly in his belt. "Did I hear correctly?" She teased. "Did the great pirate Rowan Dutton forsake his buccaneer ways?"

  He grinned. "Aye. You changed me, Lady Minx." Wind tossed hair in her face, and he lovingly eased a strand behind her ear. "You and your God. My God now."

  Another burst of happiness exploded within her. "Really? That's the best news I've had in a long time! I'm so happy, Rowan."

  "He forgives me," Rowan said. "And He's given me a new start."

  "He's given us a new start." She smiled. "What about your wealth, your status?"

  He shrugged and glanced out to sea. "In truth, they have lost their appeal. I'm a son of God now. How can you achieve more status or fortune than that?"

  "Are you ever going to kiss me, you crazy pirate?"

  "With pleasure." Pulling her up toward him, he pressed his lips on hers and drank deeply, gently, and eventually passionately. His stubble scratched her cheek, his breath warmed her neck, his love flooded her body, warming and exciting, transporting her through time, into an eternity where they would always be together.

  Pulling back, he leaned his forehead on hers, breathing hard.

  Someone cleared their throat in the distance.

  Rowan glanced over his shoulder. "Come, I want you to meet someone." His eyes sparkled as he helped her up and led her toward the house, where Alex stood on the porch holding something in his arms.

  "Where's your crew, your ship?" she asked Rowan as Blackbeard sped off in pursuit of a lizard.

  "In the bay. Getting ready to set sail. Alex and I plan on aiding Captain Merrick in rescuing his daughter." He squeezed her hand. "Nick and Edith will be so pleased to see you."

  "Me too." She smiled.

  If Alex was shocked at seeing her, he didn't show it, only grinned as his glance shifted from her to Rowan. "God is indeed a God of miracles," he stated before nodding to Morgan. "Good to see you again, Miss Morgan. Seems you have arrived just in time. I do believe Rowan would have withered away from grief if you hadn't."

  She exchanged a loving glance with Rowan as they mounted the steps and her gaze landed on the swaddled bundle in Alex's arms. She squealed with glee. "I see I'm not the only happy arrival."

  "Meet Miss Esther Hyde."

  Long lashes feathered flawless skin in an angelic face that was as small as Morgan's fist. "A girl. She's beautiful, Alex. Congratulations."

  "Morgan!" Juliana burst onto the porch and dashed into Morgan's arms. "You're here! We thought you were gone forever."

  "God had other plans." Morgan nearly choked in the woman's tight grasp.

  Juliana gave her brother a sly smile. "I told you things would work out for the best."

  "That you did, sister dear." He smiled.

  "Esther is beautiful," Morgan said. "Just beautiful!"

  Both ladies wiped tears from their faces. "She is, isn't she?"

  "And you are well?" Morgan asked. "The delivery went well?"

  Juliana nodded, gazing up at her husband. "If only my husband would allow me to hold my daughter once in a while. I can hardly pull her from his arms."

  "You'll have plenty of time whilst I am away, Sweetums." Alex replied in mock severity.

  "Away?" Juliana snorted. "You're not going anywhere without me, husband."

  "Indeed?" Alex's brows rose.

  As the couple began to argue playfully, Morgan slid back to stand beside Rowan. He swung an arm around her waist, staring at her as if she would disappear if he dared look away. She leaned to whisper in his ear, "Speaking of children ... I have it on good authority that we are supposed to have a bunch of them. Eight, I believe was the number I heard. And at least one of them is extremely important for history. After we are married, of course."

  He turned her to face him, took both her hands in his, and raised them to his lips for a kiss. "Then we best not delay another moment, Lady Minx."

  Author's Personal Note

  To all my beloved readers, this is purely a work of fiction told from the point of view of a young American woman. References to the greatness of the United States and the country's value in world history are in no way meant to disparage any other country or their accomplishments. Having never been to England, I did my best to envision what America (or at least San Diego) would be like if it had always been under British control. I also did my best to envision a world in which America had never been. Since I have no basis on which to gauge what type of world that would be, I can only go by what history tells me. It is not my intention to insult Britain, its people, its innovation and technology, or its incredible value to our world.

  In addition, I do not hold the view that every ailment, including cancer, anxiety, depression, or OCD is a result of demonic oppression. This was the case with the heroine, but it is not my opinion that is always true.

  Also, should you look up Little St. James Island, you will find it truly exists and is owned privately as a resort for the wealthy. However, it is unclear whether it has fresh water or fruit readily available. With your indulgence, I, therefore, took some creative license.


  During the process of writing every book, God never fails to send people into my life to help me along the way. Sometimes it's the same people who are always there for me, people such as Debbie Mitchell, friend and confident, and Michelle Griep, friend and outstanding author--both of whom read over this manuscript in its raw form and offered suggestions for improvement. Sometimes it's just a kind word of encouragement from long time author friends such as Louise M. Gouge, Laurie Alice Eakes, Ramona Cecil, Susanne Lakin, Debbie Lynne Costello, and Julie Lessman. Often it's my crew of friends and readers online who bless me with their kind words and excitement over my next book. There are too many to list here, but I love you all dearly! You have no idea how your kindness keeps me going on days I want to give up on this crazy career!

  Special mention goes to Sarah Venable, Diana Flowers, Jessica Pifer, Stacey Dale, Liz Riggs
, and Elizabeth Campbell, who helped me choose pictures that best matched my hero and heroine. Great job! Thank you, Ravv, once again for the gorgeous cover! And thank you, Rel and Lora, for your fabulous editing. But most of all, thank you, Father in Heaven, for giving me this story and allowing me to share it with others. May your name be glorified.

  Other books in the Legacy of the King's Pirates Series!

  The Redemption, The Reliance, The Restitution, The Ransom

  Best-selling author MaryLu Tyndall dreamed of pirates and sea-faring adventures during her childhood days on Florida's Coast. With more than fourteen books published, she makes no excuses for the deep spiritual themes embedded within her romantic adventures. Her hope is that readers will not only be entertained but will be brought closer to the Creator who loves them beyond measure. In a culture that accepts the occult, wizards, zombies, and vampires without batting an eye, MaryLu hopes to show the awesome present and powerful acts of God in a dying world. A Christy award nominee, MaryLu makes her home with her husband, six children, and several stray cats on the California coast.

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  Other books by MaryLu Tyndall

  The Redemption

  The Reliance

  The Restitution

  The Ransom

  The Falcon and the Sparrow

  Charles Towne Belles Series

  The Red Siren

  The Blue Enchantress

  The Raven Saint

  Charles Towne Belles Trilogy

  Surrender to Destiny Series

  Surrender the Heart

  Surrender the Night

  Surrender the Dawn

  Surrender to Destiny Trilogy

  Veil of Pearls

  Escape to Paradise Series

  Forsaken Dreams

  Elusive Hope

  Abandoned Memories

  Escape to Paradise Trilogy

  Pearls from the Sea Devotional

  Central Park Rendezvous

  Westward Christmas Brides Collection

  Tears of the Sea - Mermaid Romance!




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